It’s gotta be that “muh honor” autism kills more lives than it saves, right?
Jon could have prevented millions of deaths if he just banged his Aunt.
It’s gotta be that “muh honor” autism kills more lives than it saves, right?
Jon could have prevented millions of deaths if he just banged his Aunt.
Nah that's applied too inconsistently
War sucks.
that you should kill yourself and stop making these fucking threads when theres a hundred already up and a general.
you got fags are the fucking worst. shitting up the entire catalog and then crying about sneedposters
Exactly. The message is "have sex"
I'm going to make a new GOT thread right now. Fuck you, cunt.
Never make a show out of a unfinished book series
Have gay sex
Game of Sneed
Fuck off back to your capeshit thread
Jon has turned into the most annoying character to me by now. He is constantly refusing to take responsibility to the point where he has to be forced to take it. Once he has it he suffers nonstop from bad decision making. His only redeeming quality is his honour.
Hate to admit it but Sansa would be a better ruler.
There is no consistent lesson, GRRM is not Tolkien. He just writes about flawed people. If you had to give a "lesson" it would be the general boomer anti-war theme.
It's the biggest show in the world and a once in a lifetime television event you silly retard. What is wrong with you?
The moral is to go with your instincts before it's too late.
>It’s gotta be that “muh honor” autism kills more lives than it saves, right?
It seemed like the story was cynically saying this at first, particularly with Ned Stark's fate.
By now, however, it seems like the story has come to resolve in a way that ultimately the 'decent' / 'good' people, aka the Starks, end up looking the best and will be the heroes and winners, while a few other characters who have stuck it out and showed some decency in the long run will have turned out to embrace some level of empathy.
So in other words, all that edgy grimdark nihilism was kind of just a big ruse, ultimately to still tie everything up at the end with 'good' more or less winning and being asserted. It's just that somehow the story felt it had to portray a lot of cynical nihilism first in order to seem smarter or more nuanced or modern.
If libtards and feminazis are given power they will destroy everything
>the 'decent' / 'good' people, aka the Starks
lol? What show are you watching?
Except that conclusion of the Starks winning will be primarily because of Sansa who achieved that goal by becoming a savvy schemer.
Around Targaryens never relax.
That women make absolutely shit rulers.
That the real Game of Thrones are the friends you make and betray along the way
Constant capeshit threads are better amirite
dumb newfag
its always like this when a popular show is near its end. Yea Forums was 90% LOST threads for 2 weeks straight after that ended
Never chase a bitch
Bitches ain't worth shit man.
Imagine, imagine if the most of the main characters do not care about women or have women as their motivation.
That nobody is destined to rule
And sooner or later the bad shit catches up to you
>"bitches be crazy, don't put your dick in crazy"
It was all just a Game of Thrones. Roll credits.