Literally the best film ever made. Name ONE (1) non-Kubrick film that is superior. Replies with no proposals will be ignored.
Literally the best film ever made. Name ONE (1) non-Kubrick film that is superior...
A Serious Man
Any film that is superior? Ok then, Back To The Future. Not even necessary to specify which part.
A GoT thread died for this
Problem Child 2
And that's a good thing.
>sci-fi cars, fashion, lingo and architecture
>All the dates are normal, 1970
What did he mean by this
The Scary Movie series BTFO this UK rubbish 6 gorillion %
A 2 hour long footage of my farting ass is betfer than that movie.
you must have one beautiful ass
or multiple
You should call Adam Sandler, he might have a job for you.
What do you mean by this?
style-over-substance movie
Not even the best Kubrick film.
Barry Lyndon is far superior.
Apparently you can't read.
>Literally the best film ever made
Maybe if you're 13
Quite the opposite. This is perhaps one of the few films that is both style AND substance.
cutting the epilogue of the book ruins the entire film
Barry Lyndon sucks
>inb4 le meme painterly blocking screenshot
ACW takes place after the soviet union captured great britain in an alternate time line during the cold war
The Godfather
The Shining
I've seen European art-house films from the major directors, tons of Japanese cinema, films from the Middle East, hundreds of Latin American films, and still nothing comes close. I'm sure this might sound like a juvenile choice but I'm being completely honest. No film comes close. Kubrick not only got it right, but also set the bar impossibly high for the upcoming directors.
Lethal Weapon 2
Will you marry me?
It makes it better IMO. Cutting in pure sickening ecstacy, as opposed to a soap-opera tier ending.
The Dollar trilogy. The three movies mashed into one film.
The only people who can't appreciate it are memeing zoomers who can't understand the value of juxtaposition because of how overused it is today.
The point of the epilogue is that Alex grows up, he completely naturally moves on from his desire for ultra violence. He gets bored.
And I think this is far more scary than Alex returning to where he was at the start of the film, because it says something about the society presented in the book, and by extension our society. Alex isn't the only one, what happened to Alex is common. It is a step on the road to becoming a proper citizen. The book was published in 1962. I am somewhat confident that this is a reference to the youth culture of the 1950s, although I cannot offer a more detailed reading.
But even so, youths doing questionable things only to grow up into upstanding adults is a patter we have seen many times after that, most notably in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
I'm reading through the book at the moment and it feels like a solid piece of literature. Kubrick captured the essence of it quite well with the film. One can draw quite a few parallels with Alex and his droogs and the youth of the modern era.
>tranny time traveler creates the most kino electronic soundtrack of all time in 1971