Hello I'm literally the only character in this show who got a satisfying ending
Hello I'm literally the only character in this show who got a satisfying ending
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Ive already like this character, but his scars have the same problem Tyrion's had.
Based Sandor
And even his was kind of disappointing. His death changed nothing. His brother’s death changed nothing. It was great to finally see them fight, but the stakes were basically nowhere to be found.
This. Didn't they go in to kill Cersei? Why did he let her go?
What do you mean by scars?
No Sandor's goal has always been to kill his brother
"she's going to die anyhow lol"
He wanted his brother more but given how hilariously the mountain killed qyburn, it woulda been funny if sandor just impaled cersei while she tried to walk around him
How many times has the show recasted The Mountain? Can't keep up to be honest.
When she took a few steps towards him and was close but stopped, I was like "Wait a minute, he can just cut her down in 1 second flat and then go on to fight his brother" but they didn't and I don't understand why. I think at the time I thought "Maybe he's so scared and or tense that the only thing he can do is react to this brother"
best plot ever
There is nothing wrong with that. Not everything has to be meaningful or be related to the main plot. These two brothers just wanted to duke it out and so they did, they didn't care about anything else.
he doesn't care. he knows she's going to die anyway. all he wanted was to kill his brother
What's up with Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane?
Why does look like Bane from DC comics, when wearing an armor and why does he look like Darth Bane from Star Wars, when he's not wearing an armor?
He saved Arya from killing herself for no reason.
He has nothing against Cersei in comparison to his brother. She’s not Tywin or his father who covered up what happened to him.
You're right. There's nothing inherently wrong with it, but it still comes off as feeling like a hollow triumph. The Hound not caring about titles or knighthood or the "gods" or destiny or prophecy is sort of his core trait. This fight lacked the dramatic irony of his victory striking a blow to "the enemy" that he gives barely one fuck about.
It was enjoyable to watch, but really sort of hollow.
I would've pissed myself laughing if he just pushed her down the stairs
Those are some big guys
I guess 3 is a big number for some people..
>but they didn't and I don't understand why
Do you really think The Hound gives two shits of a fuck about Cersei?
Why would you stab a man before thowing him out of a building?
Yeah, but that had nothing to do with what came after.
>sandor just wanted to protect smiles
a truly based character
Fucking kek.
um since when? I've never heard him say he's only out to kill Gregor.
>how hilariously the mountain killed qyburn
Qyburn is one of my favourite characters and I'm disappointed he's gone but this had me fucking howling. Cleganebowl was the best part of the episode.
I really liked Qyburn and I thought that was probably as good a death as they could have given him. If he had died to the falling rubble I would have been pissed.
Absolutely. It makes sense that his death comes when The Mountain finally gets so angry he breaks out of his brainwashing/stops pretending to be brainwashed and just fucking launches him.
Dude got swole.
Like not the good kind of swole.
What if Clegane still isn't dead. He'll rise up a horribly burned mess, but alive still
They're both gone man let it go.
It's funny because he got turned into that shit by Manticore Venom. He's practically a Batman reference on every level.
How was his ending satisfying?
Him wanting to die killing his brother was completely out of character.
that was the same mountain that has been in for most seasons.
what's the point of armour in this show
At least they did a good job making him unrecognizable as a bloated zombie.
>They expect two of us in the rubble brother
since his brother put his face to a fucking fire when they were kids you blithering idiot
The Hound has literally never cared about politics. His whole life he has hated his brother, and everyone has known it. But his whole life he has tirelessly and without passion fought for his masters. He was one of the most violent, ugly, and brutal men in Westeros, because he let the anger of his own injustice burn deep within him, while doing nothing to quench it. This ending was satisfying for precisely the reason almost everything else has been unsatisfying. We've seen Sandor Clegane change. And we've seen it in a very natural way. The events of his life have unfolded in a believable way, and a proportional way. His ending, of all the characters so far, has felt like the slow pull of destiny. He had no prophecy guiding him. It was the slow turning of time that brought him through the liminal experience to his own self-made puprose. And it is fitting, too, because his cause was not righteous. It is the eternal story of feuding brothers, with a beautifully archetypal ending brought about by a sense of natural and mundane methods, becoming simultaneously mythic and individual. Nothing else in the show has come close. It is not simply the plot of the events, but how they have been brought about.
In the Mountain's case it was mostly for show, apparently.
Sandor The White comes back to punch Dany in the womb and then walks away.
If I stab your eyes will you die?
>We've seen Sandor Clegane change.
His connection with Arya and scenes with Arya in S4 really fit his story arc.
He's like that Uncle or older brother that looks after his little sister.
Him telling Arya not to pursue revenge like him was a good way for them to part ways.
I'll ask again you fucking mongoloid, WHEN HAS SANOR EVER SAID HE WANTED REVENGE YOU FUCKING RETARD? Fucking cleganebowl fags ruined this character.
That’s a big knife!
I'd say it was pretty on character, he had literally nothing to live for, he was tired and his brother was the only thing left for him to take care of. It was cool to hear him laugh at the end of the fight, you could see he was genuinely satisfied about dying like that.
it wouldn't be extremely painful
>Hello I'm literally the only character in this show who got a satisfying ending
TV shows shouldn't be about checking a fucking list, go stuff yourself.
>Night King gets stabbed once
>dies like a bitch
>The Mountain gets stabbed in the fucking face
>is stunned
I still have to see some arguments as to why Qyburn shouldn't get the iron throne. He'd be efficient as fuck as a ruler.
No you aren't.
Best shot in the enterly season
Based and i hope it was an intentional jojo reference
because he's dead
he's always been a sulking pissant who resented his brother since they introduced the character. of course he's wanted revenge on his brother since childhood for what he did. who wouldn't?
Fuck.... i forgot the pic related
Name one single character other than Sandor who died happy.
>your grace, the cloning stations are fully operational, ready to deliver 100 fresh new Qyburns in the unlikely event of my passing
Literally a Souls boss
What did he mean by this?
The Mountain looks ridiculous with his bear gut, looks like a giat telly tubby with all that fat.
Putting a bodysuit on top of fucking Haftor does that, guess they wanted to go for a bloated corpse look.
That was straight out of anime. F
Well said, completely agree.
Literally headcannon. Rewatch season 1 where they fight, Sandor shows no indication that he's consumed with revenge. No doubt he wouldn't mind seeing him dead, but not enough to travel all the way back to KL and get himself killed over it.
are you talking about the part with polnareff looking up at Dio?
Aside from the retarded "armor no longer works in Westeros" shit, Cleganebowl was the only good part of this episode. Well, that and the massive butthurt from normalfags.
he burned his fucking face off you moron. you're the kind literal autist who probably needed the "rule with fear" line to accept dany would turn mad queen. jesus fucking christ learn to read between the lines
you're a big cunt
he didn't care and just wanted to perform experiments
>star wars trier rip off
>another shitty "fight scene"
if he had just continued being a monk it would have been much more satisfying
I hope the music that played during their fall is on the soundtrack, it was too good
>Him wanting to die killing his brother was completely out of character.
>You know who is coming for you.
fucking autistic retards and speedwatchers
Satisfying to him? Maybe.
Satisfying to the audience with a brain and attention span? No.
Man, the direction, framing, shot composition and shaky cam in this fight are fucking dogshit. Sandor's fight in the Inn with Polliver and Arya had more dramatic tension, seriouesness, stakes, and was shot and directed FAR better.
Oh, that's why.
>No doubt he wouldn't mind seeing him dead, but not enough to travel all the way back to KL and get himself killed over it.
He knew Kings Landing was going down and his brother would likely go down with it. He missed his first chance at revenge when Oberon nearly killed Sir Gregor, do you think he would pass up what would literally be his LAST chance at evening up the score with his brother? If anything the character arc has been all about not living with regrets (which is what he's done the whole time).
the dragonfire rises brother
how can you even say so, his entire character since brienne was finding himself as a character and bigger things, why would he go full circle to where he was season 1, what was that shit about listening to the gods and helping others.
It was exactly like Jaime's, shit writing don't justify it
unironically "toxic masculinity" meaning they were both murderous angry assholes for life, and killed each other pointlessly and died in a fire for nothing.
What a bunch of dumb fucks. Consider their intelligence, compared to Tywin's or the Iron Bank's intelligence.
That happened when they were children, and irrelevant anecdote told by Littlefinger. Never ever has Sandor mentioned he wanted revenge. He could have killed the cunt in his sleep a thousand times if it meant that much to him.
What somg played in your head when they were walking twards eachother?
For me it was youtu.be
To the point where I swear i heard one of them scream BROTHER
>fight in the Inn
>walks around in his badass armor with big fucking sword™ all the time throughout the seasons
>gets into some leather piece of shit jacket and mini-sword in what was supposed to be The Battle on the Long Night, shitting himself in the corner
>meanwhile Loli Mormonth kills a giant
Exactly, he hasn't given a flying fuck about Gregor, it was literally a fanservice and shitty writing. Sandor should have died with Beric Dondarion much more fitting
>finding himself as a character and bigger things
you don't understand the character at all you mongloid. the hound has always been someone beaten down (like a dog), living in the shadow of his brother and left with a lifelong reminder of
his regrets (the scars he received as a child). offering to help sansa and helping arya, and joining the brotherhood of banners was all about atonement - for living the life he had up to that point (i.e. as a dog, a man who served at the whims of his masters), and the regrets he had suffered because of it.
It also made the fight significantly more satisfying and meaningful. He is the only character who as truly seen himself for what he is. So this adds a redeeming quality to the fight. It is not the same kind of vengeance that Arya wants. Clegane does not see it as a virtue, or as righteousness, but as a flaw he must purge from himself. He knows his hatred for his brother is like an anchor on his soul, but he has also resigned himself to the fact that the only way he can purge that flaw is by killing his brother. As counter-point, arya needed to see Fray die, and need to see Fray recognize her. Arya not only had to kill the ones she hated, she need to survive the encounter and savor their misery. Clegane just needed his brother to die.
>Queen pussy slayer
Euron was the man
its game of thrones and no disney movie. If you want a happy ending watch some cartoons.
Now imagine if they actually did the smart thing and made the hound kill the night king.
imagine being so black pilled and jaded about life that literally saving the world won t bring you satisfaction only the one last battle with your brother will.
That would have probably made everything SO much better.
im still salty they didn t do that.
>being this stupid and autistic
>not understanding the significance of sandor being called "the hound"
It was beautiful. It was sad. It was perfect. *****
Name one thing from this season that has been satisfying to the audience. At least my favorite character died with a smile on his face.
No, im talking about the most famous panel with Jotaro and DIO
glad to see people editing the whole fight together
This was my exact thought when I was watching the episode.
Night King is an angry blue frigid incel who can't plot for shit and can only make screeching retard zombies that die quickly.
Based Qyburn is a scheming chad, devotedly loyal to Cersei and created the best fucking undead Westeros has ever seen.
You don't find atonement from your problems by going back to the same fucking problem.
Gregor wasn't mentioned a single fucking time after he trying to find redemption besides retard fans like crying for a cleganebowl
Sandor's character was being written towards becoming altruistic and selfless rather than the spiteful cynic he was the first 5 seasons. So he goes back to selfishly kill his already dead brother he knew was going to die?????
im pretty sure the little kill killing the giant was a longer scene than the cleagane bowl
is this a jojo reference?
That would have sucked. The Hound vs. Mountain works because it is proportional and fitting. Each character is of roughly equal relevance. And the battle is seen by no one, known by no one, and effects no one. A work like this is built up out of many sub-plots supporting a super-plot. It is a foolish idea to sacrifice the super-plot simply for the extravagant and unnatural telling of the sub-plot. This is why Arya killing the night-king sucked, at least in the manner it was portrayed. A justification can be made abstractly for almost any character making any action. The mark of good story telling is that it seems fitting. It would not have been fitting for the hound to kill the night king.
He never once claimed to care about killing Cersei, that was Arya's goal
>You don't find atonement from your problems by going back to the same fucking problem
>the significance of sandor being called "the hound"
it's the clegane coat of arms, and he follows orders like a dog, that's literally it.
Which is what nigger ?
Which is why they made a big show of him being ordered to kill the farmhand right? Because he totally isn't a dog ordered to sicc on command despite his own reservations and moral code
>Sandor's character was being written towards becoming altruistic and selfless rather than the spiteful cynic he was the first 5 seasons
Thank God there's someone who actually understood this character.
>guy walking up stairs to fight an enemy
But it kinda was fitting. he was afraid of fire literally the only thing that can kill the dead (be it dragon glass that was considered "cristalised" fire or literal fire) and he was scared shitless of the dead (as seen in the episode). He would have literally played into gods even though he had the biggest hatred for gods and destinies. He would have been the reluctant hero who didn t want to do this shit but was dragged into it. And it would also make the later scenes even more meanigfull as him not being satisfied even after that since he only had one goal.
>he only wanted to die?
Why does that make any sense? Why does it make sense, and who said? Dude kills dozens if not hundreds of people in his life. Goes about for a year or 2 trying to become better, fights the dead, yep now like tears in rain it's time to die. no faggot, what earth would anyone be like that? Characters are meant to be realistic not two dimensional like you want
He knows gregor is a fucking dead monster, and is going to die harder with Cersei in king's landing.
The realistic course of action for his character was becoming like his only true friend the priest or beric preaching religion while searching for answers and trying to be less selfish
>durrrr cleganbowl though
>follows orders like a dog
Exactly. He's a cowed and obedient man. Because he cannot execute his revenge on his brother by the rule of his masters, he executes his orders with excessive brutality. As soon as he becomes a free-man, no longer bound by oaths and loyalties, the acute desire for revenge builds up with a cold fury. Any scene where they have been together, Clegane has leered at this brother. It has always been made clear that the clegane brothers despise each other.
hound killing the night king only because arya was in trouble would have been kino too
Yeah, that's what I said. And you're absolutely right in that his character arc was seeking redemption for his lack of agency and to seek his own moral code and to let the past go.
He was only spiteful and cynical because his masters made him act against his nature. Sandor deep down has always been relatively decent. But making him out to be on the road to becoming the next Pope is ridiculous.
i'm only mad about jamie
he deserved better
>Sandor's character was being written towards becoming altruistic and selfless
And he actually became like that. Had he not become truly altruistic he would have not given a fuck about Arya and would have let her on her own to go kill Cersei. Instead he made sure to convince her to leave because he didn't want her to die. He became a good boi in the end, but that doesn't have to stop him from having one final moment of selfishness against his brother.
The mountain becomes the NK and the Hound azor ahai
>The Hound is the fire
>The mountain is the ice
>Song of ice and fire
Here I said Pope as an exagerration without first reading his reply >he was actually serious
You know this actor is actually in the show. You didn't need to put his face on another guy.
no he didn't the fake spoiler of him building a home in the country ending was better.
is it true that he was some kind of chad in the books?
>He became a good boi in the end
He always was. He was the only true knight in the capitol.
he fucks dany and somehow has a magic flute that can mind control dragons so
So that is why Jamie went back to Cersei.
>implying he didn't survive the fall
>implying he won't walk away and build a cozy cabin in the woods
durrrrrr durrr he saved arya, why did he even let her follow her all that way and why die a pointless death against his ALREADY DEAD brother.
Not saying he has to be a pope, you don't write a character with his only associations for 3 seasons when the basis of his character the first 5 were being in spite of the ethics applied from said gods.
Being like the priest from season 6 was the most realistic outcome for his character
Man, he look so cringy in the show, kinda like a 40 years old boomer trying to dress cool with thight clothing
He failed to kill his brother. The flames killed him, so basically, Dany.
>wasted his life on dumb revenge in the end
>couldn't even win against his brother
He got fucked like everyone else.
>Being this mentally deficient you need any and all plot lines beat into your face with a hammer
Fuck i wish this was true...
Maybe the lord of light brings him back as a reward for all the shit he has done.
I think this was the best part of the episode, it was full of kino shots
All the madfags in this thread probably got upset with how Richard Harrow died
But I love the fact that Danaerys finally became interesting and I hated the way they killed off Harrow.
Hey guys remember that one time he and Bronn almost got into a fight? Now that would have been a kino duel.
Highlander you mean! Kurgan vs Ramirez rebooted.
Learn the difference between a revenge and redemption arc, nitwit.
He was so fucking ugly, holy shit. Nigga looked like that creepy baldhead-spider toy from Toy Story.
>You know this actor is actually in the show
>implying I didn't already know
>implying I didn't want CIA
>Ser Gregor uses eye gouging...
>It is super effective.
add the boss health bar now and it's perfect
The Hound went their to kill his brother, he didn't give a fuck about Cersei. He even pointed out that she wouldn't survive the day since Dany and her troops were sacking the city. And he was right.
>with that little stamina
the Cleganebowl was SHIT! SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!
He would've won if his brother didn't become a literal flesh golem
God you're stupid. His redemption arc ended when resolved to join the brotherhood without banners. And his "revenge arc" like you so literately put it has always been at play since Sandor stopped being the Hound (i.e. when he renounced his loyalties and became a free man). Because if it hadn't occurred to your pea sized brain, a character can have more than one motivations driving their storyline
The Hound doesn't slaughter unarmed women. Unlike Danaerys fucking lol
They change colors, postion and intensity randomly
>so Sandor now that you turned your life around and feel fulfilled helping others, what's next on your agenda?
>I want to throw it all away and kill my brother who I never even cared about until now
Ok dumbass.
You forgot his before pic
>who I never even cared about until now
Zoomer detected
He didn't really look like winning even before it mattered. Besides, it made him slow as shit and more stupid too.
Sandor didn't fight tactical enough.
>feel fulfilled helping others
hurr when did Sandor literally say the lines "now that i r a good guy i feel happy and fulfilled" hurr. you literal autist.
Here is a line he did actually say:
"You know who's coming for you"
God you're stupid.
Lmao what was the cleganebowl supposed to change?
Qyburn was doing a great job of being hand......until this episode
wow it's fucking nothing
>"What did they do to you? Doesn't matter, it's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you. You've always known."
That's the entire fucking point my dude.
why does he look so goofy?
>satisfying ending
>burn to death despite life long fear of fire
someone sent me this, don't know the source
he didn't use a shield, only a sword and dagger
>not parrying the Mountains blade with a caestus
You guys don't get it. It was personal, it had nothing to do with saving the world or politics. Sandor had his character development when he joined Berric and Thoros to fight for the living. With that done and the world safe he didn't have nothing left to live or fight for, so he went to KL to find some inner peace by slaying his brother.
He tells Arya that if they run into the Mountain they can both cross a name off their list in season 3 or 4.
>a single throwaway line that panders to the reddit cleganebowlers
>someone becomes the entire motivativation of his character
just stop
He knew they were all gonna die anyways. Originally he let Arya tag along cause he was gonna let her kill Cersei since they thought it was gonna be a regular battle. No one suspected that Dany was gonna go full hiroshima on King’s Landing.
He was probably dead from the fall. And yes, overcoming his fear of fire to kill his brother is based.
that's reasonable but the real mountian is kinda tubby but still big
let's be honest the fall killed them not really the fire; it should've been a room filled with fire or something (since they wanted to take the fire route). It wasn't that satisfying nothing in this episode was, the entire series was ruined by morons.
Who cares if it’s satisfying for you
He didnt overcome it though, they just fall to their deaths, fire on no fire. He didn't like.. walk through fire to get to him.
Also, he could have fought him in season 1.
A nice ending would be for him to fight his brother - for something he believes in now. This was just...ok - you could have done this in the first scene we saw you, we always knew you hated your brother and we always knew he was the one who scarred you. Why only after 8 season do you just kill him for sake of killing him?
his brother pushed him into the fire when he was young, he pushed his brother into the fire when they were not young
Tywin, too, but your point still stands. Certainly the only character in Season 6 to get anything like a good ending.
Can't wait for this to hold true next week!
omg pottery, BRAVO D&D!
I just watched the "cleganebowl" and it was sad more than anything
No fun memes to be had
>Also, he could have fought him in season 1.
But he did.
/ourqy/ with the VIP seats
>actually looks like the hounds older brother
>actually looks like an intimidating, angry brute
>actually 7+ feet tall (fucking manlets)
>doesn't look like a giant teddy bear
yeah, I'm thinking he's the best Mountain
>His brother’s death changed nothing. It was great to finally see them fight, but the stakes were basically nowhere to be found.
I thought that was supposed to be the whole point of it. The Hound's ultimate motivation in life was revenge for revenge's sake.
>t. woman
I agree, they could have made it so he was protecting Ayra somehow by killing Gregor. Ayra could then thank him as he lay dying or something, would have been way more satisfying.
Are you enjoying the Seething that was summoned, Brothers?
more like the mound vs the mountain
Sandor going back to kill his brother was fucking stupid and it's not in his character at all, anyone who says otherwise posts of Freefolk hourly.
kings landing would have been saved if you won at the Blackwater. F
Absolutely fucking based.
Are you retarded? He attacked him in S1 even though he didn't give a shit about Loras. He told Arya that if they run into the Mountain they can both cross a name off their list in S4. Sandor has always wanted to kill him.
>He attacked him in S1 even though he didn't give a shit about Loras
Defending against someone is not the same as wanting to kill them
>He told Arya that if they run into the Mountain they can both cross a name off their list
If they "ran into him". Which means if they somehow crossed paths, not going out of his way to find him.
Actually user the stuff in the image is called "manga".
he didn't exactly travel far to find him. have sex
Jesus fuck you're dim. What even is this hill you're choosing to die on? It's so fucking goofy how you persist in the face of all evidence.
>Defending against someone is not the same as wanting to kill them
The early seasons Sandor didn't give a fuck about anyone except Sansa. Saving Loras was only an excuse to fight Gregor.
>If they "ran into him". Which means if they somehow crossed paths, not going out of his way to find him.
Yeah, because he was a fucking deserter and would get executed if he went into Lannister controlled lands. Also, he wanted to collect the reward for Arya first, then he grew attached to her and wanted to protect her.
I just really hate how DnD can't write for shit so they have to pander to the reddit memes in order to make retards like you think the show is good.
It's the same problem with all the fight scenes this season, including the battle of winterfell fight and Jaime/Euron.
Too many fucking jumpcuts. You'd think that Every Frame a Painting's video on Jackie Chan's action scenes would be common knowledge, especially within filmmaking/directing circles by now.
Tywin's death was satisfying
>Saving Loras was only an excuse to fight Gregor.
I agree, still doesn't mean he wanted cold hearted revenge the entire show.
Actually in the books it seems less like he wants revenge and more like he is upset his brother hates him and feels betrayed
Asking as a showfag only.
Is it set up for Sandor to fight his brother in the books as well? Or is a relatively peaceful ending a possibility?
No, there were other things he wanted as well, but they were gone by S8. He served his purpose to the Red God by helping against the Night King. All that was left was revenge.
Sam & Gilly
Very decent ending to a great character, not the best but decent, the fight itself and the constant jumps soiled it. The scene with Arya as also good.
Cleganebowl baybe!
Cleganebowl was originally a book meme.
No, Gregor dies a long and painful death to a slow acting poison used by Oberyn after their fight. Cleganebowl is a reddit invention and was never GRRM's intention.
> the fight itself and the constant jumps soiled it
Hey, at least it wasn't as bad as the Jaime and Euron fight.
I feel like it would have been better to see Gregor in such a pathetic state that Sandor can't take any pleasure in killing him.
Him and Arya were the best on-screen pair until the end somehow
then why did he create robert strong whos obviously the zombie mountain?
euron and cersei had better chemistry and a more realistic and satisfying build up.
Arya's greatest strength was being a foil to The Hound.
Agreed, though I like Sandor's scenes with Sansa too.
already seen that. no point in repeating it
both sandor and gregor are "dead" in the books. there are characters that people think are sandor and gregor, but its not confirmed. qyburn raises a big zombie knight guy called robert the strong. its probably gregor. theres a super tall gravedigger thats wearing rags to hide his face thats working at a religious camp. sandors horse is also at that camp. the gravedigger is probably sandor
the hound is dead, he died in the program too after arya left him. every time you see him afterwards, it is a faceless man wearing the hound's face.
this is proven by him telling arya to go back.
I don't see how. They had his giant skull cleaned and sent to Dorne.
No I liked the death of Jaime and Cersei, just wish he would have killed her to prevent her from suffering at the hands of Daenerys but the scene was beautiful.
maybe in the books hes headless. never takes off his helmet
>its probably gregor.
Its his body.
>just darth vader over again
That's not fitting. Whether something is fitting is not a matter of reason, but of sensibility. It's a question of proportionality and design. And consider--Arya killed the night king; she abandoned her revenge. Because that makes sense. After you've accomplished such a monumental feat, personal disagreements seem minor and petty. You are analyzing your version of the story only in relationship to your particular, and limited, reading of Clegane. To judge whether it is fitting, you have to judge it not against the fullness of the character, but the fullness of the story.
YOU rewatch season one. When The Hound faces Gregor at the tourney he practically looks like a kid at Christmas.
Jamie and Cersei shouldn't have had that happen. It would have been more of a plot twist if they just sailed away together with his fate unknown. Not everyone "bad" should be killed off in finales.
hmm sweetie, you're wrong
When that started happening I knew he was fucked. God dang it.
ruined his character just like jaime, went through 7 seasons of progression for nothing
they could have had the cleganebowl everyone wanted but done it in a way that didn't ruin all the character development that they went through for him, but like everything else this season they had to rush the fuck out of it and make it contrived
their ending was good enough dude. I enjoyed the simplicity of it
>the Chad Charge through a stone wall
He died as he lived.
watch this
That's a face of being honourbound to protect the innocent against assholes like your brother, not a chance at revenge. Sandor's end pose says it all.
And to add to that Sandor has a smile on his face when Gregor loses to Loras.
Arya is his character development, though. He saves her life in the end and cares for her like a daughter.
>Sandor's end pose says it all.
you can't deny the decrees of a king
both him and his brother would have died if he didn't stop that fightr when Robert wanted them to
Then why did no one else, bound by the same honor, step in to stop him? Sandor's kneeling is why he's called The Hound. It's why he fights Brienne. Sandor is an illustration of a knight who keeps knightly valor in his obedience, but by his obedience does terrible, brutal things. He is literally a trained dog. He did not have orders to stop the mountain. It was a tourney. Death is always a possiblity. Robert was the king and could have ordered the fight to stop earlier, but he did not. The Hound disobeyed the rules of the tournament, disobeyed his master, to fight the mountain; it wasn't until Robert's yelling, that he remembered his loyalty and immediately knelt like the dog that he was.
Fuck you, you’re wrong and a retard
>Thrice Ned saw Ser Gregor aim savage blows at the hound’s-head helmet, yet not once did Sandor send a cut at his brother’s unprotected face.
>it woulda been funny if sandor just impaled cersei while she tried to walk around him
he literally has zero reasons to want to kill Cersei, I don't think they've ever even interacted on the show before
Now that Clegane Bowl is over what do I get hyped about?
>Then why did no one else, bound by the same honor, step in to stop him?
It’s consistently emphasized that Sandor, who’s taken no knightly vows and hates the concept of honor, is still more “honorable” and chivalrous than most of the actual knights in the setting. He steps in when no one else will because he’s one of the few actually good people even present at the time. His goal was to protect a young man from his brother, even if no one protected him when he was in a similar situation. It was partially about revenge but more about defending a kid, which he does at every opportunity
Do you think that Tywin or Robert had him babysit the mountain so he didn’t murder anyone too important?
I thought Hound/Ariya kino was back on the menu...
certainly not the forced diversity in the prequels and /got/ spinoffs
only sad kino, them saying goodye to each other was bittersweet
It was.
It was meh, desu. His ending is in any way satisfying only in comparison to how shit everything else is.
>That's a face of being honourbound to protect the innocent against assholes like your brother, not a chance at revenge.
It's both senpai. It's both.
It wasn't. Sandor didn't care for revenge until D&D ran out of books.
He literally says Gregor is on his list in S3 or 4.
What was the best Hound fight guys?
He does not do it every opportunity. He is one of the most apathetic characters to the brutality around him. And when he is ordered to do something brutal and profane, he does it without question. He begins the show as a villain, a despicable henchmen. He recognizes how awful his superiors are, but rather than doing anything about it, he gives up caring. What show did you watch?
Nah danies death will be kino as fuck
I liked when he btfo the Lord of light
Not him but Sandor only pretends to be apathetic. In reality he is disgusted with people like his brother, which is why he refuses to be knighted. You can see he still cares in his interactions with Sansa. Despite being the only non-knight in the Kingsguard he is the only one who steps up to protect her several times.
>why did he even let her follow her all that way and why die a pointless death against his ALREADY DEAD broth
because Dany burning the entire city to the ground was probably not what they had in mind.....The reason he knew he wasn't coming back was because y'know, he realized the Red Keep was literally being 9/11'd as the spoke
don't you have a sneed thread to post in?
Character is defined by action. If he does nothing to work against the evil of others, and even perpetrates that evil himself, then he is beyond apathetic. What you are calling attention to is character growth. Over time he begins to change. He does not defend the defenseless. He only helps Sansa and Arya to the extent that they are naive. He does not try to protect them, but to spread his own cynicism. Except for when he fought his brother at the tourney, he only ever protected someone when he was duty-bound to do so.
>He does not try to protect them, but to spread his own cynicism
you completely missed a lot of the nuances of his character. literally black and whitening everything
He was supposed to become a monk and fight his brother as the faith's champion so no, not at all.
make the poll agan, you're missing the inn fight, yeah it's not a 1v1 but he btfos 5 people and kills 3 of them
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1557508855706.webm
>he only ever protected someone when he was duty-bound to do so.
As compared to every other Kingsguard in the city that would gladly murder the innocent and didn't give a flying shit about Sansa or Arya.
Yes the good kind of swole
>dead link
here I fixed it
The entire point is that sandor knows he's going to die killing is brother. His death basically symbolizes what would have happened to Arya if she went down that path.
Also, either they fought or not they both would have been crushed after the castle crumbled down
Nah, there's thst dude digging Graves at a monestary that's supposed to be him
bahahahaha Euron was the biggest force of a character ever, and also had the shittest ending ever.
God this series is shit.
>the only satisfying ending was literal fanfiction
Sansa used to be a cutie.
>push her down stairs
>she lives
>she and jaime escape king’s landing
>dies 2 days later during a miscarriage
Fucking hell I would’ve loved it
>he does nothing to work against the evil of others
He protects Loras from Gregor and saves Sansa from being raped. He also implies he'll protect her from Joffrey when they get married.
wow, their choreography really was always trash
I definitely agree 100%