Well... fuck.
Well... fuck
Based D&D
I want to see normies getting these removed now.
Just genocide my arm up
I think people who get tattoos are generally pretty low-tier IQ, so this doesn't surprise me
How many self-mutilation acts will last episode bring?
time to CHOPPP
lmao I love how this one captures her "I'M ACTING" face
Looks like a arya Dany hybrid
Only the ones that tattoo crap like tv shows,movies and related stuff
Nice bodyshape!!!!!!!!!
What are some acceptable film and television related tattoos? Nothing immediately springs to mind.
LOL this dude...
pls help boys
If only he knew how accurate that would be
A song of onions and faggots
the guy has a hand tattoo already
Should of not gotten those tattoos
Hey check it out Morty I turned myself into a bad decision! I'm a laughing stock!
Fully realistic colour tattoos are so gaudy stick to all black stencils with no gradients nerds.
My buddy is pretty smart but he have extreme shitty taste when it comes to anything art related, he made few tattoos which look like shit but we don't have heart to tell him how much they suck.
none. zero
that is actually quite good. she just looks more like Alexandra Daddario instead of Emilia Clarke, lmao.
Lmao at all the parents who named their kids Khaleesi or Daenerys
Shit opinion. The only good tattoos are full-body colored tattoos. Anything but is trash for hipsters.
Look great for a retarded tattoo
cool tattoo anyway
>Look at my Game Of Thrones tattoo
>You got… Arya?
>getting a tattoo
You have to be either a feminist loser, a criminal, or drug addict
>Literally having GOT crazed war criminal bomber harris as a tattoo
What a bunch of psychopaths
>actor read words off of a script
>this inspires people to get a tattoo of them
Normalniggers are so fucking retarded.
But only if you are actual cop.
>not wanting tattoos that match the aesthetic of literally every culture that historically utilized tattoos
>wanting portraits arbitrarily placed on your body instead of meaningfully integrating designs and patterns into your anatomy
Friend's dad got a tattoo when he was young and ended up burning it off with a hit piece of metal. He has a giant patch of skin with a burn scar on his upper arm and it looks infinitely better than these GoT tattoos.
lol it's Ritterfinger
or simply be a Redditor
They probably regretted it much earlier because of how shitty show turned out to be.
deatheater tattoo. I have one.
Why is it that these people are way more retarded than me but they get paid enough to afford tattoos and I don't?
>good B&W face
where the fuck are these miracle artists, every shop around me won't touch a face unless it's color
How old are you user? You always held those beliefs?
truly timeless. they don't make 'em like him anymore.
but tattoos of animes are based
the imp is my fav character, his early story is pretty amazing
Say what you will but thats pretty well done.
lol. I like it.
People who get these tattoos arent normies, theyre mirror world us.
Tattoos only look good on big Polynesian men. If you aren't all three of those things don't get one.
Take a look at Jason Momoa or The Rock and then imagine if they were 5'8" pasty white guys.
>user not going in a straight line
The tattoo artist even managed to capture her psychopathic eyes. Anyone who isn't stupid realized she would be the final vilain, when the show started pretending she was some great savior.
now he's a banana
You can be race but definitely need to be ripped.
Objectively true. I'd give a pass to Military guys.
If you're middle class a tattoo will either make you look dorky or white trash.
That's a s•y arm if I've ever seen one.
do NOT have sex
What the fuck is going on here
Funny. A friend who got a dragon tattoo in coplege has been going the past months to sessions to get it removed.
ITT sperg people who were bullied at school/college by regular tattooed people
No one will ever believe you.
HxH. The only author possibly lazier than George RR Martin.
If you can afford a smartphone you can afford a tatto
You desecrated your body to fit into a fad and will have to live with your stupid choice forever :) x
Did the tattoo maker drawed it using his foot?
virgin freak
>What are some acceptable film and television related tattoos?
Nothing. Tattoos are degenerate.
TV-shows are temporary, Goose is eternal
How can this be safe
That's a fucked up Odal
mfw they just had a report on the radio about mothers naming their baby girls Khaleesi in record numbers
lmao that neck is long af
dude is literally a giraffe
>How can this be safe
You wear glasses to cover your eyes. All it's doing is breaking up the ink so the body can flush it out.
Impulsive, low IQ fad chaser xx
About him.
The man himself.
The man that ran berserk into a grave.
Make way for the King
based Alf poster
Imagine how easy it would be to bully these people
I was planning on getting the Earth symbol from the Stargate done at some point.
Is a simple design, plus I fucking love Stargate.
Niggers only get tattoos in prison so they can identify one another
Here's a tattoo that did age well
I'm just mimicking him though in hope he comes
Why get an actual actress tattooed on your arm instead of a made up artistic rendition? Fucking retarded
Why do incels hate tattoos?
>inb4 tattoed tranny freak
I'm neither, I just find it weird how youre vehemently against them
here's your skin cancer bro
I'm okay with tattoos, I'm just not sure in anything in my life so much I want it on my body forever.
I don't understand why you would do this shit to yourself.
I understand bikers doing their thing.
I understand gym guys getting viking tats or other tribal type shit.
I don't understand nerd tats. Just weird. I used to be a big evangelion fan, now I am indifferent to it, if I had a eva tattoo I would regret it immensely.
That's literally a tattoo of his mugshot plus of a quote that only became known after the arrest. It didn't not age well, it was an edgy joke from the very start. Or the most honorable man in the world lost a bet because there's no way I'd ever go through with that, no matter the bet
>letting Napoleon Dynamite make your tattoo
>when a GG Allin tattoo is just not edgy enough
That was made after he was arrested too, so he knew what he was getting. I'm sure there's a bunch of other people out there with Lostprophets tattoos though.
My body is a NEET temple.
I'm going to get this one. Maybe on my asshole or navel.
like absolute pottery. shitty life choice gets shitty consequences
Bruh I'm a software developer, I have a tattoo of a joke algorithm
Exactly why I dont have. They make everyone one this site angry which I dont get.
They have lasers now, they're not forever. As long as it's not huge like a back tattoo you can remove it very well for not a lot of money and without a lot of hassle
Same reason people hate nose rings or piercings through your cheek or women with the sides of their heads shaved or hair dyed purple. Same reason they hate people who wear clothing with curse words or who put bumper stickers with curse words on their car. It's trashy
>tattoos are so cool, only badboys have them!
hey gramps
>HxH. The only author possibly lazier
nerds are pretty impulsive people so I think they just get the idea for it and then go ahead and do it.
maybe the reason the superhero movies are doing so well is because of this, they see the trailers and are much more likely to go watch because they are impulsive
That's actually pretty well-done. And sort of accurate to current Dany.
This is why you don't get tattoos, kids
every basedboy has tattoos now , you faggots aren't bullying shit except maybe on twitter
>i got a tattoo in high school
lmfao the absolute state
I mean I respect this a lot more than I do other GoT tats but cmon
I heard he died.
>software developer
oh no no no
based mr cool ice.
They always cut out the good stuff and leave the trash.
Why do redditors get upset when people point out their Mario tattoo is pathetic?
>implying someone this retarded is not drooling over nu-got
>third man
>third bear
>third pig
This is very cool
>Gets tattoo of Mimikyu
>Is himself mimicking popular trends
Defeats the entire point of a tattoo.
Realistic tattoos never age well. Graphic looking or old school are better long term.
why do reddit soiboys like tattoos so much? be honest, can you justify your tats?
I've seen some decent H.R Giger (Alien) ones.
You're inability to understand who anonymous boards and posting works is what makes me angry. Fuck off retard.
Oof that neck...
Tattoos are for sinners. Leviticus 19:28
>racist hand gesture
I've know both soiboys, successful normies and druggy shithead normies with tattoos. As i said before, I dont have tattoos I think theyre stupid, they dont make me rage though. I just find it strange how incels react to them.
oddly satisfying
This is top notch quality right?
Idk, It's a weird form of art in its permanence. Seems like there's a lot of room for mistakes and not just on a technical level. People change throughout their lives and tattoos with specific meaning and theme can be awkward in that regard. Then there are people who just like to have pieces of art on their bodies. It's an interesting medium, to say the least, but clearly not for everyone.
>doing something associated with soiboys and drug addicts
Maybe you don't see a problem here. The rest of us do.
why the fuck just not the ugly shit removed instead
There isn't much to understand. These people are low iq npcs. They dont think much about it, despite them all having a story about how they've "planed it".
I remember being 15 and wanting to tattoo my favourite band. Now I can see what a fucking dumbass I was, but some people stunt their intelectual growth and still get tattoos in their late twenties. Had a classmate who tattoed two of his favourite bands and Thor's hammer. He was a "rocker" kid and now he works as a code monkey for some company and got rid of his long hair, edgy clothes and he probably regrets getting that shit on his skin. This ink shit is a big red flag, if you meet someone over 21 with an interest in this shit avoid them.
>dullest franchise in history
Then you should have got a graphic tee instead
I feel like 80% of people getting a tattoo just needed a graphic tee
Reminder that tattoo ink has heavy metals in them.
absolutely based captain ron poster
I've known a lot of people. I'm not sheltered and I didnt spend my formative years hunched over a computer getting angry at what people on the internet say. Not everyone on this site is a loser shut in, you know?
>Reminder that tattoos are heavy metal
based pussyeater
This is at least decently done
based retard
No, no its not
Yes, yes it is
Mama clan ink
Anyone dumb enough to get a tattoo based on a TV show is eating this shit up right now.
Yikes this much projection :/
It’s clean as fuck you dipshit
literally none unless you made the movie its referencing or starred in it like how the LOTR cast all got LOTR tattoos when they finished shooting.
I thought that was pretty cool
This I like
holy shit lmao
now he's cold in the ground
Why did /pol/ have to ruin clown pepe
>The 560 baby girls born last year named Khaleesi might want to be thankful they were not one of the 19 named Caleesi, or the five named Khaleesie (“yes, Khaleesi but with an ‘e’ at the end”).
Those poor kids, lol
It's clearly not his fucking neck, is it? it's his arm faggot no one has a neck that long
>Literally boil your skin 10 times over, costing at least 10 times the tattoo cost
Great life and financial choice user
>Not waiting until the show is fucking finished
Image how all the people who named their kids after dragon hitler feel now
That one is great, even if you didn't know it was danny
And one day for no reason at all people voted hitler into power
Could pass for Ciri from Witcher III
I wonder what this kid is like now
Sansha-chan onegai
is there anything more cringe worthy than tattoos? talk about trying too hard. at least people having them is a great retard detector
>gets thrown in jail for having an SS rune
I wonder what 14 year old Sephiroth is doing now days
probably being mistaken for a devout jew wherever he goes
Raising Arizona: The Later Years
This post fucking reeks of r*ddit
i want to see it when it's all hairy
>chaosh ish a radda
>hbo leaked the episode to the suicide prevention hotline so they could prepare
>All it's doing is breaking up the ink so the body can flush it out.
lymphatic cancer
This guy just gets worse the more I see
death to videodrome
>Has already the mad stare
Artist knew what he was doing
This looks like a tattoo you'd make the day before you go on a revenge shooting.
I hope he killed someone and I hope it was worth it.
at least you're smart enough not to call it "software engineering"
would have been better if she was pointing at his nipple
or tiny pee pee
Vince Gilligan?
I'm sure some people will stick by their convictions.
>ever getting a tattoo depiction of a person
enjoy your shit portraits
Its primitive behavior to mark your skin with shit. Our neolithic ancestors had all sorts of skin markings yet we stopped that crap a long time ago.
Thats more cringe than a fucking pop culture tattoo and the OK hand gesture. I honestly hope this guy finds an inoperable malignant lump.
Fuck side ways. Just end the west already.
>needing to justify anything you do
>going on /pol/ ever
>all those people who named their daughter Dany, Daenerys, Khalessi
blacks only get tattoos of the dates their family members got shot
No their tattoos are designed to make them to look edgy as fuck.Blacks like tribal pattern tattoos while whites just get random shit.
>wanting a pedo clown tattooed on your arm
truely a classic.
Yeah it's pretty amazing actually. Portraits are arguably the hardest tattoo to do.
A lot of people, of any race, get their kids names tattooed on themselves. I don't know why.
I don't hate tatoos by itself, if they look beautiful. The thing is, 99% of tatoos are absolute garbage tier and for some strange reason in most cases people that have them are fat and ugly too.
/pol/ came up with it
Everyone thinks art is easy. I wonder in the tattoo "artists" mind if he thinks thats actually good.
none. tattoos are the mark of the beast.
I was posting it on /int/ before /pol/ merged it with clownworld
Tattoos look like shit on black skin, the darker the worse. Some Africans do scarification.
Low-tier IQ? You mean low IQ? I don’t have any tats and neither does my wife, not something we sought out. But there are friends of ours who are intelligent and have tattoos, they are more influenced by the culture than we are.
The tattoo is prettier than her.
>/int/ isn't just a safespace /pol/ for shitskins
I will never, ever understand why people get fucking movie or tv show tattoos.
Do people getting tattoos never ask the artist to draw the design on paper first? I know drawing on skin is different, but that looks like a childs drawing.
>How many self-mutilation acts will last episode bring?
Not nearly enough.
it looks good
i dont understand why would you get a tattoo of some random tv show character though
Genuine kek
I'm ok with this.
bet she got a high pH pussy
I'm starting to really appreciate D&D and Rian Johnson dabbing on these people so mercilessly, whether intentionally or not. Powerful.
It's not as if people don't have tattoos of Darth Vader.
Crack'n'Tramps *nosh*
Of all the versions to base a tattoo on, why show Dany?
If you can afford a tattoo you can afford a helium tank.
This tattoo is actually beautiful
Anime related tattoos, specifically FMA like me, who has a scars right sleeve
these two
had a good laugh my dudes
still feeling the eternal pain, we will never now cascas next move
Well the number one rule is to wait till the show ends. But you also have to be careful of the actor.
That is why a lot of places have rules that you can not name a place after a great person till they are dead, so you dont find out the general is a pedofile in retirement and you have to awkwardly rename a town district.
Holy shit
>i spent hundreds of dollars and got extremely ugly tattoos to own the libs
What is this from ?
It rings a bell but I can't remember
this is incredible resolution and color for a tattoo. the artists whole gallery is very impressive
Not a good tattoo. A color tattoo from a good artist is a few thousand dollars, if you pay
Anyone with a Giger tattoo is undoubtedly a cold methodical sex pervert
Not lazy, just so ronrey he escapes reality with Idolm@ster. Dude even stoped paying his phone bill because he didn't have anyone to call. Get him laid and Berserk might be back. Unlike "Oh my rubber back" Toshi.
>just doing that one
just go ahead and stick your whole body in the chamber bro
>Dude even stoped paying his phone bill because he didn't have anyone to call.
smart man
I don't think a woman's bloody face is really any better without context
I would just assume it's some sex cult or neonazi symbol I'm not familiar with
kek, he's 2 steps closer to a domestic assault arrest and permanent felon status
>"no officer, its from a book, I don't actually hurt women"
I'd consider it if we still had pay phones around. I'd still carry a phone to take pictures with and keep phone numbers/addresses in
>it never fully goes away
>doing this anyway
that's the great part about tattoos, you have to live with the regret, not even these lazer removals get rid of them, they just fuck them up.
No they look better on dark skin and weird on pale skin.
>Star ships on fire
Attack Ships, stupid cunt
>No Leorio
To be fair, Miuras autism would never allow it to put out artwork at Chimera arc level.
This all fucking day!
>friends who are intelligent
>more influenced by culture
whites get gay tattoos because the only thing keeping them from killing themselves is pop culture because they've been targeted for extinction and cant handle it.
turns out faggot tv shows is good opium for stupids
yeah, dudes right. you're low iq
>pol isn't a mental illness
hotter than the source material
>having to justify yourself on Yea Forums
fuck dude, i cringed
Why were normies so retarded to think Danaerys's name was Khaleesi?
They probably just changed his name to Seth later, or at least just call him that.
Yeah it would have probably been cheaper too.
Getting a meme tattoed on your body reeks of NPC, ironically enough.
if you guys like this, check out TATTOO NIGHTMARES, AMERICA'S WORST TATTOOS, and BAD INK - all KINO shows about horrible tattoos and the retards who get em/do em. Also "Tattoo Rescue" is another good one, but its about actually GOOD artists covering up/fixing shitty tattoos(as best they can)
>Raising Arizona: The Later Years
its from Con Air, you dipshit lol
this desu
why would you ever tattoo some shitty pop culture reference on your body that will definitely not last?
>that look of concern
Make way
Not great, not terrible
The dude's little TADAH! hand motion at teh end is the best bit
Low iq predicts poor long term planning
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Wish this happened to all subhuman tattooed fucks.
why are there so many bad tattoo TV shows
what did he mean by this?
Berserk is still great
>why are there so many bad tattoo TV shows
cause there are so many bad tattoos? duh
99% of tattoo artist are retarded/drug addicts/etc. only a small handful of them are legitimately talented artists and even those guys can fuck up because tattoo guns dont have erasers.
how does a person not immediately recognize how bad that is
why is the dude proud
why does the artist do a reveal
so many questions
lets vote, what ages worse:
star wars tattoos
game of thrones tattoos
video game tattoos
I'd charge this idiot $2000 for that horseshit
it's a public advertisement that you are low IQ and impulsive, not even memeing
isnt that a failure of taste
>a 32min rambling 10fps video of a pedophile
wow thanks for the info mudslime.
is pic related on his other shoulder?
Kino, modern comedies wish they were as funny as this webm.
I honestly perfer the format Berserk and HxH has with hiatus but still good quality. One piece went to shit after the time skip.
Am i supposed to feel any kind of emotion other than pure contempt for people who get full sleeve arm tattoos of random essentially flavor of the month shows/games?
ok psycho
>a pedophile
You've got a Harry Potter tattoo don't you, you fucking faggot?
they already got their stripper names
I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but nobody actually likes your world of warcraft tattoo my dude. People laugh behind your back.
*hides tattoo of lightning bolt on forehead*