>sys.Yea Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeadline.com%2F2019%2F05%2Fempire-canceled-jussie-smollett-scandal-fox-upfronts-lee-daniels-1202613350%2F%23comments
He just cost hundreds of people their jobs. Holy shit who is going to be the one to kill him?
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Fuck this despicable piece of shit. Ugly little worm.
Press S to Nigger
Good I really thought he was gonna get away with it for a moment there. Wish they could just carry on without him though. it sucks that so many people are losing their jobs because of this fuck.
oh no no no no
I don’t think anyone watched that show. They probably used him as an excuse cuz their show sucked
So you think he's gonna be murdered soon?
Why are you using a trip?
I think the entire cast and crew should beat him out of the gang
JUSTie Smollett
justice is served.
suck it niggers for trying to start a race war. go back to picking cotton.
He was absolved idiots
Did no one read the article??
EMPIRE has been renewed for an entier NEW final season with the OPTION for Jussie to return probably as a final send off for his character.
If not by himself, by a disgruntled employee on the show who’s livelihood was the guaranteed behind the scenes work they had on this show
Because I can and it helps me have better conversations.
We got too fucking cocky Smolletbros
>Empire to end after sixth season
Apparently you didn’t read it
He's going to offered a job at CNN or msnbc by the end of the week. The cucks at fox even might.
Shit, boys. What are we going to do now instead of watching Empire?
Can’t wait for white leftists to whine about racism now
Black people deserve respect
You should know by now this place is just reverse Twitter.
Get your tripfagging newfag ass out this board.
This fucking retard literally joined last month
You incels do realise that he still has millions of dollars and got away with no criminal penalty?
This is like that joke about the Russian peasant who promised the Mongol raping his wife that he'd hold the Mongol's balls, then celebrated because he let dust get on the balls while the Mongol was cucking him
It used to be really popular during the first season. But since then it stopped being big.
Fuck up and fuck off cunt
Why do you believe it helps you have better conversations? Could you not have the same conversations without it?
Investigation isn’t over. Federal authorities reopened it and are currently preparing to make heads roll all the way up the line of conspirators in Chicago’s corrupt justice system. That stupid Fox bitch that recused herself is running scared because she has ties to every major Obama era politician and official in Chicago. It’s far from over
No because then anglos would confuse me for one of them and try to get gay with me
What's with all the tripfags suddenly flooding Yea Forums, I see them everywhere now
>justed brainllet
>2144 posts
Reminder that aussie banter is a joke. You haven’t come up with anything good since Men at Work
GOT r*dditors
Okay so you're just doing it for attention then, filtered
You're a tripcunt. You have no fucking right to talk.
Bye anglo
Leftshittism and the jobs creation, lmao, it is history on the repeat with these ''people''.
>I think the entire cast and crew should beat him out of the gang
The cast came out in support of Jussie, even not-so-based Carter. They get what they deserve.
Did YOU read the article? You’re retarded
>has millions of dollars and got away with no criminal penalty?
Yes, he sounds like every other oppressed media leftshit with systemic privilege in existence.
Yes but, Respect is earned
tripshitting should be a bannable offence
Filter him and move on, he just wants attention. Like a pathetic woman flailing to be recognized and remembered
It never will be because this site always intended for it to be used and it indeed always has been used. You’re not the first zoomer to spaz out over it and you won’t be the last. The world keeps turning.
MFW this user is actually right. Fuck this show, fuck its cast and most of all: fuck that disgusting racist Jussie.
i found your reddit account. go back
I don't even care who they go after when they're done with her, I just want to see her ass on live television trying to stutter and mumble excuses for why she did it as they figuratively line her neck up to the guillotine.
I think I'm going to start posting with this now, if you think people are going to take their time to learn some morons trip, lmao @ ur life
Are you actually from st petersburg? Will your employer pay me too if I start posting using tripcode? For mother Russia! Hail Putin!!
Is the other one the real russian? Does his employer pay you too for using tripcode?
>helps me have better conversations
he did get away with it. hes supposed to be in jail right now, and he'll probably get some gigs out of the publicity he got
Just ignore the tripfag, or better yet filter it.
I'm gay btw
post it
There's still a federal investigation ongoing. It's not over.
>zoomers spazzing out is supposed to be a deterrent
Lmao @ ur life zoomers
He got away with it in Chicago, but now the Federal big guns are being called in.
That does not answer my questions.
trip/namefags you literally just filter them and you'll never see their posts again. thats the whole point of it. if anything the issue is that more people dont use them.
I changed my mind guys, this will be my new tripcode. Also, I'm super gay, and love to suck dicks. Oh, and I'm black.
It wasn't a great show anyway. The show tried too hard to seem "woke" and use buzzwords. The main guy is actually a really good character though.
i see, thanks bros. somehow i'm not hopeful that he'll see any real consequences though...
Based gay black russian shill. As you are, comrade!
I always assume most tripfags are black. Not sure why I immediately make this association but I do.
>It wasn't a great show anyway. The show tried too hard to seem "woke" and use buzzwords.
Why do you watch it?
he's a nigger
I dare say our little prank in nz made some tongues waggle
Not only will his ass get impounded, but everyone up to and probably including the Obamas is going to get their asses thrashed. They fucked up when their pawn Foxx shut down his case and looked like a dumb bitch in doing so.
>YASS QUEEN revealed to be evil
>Jussie Smollett's show is cancelled
I sure hope this guy gets paid to post, no one can actually be this much of a faggot...
>legally challenged
Trump’s in power. He and his justice department don’t give a shit about who they offend upholding the law. These freaks are screaming foul because they know they’re going to be exposed for the frauds and criminals they are
People don't do revenge killings anymore. It's a real shame because it would hold more employers responsible but it is what it is.
Yet another Australian refugee fleeing the emu gangs? Sad.
How come none of the pedos or Hillary or Obama got exposed like Trump said? This is the same kind a post they used to make in 2016 but in 3 years there hasn’t been anything to show for it except backpage being taken down. Where are the actual arrests lol?
Everyone in hollywood is rich and famous.
Everyone in hollywood is at the same rich level.
Your reputation matters more in this case.
Look at Rosseanne or Charlie Sheen. What good is being rich, when everyone in that circle is hating you. Trolling you and shitting on you
You dont think jussie gets hateful calls all day long? People avoiding him?
The emu learned to fear us, now the world has too
What a walking cancer of a human being.
Get the fuck out reddit
people like obama/hillary dont get in actual trouble because they're mouthpieces for real power. i officially gave up on trump a while ago, he's more concerned with MIGA than MAGA. shit sucks, friends
>sys.Yea Forums.org link
low effort OP
Answer the question MAGAbitch
I mean to be honest, do you think he would open up an investigation on Hillary when the Dems already launch their jihad on his character and credibility by dragging everyone through mud and hearings on "Russian collusion" for two years? Would just be fuel to the fire.
Link didn’t copy for some reason, saved the redirect instead of the original link. No idea how it happened
>do you think he would open up an investigation on Hillary when the Dems already launch their jihad on his character and credibility by dragging everyone through mud and hearings on "Russian collusion" for two years?
Wouldn't that just be more incentive for him to do it? Would expose hilldog and take some heat off himself.
kill yourself tranny
that too. they're still talking about the fucking muller investigation and starting to pivot about his taxes again lmfao. it never ends
I never watched the show, but I really do feel for the rest of the cast/crew. His idiocy is causing them to suffer.
They would crucify him as trying to take revenge on a candidate and scream something about "POLITICAL REPRESSION, HE'S TRYING TO CREATE A ONE PARTY STATE," etc.
Thing is, all these hearings are probably just a way for the Democrats to buy time as they completely bury and burn any and all evidence that could be used to strike back against them.
Please never post in the Alita threads. We dont need your garbage trolling in there
>They would crucify him as trying to take revenge on a candidate and scream something about "POLITICAL REPRESSION, HE'S TRYING TO CREATE A ONE PARTY STATE," etc.
They've been trying to do that already. What's the harm?
Blacks hated Empire btw because it was gay as hell. Nobody watched it except liberal whites.
I don’t think ive ever posted in one. Am I really so powerful that I’ve made you hallucinate? Damn...
those dastardly anglos, making me look like an asshole again
>tripfag is a 1 month old newfag
>literal redditor too confused to understand how anonymous posting works
keep fucking that chicken butthurt anglo
Remember: Chernobyl shat the bed and you will never ever get me banned for criticizing it
That fucking "independents" are sheep and would then vote dems back in power, who would immediately persecute all non commies
I have literally no idea what the tripfag is taking about
Based on what? The dems are already REEEing, it's not like it would be any different if clinton dirt was dragged out into the light.
But normies love Trump. The only people that don’t are loud, vociferous minority of liberals in shit states that can’t function with uttering Trump in every sentence. No one else gives a damn
Wonder if the media is going to work overtime to memoryhole this entire debacle or paint its cancellation as another racial injustice and that “we still have a lot of work to do”
filtered again
you thirsty little bitch :)
I've never given up on this case.
Smollet has already moved the fuck out of Chicago and to LA.
Federal cases are still pending including that fake anthrax he mailed to himself.
I'm looking forward to the light being shined on the Chicago political scene and it's legendary corruption.
This ride is just starting my friends.
him getting off for the time being was actually a good thing, corruption need to be exposed one way or another
California is the only place that would not only shield, but protect an absolute retard like him, simply on the basis of his skin color and sexual orientation and not on facts. Some fixer will make it look like he OD’d on drugs when he attends some gay insider orgy
Reminder that Chicago PD tried to coverup the actual crime by making it look like it was a false flag and they failed. The only corruption that got uncovered is the police and hickville USA’s (aka ZOGarmy) twisting of reality.
You can just feel the seethe
He'll get fined at best. He lied about getting beat up and when you forget the Trump stuff for a moment it isn't really a big deal
If you’re not getting paid for this I genuinely feel bad for you. It’s staggering someone could willingly post things this retarded and it not be for a greater reason like agenda pushing/sowing division for a greater entity
genuinely impressed at the pace and persistence of your shitposting. I'm assuming you're raiding for another site?
It’s probably multiple people using the same trip. None of these posts are genuine or organic. They’re written to evoke anger and distract. Most likely some political firm doing research to see what elicits responses
Hello Jussie
Jesus Christ imagine how fucking pissed all the show staff is
Stay mad that you have no response to that.
Probably ready to snap
almost all of them are seething about anglos for some reason. maybe it's a falseflagging anglo
Anglos got upset that their brit accents got called out in the show Chernobyl. And they also want to defend the SJWism because it’s an Anglo show. That’s basically it lol
can I get an ID on what this is from?
>t. anglo
>Just fuck my career up
Fuck them, they were the first to celebrate this injustice
I have a tip for you newfriend. All a trip does is make a ton of people filter you so literally all you are doing is having way less people read your posts than otherwise. Have a nice day and also filtered.
But I want the retards to filter me and never reply to me.
We all know that you still look at my posts anyway though so that’s just your own beta problem, not mine.
LOL that happened to me once. Turned my khakis black. looked like a coal miner.
>he's been in the same thread constantly crying for over two hours
>on a Monday
Holy shit get a job incel you are breaking your mother's heart
>wanting the guillotine to be figurative
You mean by an evil white trump supporter yelling "THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY"
>thinking I want it to be figurative
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the terrible ratings.
>Everyone in hollywood is at the same rich level.
>Empire PR a few months ago
Person of Interest
kill all whites
vote DNC
nice link retard
Did Rasheed ever consider that maybe his own blackface is very offensive?
thanks fren I'm gonna find out what that retarded rifle is
Desert Tactical Arm SRS
Oh silly me you’re correct
Imagine being a jewish negro. With the genetic impulse to scheme $$ but having the incompetence of negro DNA meaning you can't plan more than 5 minutes ahead of the present.
remember they welcomed him back to he show after he was found (((not guilty))). So they can rot too.
might as well go after flint MI while they're at it
>needing everyone to read every post you make
Why do you lie?