Why was Robert Barratheon consideredto be a poor ruler?
Why was Robert Barratheon consideredto be a poor ruler?
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By the standards of male rules he was.
Top pic happened under Tommen Baratheon's rule.
There's a difference between a Baratheon and a
Imagine STANNIS rule
He couldn’t keep his bitch in line and raised 3 kids that weren’t his like a real cück
Except Tommen has no Baratheon blood, he’s a Lannister by blood. He’s a fake Baratheon.
He bankrupted the realm and spent all his time drinking and whoring. The irony is that he was right about everything. There was a war comin', Ned.
Well if we go back to the first episode when he meets the stark family. everyone he touches dies, he asks arya who she is, and lies to brandon saying he'll grow big and strong. Then the dothraki rant and what happens when dany breeds (she got dragons). Bobby b is a better 3 eyed raven.
Cool story bro.
His advisors were practically running the nation for him since he was a dumb oaf that got drunk daily.
Imagine being this desperate and pathetic.
Is that how an epsylon male expresses frustration?
So like Ronald Reagan?
If he had just fucked Cersei better none of this would have happened
>woman ruler, woman ruler, fat lazy boozing whore-mongering man ruler
Really makes you think.
Tommen (((Baratheon)))
because of littlefinger's money laundering
>woman in charge
>woman in charge
>man in charge
Maybe Varys was on to something.
>daily BBQ sacrifices to the cuck god
No thx
Cersei said that Robert managed to get her pregnant once but she hid the pregnancy and had the baby killed once he was born
ok roastie, go commit some warcrimes lol
Joffrey was based as well
If he'd fucked her better the orgasmic haze would have made her less of an uptight horrible bitch
>muh war crimes
How's third grade, retard?
SEETHING samefag lol
Legitimizing Gendry was a huge mistake because there are probably plenty of lords out there with this exact sentiment right now.
Aerys and Dany were mad.
Lannisters were a disaster
Robert saw years of relative peace and Harmony.
Balon's rebellion was an absolute joke compared to the War of the Five kings and Dany's invasion.
>everyone is who disagrees with me is the same person
Guess we just found the real mad queen.
He was literally a poor ruler because he was in debt.
That's just not true. In the show she happily carried the baby to term and proudly showed him to Robert. But he died from a long sickness soon after and their relationship soured even more. In the books she just had an abortion.
Where the fuck is the crater/rubble from the blown up sept in the second picture?
>he was in debt.
You mean like literally every nation on the planet right now?
When Reagan was governor of California he legalised no fault divorce and millions of illegals spics. Bobby B would never have been so bluepilled
>trying this hard to prove that you aren't the same poster
outed yourself, based phoneposter lol
Is it really legitimized if it's fucking Dany that did it? I mean no one gives a shit about her opinion anymore.
>Legitimizing Gendry was a huge mistake because there are probably plenty of lords out there with this exact sentiment right now.
Not really. If you believe Dany has the authority to legitimize Gendry, then Gendry has no claim. If you believe she doesn’t, then hes still a bastard, and has no claim
Robert was constantly bored and getting the kingdom further into debt. This is further illustrated in AGOT when they are heading to Winterfell and I think Cersei mentions how bad of a shape the carriages are in since the wheels are broken. Tyrion notes the piss poor condition Robert left the kingdom in debt in after becoming Hand in ACOK when he was trying to fix shit but instead he just hosted tourneys constantly.
fuck off my board
Back to your containment board faggot
Weren't the Lannisters secretly the de facto rulers during Robert's rule though? He was surrounded by Lannisters.
that children living with single mothers connects to me
>12 years old
>Straight A student
>Dad leaves to work in another state, see him for 3 days every month
>Immediately start developing depression
>Grades gradually decline
>Now I'm 25 and a college dropout neet
Women need to be exterminated.
>going full schizo
Tommen never ruled to begin with he was just as much a ruler as he was Baratheon
dude spoilers
>18 years of medieval feasts and 4-5 tournaments a year bankrupt an economy the size of the South American continent
I know Tywinberg's gold mines were dried up but what the fuck does GRRM know about economics again. One man could visit a classy brothel three times a day and he'd still just be one man wasting time and money.
If Rhaegar had become king everything would have been fine. If only the mad lad hadn't read into so many conspiracy theories.
>Dany dies
>She has no heir
>House Targaryen ha no more legal heirs now that Dany and Jon are out of the way
>Welp guess it reverts back to Gendry since he's still the Targaryen heir through the line of Rhaelle Targaryen and Ormund Baratheon
Man, you're pretty dumb to have missed that fact.
Economy must have been declining under his rule because he was lazy.
taxes man
the tax policy was all fucked up, and unlike Tolkien GRRM cared about economics of his fantasy world.
Robert Barantheon was the best ruler in the GoT universe for the sole reason he didn't want to rule. He allowed his council to rule for him. The biggest mistake he's ever made was asking Ned to be his hand because Ned believed the king should rule first, council second.
>show literally died with stannis (season 5 episode 10)
And I'm saying that no one would honor Dany's legitimization of him because she's batshit insane, he'll be considered a bastard and have no rights to shit.
All of season 5 was terrible. Show died with Tywin.
The fuck would she care who has the throne after she’s dead and has no heirs anyway? It’s not a mistake for Daenerys since it doesn’t affect her whatsoever. Besides, if Gendry ascended after she died it would be a far better outcome than a bloody civil war which is far more likely to happen in a power vacuum like that.
>Yea Forums is a women loving anime website you guys!
>let's ignore the fact that there are entire boards who prefer 2D over 3D and that they have existed since the website's conception
>tits or btfo? what's that lool never heared of it
>back to your containment board lol!
>haha I said faggot, am I fitting in yet? lol
but I wasn't the one who came here to insult and samefag screech angrily at someone whose opinion I disagreed with lol
relax before you blow a fuse and commit warcrimes, sister! especially with those digits lol
Why is the size, layout and topography of Kings Landing so inconsistent?
Tommen has Lannister blood from his mom and pa, so no.
>king tommen
>ever in control
Stannis at the Wall and Cersei's walk were pretty kino.
Actually Lord Jon Arryn was the hand of the king making all the good decisions for roberts behalf
He had a bad tax policy
>getting hung up on the legalities
Jon was a bastard and made King in the North. If popular sentiment swept behind Gendry, he could basically legitimise himself.
Yorkist supporters crowned Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel despite knowing they were both fake. Gendry has more real claim than either of them ever had.
stfu baby. I never even met my dad and besides being stuck here forever I turned out fine.
>Stannis has Targ ancestry
>Stannis made Jon his heir
>Jon ends up on the iron throne
>Stannis won the Iron Throne vicariously
>even his enemies recognize him as the heir to the baratheons!
There, I just spun it. That's all you have to do. Brainlets can't into propaganda.
>he bankrupted muh realm
fuck off Austrians, there is nothing wrong with stimuluses
>Danaerys falls into insane murderous rage over pretenders just like Robert did
Episode was kino don't give a shit what the SOI BOI say.
Historically there have been many cases of ruling families dying out, but they don't abandon monarchy, they just go down the line of succession and pick the next heir, in this case that would be Gendry. Which means if anyone were to assassinate Dany and Jon he's currently their Heir.
Absolutely braindead decision legitimizing him. If this were still season 1 people would have realized this and already start plotting.
All of season 4 was terrible. Show died with Robb Stark
Because he put the entire kingdom into massive debt and he didn't do any ruling, he just drank and fucked while his advisers ruled in his stead. He was a terrible king-in-name-only.
It's funny how Jon gets surrogate fathers everywhere he goes, but can't find the maternal affection he's been missing his whole life.
Every other man Jon meets wants to be his dad.
>Works on my system!
Your examples just prove it doesn’t matter if Daenerys legitimized him or not
>two moments
Let's ignore the boring Meereen shit, the boring Jorah-Tyrion shit, the awful Sansa arc, Arya in Bravos, the complete mishandling of the Faith Militant, DORNE
Season 5 was awful. It's still the worst season so far, and this season has been horrendous.
His only mistake was surrounding himself with Lannister shits.
>I legitimized him, I’m clearly not his enemy
Brainless can’t into propaganda, indeed
Nobody knew who he was except Jon, Davos and Arya. People might not have believed it. Dany announced to everyone in the north that the rival line to the throne had a living heir.
It was a retarded move.
Distinction is now he doesn't even need popular sentiment to lay claim, he's legal regardless of who's side you're on. She gave him a claim and put him in line right behind Jon and Herself. If anything she should have done everything in her power to keep him a bastard.
She'll be his enemy if he claims the throne
Robert was actually taught how to rule
Cersei got her experience vicariously through her father
Dany got her experience leading savages through strength alone
of course this all makes sense
>hurr durr
user, you're not on Yea Forums anymore so just leave your misogynist bullshit at the door before you get banned.
Rulers are always harshly criticised in their lifetime.
She should have done everything in her power to keep it secret. Sane episode she's begging Jon to keep his lineage to himself, she announces Bobby B has a living son. Retarded.
He stopped giving a fuck once he won
Because he Yugoslavia'd it all
yeah and my dad smoked all his life and never got lung cancer
stfu faggot
Even a drunken fool who didn't give a shit still kept the kingdom together better than his whore wife or a targ shit. Varys was right about cocks being important.
Because the latter two wouldn't have happened if he kept his bitch in line.
god you're a fucking retard
Women can tell when you’re stunted towards them, chances are every older woman Jon met hated him as much as Cat did, he’s pretty unlikable toward women if they aren’t attracted to him from the outset.
He’s got looks but personality wise he’s the least appealing man toward women, women don’t like strict, taciturn men who put honor over fun. They’re not spontaneous and care too much about things that aren’t them.
>reverse image search
OP is a fagot
>blaming your mom because you're a living failure
Men are so fucking pathetic. How about you grow up you gigantic infant?
There's no Lannister's blood in Cersei or Jaime. It's all Targaryen. It always was. Tywin not only hated Tyron because he was a dwarf and his birth caused the death of his beloved wife, or because he thought of him as a mockery of his legacy. He hated him because he thought it was the product of rape. What he didn't know is that Jaime and Cersei were never his true children. The great tragedy of Tywin is that Tyron was the only Lannister among them all along and he failed to miss it.
leave him alone roastie cunt
Fucking checked. This is the real answer. How the fuck are you to be respected as the ruler of the 7 kingdoms when you can't keep your own house in order.
>and 'er tets
>luv ned
When was the last time there were BOYS on the show? The Bronn and Jamie stuff maybe?
Actually the current line of succession of Aerys II Targaryen would go:
1. Aegon VI Targaryen (Jon)
2. Gendry Baratheon
3. Daenerys Targaryen
line of succession of Robert Baratheon would go:
1. Gendry Baratheon
2. Aegon VI Targaryen (Jon)
3. Daenerys Targaryen
So Gendry has a better claim than Dany regardless of which king you're counting by.
I reckon Zombie Catelyn will kill the Nights Watch who mutinied Jon rather than the Freys like everyone thinks. She'll do it out of love in a sort of twisted way after realizing she never showed affection for Jon when she was alive.
>There's no Lannister's blood in Cersei or Jaime
Tywin's wife was a Lannister too, you retard.
How come Robert’s the only king that wasn’t a fucking pyromaniac? Proper man of a king, if he wanted somebody dead, he bashed their chest in with a fucking hammer.
I think that she'll be the one to give Arya the talk Sandor gave her this episode.
Matrilineal line is not a valid claim.
There were a ton of other lads™ on the show besides these two, Bronn, Tyrion and Podrick for a while, Jon, Grenn and Pyp, Sam just pisses me off. Probably more but that's all i can think of rn
I bend the knee
The boys in the wall were the fucking anime club of westeros. Ned and Bobby were Chad jocks.
she was Tywin's first cousin, she had Lannister blood just like all of her kids, retard.
If Cat does kill the watch what happens to the Wall. Do the Brotherhood just take over the duties or turn it into something else?
By Matrilineal line, they are Targaryen, not Lannisters.
im pretty sure littlefinger was fucking things up in secret
This is actually in the books. Even Ned gets that it is impossible for Baratheon to bankrupt the kingdom with just tournaments.
>woman rule
>woman rule
>man rule
really makes you think, huh
This. And Tyrion starts piecing it together before he gets arrested for Joffrey's murder. LF isn't as clever as he thinks he is. He's mostly relying on other people's incompetence/apathy.
They should
>mfw Robert is literally Trump
White guys need to fuck off and stop getting in the way and they will be.
You're the only ones holding us back.
I never loved my brothers. Trash, both of them.
So what you're saying is that when Jon says "she's mah queen" what he really means is that he wants Dany to be his mommy
My penis bends to the left a little.
>handsome and kind Renly
>disciplined and duty bound Stannis
you were by far the worst brother, Robert
go home
based bait
Have sex
you made me laugh son of a bicht
He borrowed too much money from the Lannisters and went into debt, watched too many tournaments(medieval version of sports television), cheated on his wife and had many children out of wedlock, drank too much(but then again most geeks and nerds do the same, Americans in general drink too much which is why a majority of American characters always have that scene where they drink some whiskey, beer, or wine or some other alcoholic beverage making the characters relatable), and a bunch of other stuff.
Not him, but my parents divorced when I was 11 and it's a miracle that I turned out to be "fine".
>mom gets custody, we move closer to her family (and away from my friends and dad)
>constantly playing the victim and turning me against my dad
>wants me to "stand up" against dad for her, calls me a coward if I don't
>listens when I'm talking with dad, tries to tell me what I should say to him
>gets angry if I don't say specifically what she wants me to say, like word by word
>finds new reasons to start a drama show every couple of weeks, especially after I come back from being with dad
>wants me to narrate everything that happened when I was with dad
>she cares about my education and general well-being, but all she does is tell me what to do and I can't stand it
>as time goes on, progressively get rid of her brainwashing and come to better terms with dad
>maneuver at home to avoid drama spectacles and getting her angry
>the best strategy is to close myself in my room when I'm home
>the blame for all her problems starts shifting from dad, to dad and me
>face insults, suicide threats, and all kinds of crap
>get the fuck out when it's time to start college
>a decade later, still can't have a normal conversation with her
It'd be stupid to generalize and say that all women are the same when this is a specific case of a mother having mental issues. I also don't want to portray her as a total monster, she was fine most days when she didn't have a grain of sand to make a mountain of. But do not underestimate the effects that a toxic home environment can have on a kid. I'm certainly not unscarred.
>implying he did more than take the kids hunting sometimes
>implying he wasn't known for fucking whores
>implying a major character isn't literally his bastard
We never actually saw the Dothraki on an open field except that time when they got rekt by the wights except now they're OK.
Hs ineptitude led to Lannister and Targaryen rule in the first place.
to be fair she's pregnant
now arya's double chin that's something that needs to go
lannisters are lydden patrilineally and not genuine lannisters
Was he the closest real world equivalent to King Robert? There also seems to be some Henry VII thrown in there, at least during Robert's Rebellion and his earlier reign.
Why did she do it? Is she an asshole? Are the meme about tard-aryan blood being crazy aren't just memes after all?
I bend the knee king stannis
littlefinger was intentionally getting the crown in debt
This is a bad meme. Robert was one of my favorite, but.
>there is upcoming famine, even kings landing is starving and people are at verge of rebellion, read a book
>robert wastes money on shit cause he is boared to death
>borrows more money from Tywin's treasury
>too blind in his arrogance to see he is not the father of Jof
>makes the worst decisiion in his life putting the only honest man in Kingdom to rule the council of snakes
>lots of human sacrifice
>strong legalism
>but fiscally responsible
incompetent vs tyrannical
A Stark girl, a Baratheon son. We know since season 1 who are the only endgame couple.
She's his aunt. That's like, the next best thing.