probably time to start apologizing isn't it?
Probably time to start apologizing isn't it?
why? the show is still shit
They were based. I'm sorry D&D.
It is. I'm waiting for my apology.
You are stupid; they have post-episode documentary with those donkeys talking about their "story" and it's clear the outline Martin told was never understood by them.
They had the audacity to say danereys didn't turn into mad queen. What a load of bollocks. He was clearly mad. If she wanted to burn Cersey she could have done it after capture. Killing babies was not justified.
I'm glad they ruined your shitty normie show. For 9 years they baited the normie and now destroyed their world irreversibly
>t. roastie
They were based.
No. Clegane fight could have been an epic sword duel through a burning castle that this series was destined to climax with. Two men swords clanging down the stairs with a dragon roasting the castle in the background. Moves Into thé throne room with the symbols of power and relics burning and the roof melting and the iron throne sitting at the top. Follows down into the tunnels where one of the two triumphs in a phyrrhic victory only to be crushed by the weight of the bigger conflict crashing down around it summarizing the whole series in one scene. All this with a fast moving version of the Rholr thème going on.
Instead it was a claustrophic shaky cam torture scene. Jews by nature love disturbing violence and sexuality. They shouldn’t be anywhere near a creative writing post because this sort of
>probably time to start apologizing isn't it?
Based D&D. I will apologize if the next episode is as based.
Yes, and when do they apologize?
>climate change alarmists BTFO
>feminists BTFO
>roasties and soiboys everywhere on suicide watch
>forgiving the last seven years because they finally ruined it for normalfags, too
Someone's gonna have to explain this meme to me. Inb4 someone calls me a Danyfag even though I've been Stanning for Stannis for most of a decade
but you are a normalfag, normalfag
they literally gave the audience what they wanted, a break le internet moment the biggest one yet
based D&D subverted expectations like champs, Rian Johnson could learn a tihng or two from them
Based. Sorry lads :(
>Someone's gonna have to explain this meme to me. Inb4 someone calls me a Danyfag even though I've been Stanning for Stannis for most of a decade
Seasons 1-4 were great and Seasons 5-6 were ok.
Only Seasons 7 and first parts of 8 were truly aweful. But normies fucking loved Season 7's simplistic Good Guy Squad. They actually wanted the show to go that way! To become another boring simplistic show.
You are stupid. Those moronic wannabies don't even understand what G RR Martin is telling them to do
They have a so called documentary at the end of each episode and they had to audacity to pretend that Daenerys didn't become "Mad Queen"-esque at the end but it was all logical because of her hardships.
What a load of bollocks. If she wanted to burn Cersei alive she could have done it after capture withing killing babies on the spot. It's not even possible to claim she didn't notice since she was ON THE FUCKING DRAGON KILLING BABIES HERSELF.
So fuck off wannabies, it's proven you don't even understand the outline G RR Martin gave you to ruin, hacks.
I like the creative decisions made in this episode and it was by far the best of the season, but it still doesn't mean the writing isn't shit.
iam sorry D&D.
You purposely made the show shit to underline that Fanboys will cheer for everything .
Then you made Dany massacred 100 of Lannisters and Sams entire Family
They still cheered
Then you made Danys commit genozide and force SJW Fanbys to watch Danys soldiers commit rape live on screen
BASED and subverted Pilled
I'm enjoying the triggered onions elementals on social media but the tv show is still garbage and i made a good decision dropping it back in early s5
They are still inbred pedokikes. This is what happens when kikes get too much wealth and power: the job you hired them for becomes more and more neglected and they increasingly live in their own neurotic heads and their delusions of grandeur increase as well. When the goyim take care of their most base needs the inbred pedokike will daydream all day long about the next 8 day they are going to group molest and possibly kill.
Also based statement that forgein invaders rape
>tfw support dany
>hate sylvanas
it's tough being a wow player and got fan
I agree. I really really want an apology from them.
it's ok he won in our hearts.