>reports his child missing
>neighbor catches him on camera taking a garbage bag and bleach to his car the day she disappeared
>police searches his car and finds evidence of decomposing remains
>they then search his home and find blood on the bathroom floor matching the child
Reports his child missing
Who cares? White people are worse
this, fuck white people
Women are so fucking retarded for thinking that raising their kids with another man makes any sense whatsoever.
But literally societal propaganda led people to believe that this was the fucking ideal. So many tens of millions of lives intentionally wrecked.
Nobody mentioned his race, OP could have been talking about family annihilator retards. Like mr I-put-my-kids-in-an-oil-drum.
shut up, wh*teoid
>Women would rather have sex with assholes than nice guys like me
Why is this world so cruel?
dont use that word again
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation
Reminder that replacement father syndrome is a real mental condition and is characterized by non-biological father's attempting to destroy the previous man's spawn before creating his own.
Probably fucked his daughter than killed her. It's what browns do. Either that or they sex traffic them on "model" sites
fuck wh*te people
>Despite only making up 13%
You fucking black bastard.
Dilate you obvious tranny
Funnily enough these kinda murders are most often done with mother's consent
>Black man's body count: 1
>White man's body count: 3
No wonder whites have a smaller violent crime rate, they kill people in sprees instead of one at a time.
He also got caught on a neighbor's camera taking garbage bags (of his dead family) to his truck.
But but she did it though and he just got mad. She's the real villain.
People saying this is about race when really it’s about how bad women are at choosing mates
Statistically speaking blacks make up more mass shootings. Drive bys over scuffed kicks are much more common than school shootings.
In third world Africa spearchuckers rape virgins because they believe it will cure their AIDS.
Can we take a step back and analyze how institutional racism is really resonposible for this girls death and the forced murder by the poor father? We know that slavery is genetically encoded so the man obviously suffered severe ptsd due to white crimes. Did this man have a job? Was this man ever harassed by police? Was the neighbor recording him white? Honestly too many questions need answered and if they can't be answered this man himself is a victim and must be freed from jail (modern white institutional slavery)
I know this is satire but this is what liberals actually believe
>one less future welfare queen to shit out more niglets
That's gonna be a based from me dawg
anyone have the pepe version of this?
It's literally the future legal defense to absolve blacks of any responsibility for maiming whites in the future unofficial race war
Post the pepe edit I never saved it
This. It's literally shutter Island.
god, I hate ALL fucking niggers so fucking much. I wish you all would do the entire world a favor and just kill your disgusting, smelly asses already
How can someone be so cruel to an innocent kid bros? I hope he gets gangraped in prison.
niggers aren't people user
user I'm pretty sure the kid was black too
but im black user. I would never do something this horrible.
well said, fellow noids
Niggers dont feel anything so they can kill anything.
It's okay fren
What about when your monkey brain gets overloaded by social norms or basic math?
You underestimate people.
why not just raise the child on your side?
>you are in a nursing home
>the kid comes to your aid and not the biological dads
its the ultimate reverse cuck
I stay noided
This, black people might kill but whites take it to a demonic level. They cannibalize, make alters from bones, rape children to death and all sorts of other evil shit aside from the occasional hood spat. “White devil” isn’t just an epithet, it’s a reality.