>YAAAS QUEEEN vs. The 99% women and children raped and burned
I’m excited to see how his plays out on twatter. well done dabid
YAAAS QUEEEN vs. The 99% women and children raped and burned
neck yourself retard
Kill yourself nigger
>all those roasties that named their daughters khaleesi/daenerys
Have the incels won this war?
Good thing you started the twentieth thread about the mad queen.
Fucking retard.
we came
we saw
they died
War is Hell, this episode did a great job depicting that fact
>no azor ahai
>no valenquar
>total of 5 scorpion bolts shot at dragon
>clegaine-bowl looked like Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing
>Arya is now a social worker
They dun goofed
>women take the lead over men
>this happens
see d&d outplayed you all, they're based and redpilled and are showing normies what will happen if gays, foreigners and women are in control.
final episode will be the uprising of the dominant white male that fixes all the problems
No comrade user, it has only begun
have sex
this was a resounding victory. there is now a direct reference to point to of roasties getting exponentially more BTFO than any man got over Ghostbusters 2016, nu-wars, or Arya killing the Night King.
The next time some roastie calls you a man-baby for not liking Hollywood's latest gender-swap, you can just point out that she contemplated suicide after khaleesi went nuts.
fucking tard
>Dany wants execute Tyrion for treason
>Jon intervene
>Danys goes mad and want both dead
>Jon make a compromise, going black again and tyrion life in return for his cock to save the targaryen bloodline.
>ends with westeros will be always a fuck up place
kino ending
Cercei could have surrendered, the city could have surrendered, instead, they tried to kill her last remaining dragon and were staying loyal to Cercei. Fuck em, they needed to die
Fucking women are in so much denial on Twitter. God I hate women.
>>no valenquar
Remember that as you're being Allaha Akbared or Gassed.
D&D are millionaires and will be main-stream darlings for the rest of their lives...
It's disgusting that youtubers can make satisfying conclusions JUST by changing a few scenes/lines around.
Sopranos is the only show that didn't get wanked beyond recognition once it got popular/further it went along.. Fuck tv
so bronn will never get highgarden. now that sucks.
ikr, such a good episode!
D&D said the building that crushed them is called "Little Brother"
saw it on another thread though, could be fake
> final episode will be the uprising of the dominant white male that fixes all the problems.
Ok, this is epic....
or what, you'll burn a city?