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Arthur Dayne edition

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first or king bobo


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How would you rewrite Cleganeb Owl?

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anyone got episode link

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Not really, probably the most merciful kill gregor has done.

>Jon or Tyrion chapters
Should I bother with AFFC


>I never known bells to mean surrender.


Im terribly sorry for my Clone's demise your grace
though I expect the new Lannister armor wont dissapoint

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My uncle looks just like this guy

Will the fatman release the winds of winter next week?

>people unironically didn’t like this episode

On par with hardhome and light of the seven, not counting those we haven’t had a good episode since season 4

People watch this show? I thought it was for horny single moms to touch themselves to. This is worse than Walking Dead.

Wez mee sistah

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all that glow and bloom around the characters make it look so fake and obvious green screen

behind these digits

Post yfw

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>literally instant death
He had no time to feel pain.


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I wouldn't. It was kino

I do

Where were the Gold Cloaks?

Both hardhome and light of the seven were fucking dogshit, so that's a terrible comparison. Dany got exposed for the villain she is, but it doesn't excuse the character assassination of Jaime Lannister by the cowards D&D. Doesn't excuse Euron wanting to suicide himself either.

Gendry next week when Arya comes crawling back

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>thinking the books will ever be finished

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Why didn't Jon just fuck his aunt?
>b-but I dunwunna crown :(
Learn from Stannis, retard

Based D&D

What are you cheking?


You have to understand. This was like the red wedding again for normies except the people they thought they were rooting for are the bad guys. In a few years it will be looked back on much more favorably but now people are just in denial about their beloved characters

Last nights episode was the best in the series


>i've ben told
by who? some random lardass in a convention? cause george is not finishing the books, ever

Holy shit this episode was fucking kino

Wohoho... look at this dude, lmao

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I see some people on the internet defending the episode (obviously not Yea Forums) trying to explain what's going on because they think people don't understand what was happening this season. /r/gameofthrones for example (though /r/asoiaf has really well articulated criticisms of the season)

It's frustrating to hear because these people can't grasp that the problem isn't that people don't 'get' what's supposed to be happening, The problem is that that critics feel the plot of the season is rushed and poorly executed, that the writing is bad, that the dramatic moments aren't carrying the weight that they should be, and that most character arcs continue to get worse or they do a complete 180 completely from what was previously established.

I just can't wrap my head around how fans can watch this season and think that its good.

big if true

>tfw Yea Forums is more positive about the episode than normie websites
What timeline is this?

>Dany just going full Mad King because Gregor cut off her waifus head

>have upper advantage
>be undead
>physically empowered
>still lose
absolutely kino

I wouldn't rewrite it, just maybe add a few more shots to make the battle flow better, it really was enjoyable as it was tho.

Jaime was a fucking oathbreaker lol.

>I took the liberty of cloning myself, your Grace, to prevent any trouble my death may cause.

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Are D&D implying women can be incels too? And that becoming an incel means you will slaughter innocents?

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Drfinitely one of the better ones of the last few seasons. This shit has been building up to this for a while now. Honestly, the signs were already in season 5. Heck, i'd dare say even season 1 and 2 hinted at this sort of stuff. She was always on about muh destiny and muh dragons. Can't wait for her to die next episode

Danny the city has surrendered let’s call off the troops


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I miss him bros

You can stop pretending to have liked the episode for contrarian points, Yea Forums. I remember you faggots screeching and crying and OH NONONO posting for the last 2 straight weeks. You're not fooling anyone.

Dany was always a crazy bitch

>character assassination of Jaime
Bruh it was always going to end with the both of them dying together. People wallow over their exes for years and years despite it not being a healthy relationship for either. If the woman you once loved was going to die, and you had one last chance to see her, wouldn’t you? You just can’t understand because you’ve never loved someone more than yourself and have them love you back just as strong, and true love, not edgy teenager love.

Make them change location at least.
As kino as the photography, they just thwacked each other for a while and fell down to their deaths.

>stands up
>pulls out bow and arrow
>"just according to keikaku"
>black screen

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here's your new Jamie bruh


you are not my dad and can't tell me what to like

>This shit has been building up to this for a while now.
No it didn't faggot.
Burning enemy troops during wartime is not a crime. Neither is burning the ruling class of a hostile city in the name of conquest. Dany is the hero.

Have sex

Yea Forums is full of edgy hipsters

I think he looked pretty charismatic, also the GC tb h

I expected more of them than AAAAAAAARGH WATER SAVE ME


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>Winter is coming = It's snowing at winter = It's snowing ash


Have sex

>cleganebowl through a collapsing red keep with dragon burning shit in background

What could have been, oh well atleast we didn’t get denied the bowl

Thank you for that information, redd*t

It was the only episode this season that didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know if I liked it on its own or if I just liked it by comparison

So cersei died, without knowing the threat of the white walkers. She literally got away with going LOL NAH I DON'T BELIEVE U

No whitewalker tonmen rising from the grave, or her children becoming wites

what a terrible missed opportunity

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That was the most embarrassing part of the episode. I'm not sure who's the worst actor, this guy or Clarke. Plus, they wasted all the budget on EP3, so we now have PS2 era CGI.
Very nice.

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You guys are pathetic, this episode was shit just like the rest but because it triggers woke liberals and PoCs you all hail it as based and redpilled

sister fuckers and king slayers deserve to die like wallowing bitches

D.B. Weiss's favorite scene in GoT guys. I honestly can't tell if they're treating the whole thing as a joke now. Another highlight was
>Dany kinda forgot about Euron and the Iron Fleet

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This. I've liked moments from these past 2 seasons, but man this episode from the battle onwards, was damn good, people seem to be criticizing the story and not the writing.
>the character assassination of Jaime Lannister
Fuck off. The man had a guilty conscience, he'd done too much bad shit and Cersei was pregnant with his child. He went to die with her and it was an actual nice moment. The Euron battle was stupid fan service but Euron was always insane so I wouldn't say he was out of character.

Have sex

>ruling class
>the civilians of the crownlands that are still reeling from trying to survive in a war torn land and last harvest has already gone by

You’re a moron, it’s quite evident that Cersei has removed anyone but the royal family from the red keep

Dany's madness was foreshadowed and predictable but her complete descent was executed poorly

>episode 3 behind the scenes
>what we see is the end of the dothraki
>episode 5
>lol dothraki running through the streets killing
They don't have an attention span longer than 1 episode

>behind the episode 3
>this is pretty much the end of the dothraki

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No not foreshadowing. Just characters being true to themselves. You’re just pissed off your head canon wasn’t confirmed and Jaime doesn’t strangle his hysterical sister who’s breaking down about her and her unborn child being incinerated

pls have sex nerd

i wish it's true

I unironically liked this episode you faggot. Go suck some trap dick.

watched the episode and liked it before i even opened my internet browser bro

>events of this episode are foreshadowing for why this episode isnt retarded
Have sex

Have sex

hold on a nigger-licking minute...

if dany only needed 1 dragon to sow this much chaos... why the fuck did we spent 7 seasons seeing her trying to even gather an army to conquer westeros?

he looks ugly lol

not have the whole queensguard job out in 4 seconds

Absolute kek, I forgot about this. I thought almost all of the Dothraki and Unsullied died, but apparently only ~50% of them actually died.

reminder this was the only kino dany moment


I did 40 minutes ago, have sex contrarian faggot

Jaime broke his oath because he couldn't morally follow his king's orders to kill and burn a bunch of innocent people alive. He literally says this. He gave up everything out of his moral sense of duty.


Dothraki have a low respawn time its implied bro

>Alright Lena can you stand at the balcony for a bit? That's good, now walk down these stairs, good good, don't bump into Rory... great job!
>Alright, final scene, we need you to hug Nikolaj while sniffling, okay go for it, great you really look sad!
>Okay your $710,000 is in the mail

I cannot believe they're waiting for EP6 for Stannis and LF to come back!!!!

>more savages coming to Westeros isn't realistic
You don't watch the news much, do you?

>No not foreshadowing. Just characters being true to themselves.
Vyman was hovering by the door, waiting, and Jaime sensed that Peck was watching too. “Does my lord wish to answer?” the maester asked, after a long silence.

A snowflake landed on the letter. As it melted, the ink began to blur. Jaime rolled the parchment up again, as tight as one hand would allow, and handed it to Peck. “No,” he said. “Put this in the fire.”
Jaime VII (AFFC)

this, the whole season is rushed to shit

I've been calling it from the last season that Dany would go fucking crazy and that Arya will kill her. I also called Arya killing the fucking night kang.

How can I be so based guys?

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Blessed posts

so what was the point of Bran revealing Jon's parentage when he's not supposed to care about political shit, it accomplished nothing

Because she’s a retard and also listened to advisors who didn’t read up on history

>harrenhal was the greatest castle ever built, 1 million men could have marched on it and 1 million men would be repelled
>Aegon Targaryen takes Balerion and incinerates the castle beyond repair and every man woman child soldier lord and ladies get roasted alive

All she needed was to take her dragons to the red keep immidiately after arriving in dragonstone, the red keep would’ve fallen in literally 3 minutes and the white walkers would still be sitting like bums north of the intact wall

My thoughts exactly

The Red Keep was facing the ocean, she could have pulled up one night and attacked the foundations at three different angles, making it collapse almost instantly.

Job done, less innocent lives lost.

I've been calling it since literally the first fucking episode of the show, fuck off faggot

Qyburn discovered how to travel between parallel universes and set up a Citadel of Qyburns with the Qyburns from every other universe.

this was the most kino moment of the entire series and now it's even more kino since he was doubly right not to bend the knee

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I wouldn't piss on my exes gums if her teeth were on fire, friend.

>Still out acted 90% of the cast
How does she do it bros?


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Showfags detected. Jaime/Cersei was nothing else other than teenage infatuation and Cersei's ego over fucking literally herself with Jaime being a male version of her, in her eyes. In the books, Jaime will kill Cersei or at the very least, abandon her. Lenafags on suicide watch.

What will happen to the dragon, and to the dothrakis savages after Dany dies?

What if in GRRM's version she did exactly that, but ended up setting off the wildfire stores around the city?

The books are not the show anymore retard. You’ll get your bookjaime ending in about 12 years. Be content. Show Jaime was true to show Jaime

>his rival is the 3ER, be he is constrained to a single universe
Absolute kino spinoff potential.

you just know

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that would make her heel turn more believable

Dothraki are all her blood riders so they'll suicide when she dies

Literally everyone with a brain has been calling crazy Dany from season 1, arya doesn’t kill her tho. Jon does, Arya left the city. She’s done with death

>You were the only one who didn't treat me like a monster. You were all I had.

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>We'll put the Golden Company outside the gates
>But your grace, you'd be putting white men up against superior men of c-
>Just do it!

jesus she got fat.

hit me right in the feels bro

>ahem book Jaime -
Let me stop you right there, book Jaime didn’t strangle his cousin, book Jaime didn’t go back to cersei

Show Jaime only went north because he promised he would

She's DnD's little murder machine, so she gets the big kills. Jon will probably hesitate in his big moment and Arya takes her down.

Some helpful ((Iron Bank)) ships ferried in a fresh wave of Dorthaki on their ships.

Thank you for confirming that bookchads are, indeed, chads, and the true ending will come with Winds of Winter and Dream of Spring.

Yes it did.

Killing enemy combatants is not a crime, as if there is established rules regarding warfare in Westeros. But executing prisoners is generally frowned upon at the very least.

too bad they ruined that scene with Jaime saying he never cared about innocents when he killed Aerys because he did

>cersei "the Slut", queen of whores, died a painless, instant death embraced by the man she loved, not knowing he ever cheated on her and will be remembered as a wise and strong queen who tried to stop the evil, mad Danaerys, inbred genocidal tyrant, who turned King's Landing to ash because she couldn't get her nephew's dick

So this ... is ... the power ... of Stacy...

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>evil scientist dude gets killed by his creation

Literally the most cliche shit ever.

I love Cersei, Tyrion and Jaimie now. So much shades of morally grey on this show right now but theirs i like the most. I'm glad Cersei and Jaimie got to share their last moments with whom they truly love. They were both just two lost kids with the whole world against them.

>Show Jaime was true to show Jaime
>Jaime: if your precious Renly commanded you to stand by and watch as thousands of men, women, and children burned alive, would you have done it??
Have sex

>T-Thank you, your grace.


this! Arya still has some blue eyes to slay!

>ruling class
Yeah that little girl and her mom sure looked like lordings

The White what? user, this is a show about political intrigue, not whatever LOTR ripoff you're thinking of

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>the Long Night will kill us all!
>"deal with it I'm not sending a single man"
>wtf mad queen mad queen
>Was actually a 1000 IQ play because the WW were stopped at Winterfell
What did D&D mean by this?

it has been leaked for a few weeks that jon kills dany and bran becomes king

Green eyes

Multiversal forces of Qyburn and 3ER have been dueling for billions of years across countless timelines. Qyburns have eliminated every 3ER from every universe except one. 3ER has mastered time and space in his universe, and has been eternally modifying the timeline against the machinations of infinite Qyburn.

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Because someone decided to listen to Westerosi Warwick Davic

well that's on the list too, time to fucking slay nigga

King Brandon 'The Autistic', First of His Name

I’m not disagreeing with the books. If we ever get them, it’s just that’s I unlike you can separate the two as they are clearly very different with differently written characters

>normies missed the mad queen foreshadowing in this scene

Tommen was cremated iirc

>this is how the biggest show in history ends

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Jon's no-gorms expression was perfect for the scene where his men slaughter the surrendered soldiers, v. good acting, it's like he knew that scene was going to come up since the start of the show and has been practising the whole time

>The Night King is Qyburn in that universe, and Bran set him to destroy the world to gather all the resources and fight the multiverse through the knowledge hidden in the citadel

What's he doing right now?

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Does anybody have a gif Aaron Rodgers getting roasty in last night's episode?

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notice how the score goes down the more men take charge

Normies thought her actions there were justified, people were defending her for burning them.


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If you forget how stupid Dany decent was.
And ignore most of the Lannister shit.
And accept Arya's gonna plot armor.

It was a good episode.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that this episode was bad for Jaime?
The whole point was that he was able to be redeemed but still loved Cersei. Him being a good or bad person was never going to change that.

nah, it was perfect, literally the best plotline of the serie

How large is this lad really? Because he looked large in this and he looked large in Umbrella Academy but he's wearing padding in UA and big armour in this so it's hard to tell how large he is really, seems like if you're doing a large character it might be better to start with a large lad and make him look even larger but I don;t know

>if you turn your brain off it's good


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How is the last kingdom guys? does it approach early Thrones levels?

Maybe if he knew Aerys was his dad and they were having sex he’d have second thoughts of killing him

And the Aerys Targaryen of this episode is clearly Dany not Cersei. And she is carrying his baby.

The Bells was objectively better than The Long Night tho, why are Danyfags seething?

Dany is supposed to have violet eyes

Actual retard

>"I fucked your Queen, your sister, and your girlfriend King slayuhhhh"

Is no one gonna talk about what a shit Tyrion was? Why the hell did he dob on his friend, he knew she would kill him...

Remember those leaks at the end of season 7?
They sure were correct...

So which one of the actors will go full Hamill on D&D?

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Crisis of Infinite Westeros

not even close the first season is bareable that's it

Jon's getting raped right?

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Waiting on Arya to kill Dany then wear her face and fuck Jon with it on.

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Maybe the real Game of Thrones was the friends we made along the way.

Someone draw this please.

kek'd at this part, what was he doing? He hinted that his gold hand made him instantly recognisable then tries to get into the red keep? It was so stupid. Arya and the Hound literally just waltz in there while Jamie looks like a confused boomer.

Hound should've had his Season 1 Plate Armor and his Greatsword he used at the Hand's tourney.

Didn't Barristan's actor already did that?

Because Yea Forums has limited danyfags compared to normie websites. This episode was unironically based.
Dany is finally seen as an evil cunt, hordes of savage brown people kill innocents and rape.
Jaime and Cersei got some of the best scenes of the show.
Also it was a good set up for the last episode

tyrion kinda forgot that varys gave up his comfortable life in kl to save him

Is there any other show that approaches the quality while having historical themes, real or fantastical dont matter

Where would he get them from?

He looks better than Arya.

have the fight take place on even footing, staircase is dumb. Have encroaching dragonfire be a principle facet of the fight, scaring the Hound at first, but ultimately the Hound drags the Mountain into it personally, instead of pushing him through a god damn wall off the map.

The general idea was there, but the execution of it was mediocre at best.

Why don't Jon want to fuck Dany anymore

Have you guys played the latest PS2 title?

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It’s glorious

>haha toxic white men don’t like it when their expectations are subverted and women rule!!! Episode 1 was great I loved all the reunions!!! Haha you’re just mad a girl killed the night king!!!!

>episode 4
>wait wtf is happening. Missandei can’t die, I don’t like having my expectations subverted!!
>episode 5
*catatonic but still screeching*

Fucking hypocrites.

Showfags and women in particular care nothing about the story, it’s literally all just “these characters are good I like them they deserve good end and vice versa, they might as well be watching days of our lives

The more stupid Lannister

Ruling Highgarden and preparing to be Bran's Hand

Tyrion is just one fuck up after another now, I hope he realises this at some point

Here's what I hated this season:

>Jon for being so stupid
>Dany for being herself, a mad queen product of generations of inbreeding
>Arya for being le deadly assassin all of a sudden without not a single explanation
>The focus on greyworm and missandei seriously I couldn't care less about them
>Every major character has a plot armour, the whole point of this show was that anyone could die at any moment, well not anymore
>Making such a fuss about the GC when they disappear in 1/2 a second
>Tyrion and Varys being stupid althought they were masterminds
>Dothrakis and unsullied dying en masse althought the next episode they're back
>Stupid tactics
>Camera shots are way too fast you can't tell what's going on in any fight scene
>NK menac being dealth with in 1 (ONE) épisode
>All the useless talk talk going on between characters
>Jamie's redemption being cancelled all of a sudden because CERSEI CERSEI CERSEI
>No fight between whitewalkers and heroes
>Bran autism
>Wildlings disapearing
>Dragons being so weak last episode oh wait no they're overpowered the very next episode
>Bad acting in general
>Stannis still hasn't come back

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user Cersei became Aerys when she blew up the Sept of Baelor.

>All those comments defending Dany and her forces mass slaughtering a surrending opposition and civilians because they clapped for Ned's execution (under the impression he was a traitor) and...throwing poo at their own leader at the time
>It's war bro it happens all the time they deserved it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Have these people never touched a history book? Are these meant to be anti-war liberal values

He doesn't want to create more inbred shits

>How fucking retarded do you have to be to think that this episode was bad for Jaime?
>Fuck the innocent. I hope they burn. Aerys was right all along and I should have never doubted him
Yeah, no, you're a retard

Explain to me how they're all missing their shots after 360noscoping her dragons last episode

she's 6/10 at best bro he wasn't even drinking

Maybe if he had ploughed her fertile furrow

cracked open her moist salty clam

inserted rod A firmly into slot B

then she might have been sufficiently cummed and reassured that she wouldn't go crazy and kill tens of thousands of innocent people in bursts of dragonfire

really makes you think

It was really sunny that day.


>caring for the shits in kings landing
In a hundred years Westerosi will be praising Daenerys Targaryen for burning that crap heap to the ground so they could build a new great capitol on top of the rubble.

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She's too white, id gone for Missandei desu senpai

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They were, not because they wouldn't bend the knee but because she knew that using such a method of execution would get all the other men to bend the knee without having to kill them. At least, if Dany was well written that would be her pragmatic reasoning, who knows if that was the writer's intent

Just watching the episode thanks to you people. I'd like to reiterate:
Conleth Hill is giving a fantastic, but wasted performance
Jon, Tyrion and Sansa are all lobotomy patients.

>The scene where Arya leaves the Hound is the only good scene in the episode
>It lasts 30 seconds



People of color have literally done nothing wrong

I gotta say, in Season 7, the scene of the Dothraki hoards overwhelming Jamie and the his men felt like a big tonal shift, it seemed pretty clear that there was going to be a more sympathetic portrayal of the Lannisters from then on.
You realise as Kings Landing was burning, that Cersei did not want to hurt her people. She didn't even make them pay after that religious nutter turned them all, she just blew up the temple to regain control, and redirected her focus on her enemies. She was a good villian, not even quite a villian at all. This last episode was so good because it showed what a Game of Thrones really cost.

>Arya uses Danys face to walk around inconspicuously
>Arya then kills Dany with her face still on
>walks out
>Jon stabs Arya thinking it’s Dany
>when he pulls out his sword it’s on fire
>Arya was his nissa
>Arya whispers in dying breath that they’ll always have the wolf dreams of ghost knotting Nymeria (they’re linked to their wolves so it’s basicallt them having sex, they feel everything, the lust the urges etc

Would be kino


>jon clearly going through some heavy identity shit
>his waifu just wants to fug

arya scenes are cringe

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based cameraman zooming on her tits

>He hinted that his gold hand made him instantly recognisable then tries to get into the red keep? It was so stupid
I mean, that's exactly why he started flashing the hand. He was hoping one of the Lannister soldiers would see it, realise that Jaime Lannister is stuck outside and let him in.

He's lost interest, like most of them.

>not rage fucking her to get rid of the identity crisis

thanks :)

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Well the good thing is Sandor's acting
>You think you've wanted revenge a long time, I've been after it all my life. It's all I care about, and look at me, LOOK AT ME. You want to be like me?
Kino as fuck

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I unironically thought this was a video game you had recreated Kings landings outer wall in. Until I saw the buildings inside

why isnt she calling for more troops the other half of the world is double the size of Westeros call for back up

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>every major battle scene with Jon Snow is just Kit rolling on the ground and gasping, covered in mud, with shaky camera close-ups and an occasional quick shot of Kit stabbing a random guy who runs straight at him

Last episode did not disappoint in this regard.

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Maisie doesn't look so bad when she's covered in blood and dust and her hair is framing her weird face.

best scene:

>I suppose it should not be a surprise that two guys who added rape scenes to a pre-existing storyline would default at the last minute to truly obvious, reductive hysteria tropes about a woman who, thus far, they have painted as a hero (to the point of truly obvious, reductive white savior tropes). That said, I still greatly enjoyed “The Bells,” the penultimate episode of this last-minute-bungled series, because anytime there’s a lot of killing, it translates to minimal dialogue, a blessing at this point—great-as-ever direction by Miguel Sapochnik, and way fewer lines for Benioff and Weiss to thickheadedly flub.
-Julianne Sheppard, The AV Club.

Is she right?

About everything except Dany, this was always coming

>anytime there’s a lot of killing, it translates to minimal dialogue, a blessing at this point
This is true

True. A perfect scene for Arya's arc too. It was a little random and rushed but Arya has been struggling with hatred for so long, this might be her best episode since Season 4 because it has her grow from that and turn to helping the innocents of King's Landing, I loved it.

>GoT literally looks like a Total War mod

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She doesn't really like to think about what happened in Meereen
or Astapor
or Yunkai

>Arya for being le deadly assassin all of a sudden without not a single explanation
She was trained you fucking tard, why don't you go back and rewatch the show you dumb speedwatcher
>Every major character has a plot armour* armor*
Tell that to the fucking dead
>Tyrion and Varys being stupid althought they were masterminds
It's called having a heart you fucking autist
>All the useless talk talk going on between characters
this is a drama not fucking dragonball z
>Stannis still hasn't come back
the show isn't fucking over yet you inbred cocksleeve
You're a faggot

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Yeah, I had the exact same thought, Tyrion had me cringing so much, as soon as his mouth closed the kino began.

Yeah and it puts back Arya to what she really is, a little girl.

At this rate finale will be either side of 30%.

no, thank YOU


>anime poster has not a single actual argument
Stick to collecting panty shots, kid

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It was stupid that she went to kings landing at all though. To me it looked like she moved passed her death and vengeance quest when she was trying to get Baric through Winterfell, but apparently that long night had zero impact on any characters thoughts or actions.

It was great
A pointless battle as everything burns around them. No duty, no oaths, no kings and queens. Just two mad dogs, the last vestiges of Tywin's great power, not doing a thing to save his kids because they hate each other that much.
A swordfight at the end of the world.

>checking singles
are you high

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>She was trained you fucking tard, why don't you go back and rewatch the show you dumb speedwatcher
Stupid cunt nobody taught her to fight with a sword and a dagger, the whole point of the faceless men is to kill people without them realising it, they're sneaky not some 1V1 beasts
>Tell that to the fucking dead
Whom? Edd? Jorah? Jon, Dany, Tormund, Jaimie and Brienne should have died a thousand times in EP3
>It's called having a heart you fucking autist
Oh yeah because Varys and Tyrion are known for listening to their emotions rather than pure logic
>this is a drama not fucking dragonball z
This is the last season of the show, instead of rushing every plot, they should talk less, and act more.
>the show isn't fucking over yet you inbred cocksleeve
>You're a faggot
>t. anime pro

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Jokes on you fag, Aqua doesn't wear panties! BTFO

Daily reminder that thousands of "people" (Americans) actually did this

What is going through their head today I wonder.

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>Dany kills Jon
>Dragon kills Arya is a foolish attempt at satisfying a dragons hunger
>Dragon is still hungry
>Low angle of Dany walking out of throne room, people are fucking shitting themselves as they fucking should
>she mounts her Dragon, she's headed for Winterfell
>Raven has sent work Kings Fucking Landing is fucking razed to the ground they so they know what Dany will do
>Wide angle of Dany telling Sansa to bend the knee
>Sansa is visibly shaking as she fucking should
>Dragon's head comes into frame, low rumble as dragon is getting hungry for more stark meat
>Sansa starts moving
>cut to close up of Dany's gorgeous face
>she starts to smile
>the end

>implying that washing bodies, selling shellfish and being beateen with a stick while blind is training
>implying that killing off characters at the end of the show isn't the same as plot armour
>implying having a heart involves following a literal psychopath
>implying dragonball z isn't just people talking at each other for 20 episodes
>implying the show isn't over
>implying that you're somehow not a fag
reddit out

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If I ever have a son I'll name him Stannis, I don't give a fuck

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idk, she killed the Freys at the start of S7, then did shit all for the rest of the season. She may have dropped some grudges but I think she still had to return to KL as that was the moment in the show where her father and her innocence died, so i didn't think it was too farfetched she should follow the hound there.

But the whole transition from The Long Night to The Bells was fucking jarring desu.

>one dragon can absolutely wreck Kings Landing and the Iron Fleet in 60 minutes, both of which have been doing nothing but building anti-dragon ballistae
Why did Dany even bother going North, she could have come across the Narrow Sea to Dragonstone with *three* dragons and burned sacked the city like a year ago already. The Wall would still be standing so no Night's King, no wraith dragon, all her dragons would be alive. How retarded.

if the camera cut to arya on the horse and she was dead already, this would have been a 10/10 episode



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You're not just based, you're redpilled.

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When your expectations are all crushed there's nowhere to go but up

don't worry user, you're never having a son

Because Jon dicknotized her into thinking the walkers were the real threat.

I know

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Why does he still care about Jamie? What was the fucking point of this goddamn character?


I want to hug

I guess he is a fan of dirty deeds done dirt cheap


It's dismal and absolutely nothing like the books, which are pretty good.

>Euron had a longer fight scene than the Night King

>the next time you fail me will be the last time
The half-man is down 6-0, just fire him and appoint a small child.

>Danny turns around and sees a dead dragon behind Arya
>”Heh... nice. You made me use 10% of my full power...”
>*teleports behind u*
>Danny Stab
>”i’m a fookin legend m8”

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>I love this crypt, Jaime. Valonqar Construction did a great job on the ceiling.

I actually have a feeling that these scenes were filmed before Battle of Winterfell and they just forgot that most Dothraki and unsullied were supposed to die in a chronologically earlier event

DELETE don't make them do reshoots of my perfect script

me behind the camera


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At least this one held her horses

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>So cersei died, without knowing the threat of the white walkers. She literally got away with going LOL NAH I DON'T BELIEVE U

Did you watch the show with your ass?

Would Yea Forums describe Punished Dany as "cute?"

GOT has turned into a bad anime. In the lead-up to the end, they're killing everyone. That's a hallmark of bad writing. That's tying up loose strings in the worst way possible.

F for Jaime.
He did get closer to home after all.

the overall skeleton of the plot is fine but it literally makes no sense for daenerys to "turn mad" over the last 3 episodes

I've been thinking the same thing. They got caught up in that shot of the Dothraki riding out with their little sword torches that they forgot to have some stay back and survive.

On the other hand Dabid straight up said that was the end of the Dothraki, so they may just be dumbasses.

based name-waiter

It's surreal the amount of retards on TV praising it because it triggers people

>every living dothraki charged against the undead army
>none returned
>"we lost 50% of them" the next day
>episode makes it look like numbers were never their issue
it actually amazes me they've managed to outdo themselves every single time since season 4

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I guess they just kind of forgot about their script.

I mean, we did see some Dothraki run back out of the darkness during the battle. But it was a bare handful.

what a coincidence, I want to FUG

"Fug her til she's sane", that would the the motto of my great house

The final episode: Bobby B wakes up. The entire show was a drunken nightmare from bad wine. Pig roast.

Which Total War is it?

Thrones of Games

Beyond based

Something that I noticed throughout the episode. Really took me out of some scenes, especially obvious during the initial charge of the unsullied

I would stand up, begin slow clapping, and audibly say "LUDO. PURE. UNFILTERED. REFINED, LUDO THERAPY."


Stannis is a relatively common slavic name, there is even a good beer brand calld Stannis.

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So now it's hard to hit a fast moving aerial target is it? Fuck off, you can't erase an episode DABID!

I just am weirded out by the idea of a thousands of years old elvish shaman using this entire affair as a gambit to take control of half the world.

And to be clear, I’m not weirded out about that conceptually. But the chances of it being explored well in a single episode remaining is negligible

based slavs

sent ;)

>half the world

The only scene I liked.

Ok. Exaggeration.

How about “take control of the the entire western continent in a world of three continents one of which is a green hell” ?

Sound better?


husband of bears

>I just am weirded out by the idea of a thousands of years old elvish shaman using this entire affair as a gambit to take control of half the world.
See: >GOT has turned into a bad anime.

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I try to find worthwhile shots but unfortunately, they're lacking.

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They should stop writting dialogue, and just let Emila's facial expressions carry the show.