What did she mean by this?
/got/ - general
Post Varys!
Dany should have just told Jon she was pregnant, then he’d have to marry her because he never wanted to have a bastard child
It's top tier song.
>Dumb & Dumber showing that war is not all glory and fun just because "the good guys" do it
>normalfags absolutely hate it
>cirticise Tolkien
>ending up copying him
Daenerys isn't THAT evil.
She isn't one of those golddiggers.
Guys I just miss Hodor
and in the end, compared to dany, he did literally nothing wrong
>the show is the books
Umm okay sweaty
Well she’s not looking for gold, she’s probably richer than Jon is. She just wants his love and his semen
Danny is so fucking dead next episode. Arya is going to kill her.
>green eyes
Green eyes also means greed and jealousy.
Screencap this.
Why doesn't Dany like bells?
>he thinks book Daynarys not gonna full madQueen when she finally makes into Westeros
“Villains” that killed fewer people than Dany?
Can I get some Dany "Bomber Harris" Targaryen memes.
This, but unironically.
There are explosions of wildfire throughout the city.
>When you realize he would have been a better king
He never denied being a Tolkien ripoff.
He said he's(obviously) honoured when he's likened/compared to Tolkien
What is she going to do with his semen? She is barren.
And Dany isn't rich. She spent it all on an army. Her money is all in assets like her dragons
All fantasy is a Tolkien rip off faggot.
Marginally better than ep 3. And I thought it was gonna be a stairway to hell since that episode
The fuck did Qyburn do this nigga?
> mfw the first Wildfire explosion I thought Cersei secretly was going to tank the entire capital like Aerys II
He did literally nothing wrong
where's me fookin reach and seat on the council
He started all, if it wasn't for him none of this would have happened.
AHEM _____
>*kills you*
Fuck peasants
Fuck Kingslanding
Fuck women and children
FUCK Lannisters
FUCK civies
and FUCK bells
she looked fine last episode why does she look so fucked up now
also when did she go to dragonstone?
>Some slave girl servant of yours is killed
>Initiate Holocaust 2.0
Does anyone have the leak pic with the check marks
Would you be willing to post it?
The leak is already out and proven correct by the last two episodes. Jon kills her, then surrenders and takes the Black again at the Night Watch.
Hodor Hodor Hodor
Hold the door Hodor
Hodor Hodor
He will return next episode
>my feet hurt
>everybody is laughing and having fun
>jon didn't get me a starbucks
>i wish i was slaughtering innocents right now
there's still one episode...
Gotta take a big fat Danaerys lads.
why would you miss one of the few characters who got a perfect ending?
Where is the Ashara Ned fanfic POST IT ALREADY
Fuck Dothraki
Fuck Kingslanders
Fuck Jannies
>then surrenders and takes the Black again at the Night Watch.
There is no watch anymore, the wall is destroyed and there are no white walkers left.
Why didn't Dany just burn the iron fleet last episode
This guy can canon teleport so why didn't he just avoid the dragon fire
>didn't scream when he was burned to death
He must have balls of ste... ohhhhhh...
Amazing how little has fucking changed. Always the worst part of GoT, killed the series like a fucking tumor.
What was the point of Euron and Jaime fighting if Jaime was just going to get crushed by rocks
>she looked fine last episode why does she look so fucked up now
To kill off Euron
I miss him bros...
Couldn't they just said he had died on his boat and save the scene
That would of been shit.
>Varys has spent 3 decades playing the game of thrones
>suddenly decides to very obviously play his hand to get killed
im d man who killed jaime lannistah
/r/ing some punished Dany edits
The more she burned the crazier she grew, but the crazier she got the more innocents were turning into ash
Are you implying the actual scene wasn't shit and a waste of everyones time
Even Hitler was less evil than Danny.
Is having non-incestuous children the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having kids that don't marry each other. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing these kids for at least 18 years solely so they can go and get ravaged by another house. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little, white-haired and purple-eyed boys and girls- reading them stories of Aegon and his sisters at bedtime, making them go to jousting practice, making sure they had a healthy diet, educating them, playing with them. All of it has one simple result: their bodies are more enjoyable for the men and women of other, inferior houses that will eventually rise up and overthrow us.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're smart, the brother who grew up with her and cherished her and loved her since they were but babes. They can get married, and your genes are secured as your kids are a mere extension of yourself, and their kids will be wholely and solely a part of your house and not half bumfuck shitskins from Dorne. Your son gets to fuck your daughter's tight pussy every night. Your son gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her, and she gets a strong man who you know won't ever let her down.
As a man who has a son and daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise them for another house to use and abuse in their climb to power instead of marrying them to each other and making your own house stronger. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
Who is in charge of most of the terrible decisions? DB or DW?
They said she hasn't been eating
>"Please give me cock"
Feeling very conflicted about this episode.
I kind of liked it yet in the background I know so much doesn't make sense.
Probably shows how well the director did
Where were you, exactly, when GOT was saved as a series?
>If only there were elephants...
So why did she do it?
Because it looked kino
>tfw you always loved Cersei
The crazy Targ curse
>burn them all
Somewhat comforting to know that even the cast hate everything.
It would have made more sense if Cersei had a large group of soldiers dressed as civilians and hiding a ballista. then after ringing the bells and surrendering Dany lets her guard down and they shoot and land a non fatal blow on Drogon with the ballista. Then have her go full scorched earth
It's like Mark Hamill's pre-TLJ interviews, but on a grander scale.
brettygood but those niggers were getting outplayed by HBO culling the streams so i had to wait for a torrent
Burn them all.
Anyone got the shop of Dany as Hitler
Yup. Or at least have some reason previously to make Dany triggered by bells.
WHY is no one posting that cute woman with the short hair who kept showing up throughout the episode and got cut down by the Dothraki shits?
She was really cute. Cutest woman in the episode by far, perhaps the cutest in the entire show.
If someone has screenshots of her or something pls post
Because she wasn't satisfied with just a surrender anymore.
Complaints against this episode are pretty weak
fuck off the bitch has always been evil
who's got the webms of Cersei crying with Jaime
Rewatching first few season was so good, everyone and everything feels so authentic as opposed to be completely forced and superficial in the last.
I looked for you in the catalogue
Jon refused to have sex with her so she went full incel and she shot up king's landing
Agreed. This whole season has been 10/10. Only incels hate it.
Guess the character
reminder that its the man's fault
She looked like a dyke gym teacher. Get some taste man
Wrong Universe, the Talmud hasn't been dramatised yet.
Sleep deprivation.
There is a scene where you can literally see green fire lol, surprised nobody has pointed this out yet. What do you think Varys was doing with the little girl at the beginning of the episode?
>Talmud hasn't been dramatised yet.
You're living it user, we all are...
she looked like fucking yanderedev
>dany friendzones Jorah for years
>dany gets friendzoned by Jon Snu and goes full femcel mode
top kek roasties BTFO
i think that she looks the hottest she has ever in that scene
This meant to be funny?
>plots against the Dragon Queen.
>in her own castle surrounded by her barbarian hordes
looks more like she has a black eye
>Lets make it so Iron Throne gets obliterated
I never said she wasn't evil retard but there needed to be a better transition to killing innocent civilians. She never killed civilians before so it was a city too drastic of a change. I'm all for the mad queen and it's been building up to it since she burned the witch in the first season
Because "Fire and Blood" and all that Targ shit
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to Kingslanding tomorrow.
>Jon gets killed and then revived
>sees "nothing " in the afterlife
>is about to leave the Northern cause forever
>Sansa arrives and makes him retake Winterfell
She ruined everything, because of her the NK had a dragon to cross the wall with, and Dany wasted time and mental health on retarded causes that led nowhere instead of sacking KL immediately.
read the books, you'll know
wtf bros ?! how could Daenerys do something so horrible ? This is completely out of character for her and wasn't foreshadowed at all
Is Qyburn officially the new /ourguy/ and the most tragic death of GoT?
> Served simply and faithfully to the woman who he owed his life and high station to.
> Performed experimental surgery, completely outcasted by the Maesters for even learning. >Created a superweapon for the lady he admires instead of his own gains
> Risked his life as an envoy of her wishes, stood in the middle of the enemy with no support to convince the traitors to lay down their arms
> The last member of her reign to stay loyal, her mercenaries, her household guard and even her personal knight died or betrayed her before he did.
> Even when surrounded by attackers, only concerned for her safety.
Qyburn was the most honourable man in Westeros, not even the "loyal" Starks could even come a mile near his unshakable love and care.
Your mom is black.
I was on amphetamine the other day and didnt sleep for 3 days. I looked lke a god damn zombie. If a doctor saw me he'd call the ambulance and call Liver failure on me. I got to bed and next morning I looked fine again
Jon's face when he says "disappointing"
None of it would have happened, if Ned manned up and raised the North for Jon instead of dying and letting Robb ruin everything. If Jon would have been king, Littlefinger could have plotted to marry him to Daenerys and everything would have been FINE!! BUT NOOOO, THE DAMN MEN HAD TO RUIN IT
I bet you watch GoT reaction videos on Youtube and root for all the wrong characters for all the wrong reasons, you plebeians. Never reply to me again.
Aside from the shit writing, this is literally the best turn of events
*unzips dick*
Dany is hotter than Sansa don't feel the need to @ me sansafags
lol, okay maestercel
Those were the days huh
Holy fucking shit they all hate it
Do you think Sandor would get some of that Arya cunny if he survived?
This was a good episode. Starting to think all the YouTube angry ranting reviews are just jumping on the contrarian bandwagon.
This season has been shit btw, but this episode was decent
Quite honestly, probably the best (and only good) episode of the season.
Nah, he was like a dad to her.
Daily reminder that if Ellaria and Septa Unella weren't dead before...They are now.
If Cat aborted Bran, he would have never blurted out Jon's parentage and Jon would have gotten one of the other direwolves, not ghost. Ghost would have been overseen. Thus Jon had a different pet that would not have saved Sam multiple times, never established a friendship with Sam and no one would have learned of Jon's slag mum.
>H A P P Y E N D
Sansa was super hot back in the day.
Something must have gone wrong somewhere.
For next weeks episode, everyone needs to flood the thread with all their best /got/ memes, old and new alike so people have a chance to save the good ones they might have missed before the show ends.
>underground caches of wildfire stored for years explode when the city gets burned
woah, no way
Why is the whale on the left always on the verge of tears?
Cuz I escaped all the rubble on a horse with no name
It felt good to get out of the reign
Guys, I just want to tell you that these years have been amazing, and that I'm proud I spent my time with you, seeing this boat sink has been beautiful
>Jaime(female): 73
>Theon(female): 7
okay reddit
In the books Daenerys was told to beware the pale mare. While it was accepted the pale mare was a disease Quaithe did refer to the pale mare as a her. Also the entire episode the little girl Arya was protecting was holding a white horse with blood covered legs, near identical to the horse that showed up at the end of the episode.
Arya kills the dragon bitch while pregnant with Bobby B's grandson growing inside of her.
>mommy, why did you name me after that genocidal maniac from a fictional show?
Mommy, Daddy, why am I named after a murdering goblin, and why isn't it spelt correctly?
> thinking Arya didn't at least give Sandor a thank you hand-tuggy on the road South
Oh, Summer Child.
is this teh only jaime scene they actually properly adapted in the show?
Im just going to get my shit opinions out of the way but Arya was the best part of this episode
A bit much eh?
Rnely (female) ?????
please I need the karma
God Emilia is such an autist. She'd be browsing Yea Forums with us if she wasn't as gorgeous as she is.
Jon killed one of his own men
>yfw if only jon had given his aunt a good eating out like he did to ygritte, king's landing wouldn't be a smoking pile of rubble
this is a joke right
More like not enough
Would you fugg? Be honest.
All the small council from S1 finally dead
What good is power if you just die
>Theon (female)
he did in Battle of the Bastards
why would baeliSHSH plot to marry him to Dany?
>imagine being named after a funny whore
how the fuck do they know the Jons are named after Jon?
Lady. Jesus Christ
>good luck in school, son.
>Wildfire going off
>it never gets mentioned or talked about
I think my favorite leak was the one where Cersei blew up King's Landing with wildfire and made it look like Dany did with her dragon(s) so everyone betrays her.
he wasn't related to yggrite, though
With her first royal decree she will outlaw all bells and hang all bellmakers across the seven kingdoms
>try to make /got/ general
>doesn't know there are already 70 got threads
>5 of those threads are /got/ general
>the coward makes a /got/ thread anyways
>he is the bad poster and deserves death
I just want you to grow to be great person, William Tecumseh Daenerys
Im going to name my future son stannis
Yeah when history looks back on it, the reign of house Baratheon will be considered the good old day. Heck, even life under Cersei was fairly peaceful right up until YASS QUEEN showed up.
When Jamie was walking towards Cersei I can't be the only one who thought Arya was gonna just NK her the exact same way?
Choose your ending before I piss myself
It's her turn sweetie, this isn't HIStory anymore.
Brienne got one good dick and she became a blubbering needy girl
Dany needed dick
This just as sweet as people doing Cerberus tattoos after Mass effect 2 and then the Cerberus becomes well actually it always was evil and indoctrinated.
Alright lads
Burlington is doing some shit
of the next video and there's a live chat to spoil danyfags
Guys I am getting addicted to reaction videos just to see the pain
What form of suicide would you recommend?
>he hasn't read the books or knows anything about Littlefinger's role in Robert's Rebellion
but she got dick
>Hot pie is Azor
NK, but unironically and in real life.
>it's okay to blame Jon for not banging Dany for her actions
>it's noy okay to blame roasties for not banging Elliot Rodger for his action
double standard much?
Arya, Gregor, Jon, Jaime, those are real names. Arya is of Sanskrit origin, Gregor is common in different languages, Jon is English and Basque, while Jaime is the Spanish form of James.
I'm actually thinking Gendry. There was no reason to spend so much time on legitimising him otherwise in E4.
Have they not played Mass Effect 1?
Kek, based
>I think Cleganebowl was the only good thing about that episode.
fucking youtubers can suck my dick
Lol retard, Ramseys bitch is the hottest girl on the show and that dyke you like looks like a man
Good episode. Not many complaints
Might be the only Jaime scene they adapted period. Seriously, thinking back on it almost every major Jaime scene is D&D material. There's this and pushing Bran out of the window, that might be it
Jamies ending was shit
Hounds ending was shit
bar Oberyn and Ned, all the good characters got shit endings
Stick with the Pod
have sex
you want a good poster but what you really need is a bad poosi
>parsnip rick
She's much hotter now, you're just a pedo.
Fucking faggot we can shit up this board as much as we want--jannies aren't going to do shit about it. Fuck yourself.
Why couldn't she have looked like this during the bells. Would've been so much more bellievable. She looked slightly stressed at best.
Post scenes that could have easily been adapted but these hacks didnt do.
It showed dany was trying to nurture alliences, hearts and minds and all that.
Why would the public suddenly care that Jon is the rightful heir after a Targeryan just burned the entire city to the ground?
Teaching the Baratheon scum how to bend a knee
>"Blow your load all over my face or I will burn an entire city and 1 million people alive"
Realistically, what would YOU have done in this situation ?
now that the snow has settled: was he based?
They haven't been paying attention
Blow my load on her face while killing a million people.
>those are real names. Arya is of Sanskrit origin
> thinking thousands of Americans are giving their kids Sanskrit names
Because she wants to rule. Her ego will demand no less than complete power. She's not loved and she's not respected so all she has is fear. Without it there would always be someone ready to dispute her rule.
The worst part was they kept playing the NK theme song, even Jamie and Cersei didn't get Rains of Castamere till the credits.
>if his father wasn't born, none of this would have happened
this game can be played indefinitely
Wait, why was Jaime captured and held hostage anyway?
Jaime came up north and fought with them and they accepted him into their ranks.
For all they know Jaime was just travelling back south like the rest of the army
Wojack Dany please
Not my city so...
I would burn 1 million people alive one by one by my own hands, solely using matches just to have her slap my dick once.
should not of waken the dragon dany!
>dany chained up her own dragons after thinking they MAYBE ate one kid
>hurr she was always mad queen
Fuck off.
They won't which is why Bran becomes king
This is how I see it:
> all her friends are dead
> has no connections in 7 kingdoms
> constantly betrayed
When bells rang, the war was over and throne could go to her or Jon. But it didn't matter anymore, either way it was not what she dreamed and fought for, so she decided to burn it all to the ground.
Has this been edited to make it brighter?
I wonder if getting caught was part of his plan.
Perhaps. And sure you could say it was just reward and tying up his character arc, but if the next episode serves as a kind of Epilogue why not just wait until then? Seems a bit weird to just bundle him off at the beginning of E4 and never mention him again.
He'd made a deal to stay as a 'guest' at Winterfell until Dany finished her BBQ.
Why would a tree become king?
*Bells ring, signifying she already took what's hers and won*
*burns the prize she just took*
She should have went for the head, I mean the red keep first.
How many of her own men must she have killed?
It can, just like the game of thrones. But if he hadn't made Dany marry Drogo none of this would of happened.
you're using genepool of others to make your family stronger for the future, idiot.
I feel like the biggest mistake they made was to not have Harry Lloyd come back as Viserys in a fever dream, akin to the last chapter in book 5. It would have been a good opportunity to explain to the audience what her motivation was.
there's fear and then there's burning a city full of civilians
she could have just executed the kings guard after they surrendered
it's ridiculous that she would destroy what she wants to rule
Do you even watch the show? He never becomes a tree in the show, he uses a wheelchair to get around
So Dany won from the start if one dragon did all this rape alone.
It's a tough call to make in the heat of the moment, can't blame Jon for getting it wrong.
you are a gigantic brainlet if you don't realize she was always prone to things like this
Based as fuck
Danny gives him the Westerlands because Jaime and Tyrion are goners.
>leftist advisors thinking they can integrate her into western society for her to contribute to overall goodness of society
lol no, burn them all, infidels.
Stop being a fucking roastie hypocrite and maybe men would treat you as equals.
Of course she was always going to be mad queen
but it should've been gradual
You are the biggest brainlet if you think it should just be a binary snap
Tyrian won't die
I kind of wish Dany could have got close enough to see Cersei
All men must serve
All men must die
Burner Dany
Feuer Frei!
There are 3 million Indians living in USA.
they're actors, how is it possible that they're so shitty at lying?
I know the true ending
Bran wakes from a coma after falling from his climb in S1. It was all a dream.
Screencap this.
haha classic
>if Drogo married peacefully some Dothraki whore long before looking for foreign whore to marry, none of this would have happened
ok let's continue
it was gradual you fool
she was burning dissenters and executing people with her dragons already, this is just the final step
I like that Jaime didn't fulfil his redemption arc and how he was more bound to Cersei than he thought. It's kind if tragic
Didn't any of the actors say "Hey, there's a fucking Starbucks cup on the table"? How the fuck did this happen
>it was gradual
It really wasn't.
It wasn't one innocent person
Her first innocent person was an entire city after it surrendered.
how is going from death penalty, which is standard in the setting, to genocide of thousands of innocent civilians for no reason gradual? she hasnt massacred innocents before and only did the "good guy" thing almost every time.
what was the point of this show?
anyone who isnt a complete retard knew from the moment she began gathering an army, that she will win the war for the throne and go mad
not one actor, not the camera team, not the director, not any of the people watching the scene, not any of the editors or cgi team working on the scene in post.
after all she's been through, a fucking n i g g e r slave getting her head chopped is what triggers her? really DD?
Fuck she was hot in the early seasons. They all were.
she was so fucking hot in season 1
to show who the iron throne really belongs to
>it was gradual you fool
It slowly went from 0 to maybe 4.5 over the whole series, then jumped to 100 in one episode.
to sell pop figures
user, no matter what you say the fact is if she hadn't started on that path none of this would of happened. This is an objective fact.
gay or a woman, which one are you?
She needed more feet scenes desu
Littlefinger hired a faceless assassin that died in his place
To redpill normies that women will always bring ruin.
that's how emotions work, it was clear throughout the show that she was at least willing to burn down innocents if it came down to it, and over the past few weeks (in show) she:
lost her only friends
lost her lover
is super paranoid
believes no one likes her
thinks Jon will steal the throne- basically the only thing she's lived for up until now
all those factors led to a breaking point. I get that genocide is a big jump, but not really considering the fact that she has a dragon and genocide is basically a snap of her fingers
She looks practically the same, the only difference is the hairdo and makeup. Incel retard.
She saw that the people were flocking to Cersei for protection and got furious that they think of her as a monster.
If she cant rule by love then she would rule with fear
>Something must have gone wrong somewhere.
British woman
>that's how emotions work
yeah, anyone is capable of doing something horrible in the wrong cricumstances
>if it came down to it
see that's the difference
they had surrendered
if they had written her to burn the surrendered kings guard or something then that might have been alright
I guess I'm a level 3
>everything that happened was 100% her fault and she was always in control of her circumstances and environment, let alone people around her
when are you going to admit you're just coping?
idc, i'm outta this thread
so you're blind then, i see
that's why you can't see a difference between pic related and
season 2 was sansakino
He was probably referring to his mental state.
How many people did /ourgirl/ and the castrati wakandans kill? Has to be over 100k right?
Sigh.. It never ends does it?
now thats a fine ass 2004 internet era image
Level 7 would have been godtier. Medieval zombie series.
There 1 million in Kingslanding.
actually millions
You're supposed to have tiers above those listed in said tier, for fuck's sake.
6 million obviously