So what’s her tax policy?
So what’s her tax policy?
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At 10% VAT to all oysters, clams, and cockles.
Is there anything left to tax besides offering sex really?
she mad and cute
kill yourself you GoT spamming faggot
Dekulakization comrade.
she wants to raise taxes on the middle class lower tariffs and enact tpp
Blazing discounts for everyone!
Life austerity, she realises king's landing has too many poor people and will be a strain on the welfare system, so she kills off a large number of them rather than increasing taxes on middle class families
There's something about this look that she gives in this scene holy moly. I don't rate Emilia Clarke as an actress, but this look both turns me on and makes me scared.
free real estate
have sex
25% flat tax on everyone to pay for tendies and gibs for incels, who the good queen knows from experience are truly the most oppressed demographic
She'e ancap as fuck
Dany 'torching the peasantry is my tax policy' Targaryen
She takes 100% of civilian flesh.
insane dany is cute CUTE
Free rape sex for the north.
but how much for your little clam?
Have tax.
Pay up or burn up.
burn them all