That’s not varys
I'm okay with this conclusion
Unironically this
Get fucked Danyfag, lmao.
Based and redpilled
Daily reminder Bobby B. was best King
>Dany goes crazy as soon as all real men around her are dead
>Arya and Cersei stop being crazy/hysterical when a real man yells at them
Makes you think.
Dilate or have sex
More like, women are no better than men. It’s been several straight seasons of WOMEN GOOD MEN BAD, and the show is just now revealing that the women can be just as sadistic as men.
>best king
He gets a B (for Bobby) in managing the realm (mostly because he didn't manage it at all - stayed out of the way and let others do it), but an absolute F in dealing with his (inevitable) succession. Should've been more of a father figure to little Calligula.
Then again he was a sad sack of depression and didn't give two fucks about the realm anyway.
I love this show but absolutely abhor the dry-dicks and femcels that also watch it
It would have been much better television if Dany nuked King's Landing right after she landed on Dragonstone.
Probably how it goes down in the books.
>Dany goes full retard over Aegon, blows up KL
>secludes herself to Dragonstone
>Jon shows up with his wight talk
>she dies beyond the wall
evil women characters
evil man characters
>literally every other villain
>women don't have terrible mood swings
>a woman with a wyvern isn't a threat
>a woman that has been fucking everthing that moves
>cocks are very important I'm afraid
guess he was right
There was also Lysa and Ellaria.
My favorite fan theory is that the Wall doesn't even need anyone manning it, it's magical/powerful enough on its own to hold back the Others. However the rulers of Westeros saw in it an easy way to get rid of all undesirables/bastards/criminals by creating the Watch and just shipping them off up there. Just pretend they're doing something useful/honorable duty.
And the only reason that the Others do get past the Wall is because Jon McDipstick basically gives the Others a dragon as a Christmas present - whose magical breath attack is able to tear down the Wall and the enchantment/wards embedded in it. (Assuming the books go the same way.)
Lysa wasn't evil she was just a bit cooky. she did let Tyrion go did she not
Tyrion wasn't important to her. Kill him, free him, her in-laws are fucked either way, which was the point.
Why is it that you want some perfect, shiny character. Why is that the only thing that can satisfy your desires of how women should be portrayed?
I've hated aspects of this show, with a passion, particularly with how Dorne/Sand Snakes and Stannis were dealt with. But, I love how this was dealt with.
Daenerys' story is the one of the Idealist who finally Broke. She's not meant to be some perfect person. And that's the cool thing about A Song of Ice and Fire/GoT, GRRM really tries to portray a strong message of the characters who are multi-faceted - of many faces.
You want some perfect Mary Sue? Go watch star wars, or the newest cape shit.