At which point did she hit the wall?
At which point did she hit the wall?
I'd say she's still pretty hot now
>46 years old
she looked busted in IW, high def close ups did her no favors
she hit the wall about 14 years in the future
She was never really my type, even in shallow hal
>never been attractive
That was 5 years into the future, she was supposed to look 15 years older than she was in Iron Man, and she was definitely 30+ there.
>ywn be pegged by suited up Pepper Potts
>why even live?
look at them toes though
>Tony:I figured out Time Travel
>*long pause*
She's so dumb
Are her toes better than Brie's?
I don't know, but Iron Man 2 was her absolute peak. I know she was hot in Shakespeare in Love and all, but imagine having prime Goop as your secretary..
irl goop hit the wall about 10 yrs ago, but pepper is still hot somehow.
>Iron Man 2 was her absolute peak
Agreed. Also Scarlett Johansson's peak, strange as it sounds.
I let her stuff a vagina rock and seven limes up my ass if you know what I mean
I'm afraid I don't.
>when the goop splats on the wall
When that reptile Jew half started shining out, nicely visible by the square-faced man-jaw prow she suddenly developed.
She hasn't and I would happily suck on her breasts.
It's really fucking crazy how valuable Marvel thinks she is.. They paid her boatloads of money for Homecoming, Infinity War, and Endgame.
And I have never in my life spoke to someone that LOVED Gwyneth Paltrow to the point where she's sold them on watching whatever she's in.
I'm going to miss RDJ.. But I'm happy we won't have to deal with Paltrow anymore.
Pretty nice still and we all know she has a steam cleaned pussy so no chance of STD ;-)