Wait, so we actually like this show now? I can't tell if we're just being ironic or what

Wait, so we actually like this show now? I can't tell if we're just being ironic or what.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The show was already stretching itself thin by Season 3 and I didn't bother watching after Season 4 was over

The only value it could ever provide me at this stage in the game was in being as horrible as possible for funny reactions all throughout the internet. And it delivered on that, so I'm happy.

We like it now. This was the best and only thing they could do to save this shitshow. Now everyone expects Jon and Tyrion to kill her this will be subverted again when she feeds them to Drogon

No it's just tasteless surface level Yea Forumsedditors pretending they agree with Yea Forums ideals. Check out where the scum starts crying about /pol/ when you point out how anti-white it actually was

I'm only enjoying the shitposting

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Its shit but its fun watching feminists and black people seething on twitter

Queen of the Ashes

Its still fucking garbage. But at least its pissing off normalfags so I guess that's entertaining.

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>Danny: Rise of Evil

Boy what a twist. Next she passes blood laws that dictate which Houses are allowed to breed.


We always liked it. It just demonstrated how awful it would be to have some stupid white whore in charge. A white man will be king in the end.

Sorry, mate, but I'm not gonna pretend trash is good just to troll the libcucks.

Like it? Oh hell no, it's fucking shit.

Is it absolutely hilarious to watch everyone screaming sexist and manchildren a mere two episodes ago completely fold in on themselves and roll with that? Oh hell yes. We can understand its a shit show but still laugh at it.

fuck off

No, we like the episode

The show is still shit.
We just make fun of danyfags genuinely confused by the inevtible moment when the mad cunt they fanboy finally ran out of even bigger cunts to murder and satisfy her god complex.

Yes now that reddit hates it we must love it and worship it.

Same thing happened with true detective

it's ironic
neckbeard-Yea Forums is only pretending to be on the train now that leftys hate it

>Not enjoying this disaster
Have fun too, user

Personally I still hate it but have enjoyed the honk honks.

isn't it painful to live with brain damage? how do you manage it?

Bad writting is unforgivable even if it makes SJW rant and cry.

fucking based

Yea Forums just wants to watch the world burn

does it hurt to have your dad's dick permanently stuck up your ass?

>n-no u
go back to eating shit lol

>Yea Forums is one person
No. "We" only hated Dany because of how insufferably malicious and idiotic she was and this is a culmination of her actions and attitudes throughout the series. Of course normie women and numales didn't see this coming because the show contexualized Dany's bloodthirst into righteous anger and self-confidence, but we understood these things in the context of actions that would make her unfit to rule, find compromise, and create solutions without killing people. It's satisfying to watch the normies bitch but apart from that, I would have liked Dany to be more similar to her book counterpart - portrayed as an emotionally immature young girl who barely has a handle on the big picture, who, hopefully through the guidance of Tyrion and the eventual meeting with the Westerosi MCs, would become a more stable and competent person.

I always foresaw an eventual Jon and Dany romance in the book with Dany accepting her death as a sacrifice ala the Nissa Nissa prophecy for Jon to become Azor Ahai and defeat The Others.

what is the point of everything after the big frightening smurf was defeated?
just girls doing the retard.

What are Yea Forums's ideals?

>What is a generalization

It was the same shit again, I don't know why you autists like it now
>everything in King's Landing is made out of powder because that is how fire works, by exploding everything it touches
This pissed me off the most but making the obliteration of a city boring is as bad.
>Globlina focus again, why the fuck is she even there? go home kid, you don't wanna be like me.... ok
How did they managed to make so much destruction so boring???

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It's not even a generalization, Yea Forums's collective opinion on Dany is more nuanced than "we hate her"

Seasons 1-4 were amazing. Season 5&6 was okay not good, but mostly bad made of lots of filler. Season 7&8 is atrocious of the lowest order. It's like they did everything in their power to deliberately ruin the show.

>Seasons 1-4 were amazing
Nah, it was already showing a lot of cracks by 3

Thank you.
This is the only acceptable "ep5 was good" take. If you try to defend the writing and action or pretty much anything else about the episode except the visual effects of Drogon fucking melting everybody (which was cool Tbh) - then you are the absolute embodiment of Reddit, even if you've never so much as glanced at that site.

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No we dont, just some contrarians who are more concerned with "sticking it to the libruls and feminazis" than actual quality television.

It showed already cracks because it was appealing for incels

Only because they cut a lot of content, but that was inevitable.

You should have lowered your expectations, user
>I posted it again! :DD

That's around the time the both ran out of detailed book material—and instead had the equivalent of [probably] 10 plot bullet points to try and hit, scribbled on a wet napkin and passed to them by GRRM—and they started taking deals (read:$$$) for spin-off productions and the Star Wars films, right?

So, greed and inability to handle the characters on their own had them just phone this in, since they felt they had the fanbase in the bag at that point, eating out of their hands. While they go get shitfaced drunk and play slap games with Momoa.

Disagree, there were multiple parts that DnD changed (worryingly) before season 4. Renly and Loras among them

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How did they change Renly and Loras?

Dr Branhattan being the king actual feels like trolling, so I love it
The sacking, Tyrion. It was beautiful.

it's a plebbit filter. I love GoT

When normies hate it can't be that bad


Go back to ribbit

It was never going to be good again. This at least is entertaining shitpost fuel.

>The sacking, Tyrion. It was beautiful.

Show is still shit but this episode was good except for how they ruined Jaime. Mad Dany was Kino and made my dick diamonds. Also cleganebowl.

In the books their relationship is a rumor, in the show they show it explicitly.
If anything they changed what happens to Loras after Remly is dead.

normies are mad at WHAT happened, not HOW it happened. anyone who isn't a pleb know that's the problem is in the execution and character development, not kelly c becoming the mad queen

What? It's given that Arya will kill Jon to take his face and get to Dany, who is now on her list.

If you like watching something because it's bad and genuinely enjoy the shittiness and shitposting that ensues, are you actually liking it? I'm genuinely curious. I don't know if I am a GoT fan or if I'm something else now.

I feel like a lot of normies and twitter dudes are complaining more about the execution than the fact it happened. This was definitely poorly set up and rushed.

You like it ironically

idk dude, I see a lot of posts about "the show ruining the best character in the series", and often being along with the "they just ruined daenerys to make jon the hero" which are both flawed arguments about how the show is bad

That's why I'm saying "lots of". There's morons too.

There was plenty of stupid things in this episode, like the scorpions being useless or Daenerys going for the castle last.
But it was the only enjoyable episode in the last two seasons.

I hope you're right and people are finally seeing what hacks DnD are

I liked last episode better since it had some good scenes with Varys and Tyrion, which made me dislike 5 even more since it ruined that

What about The Hound's closure? It was pretty welldone imo and the best part of this entire season. Hound was my favorite character and I was pleased with how he went out.. Even though the editing ruined the actual fight scene.

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yeah, that and Theon death were pretty good

>normies subverted, crying both on reddit and Yea Forums
>jaime redeemed
>cersei got a relatively happy ending
>mad queen commiting a terrorist act
>and many more
what more do we need? no more good guys vs bad guys and shitty jaime fan fiction with brienne either

>>jaime redeemed

I do. And I haven't been comfy since S4.

post yfw this season

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Not sure what you expected to come from that. Did you think that Varys would lead a coup?

This was the first episode in years that clearly was thought out by GRRM. Dany was always supposed to destroy the Capitol

can anyone source me where D&D said the only wanted seven seasons?

he's a contrarian grasping

No. The show is just like a horrible accident, don't want to look at it but can't look away either.

I don't like the show, I like that normies hate it now.

Jon will most probably kill Dany and then an hero so his mad genes would not be passed, thus ending the line of Targayrans

It was poorly done, it's like they had to kill Varys on the first 20min of the episode and just rushed a shit plot to get that out of the way

The only good parts of this entire episode were Jaime and The Hound's conclusions. The visuals were pretty great too, and the random influx of Gore like 2/3 in was fun/10

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How about you try making up your own mind, you fucking drone.

kill yourself

Made Loras a flaming faggot whose sexuality was the only aspect of his character instead of being a knight who happened to be gay like in the books

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I knew the show was already ruined by s5, I'm just laughing at daenerys fags

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How about you try thinking for yourself you peak collectivism NPC.

They were... Okay...

Theon materializing from nowhere kinda ruined that scene for me (I'm just one of those guys, also Inb4 but Euron is good at swimming!!1)

And the Cleganebowl, eh, Gregor has been dead for like five or six years IRL. AND they magically resurrected Sandor just so he could fight him. Also I didn't even really like the scene all that much, I thought it was too much shaky cam and quick cuts

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/our queen/

It was okay, but I still think he could have gotten better closure that made more thematic sense if he'd sacrificed himself to save Arya during the Long Night. They could've even driven it home with a death speech where he says some of the same stuff to her that he did in King's Landing last episode, about the ugliness of the hatred and revenge that drove him for so long, until he found something better. That should've been enough to make Arya reverse course on continuing her quest for vengeance.

The show is still bad because D&D lack writing talent. They did a fine job when most of the writing came from the books. Once they lost the books as reference and only had GRRM's brief notes the show went downhill in terms of dialogue, narrative, etc.

This episode was the best of the season, though. It still had some D&D stupid nonsense like a single dragon crushing through 100 scorpions, the Golden Company being pointless, etc.; but it's not nearly as bad as the other episodes. The first two were pointless fan service, the third episode was entertaining but the battle strategy made no sense and the deus ex machina was kind of weird, and the fourth was better than the first two but it was still bad.

>Euron is good at swimming!!1
You would think that somebody born on the iron islands and has sailed literally across the known world would be a fairly good swimmer

it was well edited
based hound got his best possible ending

Varys was supposed to be a master manipulator and announced his betrayal and murder plots out loud to two people who were still loyal to her, including her boyfriend. Why? What a shitty end to the character. He should have been more subtle or if he wanted to say shit out loud, stay with the Starks and say he'll be no part of Dany's attack.
Tyrion also has done one dumb thing after another. That alone is annoying. All his ideas are shit. The leaks say he's executed or almost executed not by Dany, but by the Starks. That makes no sense but I'm not sure I care.

Yeah, in that its "we hate her because she's a woman".

If she was a white dude shed be worshipped as much as Stannis.

The fight scene sucked with the editing and Shaky cam and The Mountain's hilarious paper-thin armor that The Hound somehow penetrated with a S W O R D. But the ending was beautiful imo, and I fucking shit myself when Gregor was squishy Sandor's eyeballs, I seriously thought he was going to explode his head like Oberyn's. The tension at the ending sequence was great imo. The editing almost ruined it though, switching back and forth from The Hound to Arya. Fuck Arya.

>Wait, so we actually like this show now? I can't tell if we're just being ironic or what.
Yes, we legitimately like the show now. And yes, a large part of it is that this last episode was a based revenge for all the feminist pandering.

I like her now that she's the least terrible character in the show and also the one that wants to kill everyone else. Burn them all, Dany.

This fixes it actually. Just watched this. Really not a bad fight scene at all. The ending is fantastic. I didn't even really catch on the first time that The Hound fell into a pit of flames, which makes it a lot more dark. At least he would've died instantly from the fall and not suffered being burned alive again. The pit of fire was a nice addition. 9/10 imo but I'm a Houndfag


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>Those kingsguard getting cut down like they're peasants
Aren't they supposed to be some of the best swordsmen? Could have had an interesting, longer fight scene where hound fights them 3 on 1.

All the actual good swordsmen died a long time ago.

It's been languishing from a lack of things happening and zero character development for two seasons. Danaerys should have went apeshit years ago.


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Meh, gotta give some leeway. Would've taken too much time of the episode, and let's be honest, the fight choreographers in Game of Thrones are trashtier. At least he slashed their throats where they were unarmored though, so it had some degree of (((realism))) to it. Also The Hound is probably one of the best living swordsmen at this point, the rest have all died, been injured, or left King's Landing. Your complaint is valid though for sure


Yep. Dany should've went apeshit and burned King's Landing last season and died. Cersei should've survived and been the major battle of episode 3, and the Night King should've been the final boss. Too bad the Dumb and Dumber just throw shit at a dart board every year and don't plan anything ahead.

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if only that shit platform had 'yikes' alongside 'likes'


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I get Dany being mad but why were the northmen killing civilians?

Suvvern pooftahs

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ebil whyte men

adrenaline? who the fuck knows how these hacks will explain it

Basically I like it because it's buttblasting the normies after they loved episode 3.

It was the best got episode ever

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Red Wedding, Ned Stark's death

Because the city was being sacked

I'm here for the memes, sir

Pretty much this. I really only like it because subhumans who loved episode 3 hated it.

Madness spreads like a fire.

I don't know, last episode was unironically great but I feel they'll fuck it all up

SJWs really are cringe.

We already know what is going to happen because they leaks were real

Fucking right? I get them killing the unarmed soldiers because they probably figured it was a command, but it made zero fucking sense for them to be raping and killing OBVIOUS civilians who were running for their lives. But fuck consistent writing. Ronald McDonald is going to end up on the fucking throne at this point and kill more people from diabetes than the Night King did because SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS.

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I'm convinced they had Arya kill the Night King because they knew how mad people would be after these episodes. Nobody even acknowledges the fact that she did it as if it was written in at the last moment.

This can't possibly be real

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It's still bad but not half as bad as it could have been.

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It happens in history all the time, there are no good guys you fag

>a decade of my life was ruined
>didn't do anything for 10 years other than watch game of thrones

Pretty accurate for this board desu

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It's like the heat of battle when the unsullied started attacking they kind of just went in as well, then the lannisters picked up their swords again obviously and they had to keep fighting


>I get Dany being mad but why were the northmen killing civilians?
Because they are not good guys. And they fucking hate the lannisters and are getting revenge.

>It happens in history all the time, there are no good guys you fag
Absolutely based and true.

And this is literally what Game of Thrones is all about.

Based D&D

My fucking sides

No it's complete shit since the later half of season 7. What's funny is that normalfags need their favorite character to get the Stannis treatment times 100 to figure that out. Before that they insulted you online claiming you were a killjoy or a sexist.

>the absolute state of reddit


>and are getting revenge.
Probably the biggest joke

Fuck off.

It's a typical case of outrage marketing, the right blend to drum up conversation about the show (even negative coverage is still coverage) and it has the added benefit of making people who hated the show before happy and start paying attention themselves


this opinion is the equivalent of taking a turd, digging through it and getting shit all over your finger and under your fingernails, only to find one grain of corn and then putting it in you mouth

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fuck off shill

Not really. The show has never been about action for me. The fight scenes have always been garbage besides a few. I was happy with how it was written and concluded. Looks like I found the GOBOOMfag

Dammit, D&D, all you had to do was letting her die of dysentery in the desert while failing to make a straw hat instead of going all genocidal and destroy the one thing she always wanted to regain.

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They made them gay which was BS. Renly was miscast from the beginning too. Book Renly was a small skinny faggot.

>I was happy with how it was written and concluded
Are you stupid?

Explain to me how a handful of scorpions kill a dragon in one episode, and a bunch more of them are completely ineffectual in the next. It's lazy writing, pure garbage, Saturday morning cartoon logic.

I thought that, but I remembered how IN THE BOOKS most of the kingsguard were garbage by this point


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The seethe never ends

what's not to love?

7 seasons of being cucked

You dumb

people aren't allowed to have opinions. What with retards screaming at other retards for sharing their thoughts. Common debate turns into shit slinging upboat baiting

I'm just here for the boarposting.

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