So episode basically confirmed that Arya is Azor (The Prince or PRINCESS that was Promised).
>killed The Night King
>kept alive throughout the entire series
>shouldve died multiple times
>literally resurrected from a head wound in tonights episode
>multiple characters whose raison d'etre was dying to save her
>then finally pic related: Deus Horse Machina in a beam of light
The Lord of Light has been guiding her this entire time.
She will kill The Mad Queen and save Planetos.
So episode basically confirmed that Arya is Azor (The Prince or PRINCESS that was Promised)
we all know who that horse is
so...she does nothing? i doubt they would set up arya this much if she does literally nothing. this is maybe one of the alternate endings
scene was so fucking stupid.
>he still thinks this show is supposed to make sense
Bran left Jaime alive so that Brienne would lose her virginity.
Perhaps she'll kill drogon.
>b-but m-muh prohpecy
>it must be real!
Why bookfaggots still can't understand that the tv show is COMPLETELY different than the books? She just saw the meaninglessness of killing and simply ran off.
Azor Ahai is not real and Jesus aint coming back
Deal with it
Entire scene was a dreamstate. The horse is carrying her to the afterlife.
She's dead OP
No one cares. This show is faggoted to the nth degree.
too bad she was in next ep preview
The horse is actually a dog that can grow ethereal wings.
Arya has been kept alive because she has to stab Jon Snow and turn him into a snowman. She also must save a red headed girl from cancer when she kisses her in a fairy garden.
But Bran will never produce a heir. There will be a civil war indeterminately he hits the bucket or someone murders his ass-
He’s incredibly competent and deserves it. Dabs on you nobles
a cutie
>still holding on to prophecies or any Lord of light stuff
None of it matters
Nah brah.... Jon is gonna do it.
I thought that Gurm gets a hard on for subverting things like prophecies. I don't understand why book fags think the prophecy means anything in the books either
I still believe in the Pounce Who Was Promised. Ser pounce is azor ahai come again.
Whole story is a dream Bran had while unconscious from Jaime pushing him out the window in Season one.
You heard it here first.
She'll throw a vial of wildfire at Dany and burn her alive.
>Dany takes the throne.
>Tyrion executed.
>Jon confronts her.
>She justifies herself, she had to end this, it was all a trick, the ram had touched the wall, sacrifices, hard to be a strong woman in power, now you don't even love me!
>Jon: "I never loved you." Stabs her through the heart with a Valyrian steel dagger.
>She's in shock.
>Tears off his face. It's Arya.
>"But Jon did love you. I had to kill him to get to you."
>Mic drop.
>Credits roll.
You heard it here first.
Whole series is Hodor staring into a snow globe.
You heard it here first.
because he doesn't want to rule he's perfect for the role
isn't that the horse of the golden company guy?
Yay to another convoluted stitched together episode of plot points to move to the finale and fucking off to do Star Wars!
Why the fuck is dragon fire breath suddenly exploding stone walls and rips ships to shreds? I thought it worked like napalm, not fucking TNT?
Bran warged into Horsey amirite?
>The Lord of Light has been guiding her this entire time.
literally would explain how she survived pic related and unironically would redeem the entire show
surprisingly arousing
I hate how much plot armor this character has. Even more than Daenerys
based Shadman
Going from the books...
I always assumed it would be like Aegon the Conqueror: wincest threesome. Only no succession crisis because Dany is shooting blanks. She's bi, right? Already established. So she takes a husband and a wife, she rules as Queen and they're her top supporters, then they produce the heir. She takes Jon's her husband and Arya as her wife. She has but doesn't wield Blackfyre. Jon gets Longclaw. Arya gets Dark Sister from bran who got it from Bloodraven aka Brynden Rivers aka the Three Eyed Crow. All three genuinely love one another.
Varys's betrayal makes more sense if he's a hidden Blackfyre trying to put Illyrio's son via a Blackfyre wife on the throne. Dany gets the ancestral sword from him.
Sansa betrays and kills Littlefinger. Then uses her marriage to Tyrion to worm her way into danys confidence.
Bran becomes like the TV bran, only he actually does something beyond mic drop one-liners.
Melted the towers of Harrenhall. Dragonfire can melt steel, too. So yeah it's canon. Could have used it in any fucking episode prior to this one though.
>jon takes the black again
what did he mean by this?
Correct. I've got three words for you dickweeds:
King Hot Pie
You heard it here first.
he's the lord of all horses
Numbers check out.
it's just cheap symbolism and something for her character to do. Arya rides a pale horse covered in blood through the "apocalypse" of king's landing burning. It's just there so entry level film students and brainlet critics will think the show is deep
Men of the Nights Watch serve until death. Jon died, hence he's out of the Watch. He could rejoin to defend the Realm from... Umm.... Tormund?
Brienne really needs to put a ring on that. She wasn't going anywhere with Pretty Boy anyway. Giants milk is where it's at.
The nights watch was destroyed, and why would it be needed, the white walkers are all gone and the free folk are now allied to the northerners. It serves no use.
It's like grimy rain in a cyberpunk movie. They have to honor the genre.
>implying it's not intentional misdirection regarding the last episode
>implying accurate predictions regaridng prior episodes aren't just meant to increase the incredulity.
You're actually right. It would be kino if brienne and tormund have a child. Its gonna be Chad incarnate.
>bran becomes king because
>jon joins the nights watch because
>jon's lineage means dogshit nothing
I want to say this is a red herring ending to throw off leakers, but knowing what D&D have done so far, this is probably the real ending.
Oh yes, the infamous Rape Horse.
The white of the eyes and dark within
nah, she's a woman
She will go crazy too
a man must rule.
Azor goodbye? Never heard of her. Totally irrelevant.
Jon will kill his femincel waifu, cry, and somehow be able to take the black again to go do... something.. north of the wall. Dwarf guy, onion guy, bronn, and somebody else will become the new small council and either Sansa will be queen or she will rule the north while bran becomes the day king (ah ah ah), fighter of the NIGHT KiNG (ah ah ah) and Arya will go wandering or something to set up for a Xenia warrior princess style spinoff that nobody will watch.
Imagine the potent sense of smell
can't be killed easily
stabbing powah
muh horse symbolism
white trash
>does literally nothing
she killed the fucking night king what else do you want her invincible ninja ass to do jesus christ
The Lord of Light works in mysterious ways.
>queue spooky music
Excellent soldier, is almost suicidally honest regarding his intentions, and they’ve got to do something with him because he’s popular.
The hose is the pale horse and the person who rides atop it is Death. Danny is going to be killed by her, John, or both of them. Simple as that.
Nah, the hound warged into the horsey.
Way hotter than the real maisie williams.
Because le all royalty started as invading sellswords. They foreshadowed it in a pious episode. Plus the realm can make use of Bronn's teleportation powers.