Honest question, will i ever make a living as a non connected non jew ?
Can i sell my script as a non jew?
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How does this guy keep getting his scripts approved?
You have a chance if it's good. But only Jews can be hack writers.
successfully marketed himself as the new Spielberg
being Jewish also helps
Just make it anti-white.
Ok, well its almost done. I think it doesnt have a chance if its filmed diy. I really need a $8-9 mill minimum to pull it off right.
It is bretty good desu, not even lying. I know how many "screenwriters" are out there putting out piles of horseshit. Mine is a semi autistic piece of art kind of in the vein of ulysses but still perfectly comprehendable by the average normie.
There is semitic blood in my family and im non white so i think i get points there
No actual jew tho. My cousins grandma has a definite jew nose
You can
Don't get too smart
Extremely simple concepts and hooks.
"So and so has 30 minutes to disarm a bomb on a train."
I'm talking stupid like that.
It's all in the hook, don't get too cerebral or up your ass. Make it for dumb people but in a smart way.
Avoid my mistakes
user, my film is nothing like that. It is a re telling of my experiences as well as cooked up with certain fantasies i have had in the morning upon waking
Leftists npcs and redpilled folks alike can appreciate it.
Find a Jew proxy. Just make sure he doesn't take over.
I made a solemn oath not to be left vulnerable to jews ever again.
I'm not Jewish but I have a big nose, my family is from Belarus, and I went to a Jewish summer camp as a kid
Could I lie my way into the business?
Change your name to somethingberg/stein and start sending your writings or actor resumes to influential jews
if you want to break in you have to play their rules. then when you have power do your art projects. damien chazelles first script was the trashiest shit ever: "a man has to play a perfect concert because a gun is on him"
do dumb shit on that, and the morons who rate scripts will give you good marks, and then you have something to shop at film markets.
I wish I was you. I can imagine the connections I would make.
they will inspect your benis first
How can i get my script to the right reader?
How to find agent/manager?
Writing my third feature here aaaaaaaaa.
just pretend. little clue: aside from bar mitzvah stuff "secular jews" have no idea about anything else. take like an intro to judaism class and you'll be fine
Read my shit script and tell me what you think.
yes but you must pledge allegiance to satan
Haha they dont actually do that, r-right?
>Hapa protag
Nobody wants that shit.
>It is a re telling of my experiences as well as cooked up with certain fantasies i have had in the morning upon waking
Wow man nobody has ever done that!!!!
Can someone tell me where these macros come from? Where it's just text over a white background above an image? Is it Twitter? Is it some zoomer meme site? I've been seeing these for years on Yea Forums and I haven't seen where exactly they come from.
You probably won’t succeed because of your brainlet attitude towards life
full house
Arent you a nig?
>Harold and Kumar is anti-white
Do you have beautiful young children that you're willing to trade to the Jews? Are you somehow both exceptional AND willing to debase yourself in the foulest imaginable ways? If no to both, then no, you can't.
I'm working on a Jewsih pseudonym.
How does this sound...
>Shlomo Bergstein
lol thats epic
It kind of is, every minority is a good guy, every white is a retard or evil or both. Even the (((white))) stoner is a cunt.
get a real job incel
Grand Piano is great tho
>so you see heath ledgers joker is racist because he only kills black guys
> implying the jew producer, writers and directors didn't know exactly what they were doing.
When was the last time kikes made a movie that didn't portray the straight white guy as a moron or a villain?
why can't incels make their own movies so you don't get so triggered?
Your movies suck. Kikes haven't made a good movie in 20 years.
all mcu films apart from captain marvel
Didnt expect to enjoy this.
Is there more?
I’ve had 2 scripts optioned via screenwriting competitions don’t live in the US and not a Jew if they think they can make money using you they will
David F. Sandberg directed Shazam, Annabelle Creation and Lights Out. He was a non-connected, non-Jewish amateur filmmaker from Sweden when he was discovered.