Why do foreigners get so fat after spending some time in America?

Why do foreigners get so fat after spending some time in America?

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Because ZOGfood tastes so good it's easier to keep eating than to sleep.




Fat women are based tb h

that bitches eyes are way too far apart. without makeup shed look like sid the sloth

>fuck fat women

Because they banned fat shaming in America


Actual answer? Our food is much more calorie dense. People that come here and eat the same amount but don't get in more physical activity to counteract it will get fat.

I had some friends who stayed in America over the summer and got fat. They said everything is full of sugar, even bread.


Then why does their chocolate still taste like garbage?

People who don’t live in cities like New York and D.C. have to drive everywhere instead of walking/cycling. This and the food make people fat pretty quickly.

Cause we use hfcs instead of sugar.

Cheap chocolate tastes like garbage because it is mostly fillers with little actual chocolate. High end stuff is just as good or better than what you could get anywhere else in the world.

The food is horrible garbage. The director of the FDA doesn't even know what has been done to the food supply and gave up even trying to understand

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Because it's American.

Those look like native amerimutts to me

I'll never understand the obsession with corn. Just use sugar like a normal person.

It is just about money. We have so much farmland that sugar extracted from corn is significantly cheaper than sugar extracted from cane.

And before someone spouts off about crop subsidies or some other shit they don't actually know anything about, the corn extracted sugar would be cheaper even if those subsidies did not exist.

If the corn would be cheaper even without subsidies what's the justification for the subsidies? Genuine question not snarky rhetorical comeback.

I want to bury my face in chantel's cleavage. Only part I'm looking forward to on the family Chantal spinoff

Corn is still less profitable than other crops.

Cause all the fast food and delicious shitty food they have in america.

American culture is food

Americans would destroy any country in an equal numbered hand to hand ground war.
>Durr, American’s have such a shit diet.


isn't integration into your own society what you want of your immigrants ?

because american food products are required by law to contain at least 40% corn syrup

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This whole thread is.

she doesn't seem fat to me

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