who will kill this animal
Who will kill this animal
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Hopefully Jon
No one, he's the only remaining token nigga
no one, he will sail away at the end of the show
The death of the show
If Jon had any character left, he would execute him personally after the battle
Statistically, another nigger
He would have to execute half the northmen as well since they were committing just as much rape and murder.
when jon made that intense conlfict eye contact with him before that nigger charged i expected a 1 v1 but meh
Jon, that look he gave him during the slaughter confirmed it.
He's pretty based
He needs to kill him for attacking the surrendering troops, not for the rape and murder that followed. (and he will kill Dany, so he might as well go for the double)
grey worm literally did nothing wrong. he came to kill lannister garbage and did just that
Jon will unceremoniously behead him right before/right after killing Daenerys.
This. He cannot be executed for following his queen.
Grey worm strarted it all, same as Daenerys, you apologist faggot
So that absolves all the northmen that began killing surrendering soldiers and raping and pillaging?
Also its medieval warfare, there was no geneva conventions back then you retard. And they were literally just following orders from their Queen, who's gonna prosecute them?
Greyworm essentially started the rampage when he threw that spear into the surrendering soldier. he incited his men, and by affiliation the Dothraki and the northmen to begin the rape. He needs to hang. And once that's done the Dothraki need to be deported without compensation.
Sadly, probably this, but he should die, definitely.
>following orders from their queen
>Bitch is still burnin people guess that means I better kill/rape these women and children
The mental gymnastics here. You can't punish an entire army in situations like this. but you can punish the people who facilitated it. In this case, that's Dany and Grey Worm.
>getting this worked up about a fictional medieval fantasy universe you start inserting your own real world biases and political views
Who's gonna punish who? It's a world where the rulers in charge punish the defeated.
No, it doesn't absolve them you retarted faggot.
Greyworm was the first, and he should be executed like a dog first, then the rest.
Are you guys fucking retarded? He threw the spear AFTER Dany *ahem* started the fire, she gave the signal to kill them all and he obeyed his queen. He literally did nothing wrong.
Deporting known rapists/murderes and hanging people that facilitate genocide is considered biased?
Grey Worm did nothing wrong. He came to Westeros to kill Lannister fucking shits and he did just that. Don’t forget they murdered his love, so there was no mercy to be expected from him.
Presumably the small council when they take charge. Would it really be a wise decision to begin the rule a new lord by pardoning or simply ignoring the mass genocide commited by mostly foreign forces?
He should have killed Jon in the battle
Greyworm threw a spear and then dozens of screaming northmen attacked the lannisters and began butchering them. He didn't force them to do it, he just did it first and then they all did what they were edging to do. Stop acting like "le black man" is the only one to blame when northerners were just as much dindus if not more.
He will probably off himself after his queen dies.
Some white cops
>Killing the last PoC
Can D&D be this based? Imagine the butthurt
>Blame the symptom instead of the cause
Greyworm started the chimpout, and everyone else followed. You punish the person who started it, or are you implying that there can be no justice for a crime as long as there is enough criminals to share the blame?
You're acting like he's somehow the cause of it. He was a willing participant as was everyone else, he merely happened to be verse.
>"why did you kill that cop?"
>"well the other gangster did it so i had no choice!"
everyone involved in the slaughtering was equally guilty including the northmen, not just greyworm. They should all be executed.
Also so should all the wildlings since they were raping and pillaging tonnes of villages in the north prior to the battle of castle black.
ooga booga *chimps out* ooga booga
Too bad Jon is going to sudoku her
t. projecting mexinigger
You’ll be going home soon too
That example you gave was retarded. A single murder is not comparable to a genocide of hundreds of thousands of people. You can punish two people for a murder. how do you punish an army of thousands? by holding the people their leadership accountable. In this case that is Dany, Jon, and Greyworm. of those 3, Jon is the only person that attempted to prevent the actions of his men. the other two led the charge. they both hang. I actually agree with you about the wildlings. but sadly Jon cucked out and absolved them of their crimes. to add insult to injury he even offered them land that belonged to the people they raped and pillaged.
>everyone who raped should be executed
>in the medical era
There’d be no one left.
Niggers like you get the rope.
I hope that nigger and Jon have a showdown before or after Jon runs his sword through Danny and Jon BTFO this nigger
why do you seeth so much? Are you identifying with Greyworm?
>I hope that nigger and Jon have a showdown before or after Jon runs his sword through Danny and Jon BTFO this nigger
Literally a spear chucker
He should. Absolutely. But we know he wouldn't.
lmao at the seething greywormfag in this thread
can't believe this character had fans
>how do you punish an army of thousands?
Ideally anyone who committed rape and murder should be punished. I don't know why you think the hundreds of soldiers who did that are not as equally guilty as grey worm.
And there was no "order" to start it, they just did it cause they felt like it and didn't hold back
according to leaks, he'll go back to essos and keep killing wipippo
>keep killing wipippo
He should travel to the USA where he would look like the average white person (both in appearance and behaviour.)
Remember when Robb beheaded Rickard Karstark for allowing his men to kill the Lannister captives? Same principle. Grey Worm is a leader, he needs to lead by example and that he did - which lead to the death of thousands of innocents. Dany is also at fault. and if the leaks are true, she will pay for it in full - as should this piece of shit
Why stop at the leaders of the army? Why not all the individual captains and squad leaders?
What if a survivor can facially identify one of the soldiers who raped her? Should that soldier be executed?
I assume and hope Jon. Jon never gets to technically kill any big villains. He should get to kill both him and Dany.
If Jon kills Dany there's no way he won't also kill the man who's sworn his life to defend her.
The day of the rope after jon kills dany.
nazis did nothing wrong, they just followed the orders
Greyworm is the fucking commander of the Unsullied you buffoon, no shit they're going to follow his lead when he threw his spear at a random lannister soldier.
>there was no geneva conventions back then
rules of chivalry, though there's no christianity in GoT so probably no rules like that because pagans are savages
Muslims did nothing wrong, they just followed orders
You people acting like Jon is gonna dish out justice after killing Dany fail to point out that:
1. Jon and what army? If you didn't notice, the Lannister army got completely one sided stomped. The only army left is the army who's men he would be prosecuting. Are they just gonna stand aside while he executes every one of them he deems guilty?
2. He was a leader of that army. Most of them were his fellow northmen from back home. He bears just as much guilt for what men under his command did.
Radmure and Sweetrobin are going to arrive with their relief army but then kill all the northerners, Dothraki and unsullied as retribution for what they did.
Watch the scene again. All the people that charged the lannister soldiers after grey worm threw the spear were mostly northmen soldiers.
Bran will warg into the dragon
Those northman soldiers are under Jon, not Grey Worm. If those soldiers are disregarding Jon's orders and following someone else's lead, whose fault is that?
Fyi, pagans were the honourable ones. Christianity spread through genocide.
that's why he will fuck off to the north and find a new wildling waifu
Is Kingslanding going to get blacked?
The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
Get his ass Jon
Hillary's emails
You sound like an utter faggot reachman. Take your rules and shove it.
He literally chucked a spear
there's nothing genocidal about teaching the true faith to savages, you have been memed
Why is this unsullied fag so mad at Jon? I don't get it
it already got
this is not how military work
because he detects the queen is mad about Jon and his job is to be the queen's bitch and keep her safe
unga bunga not need helmet cause I have plot armor
Grey nig killed someone who surrendered, do you think the other people who surrendered would just wait to get killed after that?
Maybe he will do just that
what does that have to do with what i said, cuck?
>an officer disregarding a surrender plea and being the precursor to a series of pilaging is the same as random soldiers following it
Based oblivious brainrot retard
because grey worm turned pacified soldiers hostile again therefore the northmen had no choice but to butcher them
>random soldier rapes and pillages women in street
>"i dindu nuffin! dees other higher ranked niggas did it first, that absolves me!"
maybe if the coalburner and her mutt didnt attack a surrendered city that wouldnt have happened.
Who said they dindu nuffin you retard?
Are you actually surprised the liable officer that prompted a genocide in the eyes of the soldiers is to blame? Instigators are always punished more severely in war crimes you fucking idiot. Else the entirety of every army that ever won a battle would be massacred when they themselves were took as prisoners.
>war crimes
Concept literally didn't exist in the middle ages you nincompoop. It was common for conquering armies to rape and pillage their conquered cities.
Haha, he did.
It's used as an umbrella term you dolt
>It was common for conquering armies to rape and pillage their conquered cities
Correct, and the officers behind it were the ones punished and most likely executed, not the soldiers.
he's already dead, ain't got no waifu and ain't got no penis and balls. plus he's the worst choice i've ever seen for some warrior guy. remember the original grey worm who didn't have the body of a prepubescent boy?
>What if a survivor can facially identify one of the soldiers who raped her? Should that soldier be executed?
No, that would be retarded. This isn't #metoo believe all wahmen
underrated post statisticly
I like how he threw Missandei's choker into the fire. To me it showed he must discard her feelings to focus on killing the ones responsible.
He's angry, and rightfully so. He may have done a shitty thing, but it was the right shitty thing in terms of character.
>the original grey worm
who dat?
>t were the ones punished and most likely executed, not the soldiers.
lmao nobody was punished for it
literally the black Elliot Rodgers
This. He was a war machine trained to kill and fight battles and kill the enemy as mercilessly as possible, this was the only purpose his life had ever served since his birth. And then he fell in love and found a soft part of himself that he didn't know existed, and it made him vulnerable and feel love. And then it was executed right in front of him.
Of course he's gonna triple down on the angry vengeful part of himself that only knows battle and killing. He was probably pissed when the enemy soldiers dropped their spears because he wanted to keep fighting.
I've already been disgusted everytime this dickless nigger swapping spit with the brownies now it's even more cringey that he literally killed thousands for muh love
Damn, you can actually see his jaw in this picture. When did everyone on the show get so fat? WTF
Yeah. How he managed to get double chin?
Hopefully he will see Jon kill Dany and then chimp out and Jon will just one shot him
I think I hate Grey Worm the most out of any of the characters
>looks like we were all just... following orders :)
I know you're writing in shitpost to convey your opinion, but GOOD GRIEF if it doesn't make you sound pathetic...
Why? He's based.
Y'all got it wrong, he will die defending the mad queen
I agree, there were more mistakes than not this season, but this wasn't one of them. It makes complete sense for him to go berserk and start killing everyone in King's Landing when he got the chance.
John will kill him as he tries to defend Dany
fuck off wypipo...when they kill black and brown people its okay but when she kill white trash you fucker gets angry...STOP IT
D&D made the nigger the most oodthirtsy and irrational person after the empowered woman. He literally is happy to cut down men who had surrendered and yielded, who were willing to accept peace on their terms. Are DnD really based?
>lannister scum
nah grey worm is a hero
Cuck fantasy I guess. Redditors want to be eunich soldiers and after a long day of slaying their enemies come home and watch their girl fuck a chad
Why was he responsible for half the siege while only making up 13% of the army?
>killing a woman and her pet nigger
This is too based for this show
And what do you thing dothraki will do after war is over ? Do you thing they will settle down, maybe become doctors and scientist or they will open dothraki restaurant with exotic food... ? No not really, they are unfitting to live in westerlos, they would become bandits or maybe something even worse. They follow only deny because she is like god to them if deny is dead they will go wild again... Maybe unsullied could live there as soldiers or personal guards for rich people but dothraki... no way
Nothing made me laugh more in all of GoT than the nigger acting honorably and whatnot for 7 seasons and then chimping the fuck out. I mean, GoT really is realistic.
>medical era.
Based Phone poster.
this but unironically
>implying it's his fault
he just does what dany wants.
he thought there was mercy to the surrender, so he stopped.
dany ended the mercy, he'd be a traitor if he just stood there. he may have enjoyed it but he was also just doing his job like a good dog
>he's the only remaining token nigga
If you think he will not die, you haven't been paying attention.
back to your /ptg/ circle jerk niggerjones.
everyone has been saying the Dothraki were not compatible with westeros. honestly, this was a nice solution to this problem: it was almost a fact that they were going to rape and pillage the shit out of kl
>any repercussion for the embodiment of immigration today in society
This guy will be treated like a hero. It's fine if he rapes people. Only the Northerner (white) was punished for raping.
best scene:
Jon, duh.
Ser Sickle Cell of House Anemia
>original grey worm
he was the only gw in the series mate
I thought might was right, pagantard?
>have an opinion on thing
fucking moron
he doesn't die and when jon kills dany, he leaves with the unsullied back across the sea
Does he hang out on the beach with Missandei's head?
He sews her back together and does a Weekend at Bernies. They're shooting a comedy sequel based on their misadventures in Naath and the Basilisk Isles where she gets brought back to life by a voodoo priestess and does the limbo right now.
The guy isnt even black. What fuck are you people on about?
this, and a white cis male doing that of all people
He watched his waifu get executed before his eyes, you unfeeling fuck. You leave him alone
this, we have complaining about Dany's SJW army since the beginning, now they finally showed their true color, thank you based Dnd you are /ourguy/ after all
Jon should have put him down in the street.
based & classic post
lol, remind me when was the last time when an army that won got done for "war crimes"?
now that you say it he isn´t mentioned anywhere
Can't wait for this animal to be put down, hopefully even worse than his bitch
Reminder that Barristan Selmy died so this murderous dog could live.
Based nigger facts poster
Why would anyone kill him, he did literally nothing wrong.
When his superior continued to slaughter, he had to do the same as a good soldier.
he will sail away and found wakanda
>killing soldiers defending their home who had thrown down their swords is okay because their leader started massacring the innocent
You never get to say anything bad about the German Army circa WW2 ever again.
He is a current day German.
This. What, should he have started funneling the surrendering soldiers outside of the fortress where they had exactly zero soldiers waiting? Should they have resisted their queen (riding atop a city-destroying dragon) and sheltered the Lannister soldiers who they have had overwhelming resentment towards since the Battle of Ice and Fire? Every single person who was committing a Lannister genocide had all rights to do so. But Grey Worm, having been exposed to love, having it mercilessly and callously taken away from him, and then being requested to show mercy to the people who left him and his company to die miserably in the cold while fighting an unending legion of undead, was almost 100% in the right to lose it and commit slaughter. Only a retard Lannister apologist would ever find fault in this.
>who will kill this animal
Hopefully Jon will kill Obama next episode.
>complains about another user inserting their own political biases
>you do it yourself
Old age.
Right so murdering everything in sight is justifiable. Retard
Yeah, that's right! The Lannisters always keep their prisoners safe and unfettered, and are noble and earnest towards everybody they engage in military conduct with.
Anakin Skywalker.
>promise me Khaleesi...
>promise me every fucking nigger will fucking hang....
Grey Worm is a good guy. You just hate him because of the actor's ethnicity.
>every single living person in King's Landing is responsible for the actions of the Lannister army
>every single german person is responsible for nacism
That's how the world accepted it in order to espace
>That's how the world accepted it
For now user. For now.
Jon couldn't control his own people, that was on him.
Grey Worm since he was freed main goal in life was to slaughter Dany's enemies... that is what he did.
>good guy
His actions lead to hundreds of unnecessary deaths.
>B-but we noble Lannies are above that. We understand that some of our people did some questionable affairs in the past, but #NotAllLannisters
>person puts on a uniform
Murder by Joint Venture
kings landing is in the crownlands though, lannister soldiers are from the westerlands, which is to the west of it
>niggers in charge of not commiting crimes
what's up with all the redpills this season? are D&D actually /ourjews/?
Guess he completely forgot this scene.
fuck you grey worm. I do not like you because you are black
Exactly what Palpatine was trying to do to Luke.
No, yes
hey man, you're the retard inviting the comparison between Dothraki and Mexicans
all that poster said is that they need to be removed, which they clearly fucking do since all they do is rape and pillage.
>>/pol/: so what you're saying is all of the nazis are off the hook for following hitler
>>Yaz twitter: Now hang on racist
>Grey Worm since he was freed
Let's be real here
The dude never stopped being a slave.
If he really had free will, he would have seen danny burning it all down as total bullshit, and abandoned her. He's just a brainless fag, and it was disappointing watching him mindlessly follow her.
>Jon kills him
>Jon kills Dany
>Bran gets on the throne
>Tyrion is hand of the king
>only white males are left to rule the kingdom
>except that Sansa bitch but who cares, she'll eventually die a leave a son to lead the north
Everything in its right place.
laughed out loud at this
other way around
the reason dany got the unsullied in the first place was because jorah said that they wouldn't kill innocents or sack cities like other soldiers, but grey worm was the one to start killing the unarmed lannisters
All of you fuckers worrying about the mindless drone that Grey worm is but nobody talks the thousands of literal savages and rapists that will now roam free in westeros
>I've already been disgusted everytime this dickless nigger swapping spit with the brownies
What, would you rather he be swapping spit with white bitches?
“My apologies, your grace. The scorpions had to be fired from a fixed position, which turned out to be quite ineffective. I’ve devised a solution that should be less... lacking.”
>wouldn't kill innocents or sack cities
Nah, he said they wouldn't run wild and would rigidly follow orders in the heat of combat
If the orders are to sack the city and slaughter anyone who surrenders, the Unsullied are down for it
He will kill Jon.
holy shit
Just following orders Mein Furher.
I doubt dany gave them an order to sack the city, she looked like she decided to burn it down in the heat of the moment
>If the orders are to sack the city and slaughter anyone who surrenders, the Unsullied are down for it
The orders were to call off the attack if the bells rang. You watched her give him his orders in Dragonstone's throne room you asshole.
>Meanwhile, under the command of a capable leader
Kings landing got BLACKED
>there was no geneva conventions back then
There's always been a "code of conduct" for as long as humans have been engaging in organized warfare you mong.
Myrcella should be Queen
9/10 would watch
>Also its medieval warfare, there was no geneva conventions back then you retard.
Depends on what time period you're talking about. During the time of the Holy Roman Empire rape was not well tolerated. If anything the threat of excommunication was even greater than the threat of prosecution for war crimes under the Geneva convention.
Things went to shit later though. Emperor Sigismund used non-Christian Cumans to pillage Bohemia back in the day and they raped their way through the countryside. He eventually usurped the title of Emperor from his half-brother. Guy was a dick and he got away with that shit because the Catholic Church had become a disaster of Antipopes and backstabbing.
>it's a nigger slaughters white people
>this isn't problematic to the clickbait SJW bloggers.
To add, he probably has the closest connection to Dany since she was the one who ingeniously freed him from slavery. If dany wants to massacre he will oblige out of a 7 season long loyalty.
>when game of thrones starts inadvertently redpilling people because the Queen Bitch Mary Sue everyone idolized did a legitimately bad thing for once in her life
Davos will kill nigger
>white man kills a black man
now that will be very problematic
he got uppity and gave Jon a rude look. He should be executed immediately for his insolence
His chinletitus will.
Why are niggers so evil?
He killed the biggest villain of them all
Can't be killed, kills 1-2 soldiers per thrust
Are you enjoying the Seething that was summoned, Brothers?