>City is being burned to the ground by a giant dragon
>"Let's rape this random citizen!"
City is being burned to the ground by a giant dragon
He was an incel. That was his only chance.
Go back to reddìt you low test sòyboy faggot.
This. Can't say I wouldn't do the same.
Why can't white men go 2 minutes without raping somebody? It's literally always white men too, you never see asians doing this
His point is its far fetched you low IQ nigger.
war rape isn't rational
>you never see asians doing this
I know you said that just so someone would post about rape of nanjing
Was this one of Snows men? or Cericeis
>summer child first sacking
back in the day you were not a man until you raped 10 girls per siege
>war rape isn't rational
it's also how it never occurred
rape in the middle of battle is nonsense - you're preoccupied
then this genius decides he needs to rape so bad he'll turn on his leader Jon Snow and attack him for saying he can't rape
rape is wrong
>Regular knight starts raping
>No Dothraki is seeing raping, even if it's a basic part of their culture
I think Vale's, looking at the armor. North usually just has leather.
>rape in the middle of battle is nonsense - you're preoccupied
dude had different priorities I guess.
Curious to know why they didn't show any of the Dothraki doing any raping considering that's one of the main things they're known for
cant show that goy
REAL men, rape on the battlefield. Raping outside of the battlefield is only for pussy-boi's like you.
ah ok thanks
the bitch civilized them with power of love.
so they dont rape anymore.
Maybe he was just going to teabag her corpse.
>he can’t rape and battle simultaneously
Never gonna make it brah
>far fetched
Whats so far fetched about it? People looted during the New York City blackout of 1977, I wouldn't be surprised that random people killed and harmed for the fun of it.
t. never opened a history book
During japanese occupation of china, japs would see how many chinese they could geld and rape and kill during battle. So yes its realistic
There were lots of times where cities were completely spared. If the soldiers couldn't carry anything because they were on a hurry, there was no point on looting.
>having your way with some King's Landing gutter trash
Northerners certainly have no taste.
Asians are scared their "victims", if you could even call them that, would laugh at their ricedicks
Was the city being bombarded while they raped?
Asians rape people all the time according to the UK
>No Dothraki is seeing raping
Killing > Raping for Dothraki. Why would you waste your time on pussy when there are still faggot northerners to slay?
They couldn't depict his victim as some wealthy kings landing woman in a ball gown with a powdered face or else the retarded SJW americlap audience wluld assume the rape was moral and be confused by Snow stepping in.
Absolutely no one would do that in that situation, in the city streets, on cold ground, wearing all clothes.
What were they even implying? The scene has no basis on reality
Take whatever you can get lol
Despite making up only 13% of the population, blacks commit most sexual assaults.
*Laughs in Nanking*
Based exxxtreme raper
why do you faggots keep making threads? aren't there enough goddam threads?
kill yourselves you fucks!
>People looted during the New York City blackout of 1977
Yeah, looting is kinda easy. You just take the items and run. Sex on the fucking battlefield has never happened
>clearly Arabic towelheads
KEK not even the news seeking to expose the cuckery is without its share of cucks. Rule, Britannia!
I couldn't agree more. You can't call it the Rape of Nanking because chinese aren't human and therefore cannot be raped.
As the books depict, Dothraki would kidnap their victims and gang rape them afterwards, not in the middle of the warzone unlike those Vale incels do.
I can't bear gang rapes in movies, especially if the woman ends up dead.
I was traumatized by that fucking Joan of Arc movie when i was like 10.
*raughs in Jap*
you're retarded in bongland asian means paki and everyone knows it, its not trying to hide anything
We don't call them Asian to be politically correct, we call them Asian because Pakistan is literally in Asia, you subhuman. Nobody is going to see the word 'Asian' in reference to a paki and imagine they're a chink.
Fucking mutts, I swear.
dragon wasn't THAT big
legit why most soldiers want to be soldiers so they can rape so pussay
this thread made me hard