>the doctor confirmed the gender : female
Kinos for this feel? Please don't post the pipe shit
The doctor confirmed the gender : female
Baby girls are great. It's puberty you need to worry about.
Is there anything more cucked than having a daughter?
Search through the archive to find the cunnykino chart.
Please stop
You better raise her to be a tomboy lusting only for your cock
show cunny
shouldn't you wait and let the child choose for themselves? that's seriously fucked up from your doctor.
Think about it rationally though.
You're literally going to spend the next 12 years raising a beautiful daughter to become some negroes cum receptacle, and then a further 6 before she abandons you to go and live with Jamal.
Decent bait, you'll get a few people
Sounds like you need the ol cheeky coat hanger my friend
Bloo Bloo poor normie having kids
>tfw never even had a gf
this. so much this
only you i think
>Please don't post the pipe shit
you must be new here
A daughter has severely reduced risk of becoming a NEET or a tranny, the two greatest failures a man can experience. Even porn stars are held in higher regard.
I'll let you away without pipe posting this time user but you NEED to try again. You need an heir, elsewise your family line ends here when your daughter marries into another. You need a male heir to continue your lineage or you ARE a cuck
Would rather have a neet son than a daughter that will inevitably choke on nigger dicks by age 13. Dunno about a tranny, that's a toss up
Nice. Be prepared to marry off your beautiful daughter when she turns 12 to a late 30s neck beard. Its to save the white race according to /pol/.
I started hating my daughter whom I cherish so much after reading that pasta. Fuck this place. Leave before you hate your daughter too
Imagine having a daughter in 2019. She'll probably be wearing skintight clothing and sucking off the teacher for money by 4th grade
hahahaha OH NO NO NO NO NO NO, imagine raising her all those years only for her to get fucked anally raw by Chad or being some gold digger who fucks some fat Jewish abomination. the only worse feeling than this is having a tranny son
>implying OP is white
ask if you can watch her get blacked when she turns 12
Think about it emotionally
>Implying you're white
Reminder that only mutts and spics become weeb incels
Fuck off waggie
I don't know man. At least someone would give a shit about your daughter.
A GoT thread died for this
Im sorry user
>letting memes affect you
Based retard
Its just a meme bro. You can tell that the United States is not a real country because its media and government apparatus encourages women to make bad decisions instead of treating them for what they really are which is the most valuable resource of the state
Without women there is no nation no soldiers no taxpayers no farmers, you take the burden for all of us you are a true hero not a cuck
Give just enough of a shit to shoot cum in her puss, not about her as a person lmao
At least with a neet son we could go fishing and shooting and shit. Assuming he's neet from being an ugly fuck outcast
being you
I understand this post yet I'm still angry. 2real4me
Imagine having a daughter LMAOOO
Are you excited for when her mom buys her her first iPhone and she downloads Tinder when she’s 15?
Are excited for when she meets Chad on tinder and gets throatfucked? That sounds like a good payoff for all the hard work
The problem with daughters is that so many fathers think it's the mother's job to do the mentoring there.
Imagine having a daughter as a non-Chad normie. Not only did you experience Chad tearing your crush's hymen, you get to see it happen a second time to your daughter L M A O
think about it rationally
Justo be there and don't raise her to have father issues. And if you care teach her not to mix with the darkies.
What if I get a hard on while changing her diaper bros
If he insists on having a daughter, make sure she's plump
unironically this
lmao your daughter is going to fuck literally every nigger she lays eyes on. Sucks to be you OP lmao
>At least with a neet son we could go fishing and shooting and shit
heh, cringe. Fishing is a kike psyop meant to keep us from procreating, Dad. Don't you read Breitbart? Also, implying you can even shoot. Do you even operator? Heh, it's a /k/ meme you old boomer.
That's what you get with a NEET son
Thats why in the good old days you actually sold your daughter for cows / horses
Did you see that news story recently about the african dudes who beat their sister to death for refusing a marriage proposal in exchange for 40 cows? That is the definition of based and redpilled
lol wut
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
OP, it will happen AGAIN and AGAIN!!!