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ep 6 was easily the least bad episode this season though. Not that that means much though
oh no no nooooooo
Normies are so fucking retarded. This was by FAR the best episode of the season and arguably the only one that hasnt been complete shit since season 5.
Just people chimping out because they’re not getting their Disney ending... in game of thrones.
>ptsd yaass queen normies downvote it
kek, this is pure comedy
wtf? why? This episode finally felt like game of thrones!
fuck normies this is the best episode since season 7
But you're normalfags too, normalfags. Who do you think you're fooling?
I've seen plenty of normies calling it EPIC
sounds like you're the normie
>The Long Night
>lasts about 20 minutes
every time
>rotten tomatoes
Pick one
relevant for normies
>no you normalfag normalfag :DDD
you know whats sad?
all those.. well i have to call them NPCs... who literally have no taste of their own, and just like and hate whatever theyre told to
it goes
>we say something turned to shit
>they call us toxic
>slowly stop supporting the thing we said is no longer good
or other way
>we enjoy something
>they call us nerd losers for enjoying it
>slowly they all start "enjoying it" too and it becomes mainstream.
GoT didn't go from 92% to 54% this season, it just took time to get it to those people skull that what theyre watching is fucking terrible.
>just turn your brain off bro
>hahahaha it's game of thrones, everyone dies for no reason at all, that's their thing
last episode was unironically kino and saved the show
absolute cringe post
normies just mad other normies are talking about their show so they pretend to hate it
The fuck is wrong with these idiots? That was an amazing episode of television.
At worst that line graph should be inverted
At best the line graph should flat-line a 5% (At least some type of effort was put in) and only rise to about 80% based on last night's show.
Golden Fags were truly fags as well as Euron's fleet.
Cleganebowl was bad.
Mad Queen carried the shitshow for this season.
Critics are useless.
Its gonna go even lower.
Episode 3: end of zombie subplot, Night King? More like Night Sting.
Episode 4: numerous plot holes even the normies were able to notice.
Episode 5: based stronk woman goes mad because she couldn't get laid.
And next episode Jon kills Dany. So that's the end for soap opera watchers.
I have to give it to D&D, they're crashing this plane with no survivors.
>Just people chimping out because they’re not getting their Disney ending... in game of thrones.
Yeah, and literally some people thought that was the point of the show. For it to evolve to some sort of higher peaceful and pure ending. As if that was the point of red wedding, ned's death, etc.
>>hahahaha it's game of thrones, everyone dies for no reason at all, that's their thing
They died for the reason that some people put their trust in some random pretty bitch who came from a bloodline that is prone to going batshit crazy.
5 was way better than 4 too
what was so great about episodes 1 and 2?
ep4 and ep5 were miles better than the cringe of ep1 and ep2 fanservice dialogue "hello its been a while you have changed so have you" shit and the absolute clusterfuck garbage fire of ep3
cringe, but with an gob of truth
If the episode is getting bad scores, then it means it is good.
pic related, it's danyfags expectations being knocked over
I legit cannot fucking remember what the fuck happened in episode 1 and 2
Nothing bad happened to the Kween yet
>the two best episodes in ages have the lowest score
worst fanbase
The fags are mad because of political reasons. This episode was far better than the long night.
Wow, fan fiction is bad? I'm shocked! :^)
Everybody dies
Your expectations have been subverted once more.
same, I just know ep1/2 were boring forgettable garbage.
ep3 was dumb but kinda fun. ep4 was Westeros 90210 just characters getting drunk and hooking up. ep5 good special FX but overall trash. ep6 will be predictable and rushed.
this show is a demonstration in how to completely ruin a good fiction series. can't wait to see how these Jews rape the Star Wars corpse. should be a laugh riot
I've never heard JonTron say something like that
>Normies turn on it
>Contrarian Yea Forums instantly starts worshipping it
lmao every time
the lower the score the better it is
5>3>1>4>2, every other ranking is wrong
Is there any way they could salvage the finale?
>The two good episodes are the ones that are poorly rated
I don't see how S8 is notably worse than 5,6 or 7.
This is just about muh happy end. These scores mean nothing because they do not reflect quality at all(92% for fucking ep1?). This is just about "they didn't end it like I did while daydreaming".
>that smile
broes... I miss him so much
People don't like it because muh queen is a crazy fuck
>5>3>1>4>2, every other ranking is wrong
>Cleganebowl was bad.
and how
sandor might as well have been yelling at and beating the shit out of a motionless corpse and then kurt cobain himself. what a dogshit end to his arc
>next episode is called Queenslayer
I wish I was memeing. D&D truly don't give a fuck
Virgin detected! The exclamation mark is the chaddest of all punctuation marks, idiot!
waaaa people are crying that their favorite characters are dying. waaaaaaaa.
again no, the fact that Daenerys went mad and it pissed off normies doesn't make up for
>more shitty strategy
>more butter armor
>more impenetrable plot armor
>shit cgi
>michael bay tier action
>shit scene cuts
>weakest soundtrack yet
>reviewing individual episodes
i like sjws getting btfo for not getting their way but it was still a boring mediocre episode
Episode 5 was the only watchable episode this season
>braindead child can only communicate in memes, cant form original thought
Episode 5 had plenty of problems but it was the best episode of the season
Stay on topic retard
>BOW that high
Why is RT controlled by such retarded SJW’s?
Why did they establish Hound's arc as being one of turning to peace and letting go of hate, but then he turns around and goes to kill his brother out of hate?
What happened to the prophecy that Cersei would be killed by his younger brother?
What was the point of showing that the dragons can be shot down by ballistae if it didn't actually matter at all in regards to the plot and Dany just ended up doing the same thing and this time it just randomly worked?
Why did Jaime go back to sucking Cersei's dick after realizing she was an evil dipshit and that he could do the fuck with Brienne instead?
Why does Dany hate King's Landing's population so much? I thought she was just vindictive and ruthless towards those that betray her or stand in her, but instead she just killed random people she was supposed to care about and posed no threat to her whatsoever.
Why was it established that Dany's forces were weakened and probably wouldn't win at King's Landing, but then she utterly stomped Cersei's forces using the simplest brute-force method possible?
Why was it established that Cersei withdrawing from the fight with the Night King and recruiting the Golden Company would make her forces stronger if it didn't actually matter at all and posed no problems for Dany?
normies don't care about gay online ratings. And it lost a chunk of nerds after the captain menstrual review faking.
You only think Ep 6 wasn't bad because 60% of it was just, "Civvies run away from apache," which even a braindead Tigger could write,
That was one of my favorite things, the Hound meeting Al from Deadwood and trying to live peacefully. didn't work. violence reigns supreme.
Prophecy denied
It killed a dragon, that's plot. And maybe she used different tactics this time, who knows. Atleast she circled the fucking fleet.
Not sure. Maybe it's more what it represents? Kinda like how Americans hate California and silently pray for the "The Big One"
The dragon did most of the legwork desu
She thought she could win. No one else did. Hence the whole back-up plan.
Reminder that this is how "Prefessional Reviewers" rated the episode where Sansa was raped, explicitly because she was raped.
They fall in love with characters and rate the episode based on whether or not something bad happens to them. This is what happens when women have a vote.
The Bran leaks are fake right? They're not going to install omniscient cripple as new king, right?
Who cares, they're rating some of the episodes in the dogshit seasons in the 90's. If you pay attention to rotten tomatoes you're probably legally retarded.
Nobody gives a fuck about your rape fetish, you retarded nigger.
Settle down, retard.
Choke on my fuck, shitdick.
Yea Forums is just pretending that episode was good bro we don't actually think that
How am I gonna choke on a fuck, cumslut?
Ask your dad to show you again, cockmutant.
I concur
He's too busy fucking your grandma, pussyfuck.
imo first two eps were filler and could have easily been 1 episode.
>muh "remember when" reddit garbage
>coping this hard over a shitpost
The absolute state of the alt right in 2019
look if you wanna do something other than a "disney ending" thats fine, but atleast do it good, they didnt so in conclusion youre a faggot
3 getting 75% is ridiculous, it was even worse than this one
But what startles me even more is: How the hell did those boring ass first 2 episodes when absolutely nothing happened for a hour get 92% and 88%? This is simply retarded
Ironic since you like it because of political reasons.
If I had to take a guess it's one or two reasons:
1)The normies are waking up and realizing what a shit show it is, and so the chart is just attrition - a delayed impact if you will.
2)Normies are retarded and hate this shit for the wrong reasons.
Is this /biz/ ?
>reading comprehension
His post didn’t say it wasn’t bad.
She's been dead for 10 years, dickbite
yes , we are investing in GOT rottentomatoes ratings it's the new fad
Pffff... yeah "!! right... Having emotion is for weaklings and females tsk tsk... fucking pathetic humans... they should all die, real dark and dangerous men like me have no emotions... tsk...
Dani, the slayer of SJWs and soiboys
92 and 88 are not great scores, that's actually low for a TV RT score. Mostly everything gets 100
>1 dragon kills the entire fleet, golden company, and city
>Euron killed 1 dragon with ONE SHIP previously
in the fuck
did they all forget to fight?
This guy has sex
You could argue that she was killed by her younger brother. The prophecy states that she would die with her younger brother's arms around her neck. Jamie, having being born a few seconds after her, is younger, and he had her arms around her neck while she died because he was hugging her. So prophecy fulfilled.
I wonder if these people will wake up to the fact we told them D&D did Stannis dirty?
normies tanking the rating because they didn't get the Marvel-tier Harry Potter storybook ending they wanted. Fucking brainlet faggots lmao.
A bit of both, I'd wager. The first two episodes were shit, but normie were willing to overlook that due to denial, pandering, and a belief that the episodes were building up to something great.
Episode three was the turning point. A lot of people had serious issues with it, some normie even hated it. It only has a higher rating than the last two episodes due to denial once again and mindless spectacle. Anyone capable of thought eventually realised it was bad, but it may have taken some reflection.
By episode 4, the truth had settled in. People were now looking for stupid shit and they found it. The only people still loving the show were supreme fanboy/girls. That demographic just took a major blow in episode 5 with their YAS QUEEN's heel-turn. Now only the most retarded of mongoloid monkeys still think this show is good.
>hurr le random xd lel moments are GoT
>this was the best episode FTW
It was bad and horribly written, but atleast we see Danaerys actually lose and become a tyrant.
Also fυςk τhe Short Night αηδ eριsoδes 2/4, τheγ wαsτeδ 2 eριsoδes oη fυςkιng fιller/pαςιng ιηsteαδ of hανιηg the loηg ηιghτ tαke ρlαςe ιη τhose eριsoδes mαkιηg ιτ loηger αηδ βeττer.
The bran leaks are part of all the leaks that have been legit. King Bran is happening
>All the Dothraki die.
>Now there are thousands alive.
>Jon hides from dragonfire behind a tiny wall.
>Now dragonfire blows up entire castles.
>Armor stopped swords.
>Now it doesn't.
They just, kind of, forgot about consistency.
It was the best episode yet, especially with what they have to work with from previous episodes. Dragon shouldn’t have been killed so easy last episode and obviously NK deserved so much better.
Only things really lacking this episode was dany being a bit rushed into her madness (just a result of having only this season left), euron overall (prolly worst character ever created), and the Arya scenes.
I wonder, what kind of person goes online to write a review? I imagine someone who gets wound up because their perfect female queen has now turned into an evil insane queen (which was pretty obvious from the start anyway). More or less, your average person isn’t going to go online to write a review if they liked something, rather if that hated it.
There is no way they end with "evil" Dany on the throne
American shows never do sad endings
>Best episode gets the worst rating.
Not surprised. Also why is this faggot posting rotten tomatoes? We don't post that unless it's a thread about "Times when critics were wrong"...c'mon OP.
Exactly, NK should have been in it since the first episode, fucking shit up and prolly dying around the 3/4 episode
>more shitty strategy
Which was what this episode?
>King Bran and the Council of Fucking White Males rule the kingdom.
Can't wait for the butthurt.
>weakest soundtrack yet
soundtrack was decent pham
They said they only lost 50% of their Dothraki forces.
Jon was hiding from a dragon breathing ice.
I can't help with the last one.
>They said they only lost 50% of their Dothraki forces.
They said the same about the unsullied, which is retarded because we see pretty much all of them die in episode 3
Nobody is perfect
People don't change
Might makes right
You aren't as clever as you think you are
Pragmatism > honor
Same themes since Season 1
So uhh why didnt she just torch the keep rather than genocide all the kids?
>unironically praising this shit heap because retards get triggered by it
Off yourself
There's a reason "show, don't tell," is so important. Winterfell was completely surrounded by the army of the dead, the walls were breached, and there was not a single Dothraki in sight, yet I'm supposed to believe thousands were still alive? Where were they? Hanging out with Howland Reed? The writers are hacks.
>Episode 1: Walk around reminiscing about season 1 and 2
>Episode 2: Continue walking around reminiscing about season 1 and 2
>Episode 3: Bring nightvision goggles
>Episode 4: Dany's brown personal assistant dies
>Episode 5: Dany gets triggered and does what everyone knew she was going to do since season 1
The lion (D&D) does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.
rotten tomatos is bizzaro world
Look at this dumb bitch. Why do none of them understand that Danerys is an invader? Her Dragons and her friends wouldn't have died if she didn't go to Westeros just for the sake of her own ego
Except its good if youre in the red and bad if youre in the green
I personally like the "She's not mad! Now kill all those innocent people!" bipolar bit all in one tweet.
>Twitter after Episode 3
Stop crying incels that your fantasy ending didn't happen
>Twitter after Episode 5
Fucking lel
>Yea Forums is so pathetic they will ignore the bad writing, rushed story and shitty character arcs JUST because of a little twitter rage and wanting to take the contrarian view
You people are pathetic
A shit show is a shit show, season 8 is garbage. End of GoT /threads.
Reminds me of the presidential election
That chart is literally backwards.
Am I the only one that thought the Bells episode was pure kino...
>there are people still defending Dany's actions after massacring thousands of innocent children and families on a scale that King's Landing hasn't seen since the Mad King era
kek, how?
The amount of normalfag butthurt I have been eating since 2016 has been delicious. It never ends. And now even in GoT they see that cultural enrichment and yas kween leaders are fucking awful. I can't wait for D&D's Confederate series now, and can't believe I ever doubted them. It was all worth it.
These tears are so delicious.
The show has been shit for 5 years. It's not like the last few episodes are what ruined it.
____, when will they learn
Yes, but this sudden throw around by Yea Forums just because of people being upset at Dany going mad is absolutely fucking moronic.
Absolutely nothing about this season was well done or kino, its was a total hack job. Even all the actors hated it.
D&D's working on Star Wars next
>Even all the actors hated it.
>that second fucking clip
My sides are in orbit at this show.
>terrible battle
>scorpions suddenly do nothing
>Danny goes full retard
>Qyburn dies in the most cliche way possible
>Cleganebowl is trash
>Euron teleports to Jamie and talks to camera
>Jamie's entire story over 8 years means literally shit
>Cersei is now a crying retard
>everything with Araya
>that fucking horse
Literally fuck off you retarded contrarian monkeys.
You only """""like""""" this episode because it shits on retarded Dannyfags. It was complete garbage.
You autists cry for years about show going to shit and every movie being political propaganda but when it panders to politics you support it's suddenly great.
>sudden throw around by Yea Forums
Yea Forums has been calling it shit for years. All I can see here now is obvious redditors crying while everyone else laughs.
Stay assblasted, roasties :)
They bait and switched SJWs and made them look like the mindless NPCs they are... in hilarious fashion.
The epitome of a woman...
>gets rejected for sex, goes crazy
>make freeing king's landing all about her
>overly emotional
>virtue signals to others but inside a heartless cunt
>low IQ and controlled by feelings
D&D just made the most redpilled and honest kino in GoT history. 10/10. Best episode since season 2.
>being political propaganda but when it panders to politics you support it's suddenly great.
Welcome to /pol/ fuck i mean /x/ shit no i meant Yea Forums
>She's never demonstrated anything of the sort
>Been threatening to burn people alive with dragons since season 2
>Rolled up into a city and did mass-random executions without any attempt to find out who were really behind the crimes she judge/juried/executionered them on
>Torching unarmed people and prisoners of war since S4 or 5
>Did I forget the part that 80% what her advisers advise her on with policy is "please don't torch whichever city we're near today."
Were these people not paying attention? I bet they think the Sons of the Harpy Insurgency wasn't a direct response to her actions. Worse, they probably think only the Masters joined the Harpies.
i watched this show last night, i didn't know it was about world war 2
>All those parents that called their kid Daenerys or Khaleesi
>episodes was good because it shows women are shit xD
Tell me how this is different from SJW's praising movies because every white woman fucks black dicks. You are literally the same brain dead trash you hate so much.
>A whole army happily camps in front of the walls instead of manning them, waiting to be slaughtered for absolutely no reason
"What was the shitty strategy in that episode ?" asks user, a smug grin on his face.
>watching it with my dad
>after the third Arya fake out, he asks when the 16 ton weight is due
>then says why not just plaster the word revelations in the sky when the horse turns up
I’m glad people are giving them less and less leeway.
5 was mostly a good episode. the jaime plot is fucktarded, and varys had to act retarded to keep the plot moving, but the actual siege of KL was great and well-executed
I wish it was someone else besides arya that had the big jerkoff session in the ruins of the city. should have been jon+davos
I for one like it because if its just gonna be about spectacle at least this is a good one. Not wwz shot with vasaline on the camera lense.
>A whole army happily camps in front of the walls instead of manning them
i just watched before reading anyone elses opinions on episode 5 and it really seemed like the best of the season but thats not saying much.
that being said i havent actually managed to watch an episode this season without skipping through more than half of it.
I thought I was going to come here and see a lot of people bitching about how easy Dany took over KL, but instead everyone has gone "no shit, she has a fucking dragon" and said it was pretty good. Then everywhere I see others all bitching and mad that apparently Dany is evil now.
saving private arya
Epic cope retard.
This desu.
Are people actually retarded? Throughout the series we've seen this side of Dany come out.
This is the logical conclusion of her arc.
t. faggot. Go eat the ashes of the baby dicks your kween burned up fagshitter
Completely accurate
tbqh that scene could've meant literally anything. I assumed it was foreshadowing the white walkers with all the snow.
lel try harder niggerlicker
Morons even before mad queen. Imagine having to explain to people you were named after a fictional character on a shitty tv show that will no way near be relevant in 10 years time.
Totally this.
That shit is ashes. The ashes of the women and children she burned to death with her dragon just before she went to see the savage that was the love of her life.
I know its so good.
Its pretty great honestly
>ep 6
dont you mean ep 5? or are you an HBO executive and already watched the last ep?
Pandering wtf are you talking about? Some events take place that we find funny is pandering?
>the best episode gets the lowest score
Dany is actually worse than the Mad King. The Mad King merely threatened to burn the city down. She actually fucking did it.
>umm no sweaty, Dany was not a mad queen and has shown no signs of it ever!
these fucking jews, love how everything vile that is said about them is true.....you guys know a new holocaust will happen when regular people just can't take their bullshit anymore
lol it's funny going back to watch all these Mereen scenes and seeing them have to explain to her over and over again why she should do things like talk to people and hold trials and shit. And in the end she just killed them all.
Dany literally thinks she's some sort of mystical god-Targ that deserves the throne of a country that considers her entire family despots and don't even know she's alive. She shows up with dragons, freaks everyone out and doesn't even wait ten seconds before torching enemy prisoners alive.
I honestly don't know why there are people defending her, remember when she took all the families of the masters in Mereen and crucified them indiscriminately? There was an entire plot point about how she didn't even do basic research on one of them, who was working against slavery. But it was "lol they all bad go die now". Before that, she destabilizes Qarth due to a personal grudge, then recruits a literal slave army.
Literally every single scene of hers is purely about killing people until she is talked out of it. She has no advisors she trusts left so she's going back to her first instinct.
Look I know the golden company did fuck all and might as well have not existed, but they were on the fucking screen alright ?
That episode also had the sand snek fight though.
Manning a spear-wall at the base of a castle has strategic backing. The attacking force is decimated by archers on the walls.
Not really, you're much better off manning the wall and BTFOing whoever tries to climb.
Also archers forgot to fire apparently
But then again, so did scorpions
It was dumb, admit it.
He's a Danyfag, he's as bad as a box of frogs. Don't attempt to reason with xer (him).
Archers were BTFO by Drogon. Scorpions weren't fast enough to track a low flying dragon.
You mean Ep5 scorpions right ? Cause before that they absolutely could.
Also given the range of the things they could have destroyed the dothrakis and unsullied from the walls instead of just waiting to be destroyed.
>Yea Forums
agree, but one notch lower
Breaking bad would like a word with you
>>There is no way they end with "evil" Dany on the throne
Oh yes there fucking is. Who the fuck can stop her?
Turns out, most people don't want to be subverted.
you think you do, but you don't
This is the moment. This is the time. You need to tell everyone how much D&D had in these last seasons so shit. You need to lift the wool from the eyes of those who try to blame it on something as umbrella as “white men.” You need to put out the word that these directors are hacks, these directors are fools and these directors are working with Rian Johnson on Star Wars. The iron is hot and you have the hammer, hit it!
Holy shit my sides, the interviewer fucking freaked
>which even a braindead Tigger could write,
Whoa, Pooh, easy on the language, Jesus
>Scorpions weren't fast enough to track a low flying dragon.
This tweet confuses me. Who am I supposed to be outraged at?
>too dumb to refute.
>75% of critics thought The Long Night was good
This was like everything the Night King fight should have been. This was the best episode in season(s) and fixed this shitty season.
Dany. Hey, Dany. Daenerys, hey.
TLotS was pretty fucking bad. I'm not even sure if it was better than The Long Night. Should be a straight line with maybe an ever so slight uptick between 3 and 4. The rest is completely accurate.
Maybe it helped that it came AFTER episode 3, but i kinda wiped ep4 from my mind. It was comically bad, rather than offensively bad, i suppose. Whereas Long Night stuck out like a sore fucking thumb.
how did they rate the episode where theon got his dick chopped off?
it was because arya yass queen'd NK
i bet they put cow bells around her neck when she got raped
>Peter Dinklage realizes how dumb his character has become
lol gol
Episode 6: Seven Hells