You now remember lumberjack Dexter

you now remember lumberjack Dexter

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Don't do this to me, op

No I dont

I wonder if season 1 and 2 are as good as I remember

>Didnt even get to fuck Deb


Woah. I was literally JUST comparing this ending to how GoT is ending. Random and out of character.

GoT will have a worse ending

remember the treadmill

oh god

remember aging technology

remember the scan match

was session 8 so bad it's good

There was not a single reason for Dexter to not live happy other than "muh bad"

Dexter had 2 good seasons (Season 1 & 2)
Two entertaining dumb fun seasons (Season 4 & 3)
And the rest is utter shite.

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i stopped watching in season 5 how many seasons did dexter have and could someone tl;dr of why the ending was so bad?

>it's another episode where Dexter claims to never kill innocents after he's specifically shown killing an innocent person before
The writers just pretended he never killed that innocent photographer

4 was carried by based lithgow, everything else sucked

I feel this is similar to GoT

C'mon dex, lets just try it once

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>deb ends up in a coma and dexter dumps her body in the sea
>moves to canada to become a lumberjack

I honestly thought having the ice truck killer be dexters brother was kinda stupid even when I first watched it but it's still a good season

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Kaji go home

This is the correct opinion

What? I don't mean the pedo, I mean the big famous photographer whose assistant was the actual killer

The show went downhill once they killed Doakes.


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The first season is 90% the same as the first book, brother-killer and all
>tfw no RoboDoakes

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Who else would it be? Some random serial killer who just randomly finds out about him and gets obsessed?

so he kills her? based

No, she dies of a broken heart

She gets shot by the big bad of the season and ends up randomly dying after the doctors saying she's fine. Rather than let her get a funeral, Dexter steals her still warm corpse and sails out into a hurricane and magically doesn't die and becomes a lumberjack.

Dexter falls in love with a serial killer who killed her husband and also tries to kill Deb and then Dexter kills Deb and leaves his kid with the serial killer so that he can move to Canada to pursue his true passion of cutting trees. Also Deb wants to fuck her brother and like 10 people know Dexter's secret by the end but nobody does anything about it

dexter intro shows him having a shave then leaving his apartment unshaved. don't hate, i'm just saying.

A devious fiend, indeed

He technically killed her by unplugging her life support