The reanimated corpse of a soldier has free will

Why did they bring up this dimension? Why complicate his character with frankenstein-like areas when they could've just had Cersei command him to attack Sandor?

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Sandor i am your father

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It's more engaging to see that the hate the brothers have for each other is so deeply engrained that even the mindless husk wants to kill him. I mean the writing of the show overall is garbage, but I actually sort of liked how clegane bowl started. To see that Gregor really really wanted to kill Sandor, that his hate perpetuated from beyond the grave, was a nice touch.
It would've been unsatisfactory for Cersei to just say "kill him" and then they fight. As much as it makes sense, it's shallow and not very engaging.

it's fan service for the idiot audience. gregor needed agency to make the fight with the hound more badass - because, you know, they hate each other so much. basically, D&D think we're idiots, and they're right.

Literally Why not, you retard

Wasn't Varys killed in the beginning?

Because it happens this way in the books, but the show didn't take the time to cover the mysticism of Maesters who earned Valyrian steel chains.

Books will probably connect Qyburn's necromancy with other forms of necromancy in the world.

Gregor’s hatred of his brother overpowered everything else.

Because its more interesting and the mechanics of how black magic zombies work isn't clear so why not. That way there is some aspect of Gregor alive enough that Sandor is actually fighting him and not just an automaton.

What was Gregor’s motivation to kill sandor? From books and show up to this point there’s no reason he would want to kill him, I can see sandor maybe since he got burned by him.


The hate is completely one sided, though.
The Mountain is supposed to be indifferent to the Hound.

>I can see sandor maybe

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The only proper way to redeem this series will be unkillable robert strong wiping out all life on planetos.

Better question, why was fire the trick to killing him? Where was this ever even slightly hinted at? God knows I can't remember if they ever even brought this up.

I didn’t hate this fight, but it felt so forced, strangely weightless.

Would of been interesting if Sandor realized that his revenge is pointless because his brother is literally dead already.

>First scene of last episode

It's not fire that was the trick to killing him. It was the long drop, the tonnes of rock AND the fire. It all added up.

Why wouldn't it is the question. Even dead flesh stops moving once you reduce it to ash.

I was hoping he'd reach this conclusion and then reconcile/mercy kill him.

While the main actor for the mountain is xbox hueg it was a little disconcerting to see his young ass face again. Too bad the original guy didn’t stick around.

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Clearly the trick was just destroying the body entirely, didn't have to be fire

He did, that's why he was laughing in the end.

An undead Goliath would have been useful digging out of those crypts.

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other undead creatures had to be burned and the hound had a fire phobia that people thought he'd have to conquer

no evidence that he's combustible though

Everything is combustible, dummy. Only the temperature required varies.

christ this board is a mess

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