Reddit vs. Yea Forums
Reddit vs. Yea Forums
we the jews or the whites?
Thé joke was actually Elaine found the Goy version of her friends
Truth desu. It’s kinda like how Japanese and Koreans hate each other.
We're the jews.
>subculture that regularly seeks the subversion of pop culture
Are we the baddies?
reddit has all the cool sports streams. Am conflict.
Yes, actually. The world would be a better place if everyone who ever posted here suddenly dropped dead.
Old-school "FAR-LEFT" Yea Forums vs. post-GamerGate butthurt mutt virgin's Yea Forums
Hello Newman
i dont know
Ironically we're probably way closer to the jews
>Old-school "FAR-LEFT" Yea Forums
didnt exist lol
was just vaguely libertarian
>Michael Richards
Stop laughing, it's not funny
>didnt exist lol
Are you fucking retarded or something?
Did I fucking imply that ir did?
Well, someone someone by the name Bill fucking O'Reilley, however, he certainly did
ain't no such thing
reddit vs Yea Forums
>Well, someone someone by the name Bill fucking O'Reilley, however, he certainly did
yeah because hes a retard that thinks that anything other than neo-conservatism is left-wing
>ain't no such thing
ok well Ron Paul type ideology, however you want to describe it, was pretty popular here- pro-free speech, anti-Iraq War, anti-big govt, etc
We were always the Jews all along
The sad truth.
>Well, someone someone by the name Bill fucking O'Reilley, however, he certainly did
that's a shoop you gullible faggot
Always saw that as "YTMND vs Yea Forums".
One of my favorite posts on this site was someone comparing the two:
> YTMND is dumb people trying to act smart
> Yea Forums is smart people trying to acting dumb
Funny how this repeated with Reddit. At one point, a something awful person prolly commented the same about the little brothers that split off to 2005 Yea Forums.
Reddit and Yea Forums are metaphysical forces that transcend time
Yea Forums is really not that full of smart people. Neither is Reddit. Most of us- no matter the website- are not really that smart. That's just the way the population is.
The average human has only an IQ of 100 so they're all fucking retarded by and large so it depends on your standard
I always feel that Yea Forums has somewhat of a sense of self-awareness that reddit lacks.
Reddit is fine if you're using it to pirate shit or get fixes on software. If you actually use Reddit to argue and banter with people you're cancer.