Doris Day passed away
Doris Day passed away
>inb4 cultureless retards say she wasnt relevant enough because she wasn't in game of thrones
Another team Danny suicide. Sad! Many such cases.
Who cares? Only fags who watch musicals, that's who. I'm glad an idol of boomers and queers is dead.
She worked best with Raimi.
You do.
>Only fags who watch musicals
Only insecure closet cases actually think this
>posted from my iPhaggot device
>no u!
You have the brain of a child. Probably why you couldn't figure out that penis goes in vagina like all the normal people did.
>>posted from my iPhaggot device
nice editing recovery to hide yourself, iphone poster
>the retard with a retard phone can't even reply properly
I'm guessing your parents were retarded fags, too.
it's called denying you a (You), newfaggot
>having to pretend you did it on purpose because you're not smart enough to operate a normal computer and not even smart enough to operate a phone made specifically for retards
You're not fooling anyone, Mary. Being a fuck up runs in your family.
>it's a "low IQ autist whines about the greatest genre due to pleb genes" episode
If you haven't seen everything by Minnelli or Demy you don't belong on Yea Forums. Simple as that.
>why yes, i am black on the inside
>reddit space
You don't either though.
Did she show tits even once?
google it
If mods don’t sticky it will prove how pleb Yea Forums really is
>arguing with trips
You need to be lurking, not posting, reddit import. Stop making he older boys lecture you just because you're queer and need attention.
>unironic dubsfaggotry
sure is post-cancer Yea Forums in here
>refuses to correct his behavior or acknowledge community standards
So you're admitting you're not actually white and you don't belong here.
>being this insecure that you bring up race out of nowhere
Shitskin confirmed
>no u!
Haven't you figured out that's not going to work here, Tyrone? Every time you attempt it, I'll just point out that it makes you sound like a black kid losing an argument on the playground.
Posts like these are peak subconscious gayness, kys
Get a script that updates faster, reddit.
>t. fag
>that zoomer suffering from youngest sibling syndrome pretends he's going to win by annoying the person who's been on Yea Forums longer
You didn't think this through.
where's my STICKY, Yea Forums?