Remember Dresden?
Remember Dresden?
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Do it again dragonrider dany!
Yes, firebombing is bad. That was clearly the point
We all do brother!
They really had to be make it very very very obvious to make the normies understand that dany is bad now.
>massacre millions all around Europe, burn villages to the ground and raze warsaw
>nuuuuu don't bomb us that's not fair :((((
Best day in history, do it again bomber harris
Germans aren't human calm the fuck down.
You mean the lover of sonic the hedgehog? Of course I do bitch.
god bless bomber harris and god bless the RAF bombers
>Joe in the street is to blame for the actions of a government.
Get help
>civil targets are justified
So the Nazis didn't really do anything bad huh
Hans in the streets is to blame
even further no future german really should be allowed to exist in europe and breed.
>Get help
>support your government
>I-I did nothing!
But that was just bad writing!
Seething Anglo
>All these butthurt Germans and Redditors
Literally nothing wrong
So killing the enemies non military civilians who you can't even determine if they voted, is a well accepted act of war
Based warcrimes don't exist
The Lannister entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to burn everyone else, and nobody was going to burn them. At Highgarden, Dorne, Harrenhall and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
only civilians in countries that were dragged into the war are innocent
this especially applies to japanese and the whole NUKES WERE WAR CRIMES meme
that means 9/11 was justified too. be consistent
Germans literally owe the world to take care of whoever needed help coming to them
the job of a modern German is to take care of the people replacing them and not have children themselves.
>kill the europeans
>now your country become a degenerate shithole
USA deserve it.
There's nothing else going on.
>indiscriminately terror bombing civilians is morally justifiable
The difference is that the bombings stopped when Germany surrendered.
Dany's firebombing BEGAN after the surrender
>bombing of london
>Japanese rape
>Russian rape
>German rape
>Armenian genocide
>massacre of poles
>all not warcrimes
according to them these things never happened
Nazis were loved and accepted everywhere and never shot a single bullet or did any harm
Dresden was completely justified since the war was ongoing and the city was still producing military armaments, fuck off stormfags.
Wtf, I love Dany now.
bomber harris did it to win the war not because he had PMS
Nah just mutts and wannabe whites.
>implying there is a thing like civilians in factories
People working in factories, farm or anything that keeps the country going while at war are fair objectives
>support your government
you really think everyone who died voted or supported the nazis?
Based retard poster.
They still bombed Tokyo after Japan surrendered tho.
Do you think D&D are fucking up GOT as a catalyst for the dispersion of memes? Are they secretly /our literal guys/?
Literally everything inside a country keeps the country going and is part of the system and its government
Therefore there is no such thing as civilians
Yeah, cause that's what was being bombed right? Not firebombing city blocks. Even the Brits admit they intentionally hit residential areas.
9/11 was justified, people who vote for governments that support zionism should expect retaliation
in some war or another, pretty much yes
it was a totalitarian regime, the whole country is mobilized for war. almost everything is part of the war machine somehow
what daenarys did to king's landing is completely different. she started massacring civilians after the city had surrendered
>what is reprisals
Using the exact same methods that the enemy used first is not only morally justifiable, it is flatly a moral duty of a commander. And in the modern world anything short of that is just asking for a nuclear strike on you.
good luck getting wessterners to agree with that
seething stormfag
Where do you live? It must be somewhere where you support the government otherwise you'd be out fighting their policies, not posting on Yea Forums.
>Enemy used first
The Germans used the Brit's own tactics against them.
there are people who made music video about the dresden firebombing....
Good non argument retard
Based Harris
>be farmer
>supply grain to civillians
>didn't vote for nazis, never even seen a rifle before
>get bombed the fuck out
>some faggot on the internet decades later thinks it is both ethical and justifiable
>dude my actions have consequences!
>this isn't fair!!
>he doesn't support killing every single g*rmanoid man, woman and children
How does it feel to be this cucked?
>Reading comprehension
>you deserve to die because you were born somewhere!
what action are you talking about nigger
>stormnigger not reading his own links
What a surprise.
They probably just forgot their uniforms at home
Not even an argument
Yeah fuck whitey! Thanks for killing all those white boys so I can rape your women for free!
t. Arab with visa to UK.
Do you think Bomber Harris is happy with what the UK turned into, London in particular?
>dany cleansing german tyrant plague
based. she'd be russian if anything
>*Bombs Prague*
>you deserve to die because you were born somewhere, you untermensch!
>w-wait, y-you can't kill our c-civilians! ITS NOT ETHICAL NOOOOOOO
nigger/10, cringe and wehraboopilled
More like
>American outs himself
You retard, why would an Arab rejoice the death of Germans, when they're unironically the most die-hard fans of Hitler and Germany, Mein Kampf is one of the most sold books in the Muslim world.
>if you don't support indiscriminate killing of civilians then you must support their government!
brainlet try actually thinking for once in your life.
Ethics and justice are irrelevant here. A farmer growing grain is a vital part of the war effort of any country.
But a bad example since the farmers don't grow much grain in the cities.
>Be German
>Applaud a government which started a world war mostly because its attempts to bully other powers caused it to fear retaliaton.
>Upon losing the war reject reality and substitute your own, where you were tricked into surrendering by Jew magic
>Applaud a government which started another world war because its reality did not match that of the rest of the world, as described above
>Applaud systematic use of terror tactics against civilians since August of 1914.
>Wtf, I dindu nuffin, why I'm being bombed?
>hitler gets 6m multikill
>its either that it didn't happen or it was okay
>some city gets dabbed on epic style
im all of ww2 jokes and all that, but what exactly is it with Dresden that makes wannabe skinheads autistically defensive about it?
>be farmer
>in Poland
>that's it, just be farmer in Poland
>get bombed by stukas raids, have children burned in a locked down barn
>in your last moment you think to yourself
"Well, at least nobody bombed Drezden, that would truly be monstrous"
Spare us the faggotry, the empires of europe would have never fallen and socialism would have never taken over the west if the g*rmans didn't instigate world war against their european neighbours, not once but twice.
G*rmans aren't fucking human, gott strafe deutschland.
its okay when bongs do it but not those commies
>tfw anti-german always arging for german replacement
>tfw people tell me Yea Forums is anti refugee and not on my side
>this thread
>if you think dresden was bad you can't think any other civilian death is bad
what did he mean by this. I'm not saying that the nazis were good boys but dresden was a war crime and should be treated as such. same with firebombing the cities in japan.
>rest of Europe and America were just letting adolf be on the first couple of annexations
>still keeps pushing his luck until people took
him as an international threat
he was given the perfect chance to just stop and keep what he took but noooo he really wanted some new barren patches of tundra
>ethics and justice are irrelevent because muh total war
yes but putting dissedents into death camps is totally unethical and evil right?
americans and anglos are the subhuman nignogs of world history, they sail around the world and rape and pillage whatever they find, and then bitch and play victims. 9/11 was chickens coming home to roost.
>dresden was a war crime
Dresden didn't happen but I WISH it did.
Besides, if we started counting nazi war crimes we would run out of paper in 2 weeks tops
Germans are the eternal aggressors in Europe. Murdering their neighbors for bullshit since the baltkc crusades.
Fuck Dresden. The only shame is that more of germany was not thoroughly destroyed.
The Germans sowed the wind, and now reap the whirlwind.
>Implying Luther did anything wrong
Seething papist
>yeah I murdered that guy
>but this other guy murdered three guys so I should be set free
> Random German civilians deserve to die because they're unlucky to be born in the wrong place and the wrong time
>Remember Dresden?
Why yes, best day of my life
the /pol/ retards don't get the reference
More like sowed the hurricane, got blown on once and started REEEEE'ing cause
>muh g*rmanic mustardrace
is there something genetic about (((germans))) and their obsession with making people follow them?
even until now herr merkel is still keeping that tradition alive but instead of bullets she uses beurocracy
>yeah I murdered 15 men
>if you kill me you're the real murderer!
No, that would be the Eternal Anglo, who has made himself rich by profiteering off the misery of all the other nations around him.
>forcibly colonizes 1/4 of the world
>commits genocide against all native populations it comes across
>spends then next hundred years reaping all of the riches from wherever
>Germany decides they want to get in on that
>"fuck no, not even if it costs me my entire empire"
>Sink entire Empire just trying to stop Germany from doing what you've been doing this entire time (forcibly colonizing degenerate 3. worlders (Russians))
Classic german defense.
>prosecute a illegal wars and mass murder civilians for war objectives and tactical advantage
>cry about it endlessly when its done to you
>civillians =/= soldiers
this argument has already been thoroughly destroyed, you only insult your own intelligence by falling back to this.
>inb4 but muh total war
Not a german. I don't support killing of innocent civilians no matter the side. I don't support the nazis either.
>dresden w-was a legitimate strategic target cause muh economic damage
Cool so you'll agree pic related was also a legitimate target?
Classic anglo subversion
>Do the exact same thing ever since Edward decided to unify his island
>get a hissy fit when other people try
what the hell does that have to do with anything?
Listen. I am German. I know Germans aren't human
We don't have souls
My entire people are cancer to Europe.
Right now I am actively fighting bureaucraty to get an old unused building to be reworked to house a lot of refugees
Because Germans need to be replaced. Our birthrates are fucked because we know we shouldn't have children and this is an unprecedented chance to fix Europe and solve the German problem.
I don't care if you believe me this will be done.
sounds more like amerimutts to me
You talk about legitimacy. Based on what law? What court are you adressing?
>ethics and justice are irrelevent when considering the allies pragmatically killing innocent civillians
>ethics and justice are totally relevant when the nazis put potential dissidents in death camps
>yeah kill them all, enslave the rest
>soldier and civilian alike
>kheeehehe, ve vere just kidding, man, vat do you mean total war?
Wait, so they were just supposed to lose soldiers and civilians left and right in real fuckin' gruesome ways and THEN accept terms of fair surrender?
Nigger who gives a fuck about german civilians at this point
>m-muh civies can't possibly do anything wrong in a literal nazi germany
Morality, acceptable within the laws of war
>shadow government destroying its own building to start a fake war was legitimate
I know you are baiting, but the sheer length of the technological leap we had from before WW2 to afterwards should be forgiveness for the Germans.
a true classic
It's the words themselves who are meaningless.
>the nazis used violence to put their opponents down
>the allies used violence to weaken the nazis
>what was right and what was wrong xD
are you 15 years old?
If the jews get what they want it's a legitimate target.
They either matter, and noone can defent the germans during the ww2, or they dont, in which case stop even mentioning Dresden as an irrelevant moment in ww2 history.
Absolutely, this was a legitimate target according to US and israel
>break every treaty
>invade neutral countries
>kill civilians all around because reasons
>meanwhile your own civilians are happily cheering
>start losing and get your shit pushed in
>omg think about our civilians now please!
>everyone in a country is evil because of their leading party
assuming you are american and hate trump given your views. you are saying that because trump is in power then literally everyone should be considered a trump supporter because they live in america. problem drumflord?
Dresden only had civilians and the "good" Allies decided to bomb all the women and children there out of existence. This was a war crime orders of magnitude graver than the holohoax but the victors never have to pay the price because they are the ones who write the history books.
I am genuinely not baiting.
If you browse /pol/ you will find me post proof soon
I have been posting ant-german stuff on /pol/ for years now and I am really looking forward to proving how dedicated I am to German replacement.
People always shitpost "hurr just kill yourself that is one less german" but now I will have literally placed 1000s of non-germans in germany and have them generations down replace germans.
I'm addressing the "do it again bomber harris" anglos and westaboos who thinking firebombing Dresden was a legitimate target because of it's economic significance.
>Nobody remembers bongs just giving Czechoslovakia, which arguably had the strongest border fortifications in the world, over to the Germans only to end up under Soviet repression for 5 decades
>nazis used violence to put their opponents down
>allies used violence to put their opponents down
Yes, cause nobody would expand on a freshly discovered aviation technology
>muh wars!
Yeah, cause nobody would go to war for no reason other than MASS ETHNIC CLEANSING at all.
Thank you based Germany.
It's only a war crime if you lose the war, guys.
Let's kill some civilians, shall we?
>implying there is (((only one good moral))) out there
You're a kike.
>I share the achievements of my country no matter what
>I don't share the errors of my country because I wasn't personally involved
>this is what nationalists actually believe
The vast majority of americans are slaves to the jew
Look around you
I love Europe
Everyone who loves Europe hates Germans
I will prove how dedicated I am and to everyone who unironically supports German replacement which is like 90% of the people in this thread alone.
Do you have any actual proof this happened?
Where are all the remains of the so called victims?
dresden is a special case since it was a demonstration of western capabilities, meant for stalin
Incorrect. Nazis primarily attacked tactical targets like military, factories and blitzkrieged the shit out of everyone which is why they were so effective and fast, they rarely bothered with civilians in warfare and in fact there were even lots of civilians in eastern Europe that thanked the Germans for freeing them from communists. It wasn't until Brits used their favourite tactic of bombing civilians trying to make the German leaders surrender before Germans started returning the favor and bombed Brit civilians too. Whatever side you think was right, at least get your facts straight.
Give me a call when Trump comes to Mexico and starts native mesoamerican genocide. Then we can talk.
>y-you libtarded brah! XD
Try again.
So lannisters were nazis? Hitler was a guy with one testicle who liked to play with feces, not a fan of incest.
>moving the goalposts
>Freshly discovered
Almost 40 years ago at WW2.
>people would just have magically thought up rocketry, computers, radars, radio controlled devices, nuclear power
Even if they would have, it would have taken at least ten times as long to get this far without conflict
Every single edgelord in this thread should listen to this, skip to 1:53:15 and listen to about 2 hours. Absolutely horrifying
Except Dresden never happened and you know it.
>Muh burning germans
Your response has nothing to do with what I said. If Dresden is a legitimate target then so are the Twin Towers.
>you must be a nationalist, a german or a nazi if you don't support killing of innocent civillians (who totally are actually evil because of where they were born bro pls beleive me)
Remember, guys, the only bad thing about the holocaust is that it didn't happen.
Dresden bombing was a false flag. Change my mind.
>Bomber Harris it would be more effective to bomb military targets instead of bombing civillian population cent-
>btw anglos are good, ignore how they ethnically cleansed entire continents and hitler only wrote about that in a book.
Where are the bodies of the so called Dresden firebombing?
Morality is subjective yes, but it should still be subject to logic. If you claim that directly targetting and killing tens of thousands of civilians is morally justified because of the economic damages it will cause to your enemy (Dresden) then you have to accept 9/11 (the normie explanation for simplicity sake) was also morally justified for the jihadists. If you do not accept it, then this means that the bombing of Dresden was morallly justified by some other reason than the one you first stated (like for example only germans died, who cares, my subjective morals make me care about americans)
Thank god white genocide is very real. Your time is running out, honky
>being a fat orange idiot is LITERALLY equivalent to being a genocidal austrian painter
>this is what some people here actually believe
How come we didn't compare Obama to Churchill for giving up on Ukraine in 2014? And why does drumbftf in office has anything to do with german atrocities?
My point is that your point is meaningless.
For argument's sake: Let's assume you are right. "The Twin Towers were a legitimate target".
Ok. Now what would that imply?
There were 9/11 references too.
Take your autism back to r/his/, cringelord.
Watch the documentary Hellstorm
Yeah, I gues it was worth it then, millions of people in Europe and Asia dying. There has never been ANY progress without wars
the point is you seem to think civilians are responsible for actions of the state which is false. you seem to think that this is somehow different if the state isn't performing actions which are 'just as bad'.
>war crimes can be justified
>w-we are better than ebil nazies I swear
That the Twin Towers were a legitimate target. Are you retarded?
And what the fuck does that even mean?
When I say "morally justified for the jihadists" I mean not according to their own moral framework (that's easy since we already agreed morality is subjective) but according to your own morality. In other words, if they were operating under your moral framework they would still find a way to justify killing those people.
There hasn't really been a leap seen on the scale from pre WW1 to Post WW2 ever.
If you measure all of the technological gains in a simple increase in the standard of living, the last time we had any substantial leap would have been the industrial revolution, almost 100 years earlier.
If you look at the standards of living post WW2, it explodes ridiculously for western countries.
Nigger I'm saying that at this point in war caring about few krauts in fucking Drestend is comical and grotesque.
I'd rather talk about fucking unit 731 than fucking Dresden.
What the fuck does it mean to say that Dresden is a legitimate target?
dont worry well take out the planet before we go
Fake news.
>lets ignore this war crime because there were worse war crimes
That the attack had purpose
1. Weaken German war effort
2. Demonstrate western air power to the Soviets
"Legitimate" "Moral" are meaningless words in these contexts. What court are you going to drag harris to?
>what is internet
>what are smartphones
>what is singularity (coming soon!)(™)
If you measure all the technological gains in the last 20 years, we went from having bulky shit personal computers to everyone owning a gook-made Internet terminal with enough RAM to play GTA:SA on it.
Fuck outta here with that war fetishism.
Dresden was not a war crime because it never happened. Just nazi lies.
Why is morality meaningless you nigger? Just because you say so?
>The attack had a purpose.
So does every terrorist attack and mass shooting. How does that make them different from Dresden?
It's not about them being worse, it's about cherrypicking ONE bad thing to happen to germany out of countless abominations against the humanity, that happened during the war
>ran out of arguments so just deny its existence
And all of that stems directly from technology that was first developed during WW2.
Sure you can always refine things as time moves on, but WW2 basically started the fields of computer sciences, rocketry and electronic engineering.
If there had been no WW2, we would probably still be in the 50's right now.
>there is only ((((one good logical view))))
Logic is binded to Logos. In english: Reasoning is binded to worldview.
>If you claim ... then you have to ...
No. If you have a fucked up logos, it's still logical. Because "logical" shows it's "logos".
Fuck latin. Fuck ancient greek. It's only shut but good for daze mankind.
Btw: You mistake me for an another user.
this episode was unironically the best one yet
>There has never been ANY progress without wars
What an absolute ignorant and stupid thing to say. I know you are parroting what someone else said because you think it sounds smart and I have heard it before too. Now you will listen to me and leave your ego out of the way as we are two anonymous in a cantonese cartoons board and we will use the brain together on this one. What's the time frame you're using to make this assertion? How many years of peace in western countries can we compare to how many years/decades/centuries/millenia of permanent war? That statement makes as much sense as saying there has never been any progress made outside of our timeline. What does the word "progress" even mean.
>there is no such thing as warcrimes! all is fair in war!
If two guys fight eachother in the streets then there is police and a law system to clear the matter up.
When nations drop bombs on eachother then conditions are different.
Is this hard to understand?
It's a practical difference. Terrorist attacks and mass shootings are generally matters for law enforcement.
>lets ignore that this one bad thing happened because it was the only bad thing that happened
even if that were true it is a weak arguement.
Where are the remains of the so-called Dresden holocaust victims?
>it's only shit but good to daze mankind
>>massacre millions all around Europe, burn villages to the ground and raze warsaw
None of that is true. The Warsaw attack only happened after all civilians were warned and left
melted into the pavement probably
low IQ watcher here. i'm still not seeing the "foreshadowing" of dany suddenly genociding thousands of innocents after they all surrendered.
>civilian target
>in fact there were even lots of civilians in eastern Europe that thanked the Germans for freeing them from communists
Oh boy this old story again, it dosen't matter how many times you repeat it /pol/ it will never be true.
>thinking it was allegory to Dresden and not war as a whole
You're all dumb normalfags.
Yeah, nobody would invent anything for any reason, there would be no global tensions without WW2, which was caused by le ebin joos btw, not aforemetioned tensions. We must launch a nuclear war right now, just so we can research teh lazors xDd.
Grow up.
The Lannisters entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to slaughter everyone else, and nobody was going to slaughter them. At Castermere, Blackwater Bay, The Twins, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
>Dresden only had civilians
demonstrably false, neck yourself wehraboo
I wish the Holocaust was real.
Reminder that the US purposely starved 3 million Germans to death after the war.
>When nations drop bombs on eachother then conditions are different
Are you trying to say that war crimes don't exist? Reality disagrees with you.
>they rarely bothered with civilians in warfare
imagine actually believing this and telling others they need to get their facts straight
Hahahahahaha What The Fuck How Can Warsaw Bombing Be Real Hahahah
Like Nigga Just Walk Away Hahaha
Like Just Move Out
What distinguishes a terrorist attack from a military attack?
What's up with amerimutts and their hard-ons for nazis? So fascinating, you won't see anything comparable in actual white european countries.
Yes, they should have blocked the borders and stopped all those civilians fleeing the Soviet zone, then when they starved that would be on Soviet heads!
Neonazis are obsessed with Dresden because all the shit-tier former DDR German neonazis are from there. They don't realise that Hamburg got bombed way worse than Dresden and had far more casualties.
>the germans were making poison gas, we had to bomb them
Even leftists and liberals back in the day thought dresden was to much. Wtf happend
Then why don't you call World Police and report the bombing of Dresden as a war crime. Good luck.
It calls to the anglo-puritan roots of this nation. Yeah, peiple forgot 'murrica was founded by British puritan uberchristian settlers.
Amerimutt subhumans just parody whatever the anglo subhumans that spawned them indoctrinate them with
They bombed the buildings retard, not the people. There's a difference, little shabbos goy.
Hamburg probably looked better after being bombed
You don't know these fucking hamburgers
They are the worst.
Whoa there user, cool it with the anti semitic remarks there
Terrorist attacks involve non state actors and non uniformed/open combatants
What really interests me is the anger with which american wehraboos treat Britain. Certainly not their own country, not even the fucking Soviets but the Brits are seen as betraying white people by not somehow casually switching sides the second Hitler invaded the USSR.
So you admit there are standards for war crimes between nations then?
If you claim to reason outside of logic then you're just being an edgelord since you would be unable to communicate with logical people. If you really operated outside of logic then you would be in the crazy house as you would be unable to use logic to understand how to operate in society. Assuming you use logic like a normal human being then how can you justify, inside of your own moral framework, that Dresden is a moral good and 9/11 a moral bad by using the sole explanation of "it causes economic damage to my enemies"? The answer is, you can't. You have to invoke some other explanation like "well, these are the nazis we're talking about" which in other words just means you favor your own nation/tribe over another, to the point where this is all the moral justification you need.
And don't give me this crap about not being the same user, you are defending his pov so you might as well be for all I care.
They did start the war.
dresden never happened but it's not too late to make it happen now
Hitler just wanted peace with the UK but nope, the UK would never accept someone else having a little power in Europe. They'll rather die with the rest and kill Europe forever.
that doesn't make any sense. the germans weren't british or puritan
Why are you this triggered? Are you really so naive to believe that people who are fat and content with life won't be pushed as hard to break in to new fields of science?
I mean, sure, there's an economic interest in being the first to invent something, but vs a fight for your own survival?
The brits build the first computer to crack the German enigma machine, spawning computing.
The Germans create the V1 and later V2 rocket, to shit all over England, as Germany's air force is now decimated and the remains on it on the Eastern Front, spawning rocketry and allowing the world to enter space twenty years later.
While the atom had already been split in 1917, it was first in 1945 that man had evolved enough to be able to harness that power.
You're literally retarded if you can't understand this.
These are just the two largest leaps forward
We realized that the so called Dresden bombing was a Nazi lie that never happened.
>tfw America used to be called the world police
>I know about the cee ay ey, and the middle east, but still
>nowadays we're fucking infested by literal neo-nazis
>Taylor writes that an official 1942 guide to the city described it as "one of the foremost industrial locations of the Reich" and in 1944 the German Army High Command's Weapons Office listed 127 medium-to-large factories and workshops that were supplying the army with materiel.
Wow, I didn't know that was a secret!
but the anglo is the enemy of the aryan
Yeah dude they were making poison gas. I told you already. We had to bomb the city centre.
Well obvoiusly the germans weren't british, but they were conservative, and as you might have guessed, and as you noticed, nazis recruit people drawn to these ideals.
>which is why we decided to incinerate every woman and child in the entire area
Why do so many Nazi apologists always bring up Dresden as some horrible crime than conveniently forget that the Luftwaffe completely bombed the shit out of civilians in London earlier in the war?
Criminality necessitates a higher court where crimes can be adjudicated and with the authority and capacity to enforce the sentence. Such a thing does not exist in the realm of international relations. The Hague has no police force or military with which to enforce a sentence without the cooperation of the national security apparatus.
>know cities are being bombed
>instead of going somewhere else you stay in the city
>moving the goalposts
the person i responded to said "Dresden only had civilians". If you want to talk about how they bombed the wrong areas, by all means, but that's a different topic.
because every nation involved in WW2 bombed a city.
Not every nation completely wiped a city with all of its inhabitants off the map.
The siege of Leningrad lasted over 800 days, and they didn't get anywhere near the death toll Dresden did.
>le snarky reddit response
You earlier outright denied that morality had any place in the discussion. Clearly the world disagrees with you. Furthermore if you apply the same moral standards to the Dresden firebombing then it should be considered a war crime regardless of muh total war excuse.
No, they did not. It was the Allies that first delibaretely targeted civilians.
>yeah, let me just magically transport my family and myself into the middle of the countryside, and magic a house and a paying job right there
>I will also magically make the SS death squads not appear at my door demanding to know why I am not helping the war effort
>>moving the goalposts
Well I'm not the person who said Dresden only had civlians.
>they rarely bothered with civilians in warfare
Neck yourself
Hitler allowed the brits to evacuate in Dunkirk because he thought the anglos would come to their senses and unite in the war against the bolscheviks. He saw the western european peoples as sharing something in common and couldn't order the slaughter of these people, hoping that mercy would make them reconsider their position. WW2 happened because of the anglos.
Morality is meaningless in this discussion. Just as meaningless as debating how moral or immoral fucking genghis khan was on his conquest and raping spree.
I'm a realist and you're some kind of american dreamer who couldn't even begin to imagine what life was like in a totalitarian state like Hitler's germany
ah yes, the famously christian nazis that would never indulge in anything pagan
>have barely any money because of the war
>expected to find enough money to live somewhere else for the remainder of the war
Cause in my lifetime I remeber the world as it was 25 years ago and the only major upset was the absolute curbstomp that is the Iraqui/ Gulf War
Yeah yeah I know, it still ain't shit compared to WW2, and I thank fuck that we weren't shipped off to Normandy in our lifetimes.
War develops war technologies. They might be useful in some cases by civilians, but mostly it stays at the battlefield. Nobody but school shooters is interested in the newest AR model.
I'd rather have us pay more to the fucking NASA.
Life isn't fair.
Safety is your own responsibility.
Sorry, not sorry, libtard.
Why is Dresden such an issue when plenty of other cities were turned to rubble in WW2?
Then why are you replying with something that completely misses the point of my post
>life was bad in hitlers germany
not for the germans
A lot of refugees fleeing from the Soviets just happened to be in Dresden though
Because it's stupid to argue in favor of the bombing of Dresden.
Again: I'm an another user.
Again: I pointed you the meaning of the word logos(logical) and moral(morality).
>use logic like a normal human
Only to guide normies that are too dumb to understand this fucked up nlp.
Use this for yourself? Then you're lost.
>you are defending his pov
I randomly saw your "moral/logos is self-explaining" statement. For the rest of this shit ("Nazziiis boooh") i'm too tired.
Because it was meant to be a showcase.
antibritish bigotry
Imagine if jon just gave her the dick bros, no madness will happen
By equating bombing of one fucking city to countless atrocities they committed they diminish the horror of their actions to others. It's literally propaganda.
Contrarians like to use it to try and demonstrate that WW2 was more morally grey than is conventionally made out to be.
Dresden is often used by nazi sympathizers to say that the allies were just as bad. A better example of allied war crimes would be firebombing of the japs though, not to mention the nukes.
>only jews and fags suffered and for eveyone else it was a paradise xD
kill yourself
>I'm a realist and you're some kind of american dreamer who couldn't even begin to imagine what life was like in a totalitarian state like Hitler's germany
Germany was not any more totalitarian than the British Empire or any other country in the world, if you weren't a communist or a jew. And if you were a jew, you could simply leave.
Literally the biggest waste of money
Radical centrist take incoming, but what if bombing civilians on both sides is bad.
The double standard.
WW2 was not grey
It was as black and white as any war will ever be.
I don't think I ever said I was in favor of it. Someone claimed Dresden had no justifiable targets, while there is clear evidence that it did which I pointed out.
Lmao. Not even the most pozzed nat geo documentaries about ww2 have this hot take. I saw one just a few months ago that conceded it was churchill that made attacking civillian targets with no strategic value the norm.
yes, white is always the winners
>only jews and fags suffered and for eveyone else it was a paradise xD
this but unironically. give me some sources to prove otherwise.
>It was as black and white as any war will ever be.
True. The National Socialists were the good guys by a large margin
>War develops war technologies. They might be useful in some cases by civilians, but mostly it stays at the battlefield.
You know that nice setting that you have on your phone, which allows it to tell you exactly where you are in the world, down to which street number?
The GPS system was first developed because people driving tanks in Iraq had no idea where the fuck they were in the middle of the desert.
After time, it became available for civilians to use.
Money is a good motivator, but it will never compare to being forced to produce something under pain of everything you know being destroyed.
>be a jew
>the nazis just invade the country were you left
>well, guess you should have just left the planet xD
It's not about le undead kike, it's about purity, in german case of race, in christcuck case purity of soul/morals/whatever.
Except it never happened. The Dresden victim count was a lie by the Nazis.
>Large variations in the claimed death toll have fuelled the controversy. In March 1945, the German government ordered its press to publish a falsified casualty figure of 200,000 for the Dresden raids, and death toll estimates as high as 500,000 have been given.
The imagery was much more powerful than the others, like no one gives a shit about the bombing of Tokyo even though more people died in it than Dresden or Hiroshima
The bombing of Dresden was justified, as were the bombings carried out by the Luftwaffe. War is violent.
t. German
holy fuck
As I said. You cannot even imagine life in such a state.
I'm sure you'll make completely ethical and righteous choices under those circumstances :^)
every moral system involves purity
>implying 56%ers are remotely aryan
>unprovoked attack
Not justified
I'm getting mixed signals here. So sending shit into space is useless or not? And how come our little stupid fucking probles we create amongst ourselves, FOR ourselves are more important that a random comet yeeting our asses into high paleo?
Everything against Germans was justified
We started war against the whole world.
>You don't know these fucking hamburgers
>They are the worst.
I hate americans too user.
>2010 study done by cucked germans
seems legit
Except for the firebombing of Tokyo. The bombing of Dresden, the two atomic bombs, and the Soviet occupation of Germany.
Seriously, you were on the dance side as stalin, and you think there's not some amount of grey in there? If the other side had son, do you think their school books would say "and so, the despicable germans destroyed the last of the heroic but doomed allies, winning the war and plunging the world into an authoritarian nightmare"?
The women and children have hands to toil and factories and fingers to pull triggers, they're not innocent.
The good guys Always manage to prevail in every war, thank god, you gotta wonder why the bad guys even try given they lose every time!
>be a Jew in Germany
>leave to France
>survive the war
All Germans are cucked
Throughout our entire history
That is why this thread is so funny
Its burgers defending nazi shit while germans and all other europeans tell you that the germans deserved everything.
>say nothing
Why bother replying? Go make these posts on twitter or reddit where at least you can get some internet cookies or is my (you) really worth it?
>As I said. You cannot even imagine life in such a state.
Oh, so is that why everyone in Germany loved Hitler before the war? Because it was so totalitarian and so bad? The Germans adored Hitler. You can get that information from history and from the recounts of Germans who lived during that time period.
As far as the authoritarianism part goes, I'll say it again. Germany was no more authoritarian than the British were.
>Dresden didn't happen because look at the inconcistencies in the death figure rising year after year
>o-oy vey, no the Shoah was definitely real, but only now can we begin to fully process the atrocities the nazis committed to over 18 million Jews. In Auschwitz alone, over 10 million innocent Jews were killed every year.
Have fun with british ""women""
Both sides shouldn’t have bombed civilians at all. Germany lost Battle of Britain because it opted for the blitz over radar and airfields.
Worse, Hitler should have known better given his obsession with Clausewitz.
>Demonstrate western air power to the Soviets
The russians gave a shit about the western air power. Especially after Operation Bagration that smashed the germans harder than any D-Day. Bur amermimutts know nothing about that.
Ciao normie.
>muh Dresdencaust
You’re just as bad as the kikes.
The Americans are so deeply fried in freedom that they cannot comprehend what tyranny is.
They actually believe that the only difference between imperial germany and nazi germany was the magical disappearance of the jews.
every right-of-center includes purity as one of the major selling points, yes. I'm not talking about the morality of it all, I'm just saying how these people get drawn into it, cause it's easier to get ""more pure"" in your ideals that to start caring about purity at all. Americans being descended culturally from the hyperconservative Anglos are naturally vulnerable to Nazi propaganda, and it's a stroke of luck we weren't on the nazi side during WW2 to begin with.
stop larping Mehmed
We are the perpetrators and have admitted we are guilty.
I don't even see who this discussion is between
Who the fuck argues to defend Germans when we ourselves don't want that?
Sending shit in to space won't produce an increase in the standards of living here on earth for a long time.
Why should I care about the standard of living being increased by .05% for my great grandkids?
>Hey guys did you know the nazis didn't even get a majority of the vote when they seized power
Wrong. If the anglos didn't tell Poland "we got your back bro stay strong bro" then Poland would have simply given the german territories that were STOLEN in ww1 back to Germany and there would be no ww2. But Poland had to flex cuz they have the anglos backing them up.
>We are the perpetrators and have admitted we are guilty.
>admit fault after decades of occupation
Doesn't really count for much does it?
Not a turk but yes Germany now is full of turks
and that makes it better
and that comes as a result of losing the war
which is related to dresden
So yeah everything is fine. In the long run this was good for Europe even if plenty of germans had to die.
he is not a kike, probably. but a mischling(mutt) intelligent enough to be aware that he is a subhuman and to browse Yea Forums. they hate us germans because they have no country themself, no nation. be aware of them. they are a threat because they want to destroy what they will never be part of. its like the mestizios in south america that genocided the indios in south america as result of self hatred
This. NOT TO FUCKING MENTION Danzig wanted to join Germany. And Hitler offered an alliance and a deal to the Polish as an Axis against the Soviet threat a number of times which they rejected.
>that pic
Literally noone but the soldiers were Nazis btw, all civilians were good-natured folk who just wanted to frolick on dandellion fields and make butter.
>Although most deported Jews died, the survival rate of the Jewish population in France was up to 75% which is one of the highest survival rates in Europe.[2][3]
>Germany was no more authoritarian than the British were.
How many politicial parties were permitted in the Third Reich?
How many political parties were permitted in the United Kingdom?
Dumb stormtard you don't even deserve a (You)
I can only hope you learned something and are just larping. The good thing about talking user is you don't get to be humiliated in public.
>literally no one rebelled
>no civil war when they saw how fucked things were
>they kept fighting until they lost Berlin and their leader killed himself/escaped
Literally nobody seems to remember Anglos promising us safety in case of war, which was the major factor in deciding our approach to g*rmany
>inb4 b-but Poles started it!
>tfw no Valaryian fuhrer gf
>Muh good war
>the war wouldn't have happened if everyone just kept giving everything he wanted to Hitler!
American saying "fuck Obama" in 2009.
>Nothing happens.
American saying "fuck Trump" in 2017.
>Nothing happens.
German saying "to hell with Hitler" in 1940.
>enjoy the rest of your life in labor camp
>Excuse me while I don't understand what total warfare means
it's partly correct though.
In the first few weeks of operation Barbarossa, it was fairly common to be greeted with kindness and as liberators by the peasants.
But then they realized that the Nazis were like the commies but on steroids and were going to gas everyone they could, and when the Nazis decided on policies like 100 villagers killed for every soldier, they just kept creating more insurgents for themselves.
A hearts and minds approach could easily have worked in the east. But both Hitler and Stalin wanted to turn this war into a war of extermination with no holds barred.
>literally no one rebelled
>the war wouldn't have happened if Britain didn't make a meaningless pact with Poland
You stole german land with german people living in it and you should have just given it back to their rightful owners and avoided war. Arguing against this only means you're scum and deserve to be nuked.
this thread fucking took off wth
The war would have gone very differently if the anglo decided that communist Poland was at least as bad as Nazi Poland and declared war on the USSR for doing the exact same thing Germany was doing.
>just trigger the polack bro
Not today. Spend 5 minutes with a map and talk to me again.
>the Nazis decided on policies like 100 villagers killed for every soldier
fake news
>Not ever
You're either an edgelord or an actual thieving gipsy, either way you're unable to make an argument that goes over the twitter limit.
And now UK is colonized by pajeets, poles and pakis. A muslim is in charge of London. Their new defence minister is a female minister who championed LGBT rights. Their economy and politics is a mess. Karma’s a bitch
Give me a good site to watch this shitshow online pls
Maybe the Jews should have stopped usury and war-profiteering?
>don't get humiliated in public
>adapt to the environment
>don't risk anything
Too late. Still forget how young some are here.
>still REEElearned something
Nigga what?
You do know that these lands you're speaking of were polish before the germanoids stole them, right? You also know about centuries of germanisation, yes? You are just trolling me for the sake of it?
What am I saying, of course not, why would an americano boi learn about this shit in his >american education. But why are you trying to pretend yoy know more about this shit than I do? I don't second-guess you on some civil war shit nigga, fuck off.
>2 days
>8 months
Don't make those questions on this board they'll tell you "not today" or "I'm tired" in order to pretend they have some sort of answer they can't think of. I'm just interested in following the reactions to GoT it hurts to interact with npcs.
The blitz refers to the entire German bombing campaign over britain, which as per your infographic, lasted a year. The bombing of dresden was an intense bombing focused on a single city which lasted one or two days and produced nearly the entire amount of casualties as the blitz, which was a year-long campaign covering the entire country of Britain.
If you want to compare the Blitz to something, compare it to the entire aerial bombing campaign above Germany which killed something like 500,000 civilians.
>dabbing on 25k krauts in just 2 days
Based Harry