Do you think Yea Forums will finally go back to being the way it was before 2012 once HBO'S dragon show is over
or are there far too many posters here now for that to ever happen?
Do you think Yea Forums will finally go back to being the way it was before 2012 once HBO'S dragon show is over
qq in /qa/ fag
not if these tourists are any indication
it'll never go back as redditors like this are the majority now and their ancestors worked really hard to make Yea Forums pleb and reddit friendly when /q/ was around.
Do you still, after 7 years or more still have hope of going back to 'le ole good days?
It won't happen retard, the user base has almost doubled since then, there are more new posters than old. It will never be the same again, if you couldn't understand this after so many years you might be legit retarded. Yea Forums has been a shitposting board for longer than it (arguably) hasn't
It'll keep getting worse.
>muh secret club
Shut up loser. You're lucky we let you stay on OUR site.
No, because there are three more dragon shows on the way. Probably even more. This shit is going to be milked for a century.
>wahh hes not following the rules!
>40 GoT threads about the exact same thing are okay
2014 Yea Forums was peak
ur overthinking this
t. bane shitskin
unironically fuck the oldfags and i hope they die, they are the ones who made Yea Forums into the shit that it is now
The intelligence of GoTards, everyone
this is how Yea Forums has always been some awful tv show or some shitty flavor of the month movie comes out then there is a huge shit storm over it then it dies down and some other garbage takes it place
Not unless Disney vanishes the next day.
We're just going to go back to being Princess Movies and Capeshit: The Board
It might be improbable, but perhaps not impossible. I mean, take IRC for example. That used to be the premier "social media". But nowadays you are hardpressed to find people under 25 there. The same could happen to Yea Forums. Some newer site comes along, swoops out all the zoomers, and only actual oldfags remain.
with GoT gone and Star Wars ending for the time being, maybe all the redditors and tumblrfags will leave, but I doubt it.
This. Oldfags are basically boomers.
What 'oldfags' (zoomers themselves) really want is a hug box where they can be contrarian and circlejerk about le superior taste without any differing opinions.
>t. got here after 2010
Disney shills will soon start shilling for nu wars again.
Don't forget that the lowest point in Yea Forums's history was late 2015 with the massive shilling campaign for TFA that occupied almost the entire catalog for weeks.
The board never really recovered.
>how does paragraphs work, massa?
the reality is Yea Forums is shit because none of you actually talk about movies
you complain about capeshit, starshit, throneshit, etc. but the board is trash even when there's virtually none of it
I'm willing to bet most of you just use Yea Forums for shitposting and don't like big disruptions to normal catalog of bait threads
>It won't happen retard, the user base has almost doubled since then
The overall Yea Forums userbase has quintupled from 2012-2019.
No. Culture warriors have ruined this site and the internet as a whole. Normies wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for them.
first time I lurk Yea Forums and I have been in Yea Forums since 2008. I like the way it sucks.
>lowest point in Yea Forums's history was late 2015