This is my fav film

this is my fav film
whats Yea Forums opinion?

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it bored me to death
i understand it had shocking value in 70s but now it's so tame when you can find similar stuff on the internet

>edgy smut by bourgeois to feel subversive

kill all humanists


>whats Yea Forums opinion?
Difficult but not impossible to masturbate to.

much like you're mom

why would anyone subject themselves to this garbage. all of sade's works should have been burned hundreds of years ago

I didn't understand anything, but it was entertaining.

Me, I loved it.

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this - low tier cope for social retards

essential viewing

My mom unironically felt it had artistic merit and has sat thru it twice, once without subtitles because I forgot to download them when I got the torrent.

Couldn't jerk off for a week after watching this. Is it normal?

What does your mom look like?

Never seen it, do they show peepee and muumuu?

commie propaganda

Great film. Almost everyone in the world is too much of a pussy faggot brainlet to get past the sex and violence and actually engage with the film regarding why those scenes are in the film and their significance. Like these bozos

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I have to give it credit for making feel more disturbed than anything else.
In terms of fictional work, it represents true horror and that it's other people. A part of me is glad that it could get made, it shows that there's no real limits to creativity and the potential for groundbreaking stuff exists.

I still think it sucks, though. It's just a blast of disgusting imagery thrown at your senses, like a dose of harmful radiation directly into your brain. There's little substance or meaning to it, they just throw that in after as justification to tie it all in together. It's like Transformers for sadists.
Also what the fuck Italy, why is it you always you that makes this stuff?

like 5'6, blond hair, she teaches yoga so she's in shape for her age.
she likes movies and one day asked what were the more disturbing movies I'd seen, Matyrs and Salo came up and she insisted on watching them together.

>commie propaganda
you misspelled jewish


I've never seen this, is it actually any worse? I genuinely don't believe anything that isn't literally illegal snuff is as bad as Salo.

Nah nowhere near as bad, I don't think since Salo really couldn't possibly be anymore graphic unless it was, as you said, actual snuff pornography
Martyrs is still a tough watch though, more stylized I think and the worst parts are at the very end.
They both deal with ritualistic murder/torture/rape with the goal of enlightenment like weird Aleister Crowley shit and my mom's into that stuff, so that's kinda why it caught her interest.

I jerked off the De Sade's book. Anyone else?

>when they lit up black bitch with lugers


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i enjoyed a serbian film