more like Godzilla: Kino of the Monsters
More like Godzilla: Kino of the Monsters
Other urls found in this thread:
haha yea okay
More like Ghidorah: King of the Monsters and Chads
how come you guys dont care about godzilla, instead about ugly roastie dungeons and dragons soap operas
>Nessun dorma starts playing
It's gonna be same garbo as every other disaster movie
aka bunch of humans survives armageddon by an inch 20 times in a row and each of them are such a hot stuff that they save trillions of lives
It gets old pretty quick
>goes to see every vengers movie
I heard King of Monsters was a glib facsimile of Shin Godzilla and Godzilla (2014). Is this true?
>17 Kaiju
>or 12 plus the big four and Kong.
What kind of donut steels do y'all wanna see? Giant bugs? Dinosaurs? Whatever the fuck the moving mountain is?
Some of truly love Godzilla. I've been watching kaiju since childhood.
The mods and jannies are letting half of this board be about GoT, and allowing fag/got/s to poison it.
We need Hiro to step in. Multiple threads about the same topic should be deleted. Popular threads about Alita, Godzilla, Star Trek, etc, with a lot of users, are being destroyed for lame GoT threads.
wtf I didn't know Ned Kelly fought Godzilla
>criticizing bullshit of holywood equals to watching capeshit
It is a sequel to the 2014 release from Legendary. It is not connected with Shin Godzilla from Toho.
It's going to a pretty-looking film. Big G is going to look absolutely kingly when in nuclear mode
I'm hoping for at least one more Toho licensed kaiju like Anguirus
Have there been any negative reactions yet? Everything has been unanimously positive so far.
Angy has been hard-deconfirmed user.
Which is too bad but I'm hoping for at least a a small cameo of a monster that is Toho licensed.
Has Manda been de-confirmed by any chance?
I believed it was confirmed they have no licences for any other toho monster other than the big 4 we already know about
More like Amerimutt Godzilla: Total Failure. It serves Legendary right for ruining more Shin Godzilla kinos.
The other Kaiju are OCs.
The mountain Kaiju from the trailer, a big spider and a bipedal ape mammoth - you get a few brief scenes of them waking up and rampaging.
They all show up in Boston after Ghidorah's defeat and, along with Rodan, bow before Godzilla.
Kong and Skull Island are name-dropped.
Damn right.
i heard only 4 of them appear and bow
Yeah, just 4. Rodan, spider, mammoth and mountain Kaiju.
Why do shiniggers seethe so hard at everything legendary does? You’re roast beef Godzilla series will never be a thing, get over it
See you after the first weekend of WB Shitzilla. For the laughs.
This is going to be the best movie of the summer
king kinorah
i should really watch those older gojira movies. fucking too much on watch queue aleady...
i am excite
Who would win in a fight between King Ghidorah and Mechagodzilla?
Are people liking the movie?
Based, fuck kaiju
every review so far has been positive, hopefully it's the truth and not paid shills
fingers crossed
>No Ultraman crossover with Godzilla ever happened
Zone Fighter doesn't count
>This would not be acceptable today
When did it all go so wrong?
what mechanical arcade game is this?
Everybody who has seen it and talked about has loved it so far
More like 10 minutes of monster fighitng at night and 90 minutes of shitty human drama.
>still being butthurt about a movie 4 years later
Was this after Tsuburaya? It always seemed weird that even in the first Ultraman episodes back in 1966 there was more blood than in any Godzilla movie up to that point. Tsuburaya was supposedly against showing kaiju bleed. I don't know what happened to the show I don't think it was his decision,
It's just a sign of the times in Japan for the most part
old poster looked better
Apparently we're gonna se MUTO Prime.
Ultraseven had a lot of blood (Eleking's head cutting off) and that was when Tsuburaya was still alive, Godzilla though he was adamant to keep blood out of because it would traumatize kids who loved Godzilla, and his body was barely even cold before Toho turned Godzilla into a blood factory
Apparently the worst part is Millie Bobby browns chatararter that everyone absolutely hates
How I'm butthurt? Every part that Godzilla wasn't on the screen was shit, human drama in Shin Gojira was ok, burger borefest not.
I get the impression Stranger Things goblin and that scarecrow unfunny jew are going to be the worst part
Finally a good fucking thread
You are still complaining about the movie frequently 5 whole years later, that’s pretty butthurt
>scarecrow unfunny jew
I hope you're referring to the Verizon commercial guy and not Vera Farmiga
YES that's what commercials he was from, I couldn't remember if it was Verizon on Optimum. Mommy Vera is a sad character and I don't think the slay queen crowd are gonna be whooping too much for her.
Are you implying it's bad for Godzilla movies to show him being injured/blood/etc? That series wasn't just Tsubaraya's baby
Anyone else think that antman going huge was the best part of Endgame? I'm hoping the world embraces the kaiju culture
Were they really showing the movies in theatres only three times a year between 1969-1975? How could they hope for them to make any money?
Can someone post the streamable link of the 5 minute preview?
Not at all, however I don't think it was very respectful to do it immediately after the man had passed away almost like out of spite.
My guess is that he thought Ultraman was more cartoony anyway.
What the fuck was their logic in thinking leaving Godzilla and Rodan with the Aliens wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass
It's going to be even blacker than the first one and you won't be able to see what the fuck is going on.
Back then Ultraman might have been more grounded than Godzilla was.
That was the shit. It also made me think current audiences would be more accepting of Ultraman than I initially thought
Imagine an MCU where Marvel still had the Godzilla license
It's really weird but there are Ultraman videos on Youtube with literal millions of views, I don't think Japanese account for all of them but I can't imagine where they all came from
At the risk of being called a capeshitter, absolutely. I am such a fucking sucker for that shit. That scene where he strides up and punches the alien out was kino
fuckin saved
Thank god they don't, nobody needs to see Godzilla being a stand-in for white privilege or the patriarchy or Drumpf
In one hand you're not wrong but on the other hand I'd love to see the Avengers deal with the King
how do you spell this noise?
That has to be the dumbest fucking thing Vision has ever said
It's my opinion, I was in Godzilla thread last time like 2 months ago so I'm not frequent here.
she had a rough life
the price of fame
Ultraman is so fascinating, not just because of the franchise and world they've built for 50 years that's still growing but also the attempts at westernizing it. There was not only a US attempt but a fucking Australian adaptation. The American one in particular interested me, because it never even aired in America. More to the point, in my opinion they did the right thing and adapted the original Ultraman and all the monsters, and gave it that particular late 80's early 90's aesthetic I like to call the Batman 89 style. What's more is that some actual designers from Japan (Higuichi being one of them) flew in from Japan to show the Americans how to actually build convincing cities and other effects. In the end, the Ultraman suit was so overly-sophisticated that the actor couldn't actually fight worth a shit and had to do some weird stiff ballet type posing. And either way, never saw the light of day in America.
what's some lesser known kaijukino, zilla bros?
I'm gonna be on the road for work from now til KOTM comes out so I want to load up on movies to watch while traveling
not technically kaiju but I don't give a fuck
Amazing poster, but I wish sometimes Hollywood artists would stop with the blue/orange meme
has there literally ever been a good Godzilla movie? they all look epic as shit but then end up being really fucking lame
Sounds like a monkey snake.
1954, Biollante, Destroyah, and Shin are all genuinely great movies
God damn, I actually wasn't aware an American adaptation was attempted at some point. Is it worth a look?
Heisei is quite easy
It was great, Ant-Man is great in general and I want the third film to be a giant monster movie.
I'd fucking love if Marvel did a Devil Dinosaur movie....but knowing them it'd be a shitty Moongirl movie...
Well, the actual human parts and the kaiju by themselves, are pretty good, sometimes even great like Jamila. Baltan was actually quite creepy too when he's attacking humans in a dark warehouse. But it all goes to shit when Ultraman himself appears and you see the actor physically cannot do fuck all except these bizarre mime poses. Unfortunately a case where style was chosen over practicality with the suit I hate to say. I would suggest if you can find it give it a look just for the novelty and as a strange piece of Ultraman and tokusatsu history.
I want more Ultraman....
I'm so glad this thread was made. What type of Kaiju are there, I'm going to be writing an RPG that I can hopefully get out of the door within the first week or two of June. For classes of Monster I've so far got;
Alien (can be from space or another dimension), thinking of things like Ghidorah, Cloverfield monsters (maybe?) and Pacific Rim Kaiju
Megafauna - Your regular ancient lifeform from the time of the dinosaurs, stuff like Rodan, Kong and Skullcrawlers (and ol' Godzilla)
Aberration - The oddball, things that don't specifically fix any other category. Shin Godzilla would go here.
Man made (can be a bioweapon or a mecha) - Biollante, Mechagodzilla, mechs, Jet Jaguar etc
Supernatural - Dunno if any exist like this but I feel they could be fun. Manifestations of pure magic, a tsunami that walks or the Devil out to shit on the Vatican.
I know it's a broadstrokes list, but can you guys think of any Kaiju that don't fit into any of those broad categories? You'd be able to specify more later and give any of them wings/special abilities etc. Just want to start on the right foot.
there's no lack of Ultraman today friend, they're just in Japan where they belong and not Hollyjew hands
Is there more Daikaiju Battle stuff out there? I need more Gomora Chad content
I think you covered all of them but some of those classes cross over, like Godzilla is both a megafauna but also an aberration because he was a 'regular' albeit fictional dinosaur that became mutated into a new creature, Shin Godzilla especially was some marine reptile that transformed.
Also sometimes just weird shit like a high-schools happy memories turning into a monster to lure Ultraman 80 to the class reunion or a child's drawing that got hit by cosmic rays and became a monster that gets carried into space and become a constellation
Mutated modern animals?
What do you call it when a regular sapient alien or other being turns giant, it's not technically kaiju right? Like nobody calls Ultraman himself a kaiju even though he's a giant alien. I heard the term choujin once but I don't know what that's about.
not sure you're better off checking Tsuburaya's Youtube they have so much shit piled up in there they might have some of what you want
>those trips
blessed post
WHY CAN I ONLY FIND THE 10 FUCKING HOUR VERSION OF THIS SONG. I fucking hate youtube man I forgot what I was even going to reply with.
I really hope king of monsters is kino
>Those digits.....
He sent for the Man
seems to be a very visually intensive movie, unlike 2014 which had no visuals at all
>know Kong is the underdog
>know Yea Forums will shit on him and call him nigger
I'm rooting for the guy even though he will lose to Big G.
I hope they at least learned that the monster shit is what draws the people to the theater. Even if you could have some poignant dialogue about something, it all comes down to what are the visual aspects, and the best visual aspects are monsters kicking the shit out of each other or doing lots of destruction. Plus I think American Godzilla should be, if it isn't already, more that "guilty pleasure" of monster mashing.
So far, though, I love the scenes that we've previewed in trailers and such, gives me hope that there really will be a good amount of monster action.
>skipping leg day
Dougherty's actual explanation of his approach was 'fuck it' and put the monsters front and center, but it seems the humans will also be pretty good, at least they're all shlubby scientists as you'd expect from Godzilla instead of fuckin nondescript soldier man
The effects in this movie were amazing
A bit of crossover was inevitable unfortunately. I'm a kaiju-novice so I can't be too sure, but I don't think there are too many examples of kaiju outside of Godzilla that are nuclear-powered mutations of an existing breed. It's easier from the outset to say that they're a megafauna and then give them abilities later on that accentuate their nuclear enhancements.
Probably the same answer unfortunately. I'm thinking Megafauna is a general catch-all term for "x but HUGE". You could probably use it for some giant neanderthal man or something.
Some of the absolute worst Godzilla movies are the ones that put kaiju action first and foremost. See vs Spacegodzilla or vs Mechagodzilla 2, these movies have a ton of monster screentime but they're shit regardless
A good Godzilla movie is one that ties its monster action and human narrative together with a central theme/s, and properly paces itself so that the audience doesn't get sick of either aspect. Luckily KotM seems like it's got the former down, now we have to see if it has good pacing
from 19 sixty fucking six, why the FUCK isn't this trilogy world recognized? There's no way any other contemporary movie had better effects at the time not even Toho or Tsuburaya or Hollywood.
>it's an /m/ fag post
Godzilla is capeshit user. Generic, mindless action shlock with a recognizable namebrand who does the same thing in every movie. Rings a bell?
t. someone who is eagerly awaiting the new godzilla.
That's not boardfaggotry it's just common sense. You really gonna sit down and sleep through the human scenes of vs Spacegodzilla just so you can get to goji getting tipped over and getting his son kidnapped, or scenes of moguera doing nothing but eat shit? You really gonna defend the worst heisei movie right next to Battle for Earth?
>Godzilla is capeshit user
Only Yea Forums thinks this, it's how they justify their infantile approach to all media.
>X is capeshit!!!
Godzilla even at it's fucking shittiest put more effort, imagination and passion into a single production than any capeshit.
Aaah Mechagodzilla 2 now that was a good movie.
Nope I agree with you there completely, I have a special loathing in particular for Vs Mothra that nobody else seems to, but I take huge umbrage and insult with you lumping Vs Mechagodzilla in there with those two.
>Godzilla is capeshit
Never have I seen a statement more wrong than this, consider suicide.
Yea Forums cares about godzilla? that's pretty weird. But that aside, there's plenty of effort going into a lot of mediocre media, see game of thrones for example. There's a lot of passion and talent going into, say, set design, regardless of how bad the writing is.
This isn't about what's good or not, it's about definitions. And, again, I like the giant lizard movies.
Well, it depends on you define 'care'
This would only be worthwhile if they brought back the Raimi Kino with JK Simmons.
There's no need to be salty, user. Enjoy Captain Americ... I mean Godzilla beating his nemesis again friend!
...I'll discuss this with you if you can define capeshit tho.
Jesus that place seems like a shithole.
The reviews so far are so good lads. Hard not to be hype.
based Tayne going ham on these niggas
i would argue that the various messages and anxieties explored in Godzilla, even if somewhat flimsily, puts it ahead of capeshit which is mostly either far left propaganda or just about nothing but the big CG spectacle, but even then, there's really no spectacle to capeshit, everything is conveyed in the dullest possible manner even with millions on the budget. Japanese guys with peanuts for budget and nothing but imagination have put Hollywood to shame for quite a while.
In a series of over 27 films, a fair number of them have premises they don't share with other movies within said series
But of course if you haven't watched any, you probably wouldn't know
And now here I am playing devil's advocate for the lols, bottom looks better
>i would argue that the various messages and anxieties explored in Godzilla
I know what you mean, and I'd argue that's why BvS is a pretty good experience. Still, even with fathoms more depth than thor swinging his dick around, it's still capeshit, made for entertainment. And there's nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it. I know plenty of stupid people that, through clarity and humility, have less issues with their intelligence than smarter folks. Not everything needs to elevate the medium, and the circus isn't inherently evil.
Yes user, I became a fan by watching none of them. Consider detective work.
The bottom is made by somebody who loves the top and the whole genre and wanted to do his absolute best to pay tribute to it
Marvel is ka-ching into Shlomo Shekelstein's pocket, get that movie out there goy
Oh I didn't even lash out to defend Mechagodzilla 2 although it is my favorite heisei movie (and I marathoned the entire Heisei just to be sure if my opinion on the movies changed and some did but not for this one). I think only Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla is really bad the rest are ok even Godzilla vs. Mothra although it's quite boring so it's probably second to last on my list. Mothra comes with good music but sadly they always feel the need to retell her origins and her entire mythology balance of nature and all that and we're gonna hear it again in KotM.
I see where you are coming from and I used to think the same but let me provide a personal anecdote, I recently started hanging out with Japanese on twitter (major weebery I know) and they've been really accommodating to me as a foreigner, and, I don't know but the way they approach and look at these movies seems to go beyond how the capeshit audience watches their shit and how those movies are made; stuff you wouldn't really think about like the shape of Godzilla's shoulders, what buildings in particular he destroys, stuff like Mothra's name using the same Jap characters as 'mother', the whole controversial WW2 and economic perspective in the 1991 Vs King Ghidorah, even just the simple theme of how terrifying and awe-inspiring nuclear power is, it's just stuff that as an American I'm not gonna think about without being invited into that subculture and would write off as them just being like you said capeshit with monsters, I mean sure enough movies like Vs Megalon are definitely capeshit, but I think there's more to it in the whole franchise.
Dougherty described Godzilla movies as a dessert that's also good for you
Kaijugirls make all the blood in my body go to my dick.
Hmm. I do see your point user, and subtext is indeed what separates capeshit from... film, or whatever the buzzword we're using at the moment. It's why I appreciated BvS way more than I expected to, visual storytelling and subtext, it's at least more than a one sided power fantasy. I guess I was too harsh, and in memewords it falls somewhere around... capekino I guess?
I can't wait lads. Last night's GoT episode just made me crave more kaijukino.
Is Monsterverse really gonna be finished after 2020 because Toho wants the full rights back to make their own live action movies again? Is four movies really worth the investment Legendary / WB put into it all?
They should advertise KoTM by implying Godzilla would wreck a GOT dragon
Is Kong vs Godzilla still coming out next year? What are the odds we get a SDCC teaser?
What did they mean by this?
This looks like a Baroque painting. Absolute Kaijukino.
I can only imagine how braindead and easily impressed you are if you compare GoTshit to fucking Godzilla
someone post some gojira wallpapers
Yes user, what an outrage he is. But you, you're a connoisseur.
You do know that it's one guy that posts that shit over and over, right?
There's no seething, it's trolling.
I don't watch GoT, so yeah I must be, not that hard. By the way, what's your tax policy?
I'm not a got fag either user, I'm just warning you about being a stuck up bitch. Don't be that artfag that attributes value to himself due to the products, made by others, that he consumes.
Reddit:the post
> I'm just warning you about being a stuck up bitch
did you get lost on the way to reddit?
>buzzwords engaged
Ah, sorry for trying. I can help with ignorance, but not a mixture of insecurity and deficiency. You have got one thing right tho, user: your fears about not being special. They think exactly what you fear they do.
Anyone got Godzilla behind the scene footage? I like seeing them
Guys where can I buy some of these kino poster?
A full hour of footage.
wow upvoted, you gottem
>somebody insults GoT
>immediately have an anal evacuation
>calls anyone else insecure
Where are you going with this
>Where are you going with this
Bullying the kids I guess. I used to feel like a dick about it, but I've learned mercy is worse. We got an overpopulation issue anyways. Not sure where you're tying that to got tho.
They're most likely Chinese or SEAsians. Ultraman is huge all over Asia. It's so popular in China that they even tried to ban it for some time.
well sure like everything else in the world China made bootleg Ultraman
>2019... I am forgotten...
we're trying to talk about Godzilla and I can't comprehend what the fuck you're on about
>Kawakita breaks off a piece of Ghidorah's tail
>slips it in his pocket
>I can't comprehend what the fuck you're on about
>Bullying the kids I guess
Pretty open about it, user. I'm bored.
It's just Seijin (Alien/Extraterrestrial). Choujin means Superhuman/Superman.
Any leaked designs of the newly created original Kaiju for this film?
A want some cute female "titans" like Mothra.
Stop replying to him, he's obviously mentally ill and looking for (You)s.
Another one with more footage
Nope nothing yet, I honestly worried they're gonna look really shitty and forgettable. I was no very impressed with the MUTOs and the Skulllcrawlers were OK but nothing that stuck out in my mind years later.
What did they talk about guys?
Nearly suffocating, drowning and burning to death in those suits at any given moment
That makes sense, but Ultraman is both a superhuman and an alien, with sometimes a human thrown in, so what do you call him?
Tsuburaya-san looks like a boxing coach with Godzilla which makes sense considering the movie wa advertised like a real fight kind of like Freddy vs Jason decades later.
My lads, is that Netflix Ultraman series worth a damn?
Ultraman is technically an alien, but not generally referred to as such. The official term in canon is Warrior of Light (Hikari no Senshi), but generally you'd just use either Giant Hero (Kyodai Hero, that's the genre term) or just plain Giant (Kyojin). Most simple thing is to just use "Ultraman".
No, there's not even kaiju in it, it's just Ultraman for zoomers
Good explanation thank you
Damn, I guess Netflix really can't produce anything worthwhile
Girl in the left is THICC
You want my opinion the fault goes back to the manga version.
Pretty much a run of the mill DUDE WHAT IF [hero] LIVED IN A MORE MORALLY COMPLEX WORLD (what's his tax policy?) and all the characters are reimagined in fucked up ways. I am not interested.
Any of you guys want to read REAL Godzilla kino?
Seems like he needs some help, he’s been doing this for years
How do you mix up an n with an s, seriously.
At least someone remembers Maguma.
meant to say not very impressed
I'm sorry. Let me think about it...
They aired a (horrifically) dubbed Tiga on the Foxbox back in 2003.
I loved the designs in Powered the most.
are they gonna fuk???
But there are leaked designs. Those drawings a journalist made
ahahah that dubbed Tiga
Godzilla will penetrate Biollante
I have to make a correction, apparently Seijin is just part of the name (e.g. Baltan Seijin) and not a word itself.
The correct word would be Uchujin (Alien, lit. Spaceman), the Japanese wikipedia page for the original Ultraman also uses it. Applies to both the heroes and to villains, but it can only be used for humanoid monsters because the ending -jin (人) relates to human/person.
For things like dinosaur-looking aliens, you'd say Space Monster (Uchu Kaibutsu/Kaiju) and not Alien.
Also, I should spend more time learning Japanese.
oh shit, I never saw these
I thought the word seijin literally just mean 'alien'?
Anyway thanks for this dude
why the fuck have we devolved to furry
buddy I don't know waht the fuck is going on, and either will you
I'm not brave enough to read any fanfics with them but I support creating narratives with these characters. We like them, we want to see more of them and in new roles. This goes against everything that Honda wanted from the series but he was from a different era totally unaccustomed to modern fandoms. I don't know what I'd like to see maybe things like Rulers of Earth offer a nice compromise. The monsters are monsters but they also show a lot of character and interact with each other.
well this is clearly supposed to be a ridiculous batshit comedy, I would not take it at face value and definitely would not to see anything like this again
>he was from a different era totally unaccustomed to modern fandoms
I envy him.
I really dunno, lad. Ghidorah has size and durability on his size but Mechagodzilla has alot of firepower.
>only 17 days until Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Well, I'm out. Happy yiffing.
kino page
Godzilla team up movie with Ultimate Girls when?
Nah, Seijin in this context doesn't seem to be a real word at all, the Japanese search results all just bring up Ultraman-related stuff. It seems to be just a series term to refer to a certain species or race of aliens, while Uchujin is the real, general term
it's the beautiful nymph from the flower!!
That's pretty interesting, all this time I really thought Seijin meant something, I hear it so often, but it's specific to Ultraman. Pretty cool.
the famous page
really makes you think
Will we see anymore MUTO? They were cool as fuck in the 2014 film
and Godzilla returned to his home planet
there's a comic set between 2014 and KOM where Godzilla fights 'MUTO Prime'
I like these actually, no cute female Kaiju though, too bad.
I hope they do some variation on the sizes of Kaiju, before they really had to keep them basically the same size because they were dealing with suits but now that its all CGI there is really no excuse for variety.
That seems to already be the idea though.
Bought 2 imax tickets for my sister and I.
you should finger her during the movie
Who fucking cares?
/got/ will be fucking dead by next week or the week after.
Not for this one, I've been waiting all year for some Kaiju action
God damn, Kong is a midget, he is going to get eaten by Godzilla.
Such a great theme.
Jesus fucking Christ Kong would get bodied by Larva Mothra. Fuck that Apelet
Now that the Pokemon Cinematic Universe is a thing, when are we going to get Island of the Giant Pokemon VS Godzilla and Kong?
Terror of Mechagodzilla also.
Baby Kong is about a fourth of Godzilla. He looks a bit smaller than that on the chart.
kek, I'm still wondering how the fuck are they going to make that fight work, even if they make him bigger he would still be weaker and have no powers like Godzilla.
How kino will Rad Chadghidorah be?
just fuckin loot at him
I think the way it's working is they've planned up to Godzilla vs. Kong and they're see how it plays out up to the point. If the films turn out well and are successful, they'll continue.
Don't speak to me or my son ever again
I would hope at least they would renegotiate their agreement with Toho and allow them to make live action movies simultaneously with USA
I see Godzilla threads every day, stop acting like a fag.
Where can I download the marvel godzilla run? I'd get it physically but its over $50, even used.
Is Godzilla 2014 good?
Maybe they will have him use other Kaijus as mounts and other similar domesticated war animals, he seems more keen to using weapons and being more human like.
Yes, at least better than 60% of all Godzilla movies
Way less cheese and monster fighting than usual and the human plot is definitely shit but when they get it right boy do they get it right
>Ultraman The Next type design
>that Rebirth of Mothra 3 tier attack where where he shits out lighting from his wingtips
I wish I never saw that footage so I can masturbate to it in theaters.
>Manowar version of nessun dorma starts playing
God it would honestly be awesome of they made just a giant pokemon monster movie
It's okay. The human element is boring as hell because the main actor is average and Bryan Cranston isn't around for very long.
The actual Godzilla moments are kino but they are very few and far between.
Shin Godzilla is a 10000% better.
I have some Ultraman OST videos with a hundreds of thousands views.
Most of them are from Malasya, Thailand, Indonesia and Japan.
Love and Peace from Sion Sono is great.
it's amazing this guy was in his 50's when he co-created Godzilla and a senior citizen when he created Ultraman
It's never too late bros
I'm leaving the theater if they kill Mothra. Fuck that BS.
That is Mothra's role in these movies. To heroically sacrifice herself and be reborn in time for the next movie.
Dont even bother going then Mothra is fucking dead for sure
Is it kino or just a flick?
People actually liked the movie?
I did
In detective Pikachu they showed what could essentially be called Kaiju-esq Torterra which were fucking massive and looked really fucking cool. So it COULD work if they wanted to go that route.
many people enjoyed it, and it continued into Nexus which has it's own following
That's a nice Millie. May I save it?
>spoiling mothra death in the trailer
I mean everyone knew it would happen since she always dies, especially after they made her into the little girl monster friend, and they always die too in hollywood
but really?
>fat as a literal fucking continent with turbo heartburn vs chads and stacies
Is good godzilla the megaman of monsters? He has a one-note ability but manages to defeat all these other beasts with virtually just more at their disposable
fuck you and your ugly crying bitch, pedo. shes awful and annoying
I liked it. Plot was standard stuff, but effects and music were cool.
>your messing with J.Jonah Jameson
Humans almost always fall for filthy xeno tricks in these movies.
Post some Mothra gf!
I will burn down the theater and tip the designated theater shooter to make sure to not even let the children get out alive.
Gridman's history is pretty interesting too, with how the US adaptation (Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad) somehow ended up getting more episodes than the JP original AND was probably the most faithful to the source toku import at the time.
If they had shown the airport fight in full it would've been amazing and made the human stuff worth going through.
I think it is. A bit too many normies who have never seen a Godzilla movie says there's not enough Godzilla. Good first and third act, middle is a bit dull.
>lose to Big G
they're gonna end up as besties to fight some new bad kaiju
Goddammit I'm so fucking hype!
If anything, burger Godzilla gets epic and hype introductions.
That wasn't the mountain kaiju, that was a Muto. Pretty sure it was a Femuto.
So I saw the movie on Friday, will confirm the OC Titans for their accuracy.
Maaaybe accurate? You really only ever see it open its head, you don't see its whole body.
>I saw the movie on Friday
Did you rike it?
Any other details you can give?
Is Mike trying to push for Godzilla X Mothra? What's the final goal that he wants out of this?
Knock on wood motherfucker
tiny spoiler here if you want to get a good look at Ghidorah:
This must be the "main Kumonga" and the spider on Skull Island must've just been a baby.
nice anti-climactic bullshit
this is gonna bomb so hard
>nice anti-climactic bullshit
Yeah, I think that might be because it's not the climax of the movie. Retard.
200million dollar movie looks worst then a hbo tv show