100% chance GRRM had the same fucking ending. Bookfags on suicide watch.
100% chance GRRM had the same fucking ending. Bookfags on suicide watch
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Anyone who read the books and didn't see this coming must really be a brainlet or not understand foreshadowing.
Bran sitting on the Throne after Jon kills Daenarys? Yes.
How it’s reached will be different. The Dragon will have three heads - Aegon (Young Griff), Daenarys, and Aemon (Jon). I suspect Jon will kill Daenarys after she has Aegon executed. Cersei is going to die by Jaime’s hand. Probably after he finds out that Tommen died under her watch.
Tyrion will probably be wanton in encouraging Daenarys’s mad queen tendencies, rather than opposing them.
people who read books are bedwetters
Book Jaime gives even less a shit about his kids than show Jaime.
Ending is OK. The execution is what's wrong.
IIRC, Jaime at the end of the AFfC or in ADwD does think how when he gets back to King's Landing he should make an attempt to raise his son, try to undo any damager Cersei did, etc.
Gurm probably gave D&D the bullet points on what happens, but decided to not provide context to see if they were clever enough to figure out how to make it work. It's the only explanation for this shitshow.
Maggie the Frog prophesied that the “valonqar” would wrap his hands around her neck and squeeze the life from her. Valonquar means younger sibling. She always thought it was Tyrion but Jaime is technically younger than her.
Jaime will intend to kill her in the books, and do it. Probably dying in the act. He won’t die tearfully after failing to help her escape the collapsing red keep.
Or more likely, they specifically chose to cut context that they didn’t like or stupidly thought was irrelevant.
I fucking said that like 2 years ago and /got/ called me a retard
Ian is a salty book reader that can't get over them killing off his character and would say anything to hurt the writers.
Dragon with Three Heads relates to three branches of Targaryen houses hiding in secret and the Prince being one male descendant who will restore them to power.
Its a great ending.
And GRRM can write way better than D&D, so it will be good.
i mean its been heavily foreshadowed dany will go batshit
but the context will be entirely different so im not worried
>Not posting a smug or angry Pepe
That humiliation should have hardened your heart, not make you weaker and teary. You disgust me. You should probably kill yourself.
Maggie didn't specify whether or not it would be Cersei's younger brother who kills her. It could be someone else.
>Bookfags on suicide watch
How so? Bookfags were concerned for the Dany being a hero yada yada faggotry, and that didn't even happen in the show. It's all good.
>Ian McElhinney after being told by D&D his character is being killed off
Based Selmy with the killing blow.
Dany going crazy in the books makes much more sense, though. Bitch is already seeing hallucinations. The issue with the show is that in the show they removed most of the crazy Dany hints and then suddenly decided to make her extra crazy to make up for it.
GRRM has completed nothing
t. mutt
fAegon (Young Griff) is probably a Blackfyre, and a cousin or younger sibling of Varys. But Dany and Jon clearly have to be the other two heads of the dragon, and they are both descended from Aerys II.
Tyrion is a bitter asshole in the books
what the fuck is his problem? where's the quippy gnome everyone likes?
It will be better in the books. We only ever see things from her perceptive but it's clear she's more unhinged than show Dany
He didn't write the books. They are novelizations of the show written by ghost writers.
The Irish actor seemed like an okay guy in interviews. Did not strike me as the kind of guy that would bullshit in such a spectacular fashion.
The only reason she's hallucinating at the end of Dance is because she's delirious from lack of water and food. But yeah, the books would do it better just for the fact that we could see Dany's thoughts. In the show she just randomly started looking pissed and randomly started burning the city and it takes a Behind-The-Scenes video to understand what shitty motive they gave her at that moment.
dany going mad is not a surprise to book fags
Someone suggested she will burn KL partly to stop the greyscale outbreak Jon Connington will have caused. Decent idea desu.
The actor might claim it, but this probably isn't true
Here's why:
George RR Martin recently said in an interview that he doesn't see if as a big deal if he never finished the series because many great fantasy authors have left other series incomplete
Why mention this if all the books are done? Just pass it and laughter it off saying "Oh don't worry, I will finish the series at some point"
He also said in another interview that he might not even write a Dream of Spring once Winds of Winter is done and that he might just work on Fire and Blood 2 and another Dunk and Egg or two before a Dream of Spring
Again, no reason to say this if the books are finished.
>100% chance GRRM had the same fucking ending. Bookfags on suicide watch.
It will be set up much better. The idea of the ending is good.
It parallels current society perfectly. "The future is female" is a lie. In reality men are in control of feminism and that is why "transwomen" are being placed above women.
I was pissed that George threw in Aegon when I first read Dance. Now I'm glad there is a major plot point no present in the show to look forward to.
Pretty much. Nor is the Wall falling something that would surprise book readers, or the Boltons being BTFO. But the how will be much more interesting in the books than in show.
Something tells me GRRM was a bit more ambigious than you're suggesting in the actual interview.
Oh, an no, there isn't 100% chance that the ending is the same
He's told them the ending and has to HOPE it's the same as the ending of his books
have sex
bran has literally 0 claim to the throne. he doesnt even want to run winterfell why the fuck would he want the throne?
The books CAN'T end the same way because the books have Aegon Targaryen, who is a major player. The show merged Jon Snow and Aegon together, but in the books it's not even clear that Jon is a Targaryen. He's probably the son of Ashara Dayne and Ned, which would give him a claim to the sword Dawn, which is probably Lightbringer. (But that would also mean he's not Azor Ahai, since Azor Ahai is supposed to be a Targaryen)
because he knows what's objectively best for the realm
I have a feeling he's just going to die unceremoniously in Winds, him suddenly changing course to conquering Westeros immediately and specifically gunning for Storm's End, way ahead of Varys' machinations, seems like the typical GRRM "character flaw leading them to their doom" storyline.
If he kills her, it will be a similar reason why he killed the Mad King.
>gurm stealing from fucking warcraft of all things after shitting on tolkien
only brainlets didn't find it obvious that she was arthas the whole time
>Why mention this if all the books are done?
Yes but the books did a better job establishing her character so this ending isn't a surprise and is better handled.
You recall wrong, book Jaime didn't give a shit about his kids and didn't even see the mas his.
Shut up d&d, he was right.
According to leaks, he gets elected king by a council. This seems like a final ending that was probably dictated by GRRM.
This. So much this.
He will be a puppet for Based Sansa
I wouldn't have a problem with this if he would pass his work to some author who can wrap the series up, but the fat fuck would rather burn the notes because pride. He's going to die of heart attack at any moment
>have sex
No the message of today's society isn't "have sex", it's "cut your balls off".
Get with the program.
lol, no, in the books Jon is very clearly the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar. It’s the big secret hidden in A Game of Thrones. Once you figure it out, or more likely, are told, R+L=J is obvious in retrospect.
“The Winds of Winter is next, then I’ll decide what comes after that – whether it’s to go on to A Dream of Spring, the last one, or whether I switch back into Fire and Blood II, do another Dunk and Egg story or two. But I’ll worry about that one thing at a time – that’s too far ahead.”
This is the ambiguous one, and the title is somewhat inaccurate, but he leaves us to believe that it wouldn't be a big deal if he never finished them, or atleast tries to convince us
>Azor ahai is a targaryen
According to whom? That blonde faggot was trying to kickstart a prophecy, doesn't mean it was actually meant to be a targ.
>Bookfags on suicide watch.
in what way? Butthurt showfags who don't understand how braindead dany always was are the only ones mad.
I haven't read Fire and Blood yet but I remember reading somewhere there was a whore in Lys popping out kids or something who may be related to a previous Targ or Varys so maybe that's where he got fake Aegon from if he is fake?
shit doesnt make any sense
>be united by dragons
>split in war of 5 kings
>suddenly join again even though all the dragons die
there is no apparent reason why they wouldn't just split back up into smaller states
A part of the prophecy was that the savior would be born from a specific Targaryen lineage, but Jon falls into that family line and the "Aegon" we got in the books is a Blackfyre aka Targaryen bastard line with no claim.
>in what way? Butthurt showfags who don't understand how braindead dany always was are the only ones mad.
She has literally never been shown to make intelligent decisions as a ruler. Without dragons she's just a dumb cunt.
Now Sansa, on the other hand, is potentially someone who has learned to use her brain and is being portrayed as such. She doesn't get by on her dragons. She had to suffer real adversity that wasn't trumped by "shit, where's my dragons!"
GRRM not making Jon a Targ at this point would go against everything he stands for in terms of literature.
Jon is a Dayne, good sir.
That would only make sense if it's actually Bloodraven warged into him.
And? His ending might be the same but he most likely will at least build it up properly. No one will say anything bad about insane Dany if it's actually well written.
>Tyrion will probably be wanton in encouraging Daenarys’s mad queen tendencies, rather than opposing them.
This. I feel dnd are whitewashing tyrion's role in all this.
I'll be happy to see my boy Vicky again.
So unless he's playing 4D chess, the books aren't done
>There will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him.
This is the prophecy taken from the asoiaf wiki. What am I missing?
Why does an actor cares, let alone even know, about the terms between a book publishers and two show writers? Why didn't any of the parties involved talk about that during one of the many interviews these several years?
My bet is Hightowers purposefully destabilized the north so they could make the Red God religion strong up there, Stannis is no longer their favourite champion so they've moved onto Victarion instead. Hightowers have been influencing EVERYTHING especially Mel's visions with candles.
Hey Preston.
Saera Targaryen awoiaf.westeros.org
I suppose it’s possible. She was a daughter of King Jaehaerys I, which is a long time ago, and she had several bastards, one of whom pushed his claim at a council of succession (he did not succeed). That’s like ten generations behind Jon and fAegon.
Yeah, well, it’s his story. Don’t blame me for it being nonsensical.
Doubt it. Cersei will not be endgame. Her whole plot line in the show is merged with Aegon. Night King also took some of book Euron’s plot imo.
Jesus fuck cope harder Green Hand. Jon is not a Dayne. He never was, the Danyes are just another house with a famous sword. fAegon is a foil to both Jon and Dany.
fAegon is just a more effective morally grey antagonist to Dany than Cersei is. It will make her brutality even more effective.
Is he Arthur Dayne and Lyanna's kid?
Oh I see. Has there been any confirmation that Azor Ahai == Prince that was promised? I don't think so bratan.
Show Tyrion is now a shitty version of book Barristan Selmy who makes eunuch jokes and drinks wine. I’m sure he was going to be the unsuccessful moderator. Book Tyrion is angry and hellbent upon vengeance upon Westeros.
>What am I missing?
Ghost of High Heart, GRRM already established her prophecies are always right and are pretty much just him "foreshadowing" stuff
You think fAegon is Brandon Stark’s bastard by Ashara?
Whitewashing Tyrion was one of the first thing that made me disliking the show.
Not sure they planed it from the beginning or after the audience loved him.
It's all bullshit anyway. The only thing Jon snow did was to heal the realm and end the line of the Dragonlords of old Valyria. That's a prince who was promised allright.
What if Nissa Nissa and the darkness are the same thing? Jon Stabbing Dany would fulfill both if that's the case
My summer child, do you really believe showfags would accept Dany as a mad queen even if it's built up and written well in the books?
Why would you say something like this if you weren't right? You'd look like a huge tool.
The whole narrative turn of Game of Thrones hinges on the detective story that Ned undertakes with regard to Joffries true father (Jaime), which is happening on a meta-level for the reader with Jon’s true father (Rhaegar) and mother (Lyanna).
That's the answer you get from only reading AGOT. But things get messy in the later books. There are Wylla and Ashara and Brandon and Eddard who could all be Jon's parents. Also there might be a baby swap of the child that is born in the tower of joy, Jon, Daenerys, Meera or Aegon, GRRM loves those.
So what happens to Euron in the books? H is show counterpart is basically a different character
>nobody with any lineage descendant from Bobby B or the Targ royal boodline ends up sitting on the throne at the end of the books
Retarded. I can understand that from the HBO show since no one in the writer's room has a functioning brain.
Retards won't but why would you listen to what retards say
>Bran sitting on the Throne after Jon kills Daenarys? Yes.
No. Contrary to what the show is, there is logic in the books. Bran can't become king without any claim. And Bran's character arc has nothing to do with kingship whatsoever. Furthermore, the whole point of the book is that the petty squables for the Throne are absolutely meaningless in the face of extinction (the Others). And you can be damn sure the Others will be the main antagonists of the series and the final battle will be against them, not Dany or Cersei, or whatever.
This is a good subversion of expectation. It’s multi-layered with convincing red herrings, and it’s altogether cohesive and coherent.
The book has moments like this, where Jon is forbidden to train at arms with Joffrey because “bastards are not allowed to damage princes.” The irony being that Joffrey is a bastard and Jon is a prince.
Euron is gathering magic shit with the intend to bring the end of the world.
That nigga is bringing down the wall, calling it.
The fucker has Valyrian armor. There's not enough gold in the entire world to buy that one.
unless someone posts a link to the interview it is fake news
that makes absolutely no sense, D&D wanted the fat man to publish more books so they had more material to adapt, he is lying out his ass
My bet is dragonbinder will not bind the dragons themselves but bind Daenerys to Euron, therefore making her his slave.
I miss him. The fat fuck better get to writing the books quick
Valyrian steel armor sounds like Gary Stu material
Ian was right to be pissed off, he got handed shit
interesting, I'm just assuming he is trolling though
while blowing of the horn kills his retard brother. funironically kino
I'm not saying he's right, but why would you just go out and say something like this then? It's easily proven false and you look like a huge lying idiot.
>You recall wrong, book Jaime didn't give a shit about his kids and didn't even see the mas his.
Yeah, for the most part. When he begins turning a new leaf in AFfF/ADwD I recall a line where he thinks about actually being invested in Tommen's life.
actors say dumb incorrect shit all the time
he is getting old and senile, he probably heard the rumor from someone and took it as fact
who knows, maybe he got it from Yea Forums
Daenerys burning down KL was the first time in many seasons they were actually following what grrm laid out
big if true
She won't go crazy. George sets you up to sympathise with her methods by juxtaposition with the slavers. What he'll do is move her to Westeros and then pull that justification away so people slowly start to see Dany differently. It's a surprisingly clever move but he'll never write her as fully insane. She'll always have some reasons and still try to convince you she's good, because George is trying to get you to sympathise with Sauron
>He's probably the son of Ashara Dayne and Ned
How much of a brainlet do you have to be to STILL belive this? The books were never that complex or had that many twists and turns. R + L = J because it makes sense thematically. Young Griff is just a vehicle for GRRM to get the story moving and will get BTFO sooner or later. The endgame will be more or less like the show because it involves characters that have been there from the beginning.
>Victarion blows the horn
>The dusky woman reveals herself to be Euron in disguise!
>He claims the now bound dragon and flies off leaving Vic dying
>His fire hand begins to consume his whole body revitalizing him
>he becomes the human torch
nah that will be Cersei the show is just following the beats and want to give payoff to Dany's scene in the House of the Undying which was obviously snow at first but is now ash
could be the hound in the book. He's the younger brother of Mr. Mountain.
she isn't Sauron, she is just a sixteen year old girl trying to be a ruler and GRRM writes her that instead of a cringy power fantasy for obese feminists
Which was basically letting Tommen train, something boys like him were supposed to do that Cersei wasn't allowing. Jaime trying to let Tommen train wasn't him caring about Tommen.
The shitty part wasn't even her being a psycho retard, it was the whole buildup where the options were besiege or assault the city and assaulting the city apparently means burning it to the ground. Then they assault the city, win without much difficulty, then burn it to the ground anyway.
judging by the show it is referring to Daenerys
>I now recall Vic's chapters
Gods what pure unadulterated kino. The scene where he frees the slaves because its what Dany would want and then tells them to row his boat or die effectively enslaving them himself, or the monkey shenaniganse, or not sure what God's he should honor so he burns the prostitutes as he drowns them. Great fun.
>Viktarion Greyjoy got cut out
Im salty, we could have had an interesting plot point with the whole dragonhorn
As a bookfag I like the ending being Daenerys going crazy
I don’t like how quickly she changes from only killing people who oppose her to committing a massacre of surrendered people because she’s sad
There should have been some in between where she slowly cares less and less about the innocents
The books probably also won’t have her fighting against Cersei towards the end, it’ll probably be ‘Aegon Targaryen’ that Daenerys wants to take the throne from
Cersei shouldn’t still be in power, she constantly fucks everything up but stays powerful in the show because the Lannister soldiers seem to be inexhaustible compared to every other house
I’m glad the show is ending with crazy nazi Daenerys, but the setup for it is rushed and seasons 5-8 still aren’t good
The beauty of the valonqar prophecy is that there several candidates. “A younger sibling will cause your death” is a super vague prophecy, haha, but there are specific candidates we can look at. We know Maggie’s prophecies will come true, and Cersei’s death and the killer will be meaningful.
Sandor killing Ser Robert Strong in a trial by combat regarding Cersei’s treason and adultery would have qualified, methinks. As would Arya assassinating her. But I think the most fitting end is Jaime killing her with his golden hand.
Then the chapter where Euron first sends him on his mission after taking the Shield Islands, and the fact that one of his supporting characters is now a giant religiously fanatical black bastard with a white lion's mane.
I am not mad, he'll do it justice, the television series is the literary equivalent of having a series of well written books only to have their conclusion released as a poorly illustrated comic book.
Need links to mp3s of the books anons
I'm glad, I loved those chapters but they wouldn't have worked for the screen. Those chapters were great because of the interior monologue and the contrast between what Viktarion presents and what is actually going on in his head.
>wasting your time on reading thousands of pages of lowbrow fantasy fiction
Why would you spend your time on that? Just read something that has an actual merit instead, like Tolstoy or Balzac.
>Cersei cares about her children
That prophecy shows how even Cersei's 'love' is, at its core, a very sick one that only such a mentally unstable character could have. She has to do whatever she can preserve the lives of those children else that prophecy comes true and she dies.
it would have worked in the show if the two ended up buried under the rubble, with Jamie mercy killing cersei while he starves to death under the keep
I really hope ASoIaF get as animated adaption someday. Top-tier stuff like in the style of the trailer I linked. I also remain convinced the internal monologues could have worked.
George is definitely trying to pull a reverse Tolkien here and get the reader to sympathise with her doing increasingly horrific shit
he does that with almost every POV character
Why not do both?
>not the chapter where he says he's going to sail the Dothraki Sea
I hated her later chapters. They were ok in the first book, boring later (because they had nothing to do with the main story) and shit in the last one (Daario!!!).
He's the shipperfag. Probably still reeing over the fact it was Brandon who pumped and dumped her, leaving the poor girl with nothing but a stillborn daughter and her brother's corpse
actually surprised he's got the balls to announce it just like that
if it turns out true, isn't he going to get fucked somehow?
it's no skin off his nose
I think he is just trolling personally
True t. Bedwetter
Quite skeptical that he would finish it in two books, unless they are some massive 1500-2000page books. Unless the same teleportation is used as in the shows, "three years have passed" etc.
It was pretty heavy on the philosophical stuff and symbolism, so its pacing isn't as exciting but nor were they devoid of meaning/depth. I like that debate she had with the guy from Qarth from ACoK over slavery and its necessity. I really enjoyed her last one in the Dothraki Sea too.
he has a father son momment with tommen in the books.
Given Martin's comments on rulers, power corrupting, and his overall deconstructionist post-modern take on the high fantasy genre; I can't say I am surprised if his books take a similar route.
The Westeros Commonwealth, small states but directed by a council.
>Gary Stu
>h-he's written both books already
Bookfag cope. You're never seeing another page.
>anime ASoIaF
Her chapters still read like a different/side story. You can read them without any other chapters and miss nothing.
You sound like a woman pretending to be a guy online.
I'll also say that it's not like big plate armor either. It's a shirt of Valyrian steel scales, so not really that ridiculous, especially considering he probably did go to Valyria itself
That would be badass. They could make episodes that mirrored the individual chapters.
Because reading bad prose like ASoIaF negatively affects your literary taste.
Actor that worked on the show, is known to be passionate about the material, and seems like a solid guy literally said so, so it's not like some it's some crackpot theory some retard shat out based on something extremely flimsy. It's worth discussing considering the Selmy guy directly addressed the issue and went into detail. Hope your post was bait and you're not really that fucking dumb.
TWOW is never coming out. Cope harder.
Too bad I'm on my phone right now, but some youtuber claims, that Martin hold the books back, so that the TV-show might become a disaster, and his final two books might be remembered as the better version
It's not so much the ending that is terrible conceptually, not giving the series an extra season or two to let this build-up is the problem. Even if GRRM has a similar ending with Dany going batshit insane and Jon killing her, having the ability to write out the details and subtleties that lead-up to that happening would make all the difference.
ok nigger
If you mean an episode per chapter, can't say I agree. I think it should follow the structures of the books chapter by chapter except maybe AFfC/ADwD. May have to combine them, albeit a fan edit exists online called A Ball of Beasts that does combine all the chapters together into one huge book.
>He's probably the son of Ashara Dayne and Ned
Spotted Preston Jacobs
>bookfag cope
name anything more hilarious than bookfags thinking gurrm will actually finish the series.
So bait and shitposter then. Got it.
Aegon is Azor Ahai
>it's coming out before season 4
>it's coming out before season 5
>it's coming out before season 6
>it's coming out before season 7
>it's coming out before season 8
Dubs and we're getting an announcement post-credits both Winds and A Dream of Spring are being released next month.
It totally will be Cersei, because just like they merged Euron and Victarion in the show, they merged what Cersei is in the books (daughter of the Mad King that inherited the madness) with Dany in the show. That's why Cersei's character feels so pointless this season. Also, Jaime is totally going to be Azor Ahai, who'll kill Cersei who's his Nissa Nissa.
Maybe, just maybe Martin could finish his books in the meantime INSTEAD of fucking around and blogging about stupid shit like apple ciders and her nephew's dog.
God that faggot is annoying. I forget the details but he has has wild tangents stemming from what seems like legit autism and inability to understand basic human stuff and the fact they're flawed and don't behave like logical robots 24/7. He also has this dumb idea the whole thing is actually traditional sci fi disguised as fantasy.
She should've saved herself a lot of tedium and killed all the nobility of Meereen.
different poster but I agree with him, all indications from GRRM's camp is that he has mostly retired from writing and will just live off the show for the rest of his life
AFAIK, an actor outright coming out and claiming the books are done, they're held back because of some deal made with the Dabids, etc. is something completely new
Reminder Catelyn will butcher the entire Night's Watch for their mutiny against Jon rather than killing the Freys everyone thinks she will.
absolutely based
plus he's now got a god hand.
Yeah he jumped the shark with the sci-fi/genetics stuff, but some of his other videos are spot on. The Littlefinger debt scheme series is very interesting, it basically points to the fact that Littlefinger isn't just a Machiavellian schemer we think he is, but he's actually a legit psycho attempting to fulfill the Jenny of Oldstones prophecy through Sansa, and it all started with the moment that Ser Loras gave her a flower after the joust.
>70 years old
>notorious procrastinator
>on record several times about not enjoying writing
>richer and more famous than ever thanks to HBO
>ending spoiled
Give me one reason he should not enjoy his final years spending that HBO money instead of wasting away at the keyboard.
Tbh I haven't followed this stuff closely over the years. Last time I did check in regularly was when he last released a sample chapter, which was an Aeron POV irrc. I'm not endlessly optimistic he'll finish them nor am I 'lol fuck bookfags it will NEVER happen!' either but my interest is piqued cause afaik an actor coming out and making claims like these is new.
I think Victarion's hand is kind of a juxtaposition to Euron's whole lying about the supernatural stuff. Vic has an actual supernatural element attached to his body now but all we hear from Euron is bullshit from his own drugged up shade of the morning fantasies.
Let's not forget that Preston Jacobs is married. I can't even imagine listening to his garbage irl.
His wife is some Asian girl too and he's a big tall white dopey guy with a belly, so literally pic related.
Not to mention I think Vic will expose Euron as a fraud with his tales of supernatural stuff in Winds while Vic himself will have more and more supernatural things happen to him which will gain him much more followers.
oh god really? if a white guy married an asian girl you just KNOW he is a former incel
I hope Euron's stuff is real desu. I want to in fact being even more fucked up than we we're led to believe, which is what that Aeron chapter from TWoW definitely hints at. He seems like one of those villains that it's immensly satisfying to finally see lose after they've had so many victories and seem so cool, collected, and unflappable.
Shit I've had this theory for years now. You're not gonna BS and tell me it takes 8 fucking years to write one book.
How do you know Sauron wasn’t a Kawaii 16 old girl on the inside
>boomer actor still bitter about getting killed off three years ago regurgitates some reddit theory
>it's enough to send bookfags into a frenzy
George by his own admission has had to delete huge chuncks many times when he finds he's wrote himself into a corner. This is what happened with AFfC/ADwD when he found out the time skip would not have worked.
I feel bad for him. He was a massive bookfag and probably was so ecstatic when he got the part of ser barristan and probably could not wait for the Dance of Dragons stuff to be adapted....then....well.....we know how that ended.
I imagine a time skip will work in between Winds and Sping. Winds will more than likely wrap up just about every plot line started in AFFC and A Dream of Spring will just be an epilogue to the series.
He’s justifiably bitter
That fat fuck is late Blizzard tier writer, and anyone who disputes this is a pleb who deserves to be shot and bulldozed into a mass grave like an unwanted dobermann
Is the 'fuck bookfags!' crowd really this stupid? It's piqued interesting cause it's something that hasn't happened before, moron. An actor coming out and making such claims (which are big if true) has not happened before as far as I know. You dismissing his claims out of hand relies on presenting McElhinney as either a massive, trolling prick or some deluded, senile fucker. I'm waiting for some proof he's either of those things or both.
Tone down the bait. A truly great baiter understands subtelty is the key.
he's still better than the two retarded kikes to entangle a plot in an interesting way, or at least a way that makes sense
>Winds will take us furthest north we've been according to George
Which POV will it be that does this? My bet is Sam uses a candle to look north and gets a glimpse of The Others.
Cat hated Jon.
At least he got to adapt one of Barristand big moments, getting fired from the kingsguard. A shame we didn't get the fight with the gladiator or him leading the defense of Meereen.
Vic is a based retard.
She could do it as some form of weird twisted love. Cat obviously never showed Jon much affection while he was alive so she could be repaying him in death.
Bran most like. Or Jon will journey north into the heart of winter. Reminder that there is no Night King in the books (yet) so defeating the army of the dead will require some other mcguffin.
Anyone ever heard of Miodrag Zarkovic? He's basically a turbo autist like Preston but instead of coming up with crackpot theories he analyses ASoIaF as literature hardcore and asserts it's a masterpiece. Honestly worth reading his claims over on as A Forum of Ice and Fire desu. He's also the biggest seething bookfag I can think of that despises the show and Dabids with a passion.
even if what he was saying is true, it would make him a stark, not a dane, retard
My theory for the north is either The Children of the Forest or The Hightowers have been using illusions to strike fear with The Others, they MAY have been a race that once existed and are no longer around on Planetos but think of it as a whole Man Behind the Curtain thing. Makes more sense if the Children are doing it but I can't see why Hightowers would be manipulating a false threat of The Others using magic and illusions.
She hated what he represented more than the boy himself, i.e. a thread to her children's inheritence/position. She fears some repeat of the Blackfyre thing but for the Stark family. Once he's out of the way at the Wall and whenever her thoughts turn to him in the rest of POV stuff, she never thinks of him in hateful, vicious terms.
>he's actually on imdb with his documentary on the show
Worth a watch?
>showfags killing themselves extinct and want to take bookfags down with them
Yeah, sorry bros, your concern trolling is not gonna work here. RIP in Peace, retarded faggots
It’s a fucking epic moment. Really defines the character. Fuck d&d for wasting him
I actually watched it when it came out. I recall liking it and finding it a bit interesting but it obviously has not left an impression in the long term as I can't really remember the details of what it went into or what conclusions it had. I don't even think you can find the documentary anymore.
Some interesting comments in my view. He even addresses the 'Martin has bad prose' critique somewhere. Honestly the biggest Martin fan/apologist I've ever seen
He got banned? Are all of his writings still there?
The show writers are two chads making a truckload of money out of it, and there's nothing wrong with the show if you're watching it as you're supposed to be watching it: as a cheap form of rather brainless entertainment, with nudity, and violence, and simplistic enough story line, so that the lower iq individuals would be able to enjoy it too.
Anyone who treats GRRM's works as some higher work of art should be ashamed of themselves.
Oh fuck, the House of the Undying in the show was so shit. The House of the Undying adapted well basically would have been this generation's Black Lodge/Red Room.
>The issue with the show is that in the show they removed most of the crazy Dany hints and then suddenly decided to make her extra crazy to make up for it.
I was still waiting seasons for when she'd finally snap. She was never chill. The cray was always there.
You can't find a lot of them by looking at his page post directly. Basically type 'miodrag a forum of ice and fire' and it should turn up links to threads he's active in not shown under his profile's content.
The books are clearly implying mad queen
The show didn't do a good job of showing it that's the issue.
As for everything else, I doubt Jaime will die with Cersei, or that the Other's invasion will be this underwhelming, or that Arya will somehow save everyone from it, or even that Stannis loses in such a gay fashion.
Far as I can figure, Shireen is burned on Meli's orders, this lets Stannis take Winterfell but he either dies or is killed by Brienne, accepting his death only because of learning that Shireen was killed by the priestess he gave too much freedom too.
Rickon becomes lord of winterfell but he's too young so Jon Snow rules in his place temporarily
Stuff with Bran might be the same
Sansa will somehow outplay Littlefinger, but he dies in the Vale. Arya MIGHT come to the Vale and we'll get something similar with Arya doing the kill.
Cleganebowl will happen at Cersei's trial.
No idea how the Others breach the wall. I figured they were gonna breach it because Bran, having been touched by the NK, went to the other side, and they use that to undermine the spells at its foundation. That might happen, it's how I'd do it.
Jaime will definitely kill Cersei. No idea how that'll happen. Might be fun if he joins up with Dany along with Radmure and the Riverland lords, and Tyrion with fAegon that makes it a 3 way between the Lannies for KL. Euron uses his horn to get one dragon, fAegon uses Targ magic to get the other. Three way dragon dance. KL burns in the ensuing fight. Euron vs Jaime is far more epic because Euron is a good character in the books.
I don't know just throwing stuff out.
Serious question—What difference does it make at this point? The show is now canon. There’s no changing it. The show is canon.
The plot points don't bother me, it's the justification that is weak. Most of the moments didn't feel earned, which is the fault of the writers for not conveying the idea sufficiently.
he has claim through being Jon's cousin, if Jon indeed goes back to the wall
quite closer than Robert Baratheon being the great-grandson of Aegon V (just like Daenerys, btw)
Literally what that guy does. Some Serbian journalist. If you think that, it may be worth reading his views to see how they contrast with yours, etc. You'd deserve some respect for that rather than dismissing the whole thing out of hand and sperging out over someone having the audacity to not agree with you.
>dany crucifies over 100 masters
>the monkey shenaniganse
I kind of wonder if it was inspired tangentially by Aguirre.
Stannis will win at winterfell but the Northern Lords will betray him, crowning Rickon whom Manderly has Davos fetching from Skaggos. Rather than be executed Stannis will ask to take the black. He will become the 1000th Lord Commander and will die defending the Wall from the others. They will raise him as the Night King.
Screenshot this post.
>oy vey, it's anoter chad shoah!
in the same genre, GRRM is still better than the two retarded kikes
again, at least, his plot entangling makes sense, and is done much better
deal with it
>muh brainless spectacle
That guy is probably a seething LOTRfag that watches capeshit in his spare time.
the first draft maybe
...Um, what?
>undead Stannis then conquers Westeros and sits on the throne
Would be the greatest bittersweet ending of all time.
>Anyone who treats GRRM's works as some higher work of art should be ashamed of themselves.
They are low brow but they still have complex narratives that are a lot more interesting than basic bitch stories.
Also, he'll burn Shireen at the Wall cause he'll be convinced by Melisandre it's 100 percent a necessary sacrifice to stop the Others and advert the apocalypse.
>Jenny of Oldstones prophecy
Dunno about that, but his overreliance on "everyone being warged/influenced by magic candles" in, IIRC, Dornish plot, was fucking unbearable to warch.
Manderlys will betray Davos and Stannis and will reveal how they've been engineering the downfall of the Starks for getting involved in Robert's Rebellion. Tricking the Boltons into thinking they were on top when they were really being played all along was part of their plan too, they kill Rickon and Davos. Thus ending the line of the Starks.
send pics please
The guy you quoted:
No smelly melly will burn Shireen to rez Jon after she realises that he's Azor Ahai. This, along with the phirric victory at winterfell leaving 80% of his troops dead will cause him to give up and take the black. STANNIS DOES NOT BURN HIS DAUGHTER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
He keeps using the term "genre literature". What does he mean by this? There's no genre called literature afaik, but I could be interpreting this wrong.
t.false dragon
would anyone doubt Barristan Selmy's honor?
There won't be a Cleganebowl in the books. Cleganebowl goes totally against GRRM's philosophy and Sandor has already found his place amongst holy men in a peaceful place.
"genre literature" is stuff like Fantasy, sci-fi, horror stuff like that I think.
He should have beat them to death with his prop sword and saved us all
Brienne will ride into King's Landing wearing Gregor's hound helmet and Ser Robert Strong will go apeshit seeing it thinking it is him.
My understanding: Let's say you're given some mediocre neo-noir novel. That's just genre fiction. or neo-noir fiction because it isn't great literature period. His argument is ASoIaF trasncends the fantasy genre and should be considered great literature period
I think this has to be it
Stannis breaks, he does not bend. He's iron, not steel.
So Stannis will break once he finds out what happened to his daughter. Reminder he doesn't want the throne. All he's doing is out of a pure sense of duty. But once his daughter dies, he wont be able to continue. It'll break him.
So he'll do the one thing he can to escape his duty. He'll take the black, and disinherit himself.
Manderlys love the Starks though as the starks protected them when everyone, north and south were dabbing on them. More likely they will say to stan the man "sorry friend, thanks for defeating the Boltons (vampires) for us but Rikon is king in da norf now, you can still go fight for the south, though we will not be helping you k thanks bye" Stan will have one of his famous autistic meltdowns THE THRONE IS RIGHTFULLY MINE he will say THATS SEVEN KINGDOMS NOT SIX.
>Dany burns a woman who betrayed her trust, killed her baby, and turned Drogo into a retard
>Dany burns a sorcerer who attempted to enslave her and her dragons, as well as kill those she cared about.
>Dany burns savage slavemasters who are proudly and infamously brutal
>Dany crucifies total bastards who murdered children to taunt her
>Dany burns a bunch of rapist chimp-tier savages
>Dany burns the logistics of an enemy army
>Dany burns people who have surrendered, as well as innocent civilians who were being held hostage
One of these things is not like the other.
what's wrong with those trousers
Sounds to me like he's ashamed it's "just" fantasy. Wew lads.
Are we getting Bolt-on? Roose in Ramsey's skin should escape back north of the wall desu.
You know what's interesting? /r/Asoiaf and /r/GameofThrones are going full 100% censorship on this article and reveal. Any mention, link, or discussion is an auto removal. Are they still planted shills?
go back
>TV show fag completely fails to understand what context is
Color me shocked
>Book endgame is Mad Queen Danny, Dark Wizard Pirate Euron, Victarion Fire-hand and his pet Kraken that he no doubt tames, Punished Stannis the Night King - a man denied his rightful throne, High Vampire Shapeshifter Roose Bolt-On, fAegon Blackfyre and the Three Eyed Crow.
>Show end game is....
Holy fuck i just checked and it's real, mods are removing any thread mentioning GRRM holding off on the books, not only that interview but topics on that hahahaha
Except for Jamie's, Stannis', and Dorne's arcs
>It's fucking real
Holy fuck. Why are the mods there such fags?
There wouldn't be a show without the books. think about it.
Yeah. They have automoderator check for key words and auto remove those threads on /r/asoiaf. Same as the /r/GameOfthrones sub. Something weird is going on. The mods there are retards but this is more than usual.
I think they might agree to aid Stannis but only if he recognizes Rickon as NORF.jpg.
I'm not sure how Stannis would handle that. On the one hand he's got little choice, and it's not as if they don't raise a good point. They bowed to the Targs, not the Baratheons
And Ned bowed to Bobby out of friendship.
This one is stull up though
How mad will everyone be when it turns out George was holding back a book at the behest of HBO?
The Dabids getting even more shit than they are now cause of this agreement would be funny af.
Weird I remember seeing that post locked and removed.
It will be a mixture of Shireen getting burnt, him loosing most of his men, The Northern Lords putting him in a position where he has to bend which he can't do, and faegon defeating the Lannisters at Kings Landing, that will cause Stannis to just say "wtf was even the point of all this?" and just take the Black to fight something that actually matters - the Others.
Someone redpill me on /r/asoiaf. I hear a lot of hate about it here, Westeros.org, Freefolk and even here sometimes. What's wrong with the sub?
People have literally died waiting for this book and George deprived them of it because HBO didn't want it effecting the Hype of their final season. YIKES (kikes)
>bran has literally 0 claim to the throne
This is why I think the leaks are not 100% accurate, I don't think he'll be elected king exactly. I think the title of kill will essentially be abolished and the 7 kingdoms will be ruled by the council, and Bran will just be head of the council. It will essentially be the end of monarchy in Westeros.
I think that's how it'll go yes.
I think if GRRM wants to keep the North as more or less good, he'll have them agree to help retake the kingdoms, and bending the knee is to be discussed latter. But then news of Shireen and fAegon come along and he finally breaks
>yfw Davos chapter watching his king break
Its at constant war with itself. A deadly mixture of seething bookfags and rabid showfags both posting together on a website notorious for moderating descenting opinions.
Probably fury that will vanish since the book is finally coming out. Then we suffer the same thing for Dream of Spring when they make Game of Thrones: Brotherhood the animated remake.
Well, more like the end of a joint monarchy. It'll go back to seven kingdoms with a unified council for keeping diplomacy.
A book oriented sub that show watchers decided to invade because they don't want to be on just the other sub along with the mods there being the biggest and most notorious fags on the entire site.
Of course Dabids would have Bran be king if they wanted even if it made no sense. Cersei was made queen for God's sake even though all logic, by at least book standards, dictates her position would have never been tenable and lords all over the kingdom would have been up in arms, rebelling openly, etc. If they feel like making Bran king but of a slightly more democratic kingdom even if it makes no sense, they'll do it.
And you think the Gravedigger won’t stand as the Faith’s Champion?
There is a list of 42 rules each of which can be applied to any situation the mods see fit. After every episode every post is automatically deleted and approved manually for the next 5 days.
>7 Kingdoms become a democracy
>Sansa wins the popular vote but because Bran won the Reach and Westerlands he gained control of the electoral collage and so becomes king
>Written by David & Dan
GRRM making a statement that he thinks AI space communism is the best form of government. Bran is less of a human and more of a medieval AI.
big if true
Based r/JaimeBrienne
Cmon let use our heads hear guys, if he had inside information he wouldn't just tell the world like it was an already known fact. Someone clearly just told him or he read it online and took it as fact, no way GRRM would just tell a random actor and have him DD deliver the news in some random interview
Bran also has the potential to be an immortal omnipresent all-knowing dictator - if he has similar powers to Bloodraven (or is bloodraven possessing bran if you want to get conspiratorial)
He said he heard of it from someone.
He 100% hired a ghost writer to do it
Either way rumors of George holding back books because of HBO have been a common rumor over the last few years. We will finally see them put to bed one way or another in the coming weeks.
The Iron Islands are a riot in the books. Vic the retard and Aeron (who gave himself brain damage from all the drowning) are even POV characters in the books, and the contrast between the crazy shit they're doing and their "yes, this makes complete sense" perspective is glorious.
It'd be funny if by chance he finishes not long after the show does.
My thoughts exactly. I'm actually pretty pleased by the general ending outcomes and they make a lot of sense based on what the books have established, but the way D&D handled it is shit and the show stopped being good by S5.
Wasn't there a scene where they took a castle and had the lords wife and daughters run around naked like it's the normal thing to do?
This is dumb. Robert won the throne through force of arms
I mean, Dany's journey of "liberation" begins by convincing Drogo to invade Westeros with 100k savages and enslaving and murdering countless peaceful Lhazareen people to get the money for it. Daenerys is a good guy in her own head, but in reality she's worse than most Westeros lords right off the bat.
Yeah, something along those lines. And the lord himself is tied to a chair with onions stuffed in his mouth and just has to watch his daughters being humiliated and take it. Oh, and a recurring line on Aeron's chapters being a cryptic reference to his brother raping him when a child. There's that lovely tidbit too. That line about Aeron being batshit, Vic being batshitter, and Euron being the most batshit of them all is totally correct.
That's not how claims work
Only people with descendent from Targs can claim the throne
Jon's claim comes from being the son of Rhaegar.
Isn't everyone a former incel before they manage to have sex? Unless they had sex the first time they ever wanted it, which is highly unlikely.
The fucking idiot just believed the reddit conspiracy theory they came up with to justify the absurdly long wait and now blogs are reporting it as "confirmed" which will further reinforce the collective cope. There's literally no evidence for it whatsoever and the entire fucking thing doesn't make any sense to begin with. I'm gonna laugh so hard when the show finishes airing and Gurm just continues inhaling ranch and playing with his RC cars 24/7 without ever finishing the fucking books. After a while redditor fucks will start saying he wants to release them posthumously so that they will become his "legacy" or something equally retarded and desperate.
The same ending, but not the same shitty way of getting there. Dany going "mad" for example has been heavily hinted at by this point, Martin has been slowly building it up to the point where it's a pretty popular theory for fans of the books.
for me the ending is not the problem, how they got there is mediocre at best.
>He's also the biggest seething bookfag I can think of that despises the show and Dabids with a passion.
Hardcore bookfags have been absolutely seething since the show's butchery of Stannis' and (to a lesser extent) Jaime's character.
Because you are a retard. Ian is just as much of a retard as you and bought the same rumor retards like you made up.
IIRC, he has the lord's wife and daughters serving everyone food/drinks completely naked, the lord himself tied up and gagged at the main table watching them, while Euron himself is sitting in the Lord's high chair with a random pretty lowborn girl as the new "lady of the castle" and humiliating her former employers. Euron is a blast.
>That Aeron Winds of Winter released chapter where Euron tortures him psychologically using drugs trying to break his will talking about killing the Gods and making himself a god and summoning krakens and shit that ends with him strapped naked to the figure head of his ship laughing like a madman next to Eurons saltwife pregnant with his child as Euron dabs in his Valyrian armor
I don't know where he's going with that Euron plot line but I kind of like it.
You are objectively stupid if you don't think RR had these books finished over a decade ago. Like, he is the mother fucker writing it, he is only waiting to release them because he made infinity billion dollars this way, instead of releasing all the books within a decade that would have been forgotten soon after, much like the show.
yet, he had a claim to it, and a lesser one than actual Targaryens
which explains why he wanted Viserys and Daenerys dead (without them dead, if they came back with a decent enough force, other nobles would have used their better claim as a pretext to switch side; just that claim could have been enough to tilt the scales, which is why they had to be killed, to Robert)
which btw made khal pedo want to offer the throne to his wife
which ended with him dying and dragons being born
Bran is eldest next of kin male, in the present case, want it or not
and that's precisely how claims work, niggerwits
he is / was based as hell
George actually finished writing all 11 books (yes 11) in 2004. This is all one big PR move devised by George's agent.
Robert has very very very minor targaryen ancestry through his mothers side though which he uses as a claim after he wins. This isn't mentioned much however.
Except Stannis is showing clear signs of learning and tempering himself (aka bending) all thorough ADWD and what we've seen in TWOW. He's not quite the same person he used to be and according to GRRM himself, he's one of the very few characters who truly understand the stakes.
He's gonna tell Tommen and Myrcella as soon as he gets back to KL and attempt to be a father, he already made the decision during the siege of Riverrun.
>very very very minor targaryen ancestry
yeah, he's just the great-grandson of a Targaryen king...
I might actually read the books to wash the show off of me.
>according to GRRM himself, he's one of the very few characters who truly understand the stakes.
Which is why, with his daughter dead, Aegon in control of the south, Rickon in control of the North and most of his men dead after the battle for Winterfell, he'll do the decent thing and take the black to lead the defense against the real threat.
Bookfags already knew this.
The tax policy of Bran is just too convincing
Wah what are going to do on the bed uncle Jaime?
Jaime ending with Cersei is not a remotely bad part of his character. It is completely in line with his char despite the Brienne tryst. Cersei has been his twin and lover since they were kids. I don't know why people think he "turned bad" again. He was always a very conflicted man. But him ending with Cersei was fine and those who dislike it are faggots. The writing up to it was poor, but the decision overall to be with Cersei is completely fine. He's always known what she has been and loved her anyway.
It reminds me of that part of Dance where Stannis is sending one of his Generals to Braavos to get a loan from the Iron Bank to hire Mercs and he says "If I should fall in battle, the war is to continue to seat my daughter upon the Iron Throne" or something like that. I reckon losing his daughter is really going to affect him which is why I do not believe for one second he'll have a hand in doing anything to her.
Myrcella is only for Tommen
Euron raped Aeron into PTSD. Even religious zealotry and literal brain damage isn't enough to suppress those memories completely.
>That man is dead. Aeron had drowned and been reborn from the sea, the god's own prophet. No mortal man could frighten him, no more than the darkness could....nor memories, the bones of the soul. The sound of a door opening, the scream of a rusted hinge. Euron has come again. It did not matter. He was Damphair priest, beloved of god.
But ultimately, it's all useless:
>Even a priest may doubt. Even a prophet may know terror. Aeron Damphair reached within himself for his god and discovered only silence. As a thousand voices shouted out his brother's name, all he could hear was the scream of a rusted iron hinge.
Book Euron has Valyrian Steel armor, a horn that binds dragons, a ship crewed by mutes, a collection of kidnapped priests from every religion on the planetos, contact with (or at the very least knowledge of) Bloodraven and the Others, his plan is pretty much to steal dragons, invade all of Westeros simultaneously then make himself a God.
It's absurd how much the show cut
>contact with (or at the very least knowledge of) Bloodraven and the Others
Really? Where's this hinted at? Wasn't it in that Bran ADwD chapter where he sees a vision of Euron and its implied Euron Crow's Eye can see him to?
His ship is also painted red so it better hides the blood stains. Didn't they imply he kidnapped Pyat Pree, hence his knowledge of Dany?
Show Euron basically comes across as some dumb, violent henchman the real Euron would have had after he became King. Like some mad dog he occassionally unleashes on the areas in the Reach the Ironborn invade. As Euron is plotting all of this twisted, fucked up, heinous shit with all manner of blood magic involved, his mad dog and grabbing his cock and running around raping captives and talking about fingers up bums.
>At the second dungeon, Aeron is joined by mutilated priests, including septons, a burned red priest who quickly dies, and warlocks, one of whom repeats the word "Pree".
IMO Stannis wouldn't be fighting as stubbornly as he is if it wasn't for Shireen. I think he had to know that if, for example, he submitted to Renly, the Tyrells would probably have her killed at some point just to eliminate a potential rival. He's shown that he's been willing to put aside honor for family before, after all he supported Robert's rebellion against his king who he was sworn to. If it was just him on his own, he would have let Renly be king. But with his daughter in the picture it all changes.
Which is why Stannis ordering the brutal execution of his daughter in one of the most painful methods known to man while he stands and watches without even shedding a tear is fucking retarded.
>very very very minor targaryen ancestry
At the time of his rebellion, the line of succession went as follows:
Heirs to King Aerys II
1. Prince Rhaegar of Dragonstone
2. Prince Aegon
3. Princess Rhaenys
4. Prince Viserys
5. Prince Daenarys
6. Lord Robert Baratheon of Storm’s End
7. Lord Stannis Baratheon
8. Lord Renly Baratheon
He was sixth in line. There was also a principle that women could not inherit the throne directly but their male descendants could. That would shorten the line.
1. Rhaegar
2. Aegon
3. Viserys
4. Robert
Making him fourth in line. Eliminating the family of Aerys II puts Robert at first by bloodright
>The Dragon will have three heads - Aegon (Young Griff),
Don't be delusional. Tyrion will get a dragon. If the book ending is the same, Aegon the Fake is absolutely doomed to get fucked before accomplishing much of anything. Most likely by Euron.