>yes I stopped watching game of thrones after season 4, what gave it away?
Yes I stopped watching game of thrones after season 4, what gave it away?
The glasses, means you're smart.
And that's what happens when you're a mouthbreather with a malocclusion ( overbite in this case ) and do nothing about it for long periods of time
If I looked like that I would just kill myself.
I stopped watching Game of Thrones after episode 4....
You look worse than that.
whats this meme about season 4 going around? the show hasn't been good since season 2 and even 2 was pretty shit
>the face of someone who stuck with it for four entire seasons.
Kek. Have sex.
Where my /droppedafterseason1/ chad's at?
>why yes, i am a /pol/ user shitposting on Yea Forums how did you know?
>why yes I've never seen an episode of game of thrones. How could you tell?
I stopped during the 1st season and I guarantee I'm better looking than you OP
>he didn't drop it after the opening credits
ugh.. Mein vaterland.... Greater Deutchgermamiums... Mein volkenmensch....
this is peak contrarian
meh, one trip to korea would solve all of his problems. dude can com back lookin like chris hemsworth.
t. bootyblasted uggo
Why would anyone stop watching after one of the best seasons
narrow shoulders
it looks like all of his chin went into his nose
that's when they stopped following the books.
I wasn't even aware of that, I just realized that the writing had suddenly turned to shit.
And what would anyone have expected?
that's usually what happens with jewish phenotypes
can someone post the webm of him walking with golem posture please
This fucker looks like that vulture from those Warner Bros cartoons
thank you
If you draw that guy well enough, they’ll let you into a correspondence art school.
>he saw one full season
Where my /droppedafter2episodes/ chads at?
If you draw that guy well enough, they'll call you a vile anti-Semite.
Damn. His ass is fat.