Is it true that only White people can understand this scene?
Is it true that only White people can understand this scene?
Pretty sure mongolians understand a good cavalry charge
It is in our heritage
I'm thinking so
If by white you mean anglos and germanics then no, because Tolkien was LARPing scandinavian myths, which are actually the slavic and venedacian myths Greenlanders adopted 9000 years ago when they landed in Scandinavia
Not the act, the philosophy.
Absolutely. Warfare and honor were always domains of white superiority. This is why we are the world's dominant race today.
Fuck off cuck.
Asian here, I unironically listen to that battle speech before during my diddly work set.
I am Finnish and I like it
You will never be European. I’m so sorry I have to tell you this. I wish there was a better way.
anglos/germs BTFO
Yes only whites understand fighting for a cause that isn’t white attention
It's "Ride FOR Gondor" you fucking imbecile.
But youre a gook coward and the idea of a masculine gook warrior is laughable. We conquered your people for centuries.
>inb4 Vietnam
We only lost because we refused to commit to total war and killing civilians, that and by than the draft had tainted our military with nonwhites
I'm white that's all that matters. You on the other hand are either an inferior shitskin or a self hating white cuckold, either way, cringe
Whatever you say Central Asian
He’s probably Mexican to be honest. The amount spics on Yea Forums are over 50% now I’m guessing
Hype as fuck.
Gooks just bow to authority whenever they have the chance though. They don’t actually know why they’re doing it
Nah. White men have forgotten the concepts of bravery, honor, and masculine combat. We let our countries be subverted by leftism and nonwhite ideologies. We allow shitskins into our countries and to run our politics. Even I am a coward compared to these men. The last REAL white hero tried to reignite the fire of white racial power in Christchurch, New Zealand, but being the comfortable cowards we are, we allowed his sacrifice to be memory holed by the media.
It's a movie retard.
Gooks were beaten back as soon as they reached Europe. The lie that they turned back due to their leaders death was a lie spread by leftist anti-white historians. Historians tend to reverse foreign civilizations so history has totally been revised by antiwhites.
man your heritage is liking anime and posting on this autistic board.
Its more than a movie. You're just proving my point that nonwhites dont truly understand the scene
>Comparing based Mongolians to Chinamen
haha get a load of this nigger
I remember seeing this when it first came out in the theaters
My dick never throbbed so hard
you sound like a homo
Lmao at this delusion. White heritage is literally the reason you have the privilege of posting on the white-invented internet from your white-invented computer in a comfy first world white country, you cuck. Sit down and be grateful
I haven't forgotten
this thread is not comfy at all
>hurr durr believing in white racial supremacy is gay
And you sound like a leftist cuckold. That is literally something a jew fag would say
Neither do you
And you wont do shit but sit on your PC you liar. I dont care what memes you save. Whites had a chance to rise up and no one else did. Fuck off. We have failed our people.
daily reminder
redpill me on those
Some autistic larper is interpreting that scene as "muh heritage"
>crusaders are the bad guys
I'm still mad
>a scene of brave white men charging into battle against dark skinned foreign barbarians to save their civilization has nothing to do with white heritage
Yes, because they're the only ones who stayed in school long enough to learn coherent English.
i agree
race-baiting in lotr should be a bannable offence desu
You remind me of that feminist in one of my class who interpreted lotr as a racist film where white men fought against colored people, maybe both of you should have sex.
It's a white story about whites written by a white. This is our heritage and mythology. Fuck off, orc.
haha good thread op
So you are admitting you are a homo then i am glad we made a breakthrough
The Riders of Rohan are based on Anglo Saxons, read the fucking books.
Grateful to you? you did absolutely fuck all why would i be grateful to any person who has not achieved anything.
I bet he is an incel and was butthurt and thats how he got reeled in. What a dumb cunt honestly.
>be me, 12 year old
>discover lord of the rings with wide eyed idealism
>be me, 23 years old
>some cucks are using the movies to make bait threads on Yea Forums
y i k e s
And where did the books mentioned that the riderss of rohan were anglo? Weren't they men?
They were white and fought dark skinned foreign invaders. The implications are clear to anyone who isn't low IQ.than again nonwhites do score lower in IQ so that might explains things ...
It's literally a charge of Winged Hussars in front of gates of Vienna in 1683, you sperg.
>wide eyed idealism
Yikes to you too
>browsing catalog
>90 threads about game of cucks
>see one lotr thread, breathe sigh of relief
>its trash
at this point even a Snyder thread sounds nice
why don't you make then one?
AHAHAHAHA, it's a fucking coping mutt, is there a single war in history you artificial people ever won? Man, you lost even the war against yourself.
>calls other sperg
>randomly associate scene with a non-related historical battle
These are the only things whites can understand
Pick one
t. Jew
White division tactics are employed solely by kike subversives
why does everything have to be about extraneous shit now
I'm a pajeet and I adore the scene and everything it stands for
>white racial power in Christchurch, New Zealand
Imagine giving a shit about a retard from a non-country.
>bravery, honor, and masculine combat
Did your little manlet hero walk into parliament or into corporation HQ? No? Then shut the fuck up about bravery, honor, and masculine combat, you socialist cocksucker.
>/leftypol/ pulling a low effort falseflag
Even /pol/cucks are better at this
but also this
That's rich coming from a kike who tries to divide whites and weaken white unity.
There is no white unity. You would know this if you have ever opened history book. Suck that socialist cock harder.
This is like saying you can't criticize Black Panther because you aren't part of the black experience
i wasnt aware someone could make an uncomfy lotr thread, but i stand corrected. 'grats, op
why are Poles so obsessed with the idea that they were in any way an influence on Tolkien
No he walked into an enemy stronghold and killed 50 invaders on his own. Hes more of a hero any of us will ever be. Faggot.
>bringing up socialism for no reason
Nothin wrong with white socialism. A type of National Socialism if you will
be nice, guys. its just a work of fiction. lotr is a nice book and i especially love the poems inside it :)
Yes, because that scene is part of our history.
it's fiction lol
literally just as bad as the "what if Trump was Voldemort" faggots
Based on white Anglo mythology. About whites repelling dark skinned invaders.
Except our analogy actually applies
>retards mindless charging against the enemy
I guess only whites can understand such stupidity
> horsemen lead by their king ride to save the white city from destruction at the hands of foreign hordes to respect an ancient allegiance
its literally the battle of vienna
t. englishman
>lowest overall population of any race
>lowest fertility rate of any race
>falling for the degeneracy psy-ops and feminist bullshit more than any other race
>white boys wanting to be women instead
>not even any white homogeneous nations left other than eastern european former commie shitholes
>"This is why we are the world's dominant race today."
Yeah ok bud. I'd like what you said to be true but it just isn't
Tolkien has repeatedly said that the Orcs aren't analagous to anything, he just needed baddies, and doesn't believe any race can be "evil" just by existing
using his wording btw
why do you need an analogy in the first place you fucking babyfaggot
>.t /pol/
bloody good thread here
"Trump was voldemort" was actually good, seeing that both have similarities, this thread however bares so similarity whatsoever, I mean you can interpret warcraft as repealing foreigners.
>battle of Helm's Deep
>omg we are losing! never mind here arrive other good guys just in time! we win!
>battle of Gondor
>omg we are losing! never mind here arrive other good guys!
>battle at the gate of Mordor
>omg we are losing! never mind here comes the deus ex machina!
whoa such good writing
islam and niggers werent that big back then
hey guise i made a funny thread tell me what you think about it xd
You double Nigger tripfag get the fuck out.
>because Tolkien was LARPing scandinavian myths
No he wasn't. He just made shit up to justify inventing languages. Before he wrote a single stroke for the Hobbit, he already created 3 different elven languages and some grammar for Westron.
holy crap
so you're applying an analogy to something that is completely divorced from it
> spend 6 books secretly moving a magical item to the bad guy to assassinate him, evading capture, despair and mortal danger along the way
> "haha dues ex machiney xd"
want to know how i can tell you arent white?
>6 books
unironically why do people read them in this format
>destroy the ring
>the terrain starts collapsing but literally just stops one inch before reaching the good guys and only killing the bad guys
>this is great writing
Mongols are famed for their horse archers, not heavy cavalry.
Embarrassing thread. Hope your mother doesn't see this.
>battle of Helm's Deep
Theoden and about 3000 of his armed men took refuge there and waited for Gandalf and Erkenbrand to beat Isengards army back.
In the end the army was beaten by good generalship of Theoden, timely reinforcements and a load of trees.
>battle of Gondor
Was a long and ardous war that only ended when Sauron was ultimately defeated by destroying the ring. If you mean the Siege of Minas Tirith, the battle of the Pelennor was not decided by the arrival of Aragorn and southern levies or the Arrival of the Rohirrim but by stubborn resistance of the cities defenders and Prince Imrahil's staunch refusal to bow to Mordor tricks. He even managed to throw out the Mordor Orcs/easterlings out o f the city once Theodén arrived on the Pelennor.
>battle at the gate of Mordor
Read a book nigger. Aragorn and his war council knew they had to challenge Sauron and follow through with their bluff: Aragorn has the ring. They baited Sauron to focus on fucking up the remaining Army of the west and ignoring what was going near his doorstep.
Everyone is aware of the gamble and Aragorn even laments that the army that marched on the black gate would have barely counted as vanguard just some centuries ago.
this might just be the worst lotr thread ive ever seen, Like, holy shit this is bad. Right from the OP till 100 posts, every single post is cancer
>which are actually the slavic
You dumb? Mongol nobles were op lancers. The horse arches disrupted enemy formations and the hard core of lancers smashed loose formations with one charge.
youre a mongol
Rohan was a peasant country full of nomads who stank of horse and their royal palace was a thatched barn.
>b-b-ut the books!
this is a movie thread on a movie and television board
mines just one giant tome, has nice illustrations between eacj
yeah, why would primordial evil retreating from the world affect the good guys? do you know what metaphor is? want to know how i can tell you arent white?
PS pic related is Veles, inspiration for Wotan.
>dude it's a metaphor! just turn your brain off!
And Lotr threads are a staple. So fuck off now and stick to your Hollywood rules.
>sauron dies
>sauron's buildings collapse but no-one else's.
> blames author of an adapted work for the screenplay created 40 years after his death
> cant understand metaphor, can only do bug-like procedural processing
want to know how i can tell you arent white?
Also interesting fact: even though the Finnish mixed with the slavs/mongols the most, they are the ones who actually have retained the most of their ancient Greenland beliefs out of their Scandinavian brethren.
Didn't the Mongols conquer parts of Eastern Europe?
>can't tolerate any more GOT threads
>come to this thread hoping for good discussion
>its just people arguing cancer
g-guess i'll just go outside huh
Yes. We now call their lands Hungary, Germany, and UK.
>Packed theater, opening night.
>Everyone instinctively joins in screaming DEATH!!!!!
Sounds like your typical capeshit
>it's a metaphor! this means you have to ignore the bad writing and plot conveniences it creates!
man, this is a bad thread. lotr doesn't deserve this thread
>American education
They worked with all types of units, not only horse archers, and yes, that includes a wide range of different cavalry, you absolute brainlet.
Check your facts, crybaby.
Mongols were BTFOing yuros until they realized it was not worth fighting them and went back to keep shitting on the chinks.
After shitting down Hungary's neck, they went back and battles after their return were just small scale battles.
>Muh leftist antiwhite
Do you realize yuros did the same propaganda for centuries, right?
>I don't like this bs so I'll listen to this bs instead
>Arise, arise, exchange rates of Théoden!
like 25% true at best
there is no bad writing, youre just too dumb to understand a book for white teenagers
>120 posts
>40 posters
its literally just retards shit-flinging
>still bringing up the books when talking about the movies
>calls other dumb
lmaoing at white people, no wonder they are going extinct
Another interesting fact: ancient Greenland beliefs are very comparable to Native American beliefs. Compare the Gitche Manitou with the very spirit oriented (perkele, ukko) religion of the Finnish. This spiritualism even draws connections with people further east like China and Japan.
Kek, crying tears after reading this comment. I, also, will never be European or white, which is why I get called an Orc by liberal progressives.
> blames author of an adapted work for the screenplay created 40 years after his death
> calls other people dumb
Based russian shill will your employer pay me too if I post using tripcode? Hail putin!