Discussion about HBO Chernobyl miniseries. Episode 2 later today.
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Somebody put a faceapp smile on this
Mfw new episode tonight
Is he playing hardbass?
>tracksuits are on their way
Like this?
Hopefully the meme reactor that is this mini series will explode
what time?
>campbell getting btfo
*hangs self*
not great, but not terrible either
Let’s hope they don’t fuck it up with more SJWisms!
>new thread up
ow fuck yeah
>During an experiment on August 21, 1945, Daghlian was attempting to build a neutron reflector manually by stacking a set of 4.4-kilogram (9.7 lb) tungsten carbide bricks in an incremental fashion around a plutonium core. The purpose of the neutron reflector was to reduce the mass required for the plutonium core to attain criticality. He was moving the final brick over the assembly, but neutron counters alerted Daghlian to the fact that the addition of that brick would render the system supercritical. As he withdrew his hand, he inadvertently dropped the brick onto the center of the assembly. Since the assembly was nearly in the critical state, the accidental addition of that brick caused the reaction to go immediately into the prompt critical region of neutronic behavior. This resulted in a criticality accident.[5]
>Daghlian reacted immediately after dropping the brick and attempted to knock the brick off the assembly without success. He was forced to disassemble part of the tungsten-carbide pile in order to halt the reaction.[6]
>Daghlian was estimated to have received a dose of 510 rem (5.1 Sv) of neutron radiation, from a yield of 1016 fissions.[5] Despite intensive medical care, he developed symptoms of severe radiation poisoning and his mother and sister were flown out to care for him (his father had died in 1943).[2] He fell into a coma, and died 25 days after the accident.
Does the episode air at 10 EST?
What is wrong with you?
We found no graphite Steven no graphite was there.
>He fell into a coma
Sort of lucky
Just watched the first episode. God damn this show is kino.
Why is everything concerning nuclear stuff so comfy
Vasily is gonna be okay, right???
Episode 2 when?
The famous demon core
Elephant's Foot when?
because you realize the how frail and easy to collapse the world is the more you learn about it
He's thrown a kettle over a reactor building, what have you done?
ep 3 or 4, when they decide to investigate into unit 4 because of the possibility of another more powerful explosion that would collapse the 3 other cores if it happens
It's not "Bridge of death"? Tyпыe cocaчpы нe пoмoгaют, cyки.
This is from the movie Fat Man and Little Boy, this is a mixture of what happened to Harry Daghilan and what happened to Luis Slotin later, with the same core.
Bridge of death - этo нaзвaниe кoмпoзиции? Гдe иcкaл?
Did he get that dose of radiation only from his hand? Could they have saved him just by amputating it?
Why is ha throwing chalk at them?
He also gives a nice speech to soldiers. youtube.com
Why in the other incident did they just prop it open with a fucking screwdriver? None of the literal Nuclear Physicists thought to themselves that that was a bad idea? Also some atom kino youtube.com
no he was standing near the plutonium core so probably took a lot of damage to his body as a whole.
it's just that his hand took way more since it was right over the core when it went prompt critical (it was the hand he used to place the bricks).
there were safety measures to prevent the halves from closing fully, but the guy handling it said fuck it and did it with a screwdriver instead.
it was only after the incident that safety was taken seriously. it was a new science after all, people always do stupid shit when they don't know what they're really dealing with.
>Read about nuclear accidents
>Tokaimura nuclear accident
>A nip called Hishashi Ouchi got exposed 17 Sv of radiation
>Look up picture of him
So they can mark where they were on the floor and he could calculate how much would they be affected by the radiation
>Could they have saved him just by amputating it?
Radiation can't spread unless you get some of the radioactive chemical on yourself and physically touch something with it. Washing his hand (very thoroughly) or amputating it would have had the same effect at that point.
Why did gooks think it was a good idea to build nuclear power stations on an island prone to seismic activity and cyclones?
Not great, not terrible
Early nuclear shit is kino af
>dude let's just make a giant pile of graphite and Uranus and see what happens
is he going to die
hell be fine
Yes he died within three or four weeks
I've seen worse
There's something kino about people discovering shit that's so dangerous it kills them
what do you think?
With only 3.6 Roentgens of exposure, he'll be fine
>Hishashi Ouchi
Ouchi indeed
>Fortunate Comrade by Chernobyl Feedwater Revival starts playing
>Formerly chuckwater
that's actually significant
Cherenkov radiation? In this part of the country, at this time of day, localized entirely over the reactor?
Can someone smart tell me why their faces become red immediately after radiation exposure?
If you only knew how many roentgens it really is.
do you anons taste metal?
He just spent the weekend at the beach
Nah, it was just 3.6 roentgens he'll be fine
Really bad sunburn + possible burst capillaries.
I taste your moms pussy juice
It's radiation burns, similar to a sunburn and they went red almost immediately because of just how radioactive area is
That picture is questionable btw, everyone just reposts it from one unverified blog from what I've seen. Someone in comments questions the photo there.
>tfw eurocuck so won't be able to watch the new episode until like 5pm tomorrow after work
>1500 roentgens
Looking forward to some genuine Kino to wash the taste of GoT out of my mouth.
He is just embarrased that he thought the core was gone loool
The Chicago Pile only put out like 1/2 Watt of power since it was using U-238 instead of 235.
Nostalgia from when the entire world actually feared getting nuked out of nowhere.
>what is steam
xaxaxa well memed komrad
Perfectly encapsulates 'If only you knew how bad things really are'
A software for nerds.
Smart-anons, explain to me the blue light from the reactor and the "snow" that falls on all the people on the bridge. It's really comfy learning about this stuff.
>Chernobyl Feedwater Revival
>Robot stops working on the roof because to many sieverts
>Time to send in the bio robots.
it was a shitty german robot
>Some comrades are born made to check the core
The blue light is ionized air. The radiation is so strong that it's separating air molecules from their electrons. This is exactly what happens when lightning becomes visible (barring the radiation).
Someone else can explain the other thing.
There were plenty of other scientists pointing out how dangerous what he was doing was, and they also said he would be dead within a year. They were right
Autistic Germans designed it for the exact level of radiation the Soviets told them. The Soviet figures were massively "underestimated".
>oooh their faces tan red
>Someone else can explain the other thing.
dumb user here, seemed like it was just debris from the explosion
You’re delusional, go to the infirmary
I was to be him, I would request just bullet in to my head.
Mmm, not quite. Whatever that debris was was highly radioactive, it might be "fallout" but I'm not sure.
>you know... these control rods are quite similar to the ones they serve at Ignalina
Comrade you are delusional
Why didn't they just turn the reactot off?
To add onto the Cherenkov effect, it is what happens when those ions surpass the speed of light. Light's speed varies depending on the medium it is passing through, if an ion goes faster than the speed of light in that medium (obviously it can't pass the light speed threshold) then it gives off that blue glow. You can think of it almost like breaking the sound barrier with a sonic boom, but instead of sound it is light.
The snow you saw was simply radioactive ash.
Original post, we've never seen it before in a Chernobyl thread.
>tfw i would have definitely grabbed the cool glowing graphite pieces if i was a pripyat fireman
>ask for X
>become mad when you get X
... Now, I have spoken directly to Deputy Secretary Janny.
Janny spoke to Deputy Chief Moderator, Moderator to Central Committee member Admin, and Admin to General Secretary Hiroshimoot.
Because the Central Committee has the greatest respect for the work of the Kinobyl Executive Committee, they have asked me to brief you on matters as they stand, so...
First, the tripfag... is well under control. And second, because the efforts of the Kinobyl shitposting industry are considered key board secrets, it is important that we ensure that this incident has no adverse consequences...
It wasn't the Cherenkov effect - and it's an electron that can pass through the medium, not an ion.
Steam is byproduct of boiling water. If you think it is anything else you are delusional and should go to the infirmary
I just realised that's why his hand started melting later while the other ones only got red faces
I'm pretty sure it would be fallout.
It's what spread all over Europe later.
is this gonna be the next game of thrones
You're right about the electrons, not ions. It is the Cherenkov effect though en.wikipedia.org
If GoT had one season.
That's what actually caused it to explode. They got the reactor into such a bad state preparing for test combined with bad design mean when they did an emergency shutdown it had the opposite effect.
oh do fuck off
everything made by Hildur is good
Why did the dude walk to the water valves when the reactor had exploaded. Why not just leave the fucking nuclear plant, grab his family and leave the City?
This thread was build to withstand /GOT/spam, it can with stand any small trip.
I'd have given it a little lick too desu
this, can non retarded anons explain what in fucks name they were doing? where would the water even go?
In the Soviet era USSR you did what you were told.
Fascinating. Thanks anons.
>It is the Cherenkov effect
Not over the top of the reactor. Light emitted by ionized air and the Cherenkov effect are two different things.
>we need to get water into the core
Oh, you're so fucked if what you're seeing here is triggering you already.
They were in shock, with a guilty mind. One pressured the other into pretending they can make a difference, rather than admitting they were An Heroing
>Slotin then said, "oh for fucks sake." as a heapload of radiation flowed through him.
Baited by the wish granter.
>oh do fuck off
How can you tell the difference?
did the light really look like that after the reactor exploded? a white spotlight going straight up in the sky?
are there photographs of this?
This music and the scene it's in are nightmarish. His fucking face.
you don't think he did?
he was kept alive for purposes of research
Look closer. It was blue, and yes it was real.
>random low rank worker being able to leave Pripyat at will
Listen! When the hydrogen tank exploded it caused serious damage to the reactor hall. We must resume the flow of feedwater as soon as possible.
You'd be caught, probably tortured along with your family and be sent to the gulags. You did what you were fucking told in the USSR. Yes, even knowingly walking into death.
don't respond to below-human
Welcome to Joe Roentgen Podcast. 3.6 ALL DAY ALL NIGHT!!
From the red forest? Would be a nice thing to have, but maybe not handle it too much
why didn't anyone in the HBO miniseries have stethoscopes? how do they expect me to take this seriously?
>radioactive ash
>tfw it was falling on a babies face
>they had no idea
Jesus Christ how horrifying.
he begged the doctors for death just before he passed into a coma
That's actually a rather abstruse question and I'm not entirely fit to answer it. I do know, however, that air molecules are (relatively) extremely far apart, so light would be travelling near its top speed in the atmosphere.
Audibly keked
They were American
there are photos of their hands in color but I can't find them online, it's pretty nasty the bruising goes all the way through, some very unique shades of purple
basically super sunburn, and instead of just affecting your skins, it goes straight into your body, affecting your bones, nerves, and if the radiation is high enough, damage your DNA, making you unable to produce new cells, and only forcing your body to produce completely damaged cells, aka Cancer
I read the wikipedia article on it and you are right. Thanks for pointing it out user. I'll leave it here for other curious anons en.wikipedia.org
Actually it's because the reactor can't produce Cherenkov radiation into the air so it had to be ionization.
>that core would tear you to shreds
i see you user, have a (you)
>you're not gonna win the oscar
Is it good, bros?
Just finished my sopranos rewatch, need something new
Was thinking about this, Six Feet Under or Barry.
What are your thoughts?
Thread theme
this shows kino, but this couldn’t really happen irl right? there’s systems in place to stop it?
A lifetime of psychological conditioning through soviet propaganda forces them to obey.
this only has 5 episode, which is perfect
The story of lies, incompetence, and human mismanagement is a timeless tale. It happened because they believed it couldn't happen.
Not great but not terrible.
Judging by the first episode alone, it's pretty great.
Watch it and see if it catches your interest.
Why would we need systems? This could literally never happen ever.
>Tell me something, is this power station called Vladimir I Crock of Shit?
Is this part of the meme? I really can't tell anymore.
Reactors do not explode. You are delusional. Take him to the infirmary.
Are you stupid? RBMK reactors cannot explode.
Explain to me how an RBMK reactor explodes. Can you do it?
It happened and almost happened again recently at Fukushima.
I believe this works better, considering the original reaction picture.
Of course comrade, the "disaster" is simply western propaganda. It was a small malfunction, quickly contained, there were only 31 deaths, and they died heroes of the USSR, no more.
>there’s systems in place to stop it?
Yes, but that doesn't help when you disable it
user I..
when is episode 2
that's what they get for bombing Pearl Harbor though
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Goddamn amerisharts
heli kino is SOON
The show is propaganda against commies, not slavs. Are you a commie, comrade?
>but this couldn’t really happen irl right
>video unavailable
Soon. I can't wait for the reveal.
>After just 30 seconds of exposure, dizziness and fatigue will find you a week later. Two minutes of exposure and the body cells will soon begin to hemorrhage; four minutes: vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. At 300 seconds you have two days to live.
>having stethoscopes
user, i...
>that mop
>blocks your path
Not good not terrible
RBMK reactors literally cannot explode, the burns were a result of exposure to the feedwater (no higher than 3.6 roentgen, not great but not terrible). Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.
Ep 1 was honestly better horrorkino than anything I've watched these last couple of years
just pump some water on it
If gamma rays can destroy molecules, they can destroy whatever that is too.
Most reactors are better designed than RBMK reactors, and the Fukushima design was sound save for the fact that it was built on an active faultline.
That said, meltdowns are still possible for fuel-rod type reactors, which most of them are, and while not as 'the continent is fucked' level of disaster it's still a major threat to anyone nearby.
Definitely was.
My first thought after watching that first episode was how the hell are they going to keep this up? I guess we'll find out tonight if Episode 2 is anywhere near as good.
I'm fucking hooked though.
Why didn't they just euthanize him wtf
It's the mystery of it all. How many people actually died, the fact that sheep in the north of fucking England became irradiated afterwards, the sort of messed-up shit the Liquidators saw, the fact that the Soviets tried so hard to cover it up. Makes the mind wander.
It's a tardigrade. They can withstand a thousand times more radiation than other animals on Earth.
Some of Ouchi's last words were "I'm not a guinea pig." I think you can draw your own conclusions from there.
Gosh, I'm ready to take one for the team to get that water for the reactor.
>When Yuvchenko starts bleeding through his uniform after the irradiated door causes massive burns in just 30 seconds
What time will the new episode air online? I'm having a hell of a time finding exact time
So why didnt they just get the water flowing into the reactor?
>fukushima doesn't even come close
The guys in the control room were morons
>be me, Anatoly Dyatlov
>supervise these two numb skulls Akimov and Toptunov while they run a test
>explosion occurs
>it’s fine they just blew an emergency tank
>other comrades come in babbling about the core exploded
>send their asses to the get water back into the core and lower the fuel rods
>they start vomiting
>meet with Fomin and Bryukhanov
>explain what happened
>send some day shift cuck to the roof to show everyone I’m right
I hate delusional comrade anons
They did though. Dyatlov was recognized as a Hero of the Soviet Union for preventing a major disaster and was awarded his own track suit by the Secretary General.
guys can you make meme with punished____a men denied in his core
How much is that in Röntgen?
The scene where he was being dragged to the hospital and saw Vasily was haunting.
Didn't matter either way since the reactor wasn't there anymore.
Motherfucker can survived being tossed into open space
>falling into the Pacific Ocean
This time water actually was the solution. Radiation can't spread in water like it can in the air. It's staying in one place and, if it doesn't, it's not going to do much damage.
Wasn't he sent to prison for 10 years
They did.
>There was a Reactor Here But It's Gone Now
Think he only served 5
His peers knew it was dumb as hell. Richard Feynman said he was "tickling the dragon's tail."
What happened to him afterwards?
You're delusional.
One of you eggheads explain to me what's behind the works and firefighters tasting metal
> sheep in the north of fucking England became irradiated afterwards
It was Wales and the restrictions on certain sheep farms was only lifted 3 years ago.
>GOT tanking
>Chernobyl raising
>more Chernobyl viewers
>bring on the memes
Fires always make firefighters taste metal
Nah, he'll be fine
Iirc it's the iron being separated from the blood inside their tongue.
Died of heart failure
No one knows for sure but it has been reported several times. However it's not exactly an experiment you can reproduce without killing the subjects.
Jesus Christ, that is horrendous.
It's either all the gasses and fun-stuff the reactor put into the air, or the phenomenon of radiation ionizing their tastebuds.
Either is equally an 'omae wa mo shindeiru' moment
That's the cool refreshing taste of the success of the Soviet system, comrade! Now keep dousing that building with water.
Leave matters of the State to the State user
So glad user loves that show. Finally some comfy threads. last time I saw something like this during
Terror airing.
When will the torrents be up in the UK?
Guys isn't it getting a bit hot in here?
>meltdown of game of thrones
>episode of chernobyl dealing with meltdown day prior
anyone else taste metal?
>I love the taste of metal in the morning.
They were up around 1:30-2:00am last episode.
Ok guys my GoT episode has downloaded, see you all in an hour or so. I seriously hope it's THAT bad.
You are like a little baby. Some guy on the K-19 got 56Gy
>It still exists
>Its still melting though the floor
That’s just feedwater
Roentgens are about exposure. Becquerels are about activity. Two separate things, user.
>Scram procedure is have another physicist hit the control rod ropes with an axe
Yep. If it ever touches water, Ukraine is fucked desu.
How do you say "It can't be helped" in Russian?
Lightning can actually produce x-rays and gamma rays in the upper atmosphere
Hичeгo нe пoдeлaeшь
>Hishashi Ouchi
Poor Jory Cassel.
criminally underrated.
That's neat and I did not know that, but I was referring to the cause, not the effect.
Multiple witness accounts mention a beam of blue light going up as far as they could see
>g-guys, what's that roentgen meter reading again? feeling a little poached over here... lads?
I think the eventual conclusion was that it's probably one of the Chernobyl firemen since the photo in question is not featured in the book about Ouchi, which has a whole bunch of other, different photos, showing a different set of wounds.
>The workers bypassed the buffer tanks entirely, opting to pour the uranyl nitrate directly into the precipitation tank with a stainless steel bucket. The additional solution contained 16 kg of uranium, thus exceeding the tank's uranium limit of 2.4 kg. An uncontrolled nuclear fission began immediately.
will one of my favorite Yea Forums memes be revived by chernobyl?
>I think the eventual conclusion was that it's probably one of the Chernobyl firemen
Poor bastard. RIP.
Fukushima came nowhere near a Chernobly tier explosion + meltdown. It was more like what would happen at Three Mile Island if the hydrogen wasn't vented properly and the core made it all the way through the bottom of the reactor.
3.6, you're fine
Get back to the pumps
>third-worlder detected
do you really not know what radioactive fallout is
It's called fallout cuz it fall out of reactor
Why are there so many people with British accents in Ukraine?
It's solidified. Some researchers even shot pieces of it off to study
I heard it was some guy who was on the wrong end of a pressurized vat of something awful exploding in China.
Roentgen? I don't care if it will or won't gen, I want feedwater in my fucking reactor!
Sitnikov died irl a few weeks after that
Poor bastard
Ukraine is Europe after all
Which reactor? All three units at Chernobyl are working perfectly and units five and six are still under construction.
Science wasn't an exact science with that guy.
He died in 1995.
Dyatlov IRL: youtu.be
I wish they spoke Ukrainian instead of English
what about the russian characters
if you like atomic kino but have little knowledge of the subject, you're gonna love this old school documentary about nuclear fission and nuclear weapons. very easy to understand, and it's well animated.
It's a known fact that to each other, Eastern Europeans sound exactly like British people with heavy regional accents.
Crazy to think that most reactors in service today are gen II which were built before CAD was a thing.
Beyond Trinity is also pretty great. It's a history of nuclear weapons with amazing footage narrated by William Shatner
>Eastern Europeans
Just like elves, dwarfs and aliens
>It's a little sour, not sweet like I expected
No fucking shit.
What time do the episodes air? Also are there any streams?
imagine if the damn lava melted all the way through the water pocket beneath the reactor
the massive steam explosion would blow up all the 3 other remaining reactors and the entirety of europe will become unironically a stalker game
It was bretty gud, not gonna lie
9 hours
Nine hours
I assume (hope) Ukraine doesn't want that, hence why they keep such a close eye on it. It has cooled in recent years.
the 'snow' never happened, that was just the shows way of showing the people were getting dosed
they even said so in the post-show
Ukraine btw now tries hard to kick out the former president and he's an absolutely deluded idiot
>TFW you're from Iceland and can't listen to music from a icelandic woman because it's blocked in your country.
>I have no face
Russianbros/Ukrainbros how is this show being received over there?
This is a show for Americans user...
This. Apparently its exterior is now only slightly above ambient temperature. Even if the interior is still hot, it's not going anywhere.
No idea, at least my mom liked it. Said old commies are really believable.
Who is Hodemchuk?
Guy in/very close to the turbine hall, died in the explosion.
there's actual photos of ouchi that have been published and properly documented as such (pic very much related) but yeah that one of the seemingly flayed body missing half a leg is not him
subscribe to hbo or pirate it
night shift main circulating pump operator who was either vaporized or buried in the rubble, first person who died
>RBMK can't explode
Do you believe in fate, Neo?
Looks a but like a cheese and ham toastie.