How would the Avengers handle this guy?
How would the Avengers handle this guy?
he forgot to strap a baby to his face
Tony goes back in time and kills the guys mom or better yet goes back in time and makes sure none of those moms got preggers take that guy
One of the babies will say something sexist and the audience will clap as captain marvel beats them all to death one by one
shoot the brown babies
Hit him where the white babies are.
Tony Stark vaporizes them all, then travels back in time to yesterday, “borrows” all those babies, time-dupes them into his timeline, then returns the originals where he got them “before the world notices.”
writer was too focused on baby armor being shocking when in real life people have fallen over babies with said babies getting some injuries that could be treated easily
wait for the kids to shit than he will be the one removing all those brats
Shitposting aside, what comic is this from? Did they defeat that guy without killing the babies? Just curious
Of all the things to use as armor, the man had chosen *babies*. Snatched from families and the local orphanage, he strapped each baby to his body covering himself from the neck down. Leaving only his head and neck exposed, he boasted loudly about how he couldn't be taken down without harming a child.
He held a gun to to the cashier's forehead and smirked when the police demanded that he put down his weapon and put his hands in the air.
"If I do not put down my weapons, what do plan on doing? You cannot possibly harm me without harming them." He gestured to the babies.
As the man made his own demands, he did not seem to hear the shadow behind him approach. A baby cooed as it saw the shadow crawl through the window, rope in hand, and vengeance burning in its eyes.
"Go ahead, throw the gas! Shoot me! None of you can harm-" The rope cut off his words. Surprised, he dropped the gun and gripped at the rope that now cut into his flesh. The sounds of scuffling, giggling and crying babies, and futile gasps for air echoed through the jewelry store. Puzzled policemen watched on, frozen to the spot.
At last the man stopped moving and the shadow motioned toward the once captive cashier, who was trembling in the floor. The cashier seemed to understand this silent shadow's intentions - *get these babies off of this man*.
How would the Avengers handle this guy?
punisher max, frank castle just shoots him in the face and none of the babies are harmed
he says he don wan no trabble
avengers cant understand his ancient Chinese mantra and assume its a declaration of combat
they lose
chris tucker walks in on them and explain whats happening
but alas, his words are also incomprehensible and the fight continues
also some generic white business guy dies
How is this hard? Shooting him doesn´t mean he will fall down and hit the floor within 0.0001 sec. The hostage can just go and grab him after he is shooti n the head. Hell, can even just knock him out with a batarang or something.
>Joss "Cuck Numale" Sweden wanted to kill this hero off
or convinces the moms to get abortions which is classic libtard strategy
cringe and reddit. plus thats from police story you retard
Put a noose around his neck and hoist him straight up in the air