Apparently everyone here's been saying that the sound of the bells "triggered" Daenerys or something. That's not at all what I saw. She heard the bells alright but didn't give a shit. Instead, she went all bloodthirsty Mad King on the city. In part knowing she'll never be loved in Westeros. Her power would come from fear, etc. Which sets the mood of the next episode.
Why is Yea Forums so retarded?
>Jon rejected her
>Bell rings, Ding Dong, Ding Dong
>Femcel snaps
the Mad King got what he wanted, after all.
kill yourself you GoT spamming faggot
read the books it says that her father was hearing bells a few years during the wars until he snapped
she is also crazy its why she burned kl
She will back to normal in the next episode. The shame will force her to beg Jon to kill her. Poor girl
LMAO that's a book thing and the show never built up on it
This episode would've been amazing had Dabid actually stuck to the books and left in details of Aegon.
But they didn't, every bad part about Dany and her history got absolutely scrubbed till this very season where they HAD to show her go crazy because GRRM told them it was her end plot.
In the context of the books this episode makes sense, in the context of the show it's totally out of left field and looks retarded so of course people are pissed.
Dabid explained after the episode that she actually went crazy while looking at the red keep, which in her mind represented a symbol of everything that her family built and all that was eventually taken from her.
So, to what extend is Jon (show) playing Aegon's (book) role?
The bells have multiple implications seeing as she doesn't trust Tyrions word and also represents the very thing Tywin used to sack the city. She just caves into anger and impulse and raises the city to the ground because that's the only sure way she gets what she wants.
It's actually a brilliantly written episode despite the fanfic cleganbowl which was the worst part
thats explanation for dumb normie tumblrinas who worship dany, otherwise they wouldnt understand
I saw it more as rage to her enemies who kept taking things from her and then made a bid for peace the instant they saw things going badly.
>Refused to help out during the battle of Winterfell, where she lost half of her forces and Jorah
>Killed another dragon and made an entire fleet to kill her last dragon
>Executed Missandei with the singular purpose of provoking an unjustifiable attack
>Still bore arms, raised a massive army of Lannister, Mercenary, and Pirate soldiers to force an extremely bloody fight through the streets of the city
>The instant she has a significant advantage, they throw down their arms because they don't want to lose any of their men (that'd be bad, right? Life is precious!)
>Bell rings, saying "Yeah, we surrender, now take us prisoner so we can negotiate" after all of this effort to take the throne
>Everybody in her camp is a snake or a traitor
>Jon only worships her out of fear and respect at this point, she has no actual friends anymore
It also serves absolutely no benefit to Cersei for making this massive human meat wall to make Dany look bad among other traitorous noblemen and scheming shithead commoners.
>be woman
>be on period
>bae fucking betray you
>be in battle
>hungry af
>loud noises
lol I can understand why she snapped, fucking incels. Have sex with me
Fucking kek
Apparently ideasoficeandfire says that Dany going crazy makes no sense even books wise
This is why you NEVER deny a woman sex, they simply can not handle the psychological ramifications of being rejected in anyway
>>Jon only worships her out of fear and respect at this point, she has no actual friends anymore
kek, worthless thot
she wasn't on period since she wanted the dick but she was probably on the cusp of a period
I´t a meme lol.
I'm not a dumb normie tumblrina who worships dany, but I still don't understand why she destroyed the entire city right after they won.
the real question is why did she look so goddamn fine in this episode
Drogon was Dany's massive proverbial cock being rammed up to Cersei's tight Red Keep if you catch my drift
I think the Dabid explanation ware for people who didn´t watch the show in the past. They always explain the most obvious things.
As a fellow incel i will explain this to brainlets. See, a female has no sense of honor, no moral code to follow. A female can flip at any time like a switch just because she doesn't feel good at the moment. Since D&D are based and redpilled like myself they see what kind of creature a woman is and let women do what women do. Like Sansa betraying oath to Jon moments later or cersei becoming crybaby all muh kidz, not like this, I won't have sex either by the way.
It is called Premenstrual Syndrome for a reason, she was just on the verge of her period, at her bitchiest point. Clearly we must forgive her, she can't help her biology...women make great leaders because they can't control their emotions, yay! That's my read anyway.
The verge of period also makes them the horniest so it makes sense
>she went all bloodthirsty Mad King on the city.
No. She lamented to Jon that she isn't loved in Westeros and will never be loved, and so she will rule by fear instead. She established her authority with her total destruction of King's Landing, the total destruction of the Iron Fleet, the total destruction of the Golden Company, the total destruction of the Lannister army, and the deaths of Queen Cersei and Kingslayer Jamie.
All she needs to do to solidify her power is to kill Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, and Jon. If this show ends any other way, the show will have truly gone full normie tier.
defective incest brain
This but unironically.
Why is everyone acting like this is a big deal? All of the mope characters in this fucking show are retarded
The way you take power is not indicative of how you rule, and why the fuck would you not start your reign by killing literally every enemy you have while they’re in one spot? That’s how it worked countless times in history
Totally uncharacteristic of these buffoons to make sudden 4d chess errors as well. If they wanted Jon on the throne they’d have simply let her take it from Cersei (who is objectively worse a la wildfire) then had her supplanted with a crossbow bolt or something later
Every character in this fucking show is devolving, not developing, and it’s truly cringey
>"she went all bloodthirsty Mad King on the city."
>No. She lamented to Jon that she isn't loved in Westeros and will never be loved, and so she will rule by fear instead
That's exactly what I said right after. Read the OP again.
>being a danyfag to this degree
You need help.
>All she needs to do to solidify her power is to kill Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, and Jon. If this show ends any other way, the show will have truly gone full normie tier
You're acting like those cringy SJW from twitter. "If it doesn't go my way, then it's WRONG and BAD! Fact!"
>Tyrion: when they ring the bell they surrender
>Dany realize what she has done
>She tries to kill many survivers as possible
Its just like the small shepperd boy who got burned by the dragons!
She snapped because her translator died and her nephew wouldn't fuck her
It wasn't the bells, it was the fact that she had everything taken from her mainly by that damn throne and the people that were in control of it. Then when they're defeated they wanted mercy. Has nobody else ever been in a situation where a person has caused pain then when you finally get the upperhand they try and cower their way out and you have to fight the urge of turning back everything on them?
I'm not a Danyfag. I just watch the show. Couldn't care less who "wins".
girls are super horny on their periods lmao
They throw a tantrum because dany, the yas queen, suddenly isnt the yas queen anymore "without any foreshadowing".
Than others who remember what dany did, she still acted ruthless many times, disagree with these yas queen followers.
And than you have these anons who want to see the world burning trying to bait them.
well her undyingly loyal army is quite tattered (dothraki and unsullied.) and dragons are clearly vulnerable. it would make 0 tactical sense to leave the lannister soldiers alive, especially considering the plotting in her own ranks. I don’t think it’s so much fear, she only had one option that made sense
KL could have been saved with a snickers bar
>She's clearly been the main antagonist of the series since the start
>Batshit insane tyrant who loves murdering inocent people
>The leader of a bunch of bloodthirsty barbarians
how did people not see this coming?
she was already on the edge
in the HBO after the episode the creator literally says SEEING THE RED KEEP where her ancestors ruled is what triggered her
That makes sense if she goes and burns down the Red Keep. She spends ages just torching everything before moving onto the keep. They just really wanted to show how evil and MAD she has gone. This is the equivalent of showing the bad guy who kicks a puppy or shoots his own men to prove to the audience that he bad
>just forced the city to surrender
>look at the castle my forefathers built
>it's mine now
>i'll destroy it
what did she mean by this?
She's a woman, don't expect logic and rational decisions.
Drogon is black
Dabid is dumb but not that dumb. The 10 minute making of is the simplest most brainlet explanation possible of the 5-6 major story beats every episode. There's too much more information for them to think that's really all there is to it.
thats great you typed all that out but my point was that even in their dumb down moment they never said anything about the bells making her go mad
face it, you guys got the leak wrong and are just upset about it
Dany didn't do anything. Bran warged into Drogo for a laugh. That's why we never see her once the carnage starts, she's trying to make Drogo stop. That's going to be the final twist.
Do you not get it that she's lost it at this point? This should be relate-able to anyone's that's taken shit for a long time then when it's time for their comeuppance they ask for forgiveness. It's just drastically exasperated by her mental illness she inherited by her father along with all the trauma growing up.
Absolutely this.
I liked the episode but that was dumb. All they had to do was to kill the other dragon in this episode during the war instead of the last episode.
>lost it
>mental illness
Literally not evidenced until bells started ringing and she suddenly turned into #paniccat. And before you spout paranoia, theres a difference between turning gradually into Hitler through years of delusions and mind-warping drugs and suddenly hearing bells which activated Kill Mode.
Was she upset? Fearful? Emotionally vulnerable? Yes. Should everything prior to the bells suddenly make her want to roast all the women and children of King's Landing? No. This was a gigantic failure of the director.
>Should everything prior to the bells suddenly make her want to roast all the women and children of King's Landing?
Yes, they were assholes that didn't give a shit when her family was murdered and supported the usurper, they should be glad they got a swift death. They deserved worse.
The younglings too, fuckers were going to grow up as disgusting as their parents. Gotta rip out the cancer before it spreads.
Not a Danyfag by any means. Emilia is a hobbit, and Dany is a boring shit I skipped through since S2. But she literally gave no reason to Sansa to plot against her or to Varys to try and poison her. It's hard to take her madness seriously when everyone around her has gone full retard long before she did.
>face it, you guys got the leak wrong and are just upset about it
correct. the leakers had no context. the saw the scene and thought the bells would prompt the madness. when instead the madness would break through in spite of the bells.
thanks for stating it more eloquently. i dont know why they cant just admit it
It’s the writers’ and producers’ fault more than the director’s. Their desire to make Dany’s turn a shocking twist prevented any organic character development.
Thats because tv is almost as dumb as the general population
>unga bells
>unga destruction
>unga bells mean unga destruction
Its like the whores in the bar cheering when muttsandy says dracarys
no, dude. you are getting confused with the battle of the bells from roberts rebellion
haha no way. But people will turn back on her.
Jesus it wasn't the bells, it was all the shit she went through and now when they're in the position that she was in they want to say "whoa bro...just a joke relax". The bell was that very point, combine that with jon rejecting her, traitors among her, losing dragons who she considers her children, her best friend.
because they're contrarians and anything that makes feminists angry is based and redpilled and automatically good writing
>Didn't enjoy three seasons of WHERE ARE MY DRUGUNS
Get gud faggot
>no reason for Sansa to plot against her
Sansa learned from CIA to betray everyone if it advances her own agenda. She also detected Daenerys' weakness and struck, like any bitchy woman in power does when faced with a stronger woman in power.
No, it was retarded. I'd get it if she went straight to Cersei in a rage fueled "she can't keep getting away with it" moment. But she didn't. She systematically went around burning the entire city. That's pure madness.
>Her power would come from fear
Pretty much. If she showed mercy the finale wouldn't be as good.
>Literally not evidenced until bells started ringing and she suddenly turned into #paniccat. And before you spout paranoia, theres a difference between turning gradually into Hitler through years of delusions and mind-warping drugs and suddenly hearing bells which activated Kill Mode.
Never go full retard.
>She systematically went around burning the entire city. That's pure madness.
True. But it wasn't because of muh bells.
You mean like the daughter of the mad king would do? know madness and all that?
Danny just kinda forget she wanted to conquer the city and not to destroy it
Typical woman.