More bells, your grace?
More bells, your grace?
was r*ddit right?
Stannis is never coming back.
delet this
Dany did nothing wrong
Congratulations, the city has surrendered! So what's the next shtep of your mashter plan?
He was meant to be /ourahai/ bros
>It ain't me starts playing
Nth for fucking Dany raw post battle
lmao what a fag
got saved, based d&d they did it lads they saved the show, they made the minorities ebil
Who else /excited that one week from now we will finally be free/?
He's in heaven now brother
>jon kills Dany and then fucks off with Drogan and Arya to find out what's west of Westeros and try to find Drogan some pussy
the only way to salvage this train wreck
There's no more bells your grace
Jaime gets the last laugh over Cersei in that he Impregnated the Amazonian Knight
Based and Redpilled
Bow to the new Prince of Dorne.
For the true king
pic unrelated, it's Stannis
It just flies away
he looks like chris chan here
How come no one talking about how my boy The Hound Sheev'd the Kingsguard?
Tell me about the bells
Why do they make Dany go mad?
no shurvivorsh
I could hardly tell that this is CGI, it looks so realistic
>implying spin offs won't be announced RIGHT after the final episode
They don't want to lose those subs user
All according to plan.
I just hope when Danny lands and come down of her dragon, she's still all rage and fury.
If she's mopey or genuinely repenting, I'll be disappointed.
>Ah, save me Oberyn!
do you think dumb and dumber remember this scene?
The fire rises.
Are they gonna address the fact that all of Essos went right back to slaving since Dany, the unsullied and her dragons are out of the picture?
would retroactively been so fucking kino if he'd died here
next episode bros...
Drogon is now hypersonic going from miles out in the ocean to the wall of KL in a matter of seconds
HD Stannis
They struck him down, but that made him more powerful than they could possibly imagine.
Can you really blame her?
it flies to valyria
i can't believe how right you are
how far did have to stretch his arm back to impale her like that
Somehow I believe Tyrion, Jon, Davos and even Unsullied army turns against Dany.
It flys away
excellent soundtrack this episode tbqh
>And then you just burn them all, lol
Admit it, the fall of the golden twins was kino
D&D are based for revealing the brainlets in the audience who don't understand that Dany was like this from the start
burn them all
A week from today we're going to be shitposting and sperging out about how the series ends with Bran Stark sitting the Iron Throne. Fucking hell.
Based double penis references name
Is the leak about dany faking her death, confirmed?
>Implying i'll give a shit about the spinoffs
Unless everyone says they are amazing I won't care.
we see it land on dragonstone and shit some eggs before the final credits roll
sequel announced in 3 months
Taking down this show with no survivors!
Umm, excuse me, he killed the King Euron.
He's a double Kingslayer.
At least someone recognized her true intentions. Soon as she stepped out that fire with 3 dragons, that was end of whatever innocence she had in s1.
that's just qyburn's hover boots
there was a scene where they all floated back to essos but it got cut for time
Would be better if she didn't botox the fuck out of her face. Looks silly now, her career is over. Should've aged gracefully
What did she mean by “hold the showrunners accountable”?
"Remember, guys! Subscribe to pewdiepie"
>new Prince of Dorne
You mean the old Prince of Dorne
nice spoiler bro
I was actually against her up until the point I realized where her arc is going, at which point I switched allegiances completely to queen Dany. She got robbed in the show and in the meta narrative.
If he lived for a few more weeks he'dd archived necrotechonloagical singularity and turned Westeros into Grey Goo.
I'm impressed by how much D&D managed to get me to hate Tyrion. He had always been a favorite by everyone in the books and early show, but now he's a an annoying dwarf with literally 0 good ideas.
>the page next to it
>see someone filling in the Jaime Page
>its Brienne
>turns over page
>"Ser Brienne of Tarth..."
Does feedwater contamination cause dragon madness and feelings of genocidal rage anons?
confirmation bias is never right
with how angry people are right now I think it would be better to wait.
HBO fucked up, if dabid was going to just pack it in for the last season they should have found new people to take over, they've somehow managed to kill all hype for GOT, even normies are basically just watching to find out how it ends.
The value of any sequels just plummeted
Who hasnt done this?
this, pretty much
the average viewer thought she was the ultimate good guy because 'DUDE SHE HATES SLAVERY' but she's been like this ever since her brother got his golden crowd
What if Shaun Bin is in it?
>Yep this is me, Quyburn, you're probably wondering "how did he end up in a situation like this?" well it all started some years ago, when I got expelled from the maester's citadel...
Just more unwarranted anti-semitism
i do like bran, but they've really butchered his plot these past 2 seasons.
HBO just uploaded their weekly "Episode Revealed" thing on youtube
>the comments
It was well performed at least.
Someone please post Strickland riding in front of the greenscreen.
Any fictional characters triggered by bells? Like did Griffith go nuts because of bells?
I'm trying to find the POETRY here but all I get is crap. I guess the moral of the story is it's really bad to have an anxiety attack when atop a fire breathing dragon
*it ain't me starts playing*
terribly sorry for the loss of my first clone and ser gregor your grace
but I think the new improvements on the Lannister armor might improve your mood
I always liked how their hair was kinda fucked up cause you know they didn't have that great of hair cutting techniques or scissors and then jaimie comes out with perfectly cut hair and then gendry has a perfectlu buzzed head
you just know they stopped giving a shit
it was around the time armor randomly disappeared from westeros
Is he still alive or did he get Qyburn'd?
>Guess I'll die.
you can be a strong character and be a bitch
I HAVE TO GO TO WORK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't get why they made Cersei so quite in her tower.
What's with all the scenes where she just gazes out over the city, have her say something.
Not this episode, but she's had way to few lines
How do you think /ourBessie/ reacted to the episode?
>8 seasons of this piece of shit doing this look and doing absolutely nothing of note
I thought it was weird how relaxed Qyburn was. Didn't he, like, fear death?
>unfair to its female characters since the very beginning
The worst people in Westeros and Essos are 99% men, what is this lunacy.
Eurons last line was a bit cringe. Maybe it should have been more along the lines of "the King who slayed the Kingslayer"
>Drogon appears out of the darkness to burn Varys
He's a gigantic fucking dragon and those guards had torches, there is no way he was hidden.
We need to kill em to show how rational women are
Are D&D really going to kill off Dany shortly after Missandei? The Twitter verified backlash will be huge
GoT milkers
she didn't eat for two days before the attack, she was just hangry boys
Wildfire sticks to kids
Anyone got the link for the thread when the bells part was happening?
>it's ash because of her
>she knows deep down none of it was worth it and she was better off running away with one of her boytoys
Kino tbqhwyf
Literally as bad as danyfags
Dragon becomes king of Valyria
kidnaps women from all over the world to impregnate; infuses them with his dragon blood to protect them from Valyria's nasty diseases
population is made up of half-dragon people, whether those born because of dragon conception, or through blood infusion
imposes a very lax tax policy
You beat a one armed man, maybe, congrats Jack Sparrow
>GOT has been vastly unfair to its female characters since the very beginning.
Arya literally killed the Night King 2 episodes ago for no reason other than pandering to the "YAAASSSS KWEEN GIRL POWER" crowd.
I want one more meme from Bran in the finale
Love the femcel seethe, keep it coming
>people blaming Daenerys
You guys try fasting for two days and see what happens when you smell bbq
but user, the CINEMATOGRAPHY
Yaaaaased /ourqueen/ the entire way through
For North
>Get called an incel
>Feel bad about seeing all the women dying and attempted rape during the dragon attack
>Feel bad about dany succumbing to the targ madness when she proved she could at least be a decent ruler before she lost everything trying to take Westeros
I thought I hate women though?
I love the smell of dragonfire in the morning
Didn't even read the leaks but it's either that or she fucks off back to Essos. But it's unrealistic, she wanted this shit place for all her life. Got cucked by her heritage, sad!
She just has autism, fren. There's no pottery to be had.
aside from burning KL. what is the most savage thing daenarys did.
fucking hell
wish we could turn back time
Seconding this.
Arya: Come with me, my plot armor will protect you!!
*Everyone around her dies*
Laughed more than I would care to admit.
>Emilia Clarke's last line before Jon/Arya kills her will be "FINALLY, I HAVE BECOME, A GAME OF THRONES"
For real, I didn't feel like she could be a good ruler because she was too idealistic and demands respect where it wasn't earned at times.
But this fucking garbage that we've been force-fed these last 2 episodes? Nope, can't agree with this
reddit is always right
>final episode starts with Jaime and Cersei fine with rubble in the shape of a heart around them
He was too based, even for death.
Subplots and storylines that D&D forgot about:
>Cersei prophecy
>The kingsguard book
>Zombie babies
>Azor Ahai
>Weapon that Arya asked Gendry to make
>Bran's 3ER shit - literally useless
What else?
looks like Total War cutscene
It was pretty obviously GRRMs plan for years. That's why this episode was so great, they didn't have enough time to do any D&D plot related stuff besides George's broad strokes
shut up incel
Absolute character assassination. Nothing from the moment he lost his sword hand afterwards mattered. He just ended up defaulting back to Cersei because hack writing.
Azor Dany
based and griffpilled
Just like with many other arcs the end was believable but the way they got there was retarded.
Based head cannon
I felt Cersei on the tower is a little bit like the Hitler Downfall meme
just finished watching
best episode of the season, holy heck
Missandei is a creepy fuck in the books, so she's getting the axe at some point too.
The CGI was so unbelievably shit this episode. If you want a good laugh, re-watch the scene where Drogon burns down the gate and Dany's army charges. It looks like 300 but without the stylisation. No wonder the first half of the season was so fucking dark.
looks worse than unmodded TW: Rome 2
The dragon becomes king.
You know all the Jon is short jokes will actually come into play. Here’s how
Arya tries to turn Jon against Dany
Jon refuses bc muh duty
Fast forward a few scenes
Jon kills Dany after an intense discussion
Jon fucks off to the North
Final scene is Arya fiddling around in the crypts. She puts Jon’s face back on his dead body and closes the casket
The reason for the Jon is short jokes is to explain how Arya could pass as him for a few scenes at the end
uh i think you mean SUBVERTED
>The Twitter verified backlash will be huge
Literally who gives a shit.
I really hoped cersei wins and kills them all and not this mary sue plotarmor bitch.
>next episode
>the long night is actually an eternal eclipse
Has preston necked himself since DnD stamped his feminism into the dirt?
What if Dany just took the long way around way up high and just burned the red keep in a surprise attack in the middle of the night?
>then you see Brienne screaming and charging in, killing Cersei
>Weapon that Arya asked Gendry to make
what? it was her dumb dragonglass spear thing for fighting the walkers was it not?
the leak says there is a short man in green present in the final episode. is howland reed finally making an appearance?
excuse me shitlord, they're verified which mean they are important
So now that the dust has settled, was this the best episode in the last two seasons?
Nah, and maybe you should go back
so how wasn't the Hound recognized by a single person given that he is bigger than everyone in King's Landing who isn't his brother?
So since Jon is killing Dany, is the Nissa Nissa prophecy still somehow explainable in different terms that do not include the NK?
I really wanted that dragon armour
Why would she do that? That wouldn't even kill any civilians retard
it's book canon
She said she'll accept the surrender, but inside her she wanted them to not surrender because she had already decided to burn them all.
The moment the bell rang she realized she had no more justification to exact revenge and that she had to take the mad Targ fucking shits route
At least Kelly C is going to die now
Spending my time with you bros sharing memes is what makes this awful season worth it desu
I forgot, does she lez out with Dany in the books or was that some other handmaid?
>if you don't like D&D quality writing then you're a feminist
Is this the new viral marketing tool fresh from HBO?
It will be "lost" or "corrupted" somehow. They don't want to see the hordes of insane rioting lefties and trannies when they see their YAS KWEEN go crazy.
I'd rather see Cersei win aswell.
>based queenslayer slices up the dragon cunt
>Jamie plows Cersei while Jon and Brienne watch
Let's give it up for the basedest group of people in this show, they truly were /ourguys/
Hope they get a mention or appear in the finale
how to make her permanently mad
leak says he flies away with dany's body
>still believes in prophecies
Apparently contemporary water-jets go up to 90,000 psi to slowly cut through stone and metal at point-blank range. Dragons are doing it to massive castles with second-long bursts of flame from at least twenty metres away, so the maths on that would suggest the dragons are spitting fire which impacts with the force of a massive amount of TNT
Lacking fuel might be acceptable if we imagine they have organs within them that pressurise air and then ignite it at their mouths. But if that were true the pierced dragons would have popped like balloons and they would sound more like space shuttles lifting off every time they took a breath.
That's just Kit on his day off.
>watch youtubers who hated last few episodes
>they hate this one too
So I guess these faggots have no real opinions and just ride the bandwagon. This one completely SUBVERTS and SHITS on the entire past two seasons making everything OKAY.
Someone has the rape webm memes?
their writing has been shit for 4 seasons, if you're just having problems with it now it's because you're a seething femcel
>>Cersei prophecy
Valonquar was never mentioned in the show
Same. But with her also being my aunt.
I thought the Golden Company were like Swiss mercenaries because of the general that looked very European but then I saw their armors and they looked more Arab.
I think it was with Mirri, Missandei is like 8 in the books.
>Dany chilling in her room in Meereen
>Missandei comes in and asks "why are you crying?"
>"I was not crying, you must have dreamed it"
>"If you say so your grace" and leaves
This death pissed me almost as much as Stannis or littlefinger.
Also why didnt he make more undead super soldiers?
why does tyrion betray varys anyway? surely tyrion realizes at this point that dany is approaching mad king territory
No such thing. F*males can't be incels, even whales can be a one night fuck for chad and they will think they deserve chad for a lifetime
Is he still in there?
Cgi is so bad
Now that the show is practically over, give me your headcanon on what REALLY happened. You can start as far back as you want.
Maybe Dragonfire just reacts with stone chemically to make it explode just don't think about it bro
>"the iron fleet will hold"
Based seething femcel
presumably a new maester is needed in king's landing at the end
I'm putting together a team to subvert subvertions.
You in?
I've been calling it shit for years, you don't get to act mighty now you cunt
It looks way worse than it did in earlier seasons, but I guess that is due to more spectacle instead of more grounded scenes. A bunch of the scenes looks like a video game, and all dragon riding scenes looks like early 2000s CGI.
Couple that with shaky cam in every scene that is not overly reliant on CGI and you get one of the most cinematically ugly shows on TV. They have some cool stylistic shots that stick out, but most scenes look like shit.
all females are incels in their fathers eyes
They're right but the show did a shite job.of being more visceral with her previous sadism. She was presented as too perfect
This. I was getting emotional during this scene and the scene where Tyrion says goodbye to Jamie.
Will we at least see a shot of Dany on the damn throne? Or will they subvert our expectation one final time
Dany is going to kill them for writing about what she's done
Are you expecting me to say no?
So what the fuck are we supposed to feel about the last scene with the horse? What the fuck did they mean by this?
why would he make more when one already was too much for him to handle?
So have I, faggot. But at least they finally went the right direction with the dany character, even if it was rushed and retarded
Have I gone insane myself or did like 90% of Dany's madness happen just over two episodes
Fucking show has been running for 8 years and this is how they handle one of the main characters descending into madness. Most of that happened offscreen during the time between the last two episodes as well, chiefly because Dany felt unappreciated, as if her life was all fine and rosy in Essos
Am I just dumb or fucking misremembering things? Is this really how the show handled this? I never gave much of a fuck about Dany or Jon but this is some shit
>>Cersei prophecy
all the kids died, didnt they? or was there more
>>The kingsguard book
it's a book, whats special about it? either jaime did more or he didnt, joff said it that he was out of option without a hand and as old as he is
>>Zombie babies
made so that you could kill all ww by killing nk without having one of them escape and become nk himself
>>Azor Ahai
was it supposed to do anything beside killing the nk?
>>Weapon that Arya asked Gendry to make
was just a shitty spear that could separate in 2 shorter spears
>>Bran's 3ER shit - literally useless
bran is gay
I've noticed that normies are always a few steps behind Yea Forums. Yea Forums started shitting on the show back in season 5 - normies just caught up.
Cersei prophecy was that three of her children would die before her. And that happened. Didn't really mean too much in show though but still..
not seeing dany on the throne before she dies would actually be a good subversion.
What was the music in that scene ?
It went so well with it
I am laughing at them seething too, but a thing such as "femcel" doesn't exist.
Varys is a dumbass and played his cards too soon. Still needed the dragon and Dany to take King’s Landing.
Tyrion is just assuring victory first before his politicking
That Arya survived.
Ned wasn't retarded and told Robert Cersei is an incestuous cheater, Lannister hanging and bromance ensues for 7 more seaons
The horse is supposed to symbolize Christ and Arya riding it symbolizes her accepting the one true Christian faith and abandoning the false gods that led her astray. The show is actually the origin story of Christianity
>old white men
how 'bout no
in the books? Shes even more inept. no chance.
Spin off will be blackfyres with dragons vs starks/Westeros.
>Sansa becomes queen
I want what that one user said a while ago to come true: she's stabbed in the throne room by Jon and slowly crawls towards the throne as she dies, never to sit on it.
Death on a Pale Horse? The Pony from Umineko? The White Horse the Boss uses in Metal Gear Solid?
>if we imagine they have organs within them that pressurise air and then ignite it at their mouths
I already had questioned /sci/ about this, with air you can make the burning more efficient but you will still need fuel to burn. The better idea they came up with was a bicomponent fuel stored in 2 different glans that mix and ignite when expelled.
that arya is the avatar of the god of death, and not the frightened girl they made her out to be in this episode for some reason
People will tell you about those times she killed some slavers as hints, but really you could do this with all the main characters. Are we gonna argue that Arya, Sansa or Brann don't have all the ingredients already put on screen for them to turn like a big bad?
So the only people that seem to not be ok with sacking a city are Jon, Varys and Tyrion?
cause everyone was running?
>Jon to aunt Dany: Have sex incel
is Jon /ourguy/?
>tfw Qyburn PLANNED to die, and there's a mechanism in place to resurrect him like The Mountain
Thought the wildfire going off was a nice touch.
Goes to show that D&D havent forgotten everything from the past seasons.
It'll be Sam because fuck common sense.
What was the point of Jaime? Why does Arya survive absolutely fucking anyhing? Why were the Golden Company made such a big deal out of but were made to be absolutely worthless?
>give in and have sex with her
>she starts eyebrowing
>deny her sex
>she becomes impossibly hot
let's be honest, jon was checkmated
Dude it's the unicron
>or was there more
valonqar strangling cersei was abandoned.
The horse is a universal symbol of freedom without restraint, because riding a horse made people feel they could free themselves from their own bindings. Also linked with riding horses, they are symbols of travel, movement, and desire. The horse also represents power in Native American tribes.
>Ned is retarded
>Jon is retarded
You know, I'm beginning to think Jon isn't a Targ at all and is actually Ned's son
That was what they did in Reign of Fire, 2 inert chemicals the dragons had, they'd force them out of their mouth, they would combine with each other and the air and would ignite in a big explosion
>alright we need to make people think this character is a good guy
>let's have them brutally murder, flog and skin these *looks at script* slavers
I admire the digits you ser have achieved. Great job.
>I-I'm one of you
Nice try femcel
Is anyone brave enough to admit it was a good episode?
more like she is gonna burn KL herself using wildfire
Very common symbol.
Best boy came back from the dead to kill Lannister fucking shits
No it is false, the series has shown she have had the darkness inside of her but that she would develop to control it. She had the Luke arch, not the Anakin arch
There is only one prince of Dorne and he is OF THE NIGHT
She even had Barristan Selmy trying to make her more like Rhaegar, but deep down she is more like her father
>Fighting enemy in plate armor with a sword
Had the hound used gendry's hammer and shattered the knees of the mountain, he may have lived
everything went basically like in the show but with realistic timing, reasons and settings
>....Qyburn? I thought you were dead.
>Qyburns would be more accurate, your Grace.
Ned and Ashara marry right at Harrenhal, Cat's married off to Benjen or some shit
Ashara doesn't start a fucking war over kidnapping Tyrion, which gives Ned time to leave as he was planning.
For all the little fucker espoused about peace, he willingly backed an obviously crazy bitch who was obviously unhinged by her pet nigger's execution and sold out one of the feew people who actually cared about Westeros to be burned alive
Fuck Tyrion
D&D said the building that collapsed on her was called "Little brother"
>we wuz andals n shit
Did Cersei plant it there for this invasion, as a backup plan? Or is it still there from the previous season?
that wasn't on purpose, it was just someone picking the wrong hex ID for the colors
The little girl carried a toy of a white horse with red/bloody legs
Honestly I would like an alternate story where Robert kills all the Lannisters and has a massive comeback becoming fit as fuck. The whole realm turns against him and Ned is forced to choose between standing by a madman or saving the realm honor be damned, just like Jaime did.
True, but I imagine they would still need to pressurise the air to get the immensely forceful jets they do.
She's been like this since Aquaman took her virginity
Sansa predicted this
>"women can't be incels because they are the easy mode of life"
>"nice try, female incel."
What kind of a response is this?
>the reason dany went mad is because jon didn't dick her
We won lads, we got the true and honest femcel kino we were waiting for
He had Gregor under control for years though.
Why waste the Lannister army when 200 undead like Gregor could of decimated any attacking army. Shit they could of held casterly rock with that many.
well didnt gurm himself say that profecies arent to be trusted and that sometimes they happen sometimes not, but when they do they will in an unexpected way?
>tfw the Cleganebowl was such a visually interesting scene that i actually dreamt about Sandor murdering me last night
>hanging out with Arya/Sandor for some reason
>Sandor tells me he poisoned me
>Ask him what kind of poison it was
>He smiles and says "All I know is you'll have shit your pants and killed yourself by the end of the night"
leftover by aerys
did they really? I thought that was a fucking meme
>but that she would develop to control it
but she literally didn't. You're 100% wrong and 200% BTFO.
Didn't the Dothraki get annihilated by the zombies? How are there still horsefuckers around
It was a gratuitous slaughterfest
DND have always been good at cruelty and the horrible side of humanity. But the whole "rationality, empathy, and nobility" aspect of humanity seems lost on them.
>The Night King's entire plan was to get to Qyburn to learn the secrets of reincarnation
>The Mad King gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved, and each time, it made him feel powerful... and right. Until the very end.
if you keep Barristan's line in your mind whenever Dany does anything from the beginning of the show, you realize it was perfectly normal for her to become the mad queen
>no elephants
>no golden skulls of past commanders
>no Black Balaqb
>no JonCon
>no Young Griff
the fuck is this """"Golden Company"""""
Next? Next.
Men can't be literal incels either because prostitutes fuck literally everyone. It's a general term loosely applied to seething faggots such as yourself
Don't ask questions, look at this tower exploding from dragon fire instead.
I loved this episode, I was angry and on the edge of my seat like I was during Ned's execution, the Red Wedding or the Viper/Mountain duel.
Only two things I disliked are Tyrion betraying Varys and Jon not controlling his men.
I haven't seen anybody talk about this and it makes me angry. Jon loses control of his men, they start brutally murdering and raping innocent civilians but they're probably not gonna address this and next episode will be good northerners vs savage dothrakis
It is amazing how this show has managed to wipe out any feelings I had towards any of the characters from the books. It has just been unbearably bad since season 4 or so, and it's a travesty it will be remembered with love by normies for decades to come.
Stannis never died, he killed Daenerys and Cersei, and took the Iron Throne that was his by right.
I miss this based ass nigga like you wouldn't believe
Only good reason for Dany going apeshit is that the battle of KL was too easy and she wanted more people dead so it would feel like there really was a battle.
>you NEED to come this way
>even though the dragon is attacking at random and there's no fucking way to know where will get struck next
Could be stored in liquid form linked to proteins. That would considerably reduce the space it takes. They would also need a reliable mechanism to avoid the fire going up in the body and make them blow up. Would be nice to have defective dragons in a show.
Why? What was good about it? The only good parts were the goodbyes and it was harder to miss than to make well because everyone can resonate with it.
Rapid asexual reproduction. Its why they are historically so successful
The rape is for fun
>Get fucked over by literally everyone
>Some woman gives you a chance
>Try to stop her fucking up
I mean it isn't THAT out there that he would stick with her up until now
lol what happend in season 5?
I've always understood that they happen in an unexpected way, not that they sometimes don't happen at all. it would be a dumb red herring. so I guess the tower is called little brother or whatever
JonCon is a shit and unnecessary sideplot
Jon Connington.
Stormlands and Norf vs Lannis and Reach would be a slaughter. Tywin would be hanged in a week.
Plus Bobby B would gave the Riverlands giving support.
>women are level-headed too
>wanting to lynch people for a television show
what did she mean by this?
Some came back with jorah. You see a few running with him. I assume others came back as well. But they went from what 50k down to 1k.
Not a huge horde but enough to rape and sack the city.
>A term is whatever I want it to be. FEMCEL FEMCEL
You are the only one seething here
Sand sneks
how is there literal shitton of unsullied in the next episode preview?
you motherfuckers pay less attention than danyfags
1) her 3 kids died and the bridge that fall on her was the "little brother", plus tyrion indirectly killed her by telling jamie to take her to the place that was blocked
2) kingsguard book was just a metaphor
3) idk what the fuck this means
4) Jon is still Azor Ahai, he's going to stab his love done to save the kingdom, he was guided by the lord of light to unite the realm of men to defeat the whitewalkers which he accomplished
5) she used it in the battle
6) he gave the dagger to arya, he told sam about jon's identity, he stopped littlefinger
>they all got fucked up by zombies
>next episode
>d&d: oh fuck, um, just say 'half' died in the fight so we can have them in the battle of KL
mmh, bad pussy
also sansa rape
So you finally show your seething face, femcel. Like I told you, that "term" isn't a term, it's a slur. If I call you retarded, I don't care if your doctor told you you're not retarded. I'm calling you retarded as a slur, you retarded femcel
I should have expected this, but there was literally no pay off to the hype surrounding the GC. I really wanted to tsee them fight but my expectations were subverted instead.
>season 8 being anything but a straight line up
They incompetently handled the supposed signs that she was going crazy in the early seasons. /got/-types just saw it as indecipherable whether they were trying to portray dany in a bad light or not, while feminists and normies just thought she was being POWERFUL.
The they had to wrap it up in a single season without the writing skills to do it properly.
it was a video posted here, he said that himself, cant find it tho
something about people following them and being fucked by it (i guess like stannis)
>Watch her brother get molton gold on his head with a smile
>Burned a witch alive because she failed to keep her husband alive
>Locked her advisor and ho friend in a vault to starve death
>Crucified hundreds of slave masters because poetic justice
>Dragon fired vanquished enemies that didn't swear fealty and now before their new master
Dany has been a ruthless, mean cunt the entire series. People always found a way to justify it but her default response to any resistance has always been to burn it down.
Hope so
>Bobby B was right all along
>Both about the threat this crazy bitch posed, but also what her horsefuckers would do
>That angle with the rows of Unsullied
Just looks like that one nazi parade.
you can spit water out of your mouth can't you?
This is not right, it made no sense to keeo figthing after the bells were ringing and you could hear everyone pleading the queen to surrender.
After the bells and the soldiers dropping their weapons, she started to fire areas of the city who were clearly surrendering/full of civilians, when she could just move to the red keep and burn it down, killing cersei in the process but not destroying the city.
so fat man didn't tell them how the story ends
You are retarded and I'm not a f*male
>in the throne room prophecy it wasn't snow but ash
>Brother was a nutcase who has just threatened to cut her baby out of her and violated horsefucker law by drawing a sword in a holy place
>The witch didn't fail to keep Drogo alive, she actively killed him
>Advisor was a scheming nigger, and ho was working with him
news flash faggot, all of you in these faggot threads are reddit normalfags, die
>coz snow is targaryen
so fucking deep
oc pls no bully