30 Rock 2006-2013, man yesterday I rewatched some episodes and jesus fucking christ it looked like a million of years ago. How it is possible the world has changed so much in just 10ish years?
Shows aged like shit
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smartphones and social media
This was never funny though.
Jack is redpilled and based.
American sitcoms that were never funny but a bunch of retards thought they were thread?
absolute shit take
Exponential technological advancement since the advent of widespread computing
I made a better looking explosion in fucking iMovie 2 years before this came out.
Tina fei is prime milf material
She's the perfect stupid liberal mother. Also she's a big dummy
You’re a dink, 30 rock is still great
I'm not saying is bad, just it aged like shit.
Yeah pretty much this
Office UK wasn't so funny too
It's always kino in philadelphia was kino till season 3-4
Lol, Friends looks like set in '800
>Hasn't aged well
>It's dated
Anyone who thinks these are legitimate criticisms should be gassed. Also television in the 00s was a hundred times better than TV today
>Also television in the 00s was a hundred times better than TV today
Jane Krakowski is so underrated as a piece of ass.
>Parks and Recs
>Brooklyn 99
>30 Rock
>The Office
>Bob's Burger
>Bojack Horseman
brooklyn 99 is apex garbage
>till season 3-4
No you son of a bitch, that's when it got good.
Unfuny liberal, “self congratulatory patting on the back” show. The jokes are so “insider” that I believe whoever produced it kept pumping their money into it because they enjoyed it so much, not because anyone actually watched it in big numbers
It had its moments earlier on in its lifespan. After the story became too involved and intertwined with relationships and other interpersonal bullshit, that’s when it just turned into an unfunny parody of itself. It devolved I go an over the top, stupid soap opera for millennial women. What once felt natural and outrageous but believeable became “let’s see how outrageous and far we can go this week to keep people interested”. Dwight and his character arc is the best example of this trope.
Was never funny. Retard show for retards. Except for the one episode where the guy was trying to hook up with the two girls from different protest rallies and gets caught. Even then I’m not sure if it was funny or I was just a lot younger and thought it was funnier because I had a some shots and a friend made me watch it with them.
Seasons 1-8 were great. Only other exception I’ll make is also Episode 5 in Season 11
I’ve flipped back and forth in this for a while. Sometimes it’s been surprisingly funny, other times it’s been astonishingly braindead and stupid. I associate Gen Xer’s with this show and my sister in law was a huge fan, but she’s a complete retard so there’s this feeling of retards are who it’s for, because they see themselves in these characters and not because it’s actually or consistently well written
Comfy as hell for the first few seasons. When the kid starts to get a little older it got bad. It was unwatchable well before Charlie was booted off the show
>only exception is tomacco
Nice meme, but there are plenty of decent episodes after season 8. It gradually got worse, it didn't happen all at once
Subtle, user
>Unfunny liberal patting on the back show
Yes, but to be fair many of the show plots revolved around Tina Fey’s character sanctimoniously acting like a typical progressive and then proceeding to get BTFO by the unintended consequences of her own ideology. Also, for a shown written and staffed entirely by liberals, they managed to make neocon republicans come off as actually kind of funny and cool (which may have been unintentional on their part) which would NEVER be allowed to happen in 2019.
I don’t think they did any of that intentionally user. Characters getting into bad situations regardless of whether or not it offended anyone was the thing in the 90-00s. If she always got her way there would be no reason for their main audience to come back and watch. It’s an old tactic. The show was “lol everyone’s so whacky and quirky!” so of course neocons weren’t depicted like retards.
because America is on the brink of a neo-Bolshevik revolution?
> not intentionally
I jut rewatched the whole series for fun a few months ago. A lot of times the conflict/arc for an episode was specifically structured as “Liz’s liberal & woke approach vs Jack’s mean spirited repulican approach now let’s see who is superior” and plenty of time Liz was forced to eat shit. You make a good point but you also dont produce six pretty great seasons of politically charged television by being even-handed and good humored only on occasion and completely on accident. They walked a careful line and pulled it off IMO.
I’m about as right wing as they come and having watched it all they never came off as mean spritied and playing to one side of the audience - which is why it could never be made today.
No, not really.
tina fey channeled her conservative father pretty well and so could make jokes that appeal to anyone on the political spectrum, same thing with snl during her time. im surprised to hear so many people thinking its liberal trash desu but people go out of their way to hate things these days
>its actually even handed
>im right wing
There’s no way you could think this show is even handed if you were actually right wing. I’m pretty liberal don’t but even I could see the show was very liberal. The only reason her boss got her way was to make him like an evil republican boogeyman that their demographics would have a love/hate relationship with. That and Tina is clearly using the series as a cathartic outlet for her emotional hang ups about her own dad, by turning everything into a clown world of over the top reactions and characters.
How I Met Your Mother.
dude this has to be a troll post. i watched the entire series and it’s unmistakably liberal. like, there’s no debating this. and i enjoyed the show
I think you’re both missing the forest for the trees. Or maybe I just sidnt take the ribbing on the show personally.
Yes Fey is an obnoxious liberal and pushed her views/lived vicariously through Liz Lemon. She also had the good sense to know when to reign in the preachy bullshit and stick to satirizing what was actually funny/worth criticizing.
I don’t need to have my personal side of things validated 1-for-1 and given the same self-congratulatory sort of boost that inevitably occurs on almost all tv shows - even on ones like 30 rock.
So long as my side is not portrayed dishonestly/strawmanned all to hell and so long as it’s held to a similar comedic standard as the lefty side then i dont mind because i know that the liberal showrunners are then likely going to overcompensate when they inevitably try and make sure they don’t feel like they are “accidentally legitimizing/creating a false quivalence”
for viewpoints they are vocally against in the real life. Once they humanized republicans on the show, it wound up juxtaposing them against the increasingly more crazy behaviors the liberal characters, which for many people seemed to confirm that “yeah you know compared to these weirdos they’re not so unreasonable”
Find me any other show that portrayed a reaganite neocon as anything other than pure evil. They even had condi make a cameo appearance for god’s sake
Different user here. For what it’s worth, I completely agree with you.
Hi tina, hows unemployment been
Tina Fey probably isn’t able to articulate this well exactly why 30 rock was as good as it was, which is why she hasn’t had nearly the same amount of success since it ended
That show was dated even when it was airing. For god's sake proof read your posts next time, your english is broken and aneurysm inducing.
have sex
Ok I’ll get right on that
It's still good. Lolrandom humor as a style has been played out via the Internet by now which is why it appears dated. The jokes are still solid.
>would you like some soi with your latte
You’re not fooling anyone
I post this in every 30 rock thread. Still funny.
Feel free to disagree then.
And this is an example of what I’m referring to. Milton Greene was a totally
preposterous caricature of a northeast sanders-tier liberal and in no way was intended to be taken seriously. He was a total pussy compared to Jack and not even in a sympathetic way most of the time.
For every single democrat watching going “yeah! You tell ‘em Milton! 30 rock is sooo based.” there were 10 people in middle america saying “lol what a fag this is really what these people want to turn the country into”
For every burn laid on the right, there was usually a even better one that was inadvertently laid on the left. And in the interest of restraint and mass appeal they wound up satirizing themselves way more than they migh have otherwise which is one of the reasons I always enjoyed the show. You could tell they repeatedly boxed themselves in and had no choice but to play by their own rules - which they probably hated.
They hand out these kinds of pamphlets at NBC now unironically as part of diversity training