Enough of this pregnant Jewish loli shit, /got/ is a white man's thread
Fuck this shit
Enough of this pregnant Jewish loli shit, /got/ is a white man's thread
Fuck this shit
So why did we see a flash forward of drogon flying over kings landing in season 4 if bran can only look into the past/present?
arya couldn't save anyone. good.
>I never much cared for the people of King's Landing
Jaimefags utterly and irreversibly BTFO
Is everyone going to overlook the fact that Arya killed an innocent woman and her child?
>This show is almost over
>Soon I will be free
I was actually pissed off that they threw that in there for no reason.
That bell must have been called the Jorah, because it's basically the only other time Dany has ever ignored a dong
>they even bothered with Cleganebowl
Should have just had Sandor mercy kill Gergor desu. That fake leak was far more kino.
>mfw the whole treason plot ends with Varys being burned
>mfw Dany has thousands of Soldiers left
>mfw Jorah failed at eradicating Horsefuckers
>mfw fighting outside the walls again
>mfm not a single arrow was fired, AGAIN
>mfw golden company CGI was taken from a total war game
>mfw scene of a horse dying, because roasties have more empathy for animals than humans
>mfw Dany starts killing civilians
>mfw Greynigger kills POW's
>mfw Jon wants to stop the killing with more killing
>mfw "find a place to hide" while half the city is burning
>mfw "I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister"
>mfw Quasimodo pussies out and "goes home"
>mfw Qyburn gets killed by an emotionless killingmachine because of emotions
>mfw Clegane brothers die while embracing each other
>mfw Vietnam KINO
>mfw the age of women has ended
Holy shit Arya looks hot as fuck right now.
It's not the first time she killed someone innocent
>May 20th, 10pm EST: George R. R. Martin announces surprise release of The Winds of Winter, with final sequel to come in July
>it's a tracking shot of Arya running through a danger zone and being the only survivor
Whos ready for king bran?
>Euron's assault...
I gotta tell you: I cannot WAIT for Daenerys to die. No, seriously. Fresh reddit who like Daenerys because they confuse her with the actress, or even those of you who unironically believe she’s a good character or that she did nothing wrong, I am talking to all of you. I am sustained solely by the mental image of your anguished screams and cries that will be heard when Jon plunges Longclaw into Dany's guts. This isn't a shitpost, I am deathly serious. Just imagine the look on her face, the betrayal, the surprise, the despair as Jon drives the Valyrian Steel blade through her internal organs. I am literally, unironically, masturbating to the thought of you pulling you hair out in frustration as you cry, your tears dripping onto the floor, as Daenerys sighs out her final breaths, blood seeping out of her mouth. Good God, I'm getting hard again just by typing this post. I can feel blood rushing to my dick as I imagine you repeating “no, no, no, NO, NO” over and over, each time increasing in volume and despair, as her corpse starts cooling on the ground of the throne room in King’s Landing. The music will no doubt be extremely dramatic and sad, but I welcome it, for it will surely increase your sadness and rage even further. To add insult to injury, she’ll probably stay alive for a little bit longer once she falls to the ground, and will most likely try to reach out and crawl towards the Iron Throne, in an attempt to reach it, at least once in her life. Hnnng, I can feel my orgasm building up as I imagine Jon putting a boot on her back to make sure she does not reach it. I hope you're ready for what happens in the last episode, because I cannot WAIT for your shitty character to finally receive the DABID special treatment. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll finally see a good old decapitation on-screen again, or maybe Jon will squeeze the life out of her with his bare hands. One can only hope.
fuck roasties
fuck Dany
Bookfags can anyone red pill me on Dany and bells. Is there anything in the books with bells that were part of a traumatic experience with Dany?
> Dany finally ousted as the psycho bitch she is
How satisfying, literally worse then Hitler.
Nothing wrong with turning a few plebs to ashes.
Yeah she associates them with Drogo because he had bells in his hair
>>mfw Vietnam KINO
Holy shit I need a fortunate son or flight of the Valkyries edit now
This scene was kind of weird but I guess it's D&D's artistic vision to enact
aye she looks beautiful
>ending the episode with a 10 minute epic sequence of arya wandering through the city
why didn't they give jon those scenes?
>mfm not a single arrow was fired, AGAIN
Are you shitting with me?
Why didn't they give Bran a kino neckbeard?
Mad Queen Dany is pretty cute but i still want the sjw tears for when Jon kills her
For North
what happens when he dies without an heir and a new civil war breaks out
not really, apart from
I hope not. I have to reread the last two books
>utterly destroys a major city and slaughters its ENTIRE population
That's the craziest thing, they made her literally, unironically, demonstrably worse than Hitler. Hitler never did anything like this.
for once femoids have better taste than men
is what i'd say if i knew they weren't just seething about dany
I don't get it. What happens after Bran dies? He has no heir. Westeros just gonna go back into uproar in 40 years when Bran is kill?
>the beast episode in years
>finally non-black-and-white writing
>event that happened in the real history of wars multiple times
>people hate it
>people like Arya killing Night King
She's not traumatized by bells, retard. She doesn't want to accept surrender and that's perfectly fine.
reminder we didn't see his death
Actually, arrows are shot, and not fired, as there is no gunpowder involved in the propulsion of their projectile. The script's command to utilise the ballistae is therefore also erroneous.
well /got/ the sack of the city has come and gone
the lion no longer roars
the mountain has crumbled
the kraken has drowned
the whispers are no longer heard
the queen rules over ashes
can we finally here and now agree upon the ultimate kino of this second to last episode?
-the execution of Varys
-jamie and tyrion's goodbye
-the opening attack
-the hound's goodbye to arya
-mountain vs hound
-jamie and cersei's death
-the bells
-the horse
de norf remembahs ma'am
Did Euron want Jaime to kill him?
It can make sense in that he cares far more for his sister. And if he needed to kill everyone to get back to her he would
So what exactly is her fucking problem?
Why was this useless bitch such a cunt towards Danerys? if Danerys never came then all the guys and Jon would have died at the lake
what would this bitch have unironically done if Jon and the others were gone?
>Is everyone going to overlook the fact that Arya killed an innocent woman and her child?
Remeber when she killed tens of innocent women and children at the twins?
>one episode left to introduce time travel into the GOT universe
This shits going to be good, bro.
Bran's an immortal tree god. He'll just move his consciousness into another mortal prison.
so the balistae are on pivots, yet the entire fleet can't even land a single shot?
when last ep they scored 3 direct hits?
Bran is like 16, of course he has no heir yet
You cant die if you become a tree like bloodraven
But the Freys were bad user!
>I didn't come here to be Queen of the ashes
>Yeah she associates them with Drogo because he had bells in his hair
But I thought she loved Drogo.
>nobody will hate me if they're all dead
Idk it was some shit someone posted earlier
there's still hope based stannisbros
when tyrion, bronn and gendry are all wondering who should be king, bran will nod towards the door and in will walk in stannis
what if bran is anne frank's kid?
Would Dany have still gone mad if Jon was taller?
Shut up you dumb nerd
>Females 18-29: 5.9
>Females 30-44: 6.6
So only roasties disliked it?
Isn't he paralyzed in the dick?
Dany should unironically cut out her tongue.
I'd be impressed at the ruse he pulled then
That and writing both books in the meantime
show me a picture of an archer shooting an arrow. It's episode 3 all over again
can't beat Shadow the Drogon
remov thot
Ser Twenty Goodmen who scored the killing hattrick on Rhaegal has sadly been dismissed from service after some harassment allegations against him from the past surfaced
Weren’t they siblings?
>go crazy meme
>da qween burning down KL
I need those two together
Meera will come back if his dick is functional.
why does he care about being the man that killed jamie lannister?
hopefully jon kills her immediately after killing dany
underrated post
She looks actually quite attractive as Distraught Dany
>"I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister"
>Stannis sits on the throne
>"and who.. are you.."
we don't know that, and blood still flows to the dick so it's plausible he could still cum
>Idk it was some shit someone posted earlier
Will D&D or GRRM explain this huge and I am fucking HUGE plot twist with these bells? I'm not fucking around I seriously want to know, plus I had always suspected Dany was the big bad in the end, but it should have been done right, like adding two more seasons or some shit.
Don’t lie. This episode was great just because we finally got to see it.
>Book Euron is a warlock pirate with ambitions of turning himself into a god
>Show Euron is literally a glorified extra so Cersei can have a navy
>mfw Jon wants to stop the killing with more killing
fucking this 5 minutes of him yelling stop while stabbing motherfuckers left and right wtf
He can probably warg into his own sperm and direct it into an egg
>it takes dirt and blood to make bong women attractive
Maybe that's why Pakis beat-rape them
>from a pseudo-demigod to a shitty crazy pirate who dies fighting a one armed idiot
t-thanks D&D
>Hitler only slaughtered and deported part of the population of multiple cities after razing them to the ground so Dany razing one is objectively worse!!! FACT!!!
The absolute state of 16 years old.
>she hired the Golden Company
>she has 20,000 mercenaries, the Golden Company
>did I mention the Golden Company?
>the Golden Company by the way
>they immediately job
Seven save us... she's even making the women and children pay the iron price
>Show Euron is literally a glorified extra so Cersei can have a navy
A navy that shoots a single bolt before being completely annihilated in seconds.
>be northernmen
>fight zombies
>immediately march south
>fight lannisters and see women and children burned alive
>all so an autistic cripple can become king
It was an honor serving as your OP but unfortunately I must go to bed now.
Good night and Seven Blessings all of you
>an army fighting outside of castle walls AGAIN
that corpse (HAH) paint looks hot
damn mc ride has really let himself go
Would honestly be hilarious because you just fucking know everyone would buy them to see an ending better than Season 8's. Le Fat Book Merchant strikes again.
was he the good guy all along who kept that entitled bitch in place?
>thinks the holocoaster was real
Grow up sheep
They were attacking him, he was defending himself nigger
did bongs rape your country or something, you are always in these threads
Are they taking the fucking piss
People are coming at him swords, I can understand him defending himself. What I don't understand is why he didn't immediately leave the city when he realised what was going on.
Reminder that Dany is now /ourgirl/
>Honor?! I've got seven kingdoms to rule! One king, seven kingdoms.
>Do you think honor keeps them in line? Do you think it's honor that's keeping the peace? - It's fear - fear and blood.
Based Bobby B knew it, now all of Westeros knows it too.
Her and Jon still could've just gotten married though and avoided this whole shit
Last night's episode has SURPASSED the Sansa rape episode on RT making it the LOWEST rated episode of GoT ever.
Should have been in the Iron Throne room or Dragonpit
Kill yourself faggot
Not the first time something goes in her from Jon
Dany did nothing wrong
I saw some articles with people mad about rape, is there another rape scene this season? Is it worth watching or is the only jerk off material el goblinas flabby ass?
This show just lost all it's rewatch value
They didn't fight though. They just stood there and died in hilarious fashion.
its video game tactics last time they had the ambush this time she did so her crit and accuracy is doubled
i imagine its gonna be hard to convince the people of westeros to keep an immortal tree man as king
The only correct ending to this show is the remaining survivors of King's Landing collectively rise up and slaughter the entire upper class for their genocidal needs for power and then create an Iron Senate. I am being completely unironic.
this episode was GOAT
T-They said co..
She was being a woman, a jealous creature
Daily reminder they had several dozen siege weapons pointed at Dany's army and never fired them once.
there's a scene of a northman (not a dothraki for some reason) about to rape a kings landing woman, jon kills him though
other than that the only rape is of the character writing.
Cersei was always right, even though the writers didn't intentionally write her to be. She was right to never get involved with the white walker thing. Shit solved itself. She was right to not surrender to Daenerys because her and her child would have been executed no matter what, much like the Targs were when they got fucked. The only dumb thing she did was execute missandrei for no reason.
I think they were trying to make them sympathetic and make the viewer feel sad?
Did he even have his dragonhorn?
>i killed him
>jamie lannister
>ehe ehe
>they will write songs about me
You'd think and that's definitely where martin is going with it but for D&D themes are for "8th graders" so instead we're gonna get King Autismo
RIP Jaime's character
Oh and btw a guy named Jaime died
what more shit does Arya need to do? She killed the night king already, what's up with the horse?
Look more closely user
I still can't believe the bells leak was real
nope, he had nothing, just a loud pirate.
I wanted to see The Hound win but considering The Mountain's absolutely bullshit plot armour, I'm satisfied with the ending.
>Hound getting his head crushed
>puts a dagger in his fucking head
It's an idealised vision, kind of like Harrow's healed face.
>So what exactly is her fucking problem? Why was this useless bitch such a cunt towards Danerys?
She called Dany being a fucking nutjob in advance while everyone else was tonguing her clit.
>if Danerys never came then all the guys and Jon would have died at the lake
If Danerys hadn't come they would have never gone to the lake, and the NK would have never had a dragon to burn down the Wall.
>nobody even knows he killed jamie and historians will write that jamie died in the castle
someone needs to make this
>(not a dothraki for some reason)
He possesses some dumb boy who fancies himself a hero.
Get killed in battle? Possess another.
Bodysurf ad infinitum
>WAAHHH someone died an unexpected death WAAHHH
Mad dany is cute. She did nothing wrong, refusing surrender after offering them so many chances was the right thing to do. Fuck King's Landing, fuck plebs and fuck Westeros.
umad whitewalk boi?
Well I guess that's one way to depict the character.
Why the fuck is Arya still getting so much focus? Literally who enjoys watching this goblin? Scenes with Jon or Tyrion would have had a million times more substance, but they want to show us the "horrors of war" or some shit.
>not enjoying this enriching cultural experience
where is yara? what was the point of her character
Show Euron isn't book Euron. Their names are the same but they're not the same people
Maybe he grew it back?
>mfw I saw the last scene of the episode
But it wasn't.
She should be killed by dany before Jon stabs her
What did DnD mean by this?
girls are gonna be the remaining rulers
because women > men
Paraplegics generally have functional cocks.
>who enjoys watching this goblin
women. especially ugly ones
Carpet muncher
In the iron isles, she and theon parted at the start of the season
Smart move desu, the continentals are fucking mental
D&D tried to make her the MC despite it very clearly being Jon in the books.
Based and dragonpilled
When is Dany gonna get Caesar'd?
can arya backstab herself?
>implying they'll be allowed to know
>implying they have a say should they ever know
how do you know bran isn't warged into you and making you read this post write now?
Imagine being mad at showing the horrors of war realistically, fucking journalists
Rest in peace my main man Qyburn
Taken too soon before he could complete his work on the dyson sphere
why didn't he just stay in that cave?
So, what do we have so far?
1. D&D wanted to adapt ASOIAF because of Red Wedding
2. In first 2 episodes this season Davos, Tyrion and Varys propose the idea of marriage between Jon and Dany
3. Then it is mentioned again in ep4
4. Now Dany has gone mad
she's littlefinger using Sansha's face
“I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death”
"There is only one thing we say to death: Not today."
Arya is done talking.She has become death incarnate.
>Returning to the woman you love is out-of-character
She's in the Iron Islands getting tongue-punched. She won't even be in the last episode, which is hilarious. Just fuckin throws her brother at the undead and then sails off to be Kween
She sat out the war, pretending that she was creating a safe haven in the case that Dany had to retreat. Maybe Galbert Glover should have said he was fortifying Deepwood Motte for the same reason and he would be hailed a hero too.
Based and tedpilled.
Let me think about that...
No :)
>Trying to watch DragonDemands video
>Take a shot every time he says "emoting"
At first it seemed like he could because he was a greenseer and Jojen clearly could, but by S7/S8 it was just past and present.
Bran becomes king
The last episode recap was kino at least.
Can you blame her
Why did Varys put his rings in the bowl?
Went through that scene and this isn't in the show. It's probably a promotional image and they forgot to put the cgi hand
More like Neroed
>Drogo did not reply. His long heavy braid was coiled in the dirt beside him. He pulled it over his right shoulder and began to remove the bells from his hair, one by one. After a moment Dany leaned forward to help. When they were done, Drogo gestured. She understood. Slowly, carefully, she began to undo his braid.
>Bells rang, a sudden clangor of bronze birds. A deep-throated warhorn sounded its long low note. The old women began to chant.
>"As swift as the wind he rides, and behind him his khalasar covers the earth, men without number, with arakhs shining in their hands like blades of razor grass. Fierce as a storm this prince will be. His enemies will tremble before him, and their wives will weep tears of blood and rend their flesh in grief. The bells in his hair will sing his coming, and the milk men in the stone tents will fear his name." The old woman trembled and looked at Dany almost as if she were afraid. "The prince is riding, and he shall be the stallion who mounts the world."
>Khal Drogo sat, bells ringing. "I sing of my scars, sheep woman." He flexed his arm and scowled.
>Dany braided his hair and slid the silver rings onto his mustache and hung his bells one by one. So many bells, gold and silver and bronze. Bells so his enemies would hear him coming and grow weak with fear.
>Jhiqui had braided her hair Dothraki fashion, and fastened a silver bell to the end of the braid. "I have won no victories," she tried telling her handmaid when the bell tinkled softly.
>"I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain, but no one heard his grief," the dwarf woman was saying. "I dreamt such a clangor I thought my head might burst, drums and horns and pipes and screams, but the saddest sound was the little bells."
what did she mean by this?
>never even got to see the golden company fight
On the contrary, the Dyson Sphere is complete. In order to power it, Qyburn needed large amounts of blood. It just so happens that the citizens of King's Landing are happy to provide.
They gonna use a quote from the books in the tv show that never used it, I will be very subverted.
I would have liked it if Sandor had disarmed Gregor and gotten him in a position to kill him (preferably with his helmet removed) and then stopped because he realizes that Gregor's been dead for a long time.
>Not realising she IS death
does everything have to be spelt out to you?
You never get iced with your ice on
Haven't women on average rated this episode the lowest compared to other demographics?
Anne Frank
Bran(ne) Frank
You know I'm right
the point was to subvert your ass, so consider your ass subverted.
Did Bran really warg into the dragon lads? Is daenerys innocent?
He knew he was going to die and everyone would have taken his shit. The rings will probably get taken by one of his spies (like the girl he was talking to).
They're making a bible analogy comparing her to death incarnate which is dumb because Arya is not at all threatening. D&D wanted some sort of bad ass detached assassin guuuurl but then retardedly made her running scared through Winterfell and then again through King's Landing, thus deflating any belief in competence.
I'm not even a Danyfag but I'd give the episode 4/10.
Daily Reminder that Bran knew all this would happen if he told Jon the truth. Ned kept this truth hidden for a reason.
Bran ends up being king from all this? Seems suspect that a time lord engineers a very outcome that puts him in position of supreme power. It wouldn't be by accident at all if he ended up on throne.
Bran clearly orchestrated all this shit.
Remember, when he saw Sansa's rape, he would've had to have warged into the mind and past of one of those present to witness it being recorded.
He literally warged into Ramsay and fucked Sansa's bum, not even a meme
Night King was sent to kill Bran specifically? Come on. Something else is up here.
It's nice to see someone finally took notice :)
Drogon is going to redeem himself by having Jon kill daenerys
didn't want them to melt
>Biblical references
>Bran becomes king
i will kill myself if this is true
So only Bloodraven's 3ER can see the future right? He saw that Bran is coming to him anyway
No, I can blame the writers for giving us a completely pointless character that had no arc and then vanished from the show.
>he doesn't know
*strum strum*
Virgin freak
*strum strum*
Qu'est-ce que ce
>Daily Reminder that Bran knew all this would happen if he told Jon the truth.
How did Dany going crazy have anything to do with anything?
dead if true
user... havn't you seen the leaks?
So, realistically, what happens now ?
I mean, how will they deal with the surviving Unsullied and Dothraki ? They probably think their queen did nothing wrong and are personally loyal to her. Jon can't just hack Daenerys' head off while they're still around.
I just want Jon and Davos to sail away and become humble smugglers. They don't deserve this shit
>expect to see mad dany fly on her dragon laughing manically, or crying, or at least attempting to show any emotion while razing the city
>not a single close up after the bells scene
>just the dragon destroying shit in the background
Fucking disappointing
RIP in pieces. Remember to livestream it.
Read again. I'm talking about Quasimodo not the episode, or show in general
Better order that helium then user.
turn the light on idiot
It's over, Sandor! I have the high ground!
It's a shame, too. I like my lesbians.
I want to feed Meera my user paste.
Did they forget what book they are adapting?
Ok edgy boy
I mean there could be a strategic justification for it. If they're on the walls then Dany could just have killed them all there. Perhaps they were intending to close the gap as quickly as possible so to make it impossible for her to snipe them. But yeah they did fuck all.
ugly cunt
>roasties and numales said nothing when they came for Stannis
>they said nothing when they came for Tyrion
>they said nothing when they came for Dorne
>they said nothing when they came for Barristan
>they said nothing when they came for Euron
>they yassed when they came for Littlefinger
I will say nothing now that they have come for Daenerys.
>mfw I don't care if you kill yourself or not because I've already put my money on Bran
yes, the last shot is Bran getting up up of his wheelchair and smirking at the camera
>Jon can't just hack Daenerys' head off while they're still around.
He literally does that though.
So, thoughts on what kills Dany "I'll make Dresden look like a child's sandcastle" Targaryen?
>Sandor attacks Queen's Guard
>+500% to armor damage
>Sandor attacks Gregor
>armor buffed
>caring about the logic behind it all
LMAO this show is fucking retarded just don’t think about it
>mfw next episode they're both alive, talking about childhood memories
This feels funny but I feel like it's something you stole off a Redditor who stole it from here.
>Bran will exterminate all humans because of that qt tree lady from season 4
Euron should've gotten some of these.
Because of think tanks and data analysis.
>Studies show Arya is a prominent character beloved by many of the fans so you're going to put X amount of her in the season
While I don't think D&D are good writers at all I think HBO's new owners AT&T fucked them up even harder by throwing them absurd curveball like that.
Good writers/producers usually have the balls to fight for their artistic vision and incorporate these elements somewhat seamlessly (See earlier season when GRRM was a lot more involved.) But D&D are clearly lazy and unpassionate about this show now.
The unsullied seemed pretty easy to kill in the battle of winterfell
The shot before the nuking of Kings Landing, she was very clearly getting her ladydick hard about slaughtering millions. Completely her fault.
Ok so who told the people of King's Landing to ring the bells if they wanted to surrender?
Daily reminder, this bitch and her daughter died off-screen.
What would they talk about?
>haha, remember that time I shoved your face into a fire and killed our entire family?
this, i applauded dabid for it at the time for giving sandor an arc that involves him overcoming and being at peace with the trauma and abuse that haunted him his entire life.
Looking back I was pretty fucking stupid to think he wouldn't go for the scene that would cause balding men with glasses to open their mouths really wide
She only killed the men at the Twins. They went out of their way to point that out.
dragon fire acts like missiles apparently.
why did dany even need to gather armies
>You can't upload webms that have audio
Why is this a thing
have the tube instead
B-Bran warged into her too!!
Post your face when a nigger dies on game of throne
I guess that's just a long standing practive in KL, and Jamie knew since he'd spent so much time there
We need an update
God, the short scene where she's on Yara's lap was so good for my penis.
Someone needs to repopulate a bloodline
Honk honk
Implying the Germans were the bad guys while the Allies raped and murdered innocents in the millions, while still having innocents suffer till this day because of their stupid decision allowing Jews to dominate Europe.
with D&D you're always in for a surprise
Bran is the only bad guy in the entire show. Everyone else warged
>It's over, Sandor! I have the high ground!
>muh qween
God what an awful character
They'll get lots of white women to rape as compensation
To be fair most Dresden citizens had the mind to take cover in basements, tunnels and bomb shelters
He never even runs out of fire not get tired.
>Implying this fat hack gives a shit
He's as guilty as D&D, cardiac arrest can't come soon enough.
Tag yourself
what character isn't that true for though
Go back 2 Reddit, niggerfaggot.
Danyggers SEETHING.
Why did they bother assaulting the city at all when they could have just stood outside and let her roast everyone
this has always been canon. look at harrenhall
>wonder why i am attracted to a poo
>look her up
>she's half white
Every fucking time
>queefburn literally dead
i'm the guy on the left who looks like jude law
They didn't give him a single speaking part in the entire season except for where he sang some song
i dont think there are any danyfags, only emilia"fags"
i mean most characters have been butchered and rushed due to D&D's incompetence, but this episode was legitimately an amazing spectacle to watch.
Divebombing that shit was the smartest thing I saw them do.
Jon is pretty much 1:1
The old guy on the right that is just about done.
im a nigger
How? I'm a danyfag and loved the episode. She did the right thing.
read the books and come back to see how stupid you look like
It's okay, he's gonna stab her anyway
Qyburn just wanted to help the person he owed his life and station to.
I'm in the hood, to the right of the tan man with the large forehead.
i could forgive D&D a lot of things, but straight up having jaime butcher his own character with 2 episodes left ? Man fuck that. Did Nikolaj fuck their gf or something ?
>Does nothing
30 minutes is devoted to Jon getting dogpiled by Dany's army while he tries to murder said army.
Incel character
dragonflame can melt pretty much anything
They also killed every interesting character left, so POD is GOD
Qyburn ain't dead
He just finished work on the dead ringer
The Prince of Dorne is Nymeria the diredog that Bran has warged into.
Say what you will about him, Qyburn was loyal to the fucking end. I can respect that.
> Nuking a city that already surrendered
Not even Hitler would imagine something so cruel.
Hitler wasn't bad at all, all he did, he did it to get rid of an inferior race and faggots. How are you alive in 2019 surrounded by niggers and muslims, have debts to banks held by jews, faggotry and white genocide be celebrated and still think he was the villain?!
not at all, i couldn't see show jon make the decisions book jon did after he was made lord commander
Daily reminder that Danyfags are braindead
the whole place EXPLODED the MOMENT fire TOUCHED it
can you not see it?
Where do the asians come from in game of thrones
She didn't get triggered by bells. She just didn't accept the surrender and was conflicted about it before deciding on burning down that shithole of a capital.
>Does nothing
yeah why didn't she teleport behind cersei like she did with the night king
not that it mattered when they had a flying nuclear flamethrower
Qyburn is unironically my favorite character.
that was from a plot in the books.
>just go home, sam.
>"hey kid you've seen those fires outside, why don't we take a look with your mumsie, go on"
So did they have Arya go to KL to do nothing just so we could have a main character to follow through the destruction
>still manages to get more people killed
He did wrong things for the right reasons.
Now Jews hold more power over everyone else simply by saying "Hitler" and "antisemitism".
They had no such power before, they were booted out of everywhere they went.
>stannis-euron bowl in E6 post credit scene
Greyworm is clearly dying next episode, how is he dying and by whom?
>B-but she didn't accept the surrender, that's ok
Nothing special about bells, the scene was shot somewhat weird, making the fucking bell sound be important, not the fact that she wanted to burn and kill, without an official surrender. If she burns and kills before the enemy surrenders, it's war, if she burns and kills after they do, it's genocide, a crime.
They surrendered only after everyone broke in and they knew it was pointless to keep fighting because they couldn't win. They had all the chances to surrender and passed. That is the correct price to pay.
Cleganebowl isn't in the books. It's morons who can't figure out it was a foreshadowing to the trial by combat with Oberyn.
Yeah, that's what D&D said in the "after the episode" interviews. They said they could have just shown peasants and shit but it wouldn't be as emotional as if they had a main character we all care about running through the destruction.
>"hey kid, wanna /ll/?"
Executed by Jon for breaking the geneveros convention.
The kicker is that like Sister Unella, she isn't actually even confirmed dead at this point; in fact, Cersei explicitly stated her intention to keep mama snake alive for as long as possible. D&D just kind of forgot about her.
To be fair Arya survived more stabs than Euron.
why not?
He's the fucking 3ER. He know everything about everyone, he knows what's the best to the realm
It's well established that he is insane and obsessed with himself so it makes sense that he would talk to himself about how great he is as he dies a glorious death.
>who is Davos
hey dany youre gonna spend 7 seasons gathering armies and fighting in wars, but you didnt even need to do that because dragons are basically medieval nukes.
me looking mildly concerned to the left of the guy who looks very concerned
So like the leaks, where they said that the bells would trigger a violent reaction by Daenerys and her army.
I know your shitposting but there are YAS DRAGON KWEEN SLAY SLAY redditors that unironically are desperately clinging to that exact same justification.
Is this one of those where you put in a sentence and an AI elaborates on it?
That feels pretty cheap, but I guess it's better than showing nameless peasants
bran told that cersei is already dead while muttering something about rape and being autistic on iron throne
Literally happened all the time in the past
Caesar, Alexander The Great, Genghis Khan.
No quarter for cities that surrendered after it had been breached, to make an example for others.
I'm honestly fine with her never showing up again, it wouldn't be worth listening to her even to see her decapitated
>Cleganebowl isn't in the books
Said the showfag, who barely read a wikipedia page.
The zombie mountain is in the books. The hound is alive in the books too(subtly hinted, me and others like me were theorizing it) so there's no reason for it to not happen.
why the fuck didn't they have the last 10 minutes be of jon walking through the city? it would have shown us how jon will decide to kill dany
The technique is called transference. One popular character is about to heel-turn. Sympathy is transferred onto a new character who becomes a victim of the prior character's heel-turn. Use another popular character that ideally shares a cross-section of fans with the the villainous character to preserve both fanbases while completing the turn.
Eastern Essos. Yi Ti to be precise.
Same reason why they decided to make Arya kill the NK.
Muh stronk wahmen and "subverting expectaitons"
If you ever heard the story about the dude employed in a industrial metalworking plant, every day he would sweep his hand through molten metal after dousing it in water, then he got married and his finger immediately melted off when he tried sweeping his hand through the molten metal next day at work.
Chances are Varys knew about this and had secretly doused himself in water, and escaped from the fire in cover of the smoke, having rings on him would mean that he'd lose those fingers, so he took them off before. He'll be alive in next episode.
Jon is basically a secondary character in this season, even though he's being doing all the work all the time and he's supposed to be aegon targaryen
They were already being violent, you retard. The bells simply didn't stop them like they were supposed to.
what has he even done all season? except for rile dany up into femcel territory
I meant *until this season, since I'm saying he's a secondary character now lol
Can someone post the shop of Robert vs Rhaegar with the bells?
shot to the head, shot to the head
fucked Dany
bent the knee
rode Rhaegal
found out he's king
bent the knee
killed a couple wights
burned corpses
tattled to his sisters
bent the knee
bent the knee
I caught that line. Pretty kino. You think they planned that from the beginning?
it wouldve all been avoided if jon had just banged her the night before like she wanted
It's typical hollywood writing. Character Salsa can see the future and and read the plot. Acts in a retarded manner towards "good" character because at a later time when future evensts are shown and the "good" character was actually bad the character Salsa is then seen as sane and smart.
she warned you what happens when a city gets sacked
>These fine women are in for a bit of a rape
she cute
I still wish for Danny to win and install an era of terror all over that miserable wretched continent
why are crazy girls so hot bros
Somehow a worse character than daenerys
>Daenerys is deified.
>The kingdoms tell tales of her. Few know the truth.