He will live in our hearts
Give you attendance here Jamiefags
He will live in our hearts
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why are refugees so embarrassing
>fucks brienne just because she's a virgin
>goes back to her usual roast the next day
is there a bigger chad in all westeros?
>The people of King's Landing? To be honest I never really cared much for them
>mfw Jon puts a sword into Dany's back like Jaime
After Qyburn, Cercei got my vote. Literally the only queen standing for white people and science.
Cercei kills her enemies: targeted hits with highest, innovative gadgets, propelling chemistry and machinery forward
Im just curious how drogon will fit into her death.
Will drogon be slaughtered? let free into the wild?
Anybody else thinks his fight with Euron was just weirdly shot and cut?
I've been wondering this too. Doesn't actually seem to be any remaining way to kill him. Maybe switch loyalty to Jon and kills Dany, giving her ironic death? Maybe wild like you suggested.
Dies when Dany dies because magic? I honestly have no idea.
He got a better end than I would have thought
If it was Cersei burning down the city, then he should have killed her
But she was scared, and he did what he could to ease her fear
I'm glad he made it this far, the show would have been considerably worse if he died a season or two earlier
>Going crawling back to the sister who sent someone to murder you
Lmao okay cuck.
Yeah they kept breaking the line of action.
Jaime...I'm pregnant.
Based tormund dodged a bullet not getting her dumb fuck chad chasing ass
"Based, now my son is 3rd in line to the Throne when my Sister gets killed, ill stay with you Brienne because im a soul who cares about children I have"
delet this
I'll always love you, Jamieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
press F to pay your respects
>It was driving me crazy, because of course you can't stop imagining what will happen. So at the end of season six when Jaime comes back and sees Cersei crowning herself and finds out that Tommen is dead, that all the children are gone, in my mind he would have to act immediately. So of course it's not something you want to do but your mind just goes "and that means I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna do that, okay" so you get the scripts and of course it's completely different, because... they're great screenwriters. So they said "Okay, no, we understand you want that, but we're gonna wait, we're gonna extend this whole thing through the whole season. So at the very end of the season, that's when he leaves".
>And I get into all these arguments and fights with the writers and they're like "Yeah we hear you", and I'm like "Yeah but please you have to ba bee ba", and they go "Yeah, we hear you and we respect you but we don't care. Okay? We don't, fuck, you're an actor. Just say the words". They didn't say it like that but that was kind of, that was the gist of it. And the funny thing is we've gone through these song-and-dance routines every season since season four, where I come back and I'm like "This doesn't make sense. I don't know how to do this. How do you do this?" and they go "Yeah, we hear you. Just try it."
He tried to prevent it
I gotta feel bad for the actors when they're given a full retard 180 script.
Also I’m pretty sure both him and Cersei are still alive. That was a pretty vague way to die the way the scene ended
hearing this line made me super mad. wasn't the whole reason he killed the mad king based on saving the people of king's landing?
delusional, but i respect your optimism
Fucking hell, they really fucked over Jaime.
did they just waste time/money programming an app to keep the fucking scripts secret
Based DnD completing subverting our expectations of a character arc
Also daily reminder that incels should have sex
Did he say this in his native language? Because I'm having trouble finding the source
The first segment of the quote is at 7:14, the second is 8:00
there was no reason to make him go back. His character arc was complete and it would have been a positive teaching showing a man not being a slave to his past or dumb emotions.
Bronn will slay Drogon
Jaime's ending was one of the few things in that episode that felt like they definitely came from GRRM. Redemption arc subverted, their love for each and original character motivations confirmed, Valonqar prophecy fulfilled exactly while also subverted expectation.
>"Yeah but please you have to ba bee ba",
What did he mean by this?
among the better deaths this season
Why was he so FUCKING HOT
I wish they were. It should have ended with them sailing away, fates unknown. But no, it's, LE NAUGHTY PPL DIE HEHE. It wasn't even Cersei that started all this, it was her retard son who cut off neds head. Then Tywins fault with Danyrsys for not trying to have her killed.
Based NCW
George has made it pretty clear that teh love is one way, as shown by Jaime never cheating but Cersei cheating like a crazy slut.
>feeling pity for Cersei
Get out of here, David
Yep, I'm not sure Jaime will fuck Brienne in the books but he'll definitely go back to Cersei at some point.
Him and Cersei will live. They'll dig out an exit, steal the boat left for them by the beach, and go on to live a decent life in Pentos, using Jaime's golden hand to buy themselves a comfortable life.
To be fair Cersei only sleeps around to manipulate people. It's probably the only real power she has.
I agree with you, from a book perspective, and Jaime certainly appears to be on an anti-Cersei redemption arc, where he will end up strangling her as the Valonqar. But that's exactly how Martin works. Jaime actually redeeming himself and staying away from Cersei or killing her is simply too obvious from the book perspective, so even though I'd like that to be the way it works out I don't think Martin writes things that work out so obviously.
Also consider that the Valonqar prophecy was basically "you'll die with your little brother's hands on your throat". On the surface we're supposed to believe Tyrion will strangle her, as she herself believes. Looking deeper we realize that Jaime was born a minute after her and is on an anti-Cersei arc so a clever reader will think HE will strangle her. But Martin is almost always a few steps ahead of the reader and fills his books with red herrings. Jaime going back to her as depicted is the perfect subversion and still meets the letter of the prophecy. It's something of a tradition in fantasy writing to depict prophecies coming true by the letter but not being as expected...
>t. Cersei
I hope that happens
btw sub to this chanel senpaitachi he makes amazing videos
Bran wargs into Drogon and Tyrion climbs up his ass with a wildfire grenade to blow him up from the inside. Don't believe me? too bad its in the leaks.
jesus this is gay are we plebit now?
Then what the fuck was the point of him trying to end the siege of riverrun with no casualties?
no, u
He will always be our guy
Handsome man. I'm not handsome.
>Yeah, we hear you and we respect you but we don't care. Okay?
Why cant Dumb & Dumber be always this based?