I can't debate this
I can't debate this
Based brainlet culture
>Just turn off your brain lol
I thought people liked endgame?
It's more fun pretending everything is terrible even though I haven't watched
I don't dislike them, I don't watch them
This "it's just fun" argument is getting worse all the time
It's almost reached Yea Forums levels of braindead. Why is it such a hard concept for these "people" that omg action scenes aren't inherently fun?
“Stop expecting things to be good and just buy a subpar product because that’s all you’re going to get goy.”
>literally turn off your brain and enjoy children's movies
Can't believe I'm saying this but Yea Forums was fucking right. Fun is a buzzword.
You're supposed to turn your brain back on afterwards.
fucking hell you mongrel, at least wait a little before reposting same fucking thread
Liking popular things doesn't make you interesting either you despicable fucking retard. This is the most idiotic opinion you could possibly have.
All that matters is the merit of the work. Game of thrones is shit because characters have no satisfactory arcs, the dialogue is meme catchprhases, the pacing is objectively bad, the costume and world design has declined significantly.
>Its getting to Yea Forums levels
Hey fuck off, Yea Forums literally pioneered the "it's fun is not an argument, you're having fake fun" mantra.
stop having fun
>game of thrones is fun
It is
>last jedi is fun
It really isnt
>solo was fun
it was okay
>endgame was fun
Endgame was breddy gud
Why do they always lump TLJ in as if its on the same level? Its like they cant accept that it was dogshit. Just fucking concede it was shit and move on
>Yea Forums was fucking right
Yea Forums is always right.
But they use that ironically, they actually believe fun is an argument
>it’s fun
Half of the time it means “it’s shit”
Last Jedi was definitely not fun.
I have a good time when my expectations are met. Refute that, faggot
"Fake fun" is a meme grown out of the artificial difficulty bullshit
The main thing to decide whether a game is worth it is still "fun" for them
Yea Forums have no idea what game design is. They don't even know it's a real job. It's as if Yea Forums couldn't make the difference between movies made by human directors and movies made by Disney algorithms.
Nazis were fun
Just turn off your brain bro lol you can't criticize anything that people like!
>Last Jedi is fun
Try to convince me that this thing is a real humam with a soul
I tried to have a good time but they are terrible
>it's conflicting so it's bad
Ideal consumer
>noooooo why won't they appreciate muh ideas guys
You have an art degree, right?
Correct, but fun is still a buzzword.
If people didn’t wise up and start actually paying attention to shows like The Sopranos, HBO and Netflix wouldn’t even bother doing originals and the biggest show on TV right now would be Season 14 of Joey
Hello creator of YIIK.
>decent stuff
>The Last Jedi jammed in there
Let it go.
Imagine if Yea Forums thought movie directing was a science and not an artistic field and only needed to be standardized and optimized.
This is what Yea Forums think what game design is. They eat big budget AAA trash as it was the pinacle of their medium.
For me, if something is challenging it is fun.
Which is how I know that only literal retards would find söywars or capeshit "fun".
>AAA niggers
>counting for Yea Forums
They're redditfugee newfags. With the same logic you could say Yea Forums thinks the pinnacle of film as a medium is GoT
I dot dislike them, I just don’t watch capeshit or cable tv
Can't refute the quads of truth
He's right. Nitpicking shit to death is retarded.
for those who dont know this so,y faggot, he goes by dmbrandon and he streams smite, he's an extremely seething delusional manlet with superiority complex whose sister got raped and murdered and tried to kill himself over it. He just plays custom games with subscribers and goes apeshit and bans people who beat him at the game
Seems like Yea Forums loves games so much they dont play any of them.
his murdered sister tried to kill him over her murder?
Honestly? If it triggers /pol/ I support it
That's because games are different, a game that isn't fun is pointless
Shitty movies aren't fun
>stop expecting things you like to get better or stay consistent
I wouldn't call The Last Jedi fun, but it was a great movie and the fact that it made this board seethe for more than a year only makes it better.
It's like he don't know what fun feels like and gets angry because of it.
It actually does mean that. Name something popular that isn't good
>Baseless ad hominem opener
>"it's just fun like just turn your brain off it's not meant to be taken seriously bro just consume product then get excited for next products"
Reminder that these people do it for free
>liking popular things makes you interesting
I tried to watch Game of Thrones but it has too many unnecessary sex scenes. dropped it on the first episode.
>it's just mindless fun bro
Just like having sex with your 11 year old niece.
Okay, now THIS is based
>"It's entertainment!"
That is heavily debatable when it's the cinematic equivalent of eating McDonald's.
>trying to sneak Last Jedi in there like it doesn’t suck massive donkey cock
>implying Solo was popular
What a dumb faggot
Yea Forums is accidentally right by virtue of being so vague
"Fun" is a different concept in games because you're interacting with mechanical systems, and quantifying the ways in which you do that is how you get to what is and isn't legitimate game design, like the difference between a well crafted puzzle and a skinner box that gives you something with a high number and a shiny purple light. "Fun" is different in movies because there's no quantification of what that actually means, most brainless seem to just use it as a shorthand for "the characters made jokes and the action scenes make me feel good"
>consuming a product is bad
Based commie
My thoughts exactly. Endgame was breddy gud.
>consuming everything and anything regardless of quality is good
based capitalist
All this endless consumerism has made me want to go full nazbol
>Every single Capeshits move that doesn’t involve Batman in some way.
>Every single Star Wars film
>Harry Potter
>Twilight at its height
>Every single popular YouTuber
>YouTube itself
>Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and all other popular social media
>Family Guy
>The office
>The live action Disney remakes
and tons more
McDonalds. You can actually draw alot of parallels between McDonalds and "Fun" Media. Both of them are cheap entertainment, but aren't good for you in the end.
Except that most normies positive about this kind of shit entertainment acts like it's the most important thing in the world.
It's not just the ones that hate this shit that are retarded, it's the ones loving it too.
mumble rap
Endgame was only fun because I was with friends
Last Jedi was “fun” during the dogfight scenes but many scenes like the casino episode made me want to leave the theatre
The kardashits.
McDonald's was or is the best at making affordable burgers, it is good at that. People buy McDonald's for its value.
>not consuming a product is bad
Based state sponsorist
why do these retards always assume that people are posturing when they hate things like the last jedi or game of thrones? like nobody in the world could ever possibly genuinely think its a piece of shit or something. are these fucks on the payroll or just retarded?
How are you this retarded? Is it a coping mechanic, stemming from the fact that -you- can't possibly be one of this normie retards who don't think and just mindlessly consume whatever shit they're told to?
Popular things usually lack quality. Not always, but by far most of the time they are cheap, designed to sell as much as possible to as many different people as possible and to be easily digested.
Have sex contrarian
based baj
turn off your brain?
Only with mindless action stuff like Ong Bak or something.
Don't fucking hate on Ong Bak! That movie is great.
Kek, never thought i'll see the day this is posted and the user behind it actually meaning it.
GoT really brought the absolute pleb to Yea Forums
but he is right, nothing wrong with turning off your brain for dumb entertainment, why is that a bad thing to do ?
So no argument?
because it's not actually a thing, you are just dumb and you simply enjoy dumb entertainment.
People who are not, won't.
Don't think! Just consume!
if that's true how come i am able to equally enjoy shit like citizen kane or 2001 and also guardians of the galaxy and harem anime ? It's a matter of how open your mind is, and if you think like you said you do, you are pretty narrow minded.
Except that people who like these things don't "turn their brains off". They believe it's profound and high art.
The turn your brain off thing is just them using some cliché meme to shut up people who don,t have the same opinion as them by dissmissing their taste and opinion.
If you EQUALLY enjoy Citizen Kane and GotG you ARE dumb.
i know that there's a lot of people who think highly of cape-shit and other dumb entertainment, but even people who enjoy artsy stuff can enjoy this shit without having to consider themselves intellectuals and acting full of themselves. There's nothing wrong with enjoying something even if it's dumb
Thinking produces nothing, consuming actually does. Objectively consuming is superior to thinking
not true, i like both, not saying they are both on the same level intellectually, obviously one is a far superior film. But being all like "heh, i don't watch popular normie trash because i am too smart for it" basically says you are pretty narrow minded and also with a big ugly ego.
Yea Forums
This is the correct answer. Stories don't need to be perfect for me to enjoy them (endgame) and things can be a little cheesy (solo) but when things get too bad (TLJ) it gets too hard to watch for me to "have fun". I know turn your brain off is a meme but most if the time I really do not try to think to hard about the logical details, sometimes it's just too bad for me to do so.
The problem is HBO/Disney want to pretend they're pic related when they're no different than the other entertainment companies
I never used to understand this argument until one of my friends started to use it, and as I know this person very well, it finally clicked for me. What the OP tweet essentially says is
>You make me feel insecure for liking something. I can't really understand your criticisms on an intellectual level so this makes me feel stupid so I'm going just assume you are being pretentious to make myself feel better. It's j-j-just fun.
Because you're literally stupid? No one actually enjoys citizen kane, and 2001 is pretentious slop. Barry Lyndon was Kubricks true magnum opus.
>No one actually enjoys citizen kane, and 2001 is pretentious slop
i laughed
I can. The only way a medium is going to grow and evolve is through criticism.
>braindead normalfag brings up citizen kane or kubrick as examples of "smart" movies
every single time
>just consume product and get excited for next product
>just go out and like shit i eat shit all the time i like it you should too
no. they are not fun, they're obnoxious at best and boring at worst. nobody claimed disliking things makes you interesting, what is interesting is not being a fucking shit eater who just gobbles up everything and asks for more
In a way, it's true, being entertained is the primaly goal when watching a movie, but what is considered fun will vary a lot from one person to another. For exemple, last jedi and Got, to me feel shallow, generic, forced, lazy and utlimately boring. I don't get any enjoyment from watching those and it feels like I'm wasting my time. Not saying popular stuff is inherently like that, simply that "I'm willingly making myself dumb to enjoy something otherwise I know it wouldn't be good" isn't what I would consider a quality.
Also, I always get the feeling the ones using that argument are implying that something being clever/smart or intellectually stimulating is automatically boring. The kind of people afraid of being challenged in every aspects of their life.
i bet you think you are so smart and superior, pathetic incel
2001 was great except the annoying music. gives me headaches every time. classical music isn't pretentious, it was once just 'music' and didn't have a connotation of being snobby or elitist
Because I can't. It's not entertainment for me.
these shoes aren't gonna shine themselves, peasant
Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person.
Game of Thrones isn't fun.
Last jedi isn't fun.
Solo wasn't fun.
Endgame wasn't fun.
It's entertainment. Stop having no expectations about things like this. Just go in and mindlessly consume ffs
The youre a pleb just like him
It's not very good entertainment if it fails at entertaining. I can't accept the idea of ever going into something knowing I'll have to turn my brain off to enjoy it because it breeds that idea that any writer can throw any sort of shit to the wall no matter how illogical, incoherent, or badly planned.
Yea Forums is the biggest plebhole on this whole board, what the fuck are you on about?
But I like Endgame. Others are trash though.
Its not that these people are dipshits for enjoying these movies; its that theyre dipshits for being unable to comprehend that not everyone worships these mindless movies like they do.
nah, it's Yea Forums since television and movies are the single biggest normalfag hobby to ever exist.
As we feared the inevitable decline of humanity, we were already sliding on a downward spiral.
But at least on Yea Forums you have anons who actually enjoy quality art movies whereas Yea Forums is filled with literal retards from every side who cant even communicate their pleb opinions.
BASED hnnbngggg
>Disliking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person.
And liking popular things doesn't shield neither them nor you from criticism.
>using popularity as a wall for you to hide behind when shit movies are called out as such
>muh contrarianism
because in GOT's case, the show engaged the audience to turn on their brains for about 5 seasons and now when its gone to shit we're expected to turn off our brains because LOLOLO ITS JUST ENTERTAINMENT BRO RELAX LMAO
You can enjoy watching it with others (shit, even just with yourself alone), and you can smile to everyone and say "How-about-the-Cleganebowl!" It won't change the hollowness that comes froms when shallow writers try to recapture the magic they never had because they lost their source material.
>go in and have a good time
Lol who the fuck pays for this shit.
Unless a girl really wants to see it with you on a big screen. Even then make her pay for it cause she wants to go. Then say youll pay for a concert ticket or some shit that you want to do and want her there for it.
Excellent digits for an excellent post.
>It's just fun
>It's so badass
>Just turn your brain off
Literally how you know something is shit.
>don't think, just consume
What if I just don't like the things? I hate faggots like this because they equate not liking something with being a contrarian.
>>don't think, just consume
Thinking accomplishes nothing, consuming does contribute to societal development
Literally "just turn your brain off."
the Last Jedi genuinely wasn't fun though. I accepted that TFA wasn't great but still somewhat entertaining, but TLJ literally did not entertain me after the first battle.
>consuming is bad
Based commie
I think it's perfectly fine to like dumb entertainment. shoot em up is one of my favorite movies and it's stupid as shit. what annoys me more is people treating these things like high art. people saying that they cried during end game legit need to be castrated.
GoT wasn’t always “turn your brain off dumb entertainment” and that’s the problem. It wasn’t the deepest most intelligent show ever made but at least it made sense at one point. Anyone mad at who’s winning and who’s losing is an idiot. What they should be mad at are all the corners they cutting to get there.
Who said this is about being interesting?
>"Don't be a contrarian, come eat this shit with everyone else!"
Having a blue checkmark doesn't make your opinion more valid
look at the twitter screencap you retard, its literally turned society into infants who defend megacorporations for shitting down their throat. the fact that you don't realize that communism and capitalism are the same thing is a fucking riot.
let me spell it out for your brainlet ass though:
>communism: no real illusion of freedom just labor for the country
>capitalism: illusion of freedom but get stepped on just as hard by the government and rich AND deluded into voting against your own interests
>Stop having standards bro!
>Dont be too critical
>Dont question bad writing
>Dont search for instory logic
The post!
i fucking hate this so much, including popular opinions with divisive opinions doesn't make your divisive opinion a popular one.
>burgers are tasty
>games are fun
>hillary should have won
Based commie
kys commie
How will Yea Forums ever recover?
>just turn your brain of bro lol
I literally tried. I tried to "just have fun" but these past few episodes have been so fucking terrible that I can't anymore. Please drop the new book soon GRRM, I refuse to accept these characters story arcs
It infuriates me to know end these people are just perfectly content with this standard of writing, surely they watched the first 4 seasons? Or did they skip it because it was 'the boring bit', I just don't understand how anyone watching the show at this point, outside of just watching whatever is popular or sunk cost fallacy, and engages in discussion about the narrative want to shut down any discussion of it.
Actually yeah no I'm really fucking mad now why do these troglodytes refuses to have any discussion about the media they confuse and deflect any critique with "turn your brain off bro". Why do these people see anger at narrative mishandles as people crying about how the story did go there way and not as having legitimate issues with poor pacing or set up for events?
Why do people want to die on the hill that is at this point an mediocre and self betraying tv show?
Just consume product and get excited for next product.
Who paid him to sneak Solo into a list of popular things?
thanks for removing all doubt
>turn off your brain and consume products, be a good brainlet consumer.
What a retard
>nothing wrong with turning off your brain
>on a show that tells you not to, for about 4 or 5 seasons
>nothing wrong with turning off your brain
how do you even live with yourself?
that's so so so ironic coming from an e-celeb faggot
True. Most "smart" movies can be broken down as easily as "dumb" movies like this guy specified.