>all those plebs getting angry over got
>meanwhile I am watching real HBO kino
All those plebs getting angry over got
The scenes with women in this show were unbearable.
I felt like I was watching Housewives antiquity edition.
everyone is ugly though 0\10 no reason to watch
P A T R I C I A N Choice OP, nicely done. Rome is miles above GoT.
Go and be homosexual on reddit
>actually wearing chainmail instead of larp tier lorica segmentata
I miss Rome
Reminder that this also was hindered by Brit accents and English language. Should’ve been in latin.
Il Primo Re or Mel Gibson movies are great examples.
They'd probably fuck it up and use Ecclesiastical Latin
>Should’ve been in latin.
Trump - Caesar
Jared Kushner - Brutus
Barron - Augustus
Bernie - Cato
Putin - Mithradates
>you will live to see the first American Imperial family
What a time to be alive
I've heard there's really good Cleopatra subplot. Which episodes?
Heaven forbid a show represent real life instead of grouping symmetrical-looking people altogether and altering perceptions negatively.
You dumb cunt.
they did feature the lorica segmentata later in Season 2
The last thread got taken down before I could see those great milkers.
>Bernie - Cato
fucking insulting. Ron Paul is Cato
Pelosi - Cicero
>when you realize GoT is actually more realistic than Rome
I could live with Jared Kushner stabbing Trump to death
Faux political drama like GOT can never be as good as the most interesting real life political drama there ever was.