He deserved better

He deserved better.

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>literally yeeted to death

not really

he was just a plot device, continually allowing for cersei to keep fighting and defeating her enemies without actually portraying her as competent

at least in the books he might amount to something though probably hes just another red herring

His death is the most hilarious moment in an episode full of hilarious moments. Based Zombie Gregor.

He actually deserved worse desu

the mountain killing him was alright but it could've been done better

RIP Qyburn
He had a cool name

they gave him his send off helping Cersei until the very end god what a dumb way to go though at least have the dragon eat him or some dumb shit even have him blow himself up with the red keep anything

His death was a greater loss to Westeros than all the other deaths combined.
This man would have started their rennaissance.

Kikeburn deserved it. He created the monster that eventually killed him.


Kike got slammed by his golem.

Yeah this. It happened basically in the blink of an eye. Should have done something like strangled him.

he was dr. frankenstein the entire time though

>strangled him

Weren't you paying attention? He couldn't die, he got a sword through the chest and a fucking knife in the eye and he was still normal.

He meant strangled Qyburn you absolute retard.

He was talking about the Mountain killing Qyburn

it would be funny if he discovered immortality behind the scenes, no one else saw him getting manhandled by the mountain so he can easily bullshit his way out without telling anyone that he is immortal

>Qyburn didnt install a killswitch

Shitty writing

Why? The mountain never showed any signs of resentment to him that would warrant a slow painful killing.
Qyburn's death was a "get out of my way" moment

man the only switch these people know is made out of wood and used for beating slavegirls on the bum

one could argue that turning someone into a twisted abomination instead of letting him die could give him a motive but we'll never know

I didn't say a slow painful killing. Just not a literal instant "hard shove-head smash".

Like pick up by neck, Qyburn tries to resist, Greg just crushes/snaps his neck, drops body. Not drawn out, just a few seconds longer.

That's a fucking boring drawn out cliche, shit taste. It was sad to see Qyburn die because I liked him, but as far as deaths go his was really good.

I know this is a joke but I'm going to argue against it. How the fuck would that help when the mountain killed him out of nowhere? They were ordering him to protect Cersei instead of fighting Clegane.

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am I weird for finding him incredibly handsome? I know he's an actor and all but still

well that's what you get for betraying William Wallace, innit?

Feels bad. He was probably my favorite from Cersei's side of things. Always a loyal bro and always the key to her success. And as she kept elevating him to higher positions you never once see him try to wave his status around, since he's just a research bro and wants to keep doing his work.

He was even polite to that absolute maggot Pycelle when he killed him.

More like Kawaii~burn

small head