The man who killed jaime lannister edition
Other urls found in this thread:
*ting ting ting*
Reminder Arya survived more stabs than Euron.
>The Hound kills all the talkers throughout the show
>the person that finally gets him doesn't say a word
>King's Landing
he killed himself
>fucks and impregnates the only love of the baddest dude in the 7 kingdoms
>kills him in 1 on 1 combat
the fecal sewage healed her wounds
>mfw Danyfags have mommy issues
>mfw Stannisfags have daddy issues
>mfw Missandeifags are inbred Mutts
>mfw Badpussyfags are Incels
>mfw Jonfags are manlets
>mfw Cleganefags are ugly social outcasts
>mfw Nightkingfags are sociopaths
>mfw Cerseifags dilate
>mfw Jaimefags are fags
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Sansafags are sub 80 IQ
>mfw CIAfags are Cuckolds
>mfw Coughfags like to get pegged
>mfw Euronfags need to take their mads
>mfw Qycucks are necrophiles
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Bobby B-chads are based
>mfw Radmurechads are redpilled
>mfw Podchads have sex
>mfw Tywinners can't stop winning
Tag yourself
*wargs into you*
Two things happened in this moment:
1. The fucking bells
2. She's staring at the Red Keep
So what the fuck is going though her mind? Has any bells ever rung near Dany before?
>always threatens to eat every chicken in the room
>during cleganebowl not a single chicken can be seen
>we think he is based because he is a schemer with tricks up his sleeve to btfo cersei
>turns out he's actually based because he's loyal to the very end and risked his life already late in the siege to save his queen's life instead of just fleeing
Targs are literally children of the Devil
Personally I really enjoyed the character of "Euron" in this television show. His character motivation was "I want to fuck the queen" and his character arc was fucking the queen, this is referenced subtly in his final conversation with Jaime when he mentions that he fucked the queen. This is also why his final confrontation had to be with Jaime, the other guy who fucked the queen.
he cute
Did Euron give a fuck about living at this point?
>"The Northern armies?"
>"Just crossed the Trident. They'll be at the walls of King's Landing in two days."
>the trip from the Trident to King's Landing is two days
>the trip from the shores of King's Landing to the inside of King's landing is ~8 hours minimum (Arya, Sandor, and Jaime leave in the night and only arrive in the morning)
>tfw man who leaked ending changed just one single little point
>put in bran so everyone bets on it
>everyone trusts it because everything so far has happened as the leak says
>arya actually gets the throne and the guy gets to fuck two chicks at the same time
Post yfw superior Dothraki men slaughtered a bunch of weaponless Westerosi bois to cement themselves as the superior race.
The episode was megadumb. Fights and deaths were boring and unsatisfying. It made little sense. Like everything.
did sandor even mention his brother the last couple of seasons? was he even thinking about him for one second?
Old man bottom right, just tired and bored of the whole thing.
Jamie was killed by falling rocks. Sorry Euron.
He already fucked the queen so he had nothing else left to live for
Honestly? Best episode since Season 2. If the entire show was like this I would actually have enjoyed myself.
>if you don't fuck me Jon, I will fuck everyone in this city
>no kino arc involving Sam going from a cowardly fat loser to a fit and decent fighter
>instead he stays fat and weak
What a waste
>b-b-but Maester
Don’t care
>He remembered the angry words they had exchanged when Tywin Lannister had presented Robert with the corpses of Rhaegar's wife and children as a token of fealty. Ned had named that murder; Robert called it war. When he had protested that the young prince and princess were no more than babes, his new-made king had replied, "I see no babes. Only dragonspawn."
gods she's cute now
Magic teleporting
>jon stops northen soldier from raping a girl
>northen soldier immediatly tries to kill his King in the North
lmao I thought they were supposed to be loyal to the bone to Jon
>gets killed by his own creation
What a cuck
>The Mountain almost kills him in Harrenhall
>Ends being his demise
The fact that people are defending Daenerys' actions this episode, especially americans and even more especially women, is a sign that our civilization has become bloated, stupid and evil.
>Ned talking to Arya about Bran
>He could be lord of a holdfast (Maegor's Holdfast)
>or sit on the king's castle (literally the King of the council)
>or he might raise castles (King's Landing just got BTFO)
>like Brandon the builder (the first KING of winter)
Was this actually kino?
I'm sure he thought about his brother every time he saw his own reflection, you dud.
>suffers with the Brotherhood
>suffers while travelling with a cruel, hateful man
>suffers with the Faceless Men
>"hey Arya this revenge this is kind of suffering maybe you should ditch"
>"golly gee Sandor you're right"
I hate Arya so fucking much.
so qyburn can make a dyson sphere but dies to a fucking zombie?
the retard leaker misunderstand this, it's nothing about the bells. She thinks civilians aren't innocent because they haven't rebelled against cersei
Aye maybe she killed every babeh in the city, but she's still me queen, simple as.
>So what the fuck is going though her mind?
Fire and blood.
why the fuck did the Stark soldiers chimp out ?
Reminder there are no good guys, only "lesser evils".
>posts the only character in the show who is more evil than dany
The Iron Fleet had just been razed and the city was burning to the ground, I'm gonna say no
don't forget that his fattitude got /ourguy/ edd killed
>am a Jonfag and a manlet
>am a Badpoosyfag and havent had sex in 2 years
>am a Stannisfag and a fatherless bastard
How the fuck did this nigga get it so right
All things considered this show is pretty based now. Fucking everyone is mad and that's a good thing.
because they hate lannisters i guess
Northmen are arctic niggers
tag yourself once more
do you think that Bran saw all those beautiful rapes on KL? also do you think he enjoyed the KL holocaust in 4k?
Everybody needs to get a good raping in from time to time, lad.
Tywin is literally a Christ tier figure for killing the targ demonspawn kids
ultimately they are all just random niggers to each other and only thing justified this episode was the dragon
The only man to fuck the queen and live.
It's just a tv show retard
ZZZING! *Clap clap clap*
>Tywin is evil!
can't wait for all you fags to be btfo subverted by Dungeons&Dragons making some literal nobody who only shows up in the last episode become king
seems like sandor got over it. i mean, he hasn't even thought about his brother in years. no mention of hating him or even remembering who he was at all.
>surrendering is a human right, you can't keep attacking them!
Norfmen are iceniggers, don't you remember the Karstarks and their unparalleled autism over killing Lannisters?
>season 8
Who will kill the dragon guys? I mean it obviously isn't allowed to live anymore after killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
God this show got shit. Of course it was shit already, but this new season is a new and special flavour of shit.
Go read up on his war crimes
Arya shouldve died like 5 times this episode
but i guess shes just too strong of a wamen for me to comprehend
Are you seriously forgetting Sandor's story about his brother shoving his face into the fire when he was a kid? Why do you think he's so scared of fire?
>It's just a tv show retard
Yes, precisely the fact that it is just a TV-show of cheap entertainment that brings out the worst in the common people is an indication of what I just wrote, you fucking retard.
>Dany freeing slaves and always taking the moral high ground: boring
>Dany Alter burns a King Landing to cinders because why not: based and enjoyable
what did d&d mean by this?
r/asoiaf has been invaded by an incredible amount of brainlets in the last few weeks.
There's literally a thread describing how what Daenerys did fits Machiavelli's Prince.
She's destroying everything and has no intention to stop. She knows that the bells means they surrendered but she doesn't want to accept it and is conflicted, because she knows it would be "good" to stop but she already payed a price far too high to simply stop now because the guys realized they can't win.
love these
Far left in the middle. Thats a dat ass face if I've ever seen one.
literally the Jesus Christ of Westeros
>Cersei's look of pure joy when she saw Jaime
That was one of the worst episode of tv i have ever seen, what a fucking joke
I presume they keep the gates closed at night and only started opening them for refugees in the morning. Plus they would have to wait for the right moment to slip in.
Lads, gather round if you would, this includes:
and that one Podrickfag
I would like to take a moment to just say,
FUCK Danyfags
and FUCK roasties
Thank you! Thank you!
Close this tab.
Bran will warg into it and make it eat chocolate so it dies
> No scorpions anymore
So whats gonna kill the last remaining living nuke because thats whats gonna be needed for the People's Uprising.
Fuck me I just watched it. A legitimate 10/10 after a weak start to the season. This might go down as the best episode of all time
He'll just fly off in the sunset
He literally held her in his hand and said "I don't want you to die." The Hound, the man who has no problem killing butcher's boys and calling everyone a cunt. It was a great final moment between two people who have been through a lot together. Fuck you and every other dry-dick poster on this shit imageboard
>Jaime doesn't give a shit about the people of King's Landing
Why not finally reveal the truth about Tysha too if you're going to kick his character into the mud for good.
Actual cringe and I don't use that word often
wasn't that when sandor was 8? you're a grown ass man already, get over it already you fucking flame-phobic retard
How did Dany become /ourgirl/ so fast?
I fucking love these
>*2 guys stop for 5 seconds*
>*rest continue*
wow bravo, truly a natural leader, the only one who can unite westeros in these troubled times
in exactly the same place where he left her no less
based and checked
Why was Drogon suddenly capable of blowing up solid stone walls? Why was Dany unconcerned by the possiblity of friendly fire? Why was there still wildfire in the city?
If someone could give me some answers that would be lovely
Daily reminder
>Completely undo everyone character arc
>All deaths are fucking comical
>Terrible CGI
Qyburns death literally made me laugh out loud
Why did D&D mean by this?
The bells meant that Cersei surrenderd. That her troops are giving up and laying down their weapons. To go off the deep end in that moment was the dumbest possible thing. If she would've laid fire onto the city before and just destoryed the bell towers to continue, it would've been more logical, but not her only targeting military, then stoping, and then starting to burn the rest of the city after they surrendered. She went from someone who coul've become mad to a sunday morning cartoon villain.
what the FUCK was this whole segment about???
so where was that dorne army and what happened to the iron islands
Dothraki horde in the kings landing
Tywin is the greatest ruler Westeros has ever had.
Disprove me. You will fail.
luv me au-kueen'
luv me wildlins'
luv me' dragun
ate' sutheners
ate' olly
ate' ghost
simple as
100% kino
>tells ian mcshane in s6 that he survived s4 out of "hate"
>has a staredown with gregor at the dragonpit meeting in s7; just falls short of saying "next time baby"
>The Night's King (Sans
O fuck
when she got rejected became a femcel and decided to kill a bunch of innocent people
Drogon will be free to do as he pleases.
He is the strongest creature in the world.
I only care about the Norf
The only credible moment, who could hear him anyway in the middle of all that mess.
They probably couldn't see him through the crowd.
The jeering KL crowds are like, humans, or something.
The North remembers.
Dany, badpussy, Missandei, Cersei, Sansa fags are fags.
The rest are all based.
Can someone post the shop of Robert vs Rhaegar with the bells?
Doubt its anything near that reasoned. She's mad with power like her Dad.
She's a dude thrusting who's about to cum and can't stop himself until he spurts fire all over the city
simple as
>Jaime and Cersei both dead
I could really use a rousing round of “The Rains of Castamere” right now, lads
>Qyburn literally dies in the most comical way possible
DnD must suffer for this
So why attack the civilians and not the red keep?
and who
are you
Westerosians: Literally nobody would be so insanely evil and stupid as to slaughter women and children hiding indoors
Essos: Hold my beer
True, it's hard to see a "man" that's 3''5 in a crowd
>bring a horde of horseniggers to destroy the capital
>the only rapist is a white man
what did they mean by this
what does the pale horse thing even mean, never read the so-called bible
>when you give up everything for your gf and then when you finally move in together she shows you her taxidermy collection
Does anybody know if there's a cutout of Euron dying
I need it for science
please, it was a tiny passage
Tywin did some fucked up shit, but I don't think he ever slaughtered against half a fucking city for no reason.
ate' souf
luv norf
simple as
>mfw that one Podrickfag
honestly kit has a really bad shouting voice, he's always practically inaudible when he's barking commands to the watch or the norfmen
Because they're all just Northmen, not necessarily Stark men
They could have been Manderlys, Tallharts, Hornwoods, Umbers, Karstarks
They may have been former Bolton men for all we know.
He was too small to be seen.
This is the director's and the DP's work, not DABID and dumb's.
Who cares about Tysha. Tyrion probably forgot about her the same way he forgot that Cersei send an assassin after him and Jaime just one episode ago.
i thought it was good
What was the worst part of the episode and why is it every bit of CGI involving the Golden Company and Strickland?
The Lannisters entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to slaughter everyone else, and nobody was going to slaughter them. At Castermere, Blackwater Bay, The Twins, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
A daring synthesis.
does this go in my Sopranos folder or my GoT folder
D&D misinterpreted the line, "Whenever a Targaryean is born, a coin is flipped" to mean that they are predisposed to going crazy at any moment
dany's dad went crazy because varys drugged him and whispered in his ear about treasons and plots against him
>The man who killed Jaime Lannister
>Jaime killed by collapsing Red Keep
What did he MEAN by this?
>Those cuts back and forth between Arya and The Hound
What the fuck?
did he even go to kings landing or was he still shagging those two northern girls
Genghis Khan introduced a new form of nomadic warfare where all participants would collect loot which would then be shared equally. If you took out an advance you'd miss out on the share.
The wildfire was always there. Cersei had the alchemists continue making it. The rest is just dumb and dumber playing around.
What was the point of Howland Reed?
Death rides a pale horse.
>one in a lifetime chance
>blood pumping as if you were on a month's supply on amphetamines
>we wouldn't take prime souf pussy (probably virgin too!) right then and there
>you wouldn't rip her little bourgeois clothes, to the music of her wailing
>you wouldn't thrust so hard you'd make the burning of king's landing look like a joke
Show Jaime is bluepilled.
Book Jaime is redpilled.
Ep 6 leaks make no fucking sense the ending can't be THAT bad
he was fine in watchers on the wall iirc, when he was commanding the archers
based and harrispilled
>Dothraki and shown murdering women and children
>user only gets upset about a Stark soldier stopping to wet his dick
What did (You) mean by this?
Based Tywinfag
How were there any dothraki left after the battle of winterfell. I saw like 4 dudes come back after that charge
to stab arthur dayne in the back!
She can park her empire of dirt right on my face.
I was expecting her to pull down her face and reveal Jaquen or the Waif
Aye aye
the bumming streets lel
Based and checked lad, *chink chick* A TOAST
A lot of husbands died at the battle of winterfell, it fell to Pod to heal the payne.
my precious....
Post yfw Tyrion crying when saying goodbye to Jaime
I really cried fk this show
Impressive, well done.
she cute.
>saves Eddard's life
>Eddard's death being the catalyst for the ensuing North/South conflict
>w-what was the point of that guys
maybe, i'm just remembering hardhome when he yells "NIGHT'S WATCH, WITH ME"
it really seems as if the directors and writers, not just the showrunners are all fucking idiots honestly.
Leaks say after Dany dies, Drogon just picks her up in his mouth and flies away into the sunset
The Mountain was fucking harder to kill than The Night King
Post Bran with Professor X concentric circles
*said your mommy, while allowing the last of the dothraki horde inside her*
Based and high iq
Right, so people just "roleplay" having different opinions when watching a TV show or a movie? Are you stupid for real? People cheer on things they morally support, people cheer for characters they like whose actions they think is justified.
People cheering on Daenerys burning innocent people aswell as combatants who have surrendered (and for that matter, are innocents aswell), is a fucking indication that people in our civilization (the West) are absolutely fucking retarded. And whatever "bruv it's just a tv-show bruv" shit you spout that remains the truth nonetheless, you fucking moron.
The Norf remembers
I was half expecting her revealing to be the Hound.
I'm glad to see Dewey is still landing some roles
>have lurked here so long have been here for the LOST ending, Breaking Bad, and now GoT
>have tight bear cunny that is loyal to you and would probably love to marry you someday
>give it all up for some old hag who's also your crazy aunt
Our boy Jon done fucked up
She was already pregnant with Jamie you mung
because if they don't show them rape and murder then this episode is basically "black people genociding innocent whites", and even D&D aren't that brave
I would have thought young Lord Umber was closer to being a Christ figure than anyone else in the show.
Get in the bed Ned.
Still shagging. BASED POD
I need webms!
Based and dragonpilled
based and lancasterpilled
>le fake Aryas death 10 times
hey Puss
>not editing in a coughing varys
Truly Lynchian
God, she's so cute. Why only arabs and eunuchs can understand loyalty?
ned didn't take responsibility so she killed herself
why didn't tyrion just try not snitching on his friend?
Cheers, top lads
Literally Hillary Clinton face on election night
didn’t think this season could get much worse
I thought that Arya's face would be burnt, a bit like Sandor leaving his mark.
Absolute brainlet
She's legit mad. The victory wasn't enough, she wanted to see it burn.
Thematically the bells represented that chaotic madness boiling over with the blood lust of victory and absolute power
That sounds dumb, he killed children and goats for less you are telling me he is not gonna level the whole continent?
why did she lose her shit with the bells?
what memory did it trigger?
wheres the one where she has a condom?
>psychic powers
>implants suggestions of rape inside everyone's minds
>all of Westeros rapes itself
>and it's beautiful
Nobody will even know he did it.
GRRM knew this. It was a trap to get people to root for the tyrant.
They always criticized Hitler, but now the SJWs see themselves becoming Hitler
>Implying she killed herself
Ashara IS Quaithe IS Dany
Forgot about this, jesus christ what a shitshow lol
>Dragonslayer AND Slayer of kingslayers
How can one man be so alpha??
Pretty sure Dany wouldn't even be able to have children after she lost drogos kid.
Truly the definition of the cool wine aunt.
>"You need a woman now," Bronn said with a glint in his black eyes. He shoved the boots into his saddlebag. "Nothing like a woman after a man's been blooded, take my word."
>Steelshanks Walton commanded Jaime's escort; blunt, brusque, brutal, at heart a simple soldier. Jaime had served with his sort all his life. Men like Walton would kill at their lord's command, rape when their blood was up after battle, and plunder wherever they could, but once the war was done they would go back to their homes, trade their spears for hoes, wed their neighbors' daughters, and raise a pack of squalling children.
Pretty sure D&D pick everything, ( the secondary writers and directors etc)
>Let us consider the battle known as "Cleganebowl".
>At the start, the Mountain is higher up the staircase than the Hound. This clearly gives him the high ground, enabling him to hold off the Hound without even drawing his sword.
>Then the Mountain makes his first mistake: through complacency he allows the Hound to reach a landing. Now neither of them have the high ground, and they exchange significant injuries: the Hound runs the Mountain through, but gets thrown down the stairs.
>This restores the Mountain's state of having the high ground. He utilises this to its full potential, savagely beating the Hound.
>But then the Mountain makes his second mistake: he holds the Hound off the ground by the throat. Just as when the Night King did the same to Arya, this means the Hound/Arya have the high ground from their point of view, allowing Arya to defeat the Night King and the Hound to stab his opponent through the eye.
>Then, an impasse. The two combatants are on another landing, resulting in a stalemate. Neither brother has the high ground, and thus cannot win the fight.
>Then the Hound makes the critical realisation. They are not just on the same level, they are many floors up in a castle: both of them have the high ground from a certain point of view, and victory will come to whoever utilises this high ground to gain the advantage.
>The Hound therefore pushes himself and the Mountain off the top of the castle wall, and they fall to their deaths. So you see, in order to succeed the Hound had to become one with the high ground, while the Mountain's failure to understand the advantage of high ground at multiple moment during the fight prevented him gaining victory.
>I hope this has been a valuable lesson, my apprentice.
d&d said it wasn't the bells specifically but rather that dany was incensed that cersei defiled her family's home
Because Stark soldiers remember losing the war to Lannisters a few years back, and so they want revenge.
Also D&D weren't brave enough to make the rapist brown. They were brave enough to show brown people stabbing white children though so there is that.
Chances that Brienne is preggo?
Post favorite tracks from the series
Unironially yes NKfags are a thing
mildly enjoying this trainwreck
It was established earlier in the episode when she was talking to Jon. She literally stopped giving a fuck about being benevolent when Jon stopped kissing her. I believe she said something to the effect of "nobody loves me here, so they will fear me instead"
What? That makes absolutely no sense.
Who the fuck is [Child]?
Out for revenge, not a surrender.
>Also D&D weren't brave enough to make the rapist brown. They were brave enough to show brown people stabbing white children though so there is that.
They're jews.
Why was she getting more attractive the more insane she got? that shot of her while the bells were ringing was bonerfuel.
Yeah, that works. Dickhead.
>danny executes Tyrion
>danny executes Jon
>danny arrests Arya and uses her as deterrent for Shansha
>unification of 7 kingdoms through fire and blood
There D&D, I fucking saved your ending, everybody would love that
Well done, Bronn. You tried to negotiate for a higher deal and you've lost yourself Riverrun as a result.
almost nothing made sense this season, why should it start now?
wtf i'm danyfag now
That's why I don't believe in the leaks. The guy who leaked this could have just leaked eps 1-5 and change things a little bit to make the betting sites believe Bran will seat on the iron throne, while he bets on the real winner
>Clegane doing something
>Arya doing nothing
>Let's cut between the both of them because then we won't have to shoot or choreograph a straight action sequence
Your grace, my augmentations are coming along quite nicely and I am ready to serve at your pleasure
>Cersei just cries for the entire episode and then dies
>so much for muh all white cast
are these people white? they loos like turks
Oh shit. I didn't even consider this. Assuming it's a son, that kid will probably be the next Arthur Dayne considering both his parents were great swordsman.
>Bobby B-chads
All Missing and never to be seen again
They're okay
Based but I already lost. I'm just here to see the trainwreck through
Because For the Norf.
You think the average northman lives up to the Stark ideal of honor? They don't. And judging by the amount of shit the Lannisters have put them through for years now, along with killing their lord and then king, it should come as no surprise that they act the way invading armies do.
not bad
>he didnt read the leaks
Why did she do it bros?
it seemed odd that he experienced a zombie apocalypse but still managed to have more PTSD over a kid brother
See This bell thing is bringing out the brainlets
>what was it, dear?
>oh it was dreadful, some sort of game of thrones
I want her to rape me to death on the Iron Throne like her ancestor would have
Curious, what's the reaction on reddit? Are they still supporting Mad Dany and making excuses?
he wanted to fuck the queen, he did
euron was a simple man, life was boring to him
you've been throned
Ultimately this show is about a white woman who imports foreign savages to kill her own people and destroy a nation because the attention feels good and she wants to be worshiped.
Forgot to torture bran
activate your windows cunt
You think George and D&D will ever start pointing fingers?
What happened to the iron throne?
Read some history. Humans were always bloated stupid and evil.
It's just that now there are roasties that feel good about cheering for evil shit because "QUEN SLAY"
>Jaime and Cersei dead
>Tyrion betrayed Dany right after her telling him his next failure will end in his death
I read the leaks, I just have no understanding of why anybody would honour Bronn's deal.
I didn't get it
they don't have sex in the north it's too cold
Yep, they are jews, and they care more about the destruction of the white race through moral corruption than money.
>Read some history. Humans were always bloated stupid and evil.
someone post the nujack
>nobody checked this
unhinged women are hot
Post yfw Varys was talking about Dany here.
kek I had this in mind when the happening at King's Landing began
>Thematically the bells represented that chaotic madness boiling over with the blood lust of victory and absolute power
That makes zero sense you fucking retard. Watch the bloody episdoe for once. She even agreed twice before the attack to stop fighting once the bells are ringing and even then if she wanted to "punish" those who wronged her and her familiy, why not go after the red keep where the sole lannisters reside who kicked off all the shit in her life instead of becoming a worse version of the mad king what she always provlaimed not to be? Oh right, because that would make sense and not subvert expectations.
It's mostly women and brown orcs who are cheering
reminder that dany roasted varys alive
even an outright traitor like olenna was given a fairly humane poison
Friendly reminder that Bran knew all this beforehand and didn't give a shit. He's based.
I didn't make it, although I think it's a Yea Forums original from seasons back.
Why didn't he listen?
>dude I've worked for so many kangz and saw some shit yo
>nah dude muh YAS QUEEN
Fucking targs are literally retarded or mentally ill
Sorry I skipped out on the last few seasons but who the fuck is Euron Greyjoy? Isn't he that guy who literally got icepicks shove in his balls for 6 months?
Because it was just a prank bro
>>mfw Euronfags need to take their mads
No no, there is no med for my sickness.
qyburns actor literally has the same birth date as my dad
feels weird man
is dany an allegory for POC ruining civilization?
Bran Warged the dragon to make her look mental
my god
for real
Desheveled Dany not eating in her room looks like a Woijack.
>had to possess Grey Worm's body and do extensive modifications to it in order to serve again
This man is so based.
>>mfw Tywinners can't stop winning
Checked, based and high IQ.
tbf he didn't scream, maybe drogon used more of his ki to make it quick
Read the patch notes. Dothraki respawn timer was lessened.
he walks in with a flaming sword to the chanting of STANNIS STANNIS STANNIS
I thought he was going to negotiate and turn over his research to the other side to avoid an execution
I think you meant to say "roasties".
>reminder that dany roasted varys alive
and he tasted like colcannon
Yeah, they number more than half our population now, in case you haven't been following the stats. What state do you think the white race is in when half its population + an additional quarter of it cheer for the slaughter of innocent white people?
Dem fucking quads
People of Cunny
People of Cunts.
What about me, a Bronnfag
I'm talking about how they presented it in the episode, with the bells giing crazy while focusing the shoton Dany. It was for dramatic effect. There are retards in this thread RIGHT NOW that think the bells themselves triggered her. Y-you don't think that, right retard?
He cute
It's one of the four horsemen meant to herald the apocalypse. The four horsemen are Death, War, Famine and Plague.
"I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth."
I don't know what the fuck it means in the context of the show though. Probably a gimmick added to make the whole scene feel "deep".
gee i dunno user a state of jew influenced degeneracy maybe? according to always reliable word of the mutts and groids on /pol/ anyway
the inhabitants of kings landing did not rise up to join their queen's cause. they supported an incestuous usurper. any of those sniveling plebs left alive could be potential traitors to the crown wanting to join the cause of the stark bastard pretender.
>bells have a explicit meaning
>she does the comeplete opposite
You're legit retarded, mate.
...and at the end she chimp outs anyway because her boyfriend might be more popular then her
Your sentence made no sense in the english language
it's a very hamfisted metaphor (with some other potential meanings): all that's left is death in the end. note that the final scene only has arya, the faceless assassin and incarnation of death (cringey as that sounds), and the white horse standing in the ashes of it all.
Tell me what you thought of lost when you first saw it
White horse in a sea of black ashes
Life in a sea of death
It symbolises hope
>why not go after the red keep where the sole lannisters reside who kicked off all the shit in her life instead of becoming a worse version of the mad king what she always provlaimed not to be? Oh right, because that would make sense and not subvert expectations
Can you not wrap your head around the fact that a character who's crazy won't act logically? She's literally Eliot Rodger mate.
Arya wasn't actually Arya this episode but in fact Harry Strickland, who turned out to be another one of the faceless men. The fact that we now know he has Arya's face means that her lifeless body is somewhere amongst the rubble of King's Landing. The final scene is of Strickland riding back to Bravos on his horse.
She did the opposite BECAUSE she's crazy, not because the bells made her crazy what the fuck is wrong with your brain?
>mfw Ramsayfags are ______
holy based and checked
Is it possible to learn this power?
Where did all these horseniggers came from? Weren't they the first one to be wiped out by the NK?
kek, now moving the goalpost like the good like dumbdrone that you are. But keep going, it's more entertaining then last episode.
>in my headcanon she's crazy because only then it has any semblance of sense
what the fuck is wrong with your brain?
>no tywinfags
Nevermind, still based
It makes sense because it doesn't make sense! If they had it make sense it would be bad because it wouldn't not make sense.
where does tormund fit into this?