Was her becoming bad always suggested or did Dumb and Dummy pull it out of their ass?
Was her becoming bad always suggested or did Dumb and Dummy pull it out of their ass?
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It was hinted at for ages.
How is she bad?
It wasn't
fans were deluded beyond belief if they ever thought the targaryen arc was going anywhere. just like the night king. same shit
This is what they said and is real.
It was always suppose to happen but I don't think they expected the audience to follow her blindly through all the seasons and not admit when she's in the wrong.
It was.
Is Dany being bad actually a surprise to anyone? If she ended up being good that would be the most subversive of all.
>i want to conquer westeros no matter what
i dont know how someone did not expect this to be the outcome
There are hints but they don't really point in the "burn innocents by the thousands" direction yet. If the books ever go down that route they would probably get a little more explicit with it instead of rushing it in 3 episodes.
alright, now go back to /pol/
They threw in some hints here and there but the execution was terrible.
>turn your babyface draw heel for a heel vs heel wrestlemania match no one cares about
>turn your cocky brawler babyface into a chickenshit horse girl
>have one of your most awaited battles end in a double count out after a spear
>kill off your best GM
>dragon run ins in every match
>jaimie wins lol
horrible booking tbqh
Pulled it out their ass after noticing they'd done just enough to make out it was "always hinted at".
Well let's look at things. She burned alive a rape victim who was only getting revenge on a man who butchered her people, a man who promised to sail to Westeros, enslave the children and rape the women.
Holy cringe
What's it like having the IQ of a dishrag?
To dumb white womyn it is.
the books hinted at it pretty cleverly by only ever giving us her perspective.
dany realizes that people are angry or scared of her but in her own mind she never understands why.
book 6 is going to be the first time that we get to read a chapter featuring dany from another persons perspective (tyrion) who will probably quickly realize how easy to anger she is
it was hinted for ages but executed poorly
just listen to the score at the season 6 finale when Dany's coming home with a fleet and 3 dragons
it's triumphant, but she's a conqueror coming to invade with a foreign army and WMDs. it's dumb.
How about you yikes your way back to r*ddit, you nigger.
>the Jewish problem
Oh, of course.
>commands man-eating fire monsters
>burned witchers and sacked entire city to get them back
>commands plundering savage horde
>trapped and burned their leaders to attain control over them
>commands soulless killbot army
>deceives and burns the people that sell them to get the army
There is a moment very early on, where she repeats a line word for word from Viserys.
It's a nice reminder they're all fucking crazy.
She needlessly (we assume) killed and encouraged her army to kill the majority of the innocent civilian population of Kings Landing, a city over which she originally sought to rule by being bot just their savior from the zombies, but also tyrannical subjugation.
For a ruler, or anyone with that amount of power, it is bad to be so irresponsible and impulsive- although it is human nature to do what she did, it is bad to give into that nature when the consequences are so atrocious.
It was hinted at, but also hinted against, every character """arc""" in this show is completely schizophrenic, look at Jaime for another example
I'm not going to claim the books are high art, but at least they're thematically consistent
Reminds me of Star Wars prequels desu, but even worse.
They hinted at it a few times, but she just went absolutely ham out of no where.
I love how the preview before the episode had all those "hint" lines blaring over her face, real subtle
>Don't wanna wake the dragon
>Children aren't their parents
This. They've been dropping hints that she'd be the final villain for seasons, but most people weren't sharp enough to pick them up.
it was really when she started executing people and strong-arming her proxy small council
Most people just didn't want to accept it
Kill yourself showonly normie
The SJW/ feminist crown is livid but Dany always had it in her.
She was always balancing on a knife's edge between good and evil.
Did D&D intern for Raimi or something?
What hints????
She was supposed to have an arc. she got popular so D&D tried to avoid that. Sansa suffered something similar, she was supposed to be under LF's wing, her arc was to get smart and learn how to manipulate people (letting Jon lose half of his army and shit like that that wasn't adressed in the show). But instead of that D&D thought it was better to justfilm in winterfell so Sansa rape happened, so she goes from being a retard that lied once to being the smartez women in the show, how? apparently Ramsey's semen is as good as character development.
Where were the hints of her burning civilians at random?
This. Crazy Dany was the least-wrong thing in the episode- it could've been a little more gradual- but she's always been crazy
Plenty of dany might be going crazy in the books. Not much setup in the show.
Your "hints" are moments the showrunners wanted viewer to cheer on, because she only did it to the "bad guys", whatever that means. At no point before did it feel she was losing it or that she would turn on kids at random
Nowhere. All is just asspull.
In the Episode 4 of the season 3 she said: "slay every man who holds a whip, BUT HARM NO CHILD" She NEVER killed civilians indiscriminately before
Yeah, and as we learn for the latest episode, D&D are masters at manipulating exactly how their audience should feel about what they put on screen.
>euron fight
>all those named characters living
>jamie arc
>vary's death
>so, so so much more
>S4 scorpion surface to air system is now offline, AIM 4 scorpions will replace them
likely GRRM told them the basics, and this is dnd lack of writing skill trying to fill in the gaps with horrible writing. Maybe the books will be better and explain the outcomes
It was but because she is a woman people are intentionally blind
The most brilliant subversion was how the show was able to deceitfully portray this impulsive, mentally unstable conqueror who's shit at actually leading but tempers her failures as a leader by surrounding herself with sycophants drawn to her cult of personality, and who dreams of invading a rich and complex land that she's never actually been to using her savage foreign hordes and flying WMDs simply because she believes it to be owed to her by birth, as a protagonist and have >95% of the viewership be none the wiser to what was actually going to happen.
You are retarted. Sorry..
What is wrong with Trump all of the sudden?
It was always hinted at, but really poorly done in writing. Clarke acted it the best she could, but the writing was complete shit to get us there.
>Was her becoming bad always suggested
yes, why is this even a question you stupid fuck
The real question I want answered is what kind of power do these bong boys really have over Targs? Does it throw them into an autism frenzy or something?
Villain written as a hero
My friend and I just finished ep5 and lots of tweets hate Dany.
My friend told me this:
Every great conquest (Alexander of Macedon, Genghis Khan and Napoleon Bonaparte) most likely had massacres and rape. And GOT was inspired by real events.
I'm not aware of history but I don't know how to react.
Her entire story has been overreacting to everything and being protected by wiser people around her. It wasnt done well, but she basically always wanted to solve things in the most direct and violent way possible until someone would explain the consequences to her.
Not to say it was done well, but it's definitely been implied for a while
This. She's only been the breaker of chains when it has served her interest.
She conquers Mereen, etc, and runs it into the ground with thousands of lives lost, before she gets bored with it and abandons it. Her actions have been Cersei-tier from the get-go.
Don' forget her magical dragons which solidify her position as the chosen one but if you actually paid any attention whatsoever you immediately notice her overreliance on them makes her unable to solve conflict by any other means.
Pretty good deconstruction of the mary sue archetype desu.
I think it was always intended, its just that they rushed her madness to the point where it doesnt make sense
you barely get a sense that shes insane before she does something completely bonkers
its too soon and too fast. all she has are insecurities that people might not like her that much.. and maybe shes a little mad about her adviser being killed.. but its barely built up that shes going mad.
They said THAT?!
That's a teenage girl learning leadership.
They wasted Season 6 on Ramsay Bolton. Bolton was never worth more than a 2-3 episode arc and Seasons 6 and 7 should have been edited down and combined, with Season 7 being nothing but the long night with the night's king getting defeated in S7E7 and Season 8 being 8 episodes of the mad queen arc, done as a slow and gradual process of bad breaks and bad decisions like Robb's descent in Season 3.
Last night's episode was perfect, though. It just should have been S8E7, with 6 episodes of her being increasingly unstable leading up to it.
>I don't know how to react
Well, is he making excuses for Dany? Because the show, the writers, and GRRM himself have been trying to get people onto Dany's side because they want us to judge her by our modern standards of morality. We are okay with Ned beheading oath breakers because it's their custom in a primitive society; but Dany is the Breaker of Chains, Freer of Slaves, every confidant she has wants her to "break the cycle". Well, did she? No, the city fell, the people surrendered with the bare minimum casualties to get soldiers to throw down their weapons, and she had no reason to light up citizens, but what did she do? She doesn't even live up to the moral standards of the characters in the show.
This. Only retards didn't realize, she has always ran on emotions and executed people she felt like.
-Danny betrays and executes the masters of Meereen
-Danny executes the Tarly
-Danny jealous of Jon during the party after killing the Night King
-Danny threatens Jon the first time she meets him
...but not to this extent, which was absurd. She could have just leveled the Red Keep and it would have been just as effective a message. Nothing suggested she'd toast countless 5 year old girls.
It might have been hinted but her main thing was always that she controlled her worst impulses due to having a kind heart and being councilled by smarter people. Her turning mad isn't the problem, the problem is how fast it happened. Instead of slowly turning her character they completely rushed a 180°.
6 seasons later
The city 'surrendered' after her army breached the walls, she had every right to refuse their surrender and kill and pillage the whole city. If they had surrendered earlier when Dany came to negotiate that would have been a different story.
>has been some as becoming increasingly more power hungry, brutal and unstable for at least 3 seasons now
>the only thing that reigned in her tendencies in earlier seasons were her advisors
jesus fucking christ, even the brainlet tier writing of this show is too smart for the average viewer
that was a bluff
Since Mereen if not earlier.
It was hinted she would turn into a tyrant as she became increasingly unreasonable and hypocritical towards anyone who disagreed with her, but randomly burning innocents and the entire city is an asspull and now she turned into a two dimensional villain. It would have made more sense if she had burned just the enemy soldiers after surrender as punishment and a show of power.
Season 1: Dany burns the person who killed her husband and her baby.
Season 2: Dany burns a guy trying to steal her dragons and imprison her.
Season 3: Dany kills the masters who enslave the boys and force them to become Unsullied.
Season 4: Dany crucifies the masters after they crucify children to get her to leave.
Season 5: Dany burns the noblemen who was causing an uprising and going to kill her.
Season 6: Dany didn't burn Vaes Dothrak. She burned a hut where Khalar vezhven was taking place and she was threatened with death and rave.
Season 7: A wagon train that has the Lannister army transporting Highgarden supplies after they attacked one of her advisers and saw a scorpion used against her dragon.
Season 8: She burns all of King's Landing and the people therein because she's sad, Jon won't fuck her, and the Red Keep made her mad
it's clearly GRRM's input
They had to really justify killing her character, hence all the dying women and children.
>Her turning mad isn't the problem, the problem is how fast it happened. Instead of slowly turning her character they completely rushed a 180°
I have no problem with how they did it, but it probably should have been a season-long arc like Robb in Season 3, with her losing Jorah and her other advisors/friends one by one, and moving stuff like her burning the Tarly's to the post-long night arc to, like Robb, highlight her downfall as a mix of bad breaks and bad decisions. Save Jon learning R+L=J for after the night's king, and have it also be a major part of the arc with all the dissent and uncertainty that the "secret" throws into Danys claim.
danny being bad ruler was always obvious, the actual problem is the characters realizing this 2 episodes from the end, when shes been waving a figurative and literal red flag above her head the hole time.
In the books her destination as a mad queen is more obvious, D&D just fucked up by removing almost all nuance of her Essos voyages to appease the YAS QUEEN crowd.
Her character arc has been rushed, just like Stannis, but because Stannis is Stannis and Kelly C was the favorite of SJWs worldwide Yea Forums will defend this terrible writing and shitpost anyone who dares to disagree to death with one word replies like "danyfag", "tranny", or my personal favourite "bookfag".
The problem isn't that it happened, it's that it wasn't executed well. The situation should have had a sliver of ambiguity to trigger her. Then she'd point that out and Tyrion could call bullshit and say, "no, they were surrendering. You know it and I know it. You wanted an excuse and a few isolated dead enders in an alley gave that to you."
Making it this blazingly obviously evil was a little too ham handed.
she dies in the next episode according to freefolk...lets see it..
I noticed it in Season 4 she became all bitchy and had traits I have seen in feminists and dykes
What's that saying? everytime a Targ is born the Gods flip a coin? well you can't have two sane Targs, Jon Snow is an idiot but he's not insane, Dany has always been immature as a leader and not good at following advice, remember she's like 14 or 15 in the books so she's still a sperging teenager so its obvious she had the potential to go mad.
Like the time where she locked away her dragons because they killed an innocent child? What about how she has never intentionally harmed innocent people/people who haven't wronged her somehow?
This made no sense. Did she rule with an iron fist at times? Sure. Did she ever go around encouraging the murder of thousands of innocent people? Never ever.
>the only thing that reigned in her tendencies in earlier seasons were her advisors
Exactly this. The moment Jorah and Missandei were dead, you could tell that it wouldn't end well. Actually, from the moment she burned Randall and Dickon, you should have been able to tell that this was going to be a tragedy. Both Robb and Stannis died for far smaller transgressions.
Exactly. She did nothing wrong. She's the queen and a strong woman needs to show her power.
She said she wanted to break the wheel and make a just society. Well, this is her doing it. What are loser incels complaining about?
I'm With Her
In the books? Yes
In the show? No until 2 episodes ago lmao
>conveniently leave out all the crazy shit she's done. Like burning prisoners of war and feeding people to her dragons who eat them alive, subduing and pushing her ideologies on different cultures, getting every city she touches into a state of civil war that never works out for the civilians, etc
Yes. It's always been part of her arc.
She didn’t just burn the city because she is grief-stricken, she did it because John has a stronger claim to the throne and she knows it — so why leave a city for him to rule? They’ve been sending her down this path for many seasons and it makes total sense. Dany hasn’t been a hero since the early seasons. She’s been an ineffective “leader” who did one big, good thing one time. The rest of her story arc has been ego and “I’M THE TRUE QUEEN” without anything to back it up.
>becoming bad
this is how you know someone is a pleb. she removed lannister scum root and stem. people in KL were all complicit to all the bullshit previous tyrants did
It's a retarded saying. Most Targs were good
This, the issue isnt actually her going crazy, the retards writing this show made Dany out to be this all good savior in a show where things are mostly gray and "honorable" people make stupid mistakes and die, in all truth they should've constantly been pushing Dany towards psycho bitch but they did it all in just a few rushed episodes.
And that makes her mad? Literally every lord did things on the same level or even worse. Even Ned Stark threatened and executed people who might have deserved otherwise.
>Someone responding to a meme and then you respond whining because the response to the meme wasn't complete enough to include every single instance.
literally half of them are bad
Behind the scenes doesn't mention the claim. The writers said that she looks at the Red Keep which is a symbol of what her family went through. So she decides to make it personal then...
By destroying all of Kings Landing and burning its people alive.
In other words a rushed ending. Dabid butchered the writing.
So is Daario the King of Meereen now?
I wish they would have gone balls deep with it.
>after all the shit she went through, Dany tries to kill herself
>fucking doesn't do it at the last minute and laugh like a maniac
>dress all in black and begins to talk like some over-the-top theatrical villain
>Dany Palpatine in the House bitches!
>YESSSSS! Burn them all! BURN IT ALL HAHAHA!!!!!
Everyone who claims that Dany burning the city is totally in character is fucking retarded. And I'm not talking about an insult here, I say that people who seriously believe this are most likely mentally challenged
ned stark followed the law, you desert the nights watch, execution. He never enjoyed it, it was duty. Look at dany when she roasts someone alive, like Dickon, she stands there smug about it.
theres people who execute oathbreakers; Jon Edd, who visibly take no pleasure in it. and people who revel in it, like Cersei Joffrey Ramsay Daenerys Arya, and they're all a bit nutty and they're all good in their own way.
>people genuinely expecting the conqueror beyond the sea with foreign armies and dragons to EVER be the good guy
Unless I'm now surprised to cheer for the colonization of America by Europeans, because that's ptetty much what we did there and people don't gush about us doing it.
Should have made a few scenes of full psychotic break down after each her dragons died.
The monster is inside all of us.
They wear all black and burn their prisoners alive. Didn't you ever see that "Are we the baddies?" skit?
>Ned executed people
On a person by person basis as per law, or in battle. Even the slavers in Mereen, they were just living life the way they were taught. Having slaves, like people did in the real world, wasn’t something people knew was evil but did it anyway. It was a fact of life for literally thousands of years in almost every culture. It was “normal” until it wasn’t.(because we evolved more mirror neurons and higher levels of empathy)
Why isn't it in character then, retard?
Just because in the show you only see a few it doesn't meant that's actually the case.
Most Targeryans Kings and princes were good.
>something something bad writing something
Based retard
>she had every right
Did you not read the post or watch the show? You are talking in terms of "might makes right", and Dany was declaring to break the cycle of tyranny and free the citizens of KL before arriving there. Even from the standpoint of might makes right, characters are appalled at the senselessness of the raping and pillaging.
Just from a practical standpoint, if you got an entire city on their knees, you don't start a rampage where you'll lose more soldiers when you're already near a breaking point.
D&D are hacks and the show sucks....BUT
Dany was never a good ruler, she was balancing a kind heart with mad violent tendencies that were only held back by her friends
and the love of the people and her lover. She had none of that anymore, nothing to hold back the dragon inside her, she realized
that she wanted an excuse and didn’t want them to surrender, she won but knew she’d never be loved, she is not loved in westeros,
she is not a breaker of chains here or a savior, people know about Jon’s claim and they love him more, she realized she was alone,
she knew her reign is sustained by force alone and her dragons, two of which are dead, only fear is left so she used it and now no one will defy her.
The show rushed her madness and played up the fan service so that’s
why it’s hard to believe but “some” of the groundwork was there, season 2 and 4 foreshadowed this through two visions and I have no doubt that this had GRRM’s hand in it.
Why is it a hint when danaerys kills people, but when jon executes "traitors" who were just worried about a wildling invasion, or when arya slaughters an entire family the starks betrayed before and feeds them to their head, or when sansa decides to play along with littlefingers plan just so she can sentence him to death in front of everyone without a trial its treated like the most normal thing in the world and no one bats an eye or brings up "stark madness"?
At what point in her character did "murder the entire civilian population of a city I want to free" become in-character for Daenerys. She's brutal to her enemies, but she'll do downright stupid things for the sake of women and children.
>and people who revel in it, like Cersei Joffrey Ramsay Daenerys Arya, and they're all a bit nutty and they're all good in their own way.
Cersei was built up as a total madwoman since season 1. Ramsay and Joffrey are both completely evil, I don't know where exactly they're supposed to be "good". Aryas character is completely deformed since all she knew for a young age since many years is misery and revenge. Her arc actually got a satisfying end this episode. Daenerys however has done NOTHING to built up to even half of what she did this episode. The slave traders she executed were scum and the Tarlys were given a chance to give in and they didn't. There is no madness in what she did prior to the newest episode. This is a complete and total 180°.
it's different, she hated westeros and the people for fearing her and not loving her like jon so she chose fear, now jon's claim doesn't matter because everyone fears her
This is just idiots getting back at the "yaaas queen" crowd
KEK you're still mad at Clinton. How's cheetoh-man treating ya?
In the books, if GRRM goes this route, it will be more of a slow descent into madness.
D&D never fucking committed to it. All the crazy "Mad Queen" actions that people point to were her killing small groups of people that had given her good reason to want dead. Nothing ever suggested she was just going to start burning tens of thousands of innocent people for no reason.
There were always hints, but she went from 0 to 100 far too quickly and for far too little reason.
It would've made more sense that she burned the red keep but killed thousands of civilians as collateral damage without knowing about that
Or burned the civilians when they didn't bend the knee
Her becoming a mad tyrant so fast just made Varys and Tyrion look like fools for believing in her
No. The surrendering is a stopping point. Once you continue the battle from that point it’s all or nothing, she(and clearly Jon) can’t stop full annihilation once you cross that point and fully unleash on the coty. Even the worst enemies in real history respected the notion of surrender.
Her lust for power and the throne was always that of a sociopath, I don't really get what is so surprising to you guys about her going full psycho, and she demands absolute loyalty to her or you die.
And have you seen those dragons? Those are straight up evil looking, would you ever trust the person who controls them to be good?
>The show rushed her madness and played up the fan service so that’s
That's the problem I've had with it. We haven't really seen the mad queen pop up in a while before this season.
>modern standards of morality
Ah yes I totally remember that time the right to crucify civilians because they were bad people was upheld in the scotus.
Oh, the hints were always there but they were subtle, and required considering her actions by non-POV characters. This kind of subtext is lost on the 'just turn your brain off' viewers.
Like I said, it's most likely pointless effort to explain this to you if it needs explaining in the first place. If you don't think there is anything wrong with how she acted this episode then reason sure as hell won't reach your stupid ass
It all comes down to dick size. Must suck being white-skinned and having relatively small dick. I feel bad for you, white people.
The dragon was cool as fuck though
When did she say she wanted to “free” them?
That is an assumption. She never met the people of KL, only the northern folk and some of the royalty of KL. So for her to just assume they needed to all be killed was idiotic and out of character. No surprise coming from D&D, though.
Hizdahr zo Loraq was never forced into marriage. He actively pushes for it to Dany's disgust.
>Cersei was built up as a total madwoman since season 1
she was ruthless but not mad, she was a player of the game.
>The slave traders she executed were scum and the Tarlys were given a chance to give in and they didn't.
the slave traders were not given trials and they were basically all crucified for a system that was set up nearly a thousand years ago, reminder that Valyrians were huge into slavery.
Some of the slavers were good to their slaves, some were against slavery, and ect but she did'nt care.
The Tarly's were surrendered pow's. No threat and could be easily held hostage or sent to the wall, they were burned because Dany takes personal offense to anyone who doesn't love or agree with her much like her brother and father. (see when she meets jon)
basically this
Sup Dabid.
That’s called poorly plot driven writing
She literally said that if she can’t have the people’s love, she’ll take fear instead multiple times. Her ruling was first on her list above one city of women and children. That has been a clear plot point since the beginning.
Intent of the writers doesn't mean they succeeded. And the talk of "breaking the cycle" came after the crucifying. She was "supposed" to be learning and going towards modernity with the help of her council. Obviously she failed miserably.
The whole show it was teased how Targaryens always go mad or crazy. The whole show has also regularly showed Dany doing unethical things for the sake of doing good. Now after losing pretty much everyone of her friends/closest ones and also feeling everyone turning against her and also losing her claim to power, she's finally gone mad. And now retards are all like "wtf why is this person who has clearly gone insane doing all these unethical things??".
You can instill fear in many ways. And in order to rule with fear, you need to have people to rule over.
It wasn't.
Exactly. Danyfags are legit either retarded or trolling at this point.
Was her being absolutely retarded with no exit strategy and no plan besides "Kill the dragon with le big crossbow" suggested prior to this episode? Always thought she was the cunning one who was a step ahead
Where do you take the fear from if you kill them all?
“When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!” - Season 2
Literally the plan from the very beginning. Anyone who didn't see this coming is an idiot who doesn't understand the core theme of the show -- power corrupts.
Never, ever again make fun of prequels of SW now. Anakin's fall to Darth Vader is fucking literature masterpiece compared to stupid queens fall into madness. Shit, that really came from 0 to1 in a second...
i'ts a dragon bro. there's nothing to do.
She only said to spare children in Essos because she was in danger and wanted them on her side. She didn't give a fuck about whose side Kings Landing took, she wanted to burn them all
>When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me! We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!
>"I will not turn away from them," she said stubbornly. "A queen must know the sufferings of her people."
>You are the last of her line, and this Mother of Dragons, this Breaker of Chains, is above all a rescuer."
They could've made her into one, but no, bnnot really. She was always against the dorthaki raping innocents and locked her dragons away after they burned a child. But dumb and dumber like to shit on it and since it's btfoing le ebin sjw /tvpol/ loves them now for it.
As far as S7/8, any time she spoke about Cersei, it's always been in the context of "the populace knows who their true queen is and I will free them from Cersei's grip like I did in slaver's bay: electric boogaloo."
She said "all I have is their fear" when comparing herself to Jon, and killing everyone isn't exactly a good fear tactic if everyone is dead.
>The show rushed her madness and played up the fan service
Slow build-up / dropping hints
>Hurr durr shit writing everyone saw this coming from a mile away
Fast build-up / tweest
>Hurr durr shit writing this is character assassination
There's no winning in this. People have been saying she would go full Mad Cunt for years though. I was always on that side so I'm happy how things turned out.
>Kings Landing is all of Westeros
Nobody's here arguing that this wouldnt happen, it was just sloppy and the general tone was YAAAAAS just a few episodes ago
it literally was. most certainly in the books but even in the show around season 2-3 you start to see the cracks in the foundation, how retarded are you smooth brain normies?
That's a gay theme. I'll just go back to watching Naruto because I actually believe in the power of friendship which doesn't corrupt
As in, not innocent citizens
King’s Landing is one city. Plus, she’s not smart or educated, and refused to listen to her advisors who were those things. If she WAS, she would listened or known not to do something like this herself. But like all plebs, emotion>critical thinking.
Dany Sacrificed Everything to get there and when she got it she didn't want it because she Realized that what she lost had more substance than what she gained. All that pain and loss for this? DRACARYS!
>burn cities to the ground
And how do you do that without hurting civilians?
>let's burn down half of westeros population that went to the capital city as refugees
>and burn cities to the ground!”
If they wanted mercy, they shouldn't have voted for Bushitler. Dany won. Now she gets to punish her enemies.
You loser incels don't have to fall in love. You just have to fall in line.
>Slow build-up / dropping hints
>Hurr durr shit writing everyone saw this coming from a mile away
Who are you quoting? Nobody complains about competent building up because there's no twist
What is wrong with that nigger's neck? Even when he's not wearing that goofy armour his shit is all bent. Also Emilia Clarke is a bad actress.
Well what happened to Qarth, the city she was yelling at for fucking her, when she said the line?
Maybe by not directly burning the whole city?
>cities aren't razed in sieges
I didn't know a city was classified as an innocent citizen. I was under the impression that cities can be destroyed while minimizing casualities; ie evacuations.
ah yes i presume she wanted to burn empty cities to the ground and only destroy those who wronged her.
Like I said, it wasn't enough to built up all this. She was an unexperienced ruler but she realised most of her mistakes. She got told that not all slavers were bad people and she realised that she did wrong only one or two episodes later when that one guy talked to her about how his father was a great guy and yet he still got crucified. She realised that she might have had some better options other than burning the Tarlys, at least when she was talking to Sam. Of course she did mistakes but that's what happens when you start ruling with no experience. But what she always wanted and what never changed was that she wanted to do good for the weak and the poor.
>and burn cities to the ground once i've evacuated all citizens!"
She was always incompetent. Thought she was Tywin but kept screwing up so many times and only winning by being ruthless.
Dany doesn't want it anymore. She Sacrificed all of it and gained nothing. So she's pissed.
What I find so stupid is that apparently this is supposed to be the same Jon Snow who betrayed Ygritte a woman he loved for the Night's Watch, he was always a crow despite being friendly with the wildlings, it makes zero fucking sense that hes all "she's my queen" Jon's loyalties have always been to the Night's Watch and his siblings, not some fucking Targ queen.
they surrendered after they breached the wall so its justified to murder thousands of innocents and defenceless people, go away mong
Just like Tyrion suggested, yes.
Yeah so that's why I found it so based that she killed the weak and poor civilians of Kings Landing
It was but the director fucked it up when it came to the execution.
No flashbacks, no voices in her head, no change in music, no visible mental breakdown.
yeah which makes her an evil bitch now
Where does all the dragon fire come from?
>I'm going to be an incompetent leader and get most of my people and dragons killed
>reeeeee I lost so much better just kill everyone
>She realised that she might have had some better options other than burning the Tarlys, at least when she was talking to Sam.
when does she EVER convey that? She is UNREPENTANT and leaves him to waddle off
Apparently there is according to Euron’s ballistae.
Is it bad I thought she looked really cute when she snapped
Pretty good
Yeah I feel the same.
Also in an earlier episode she said she has something special planned for the queen made me think she got Quyburn to make some funky new thing to kill danny
>arguing semantics
You all agree that Daenrys either got shafted out of an opportunity to turn heel while also simultaneously having her "built up" character turned on her head by shitty writing, just kiss and make up.
>Hizdahr zo Loraq was never forced into marriage. He actively pushes for it to Dany's disgust.
Not True. (Except maybe in your Dannyfag head cannon.)
>just because someone's ideals are good means their way of achieving those ideals is also good
fucking retard
So what's Yea Forums's consensus?
Is the Mad Queen "burn them all" deed is in character of out of character??
I've wanted Dany to get fucked up every since she stole the unsullied. She literally stole an army.
Let's face it, to start with she was sympathetic. She was a pawn for her brother, then a fuck toy for Drogo, then she gets screwed out of resurrecting Drogo by a crazy ass witch. But she gets dragons, and that's pretty god damn cool. She loses a ton of Dothraki, but some stay with her... But then her dragons get bigger. And she steals the unsullied. And then she steals a city. All of her followers are weirdly devout and loyal. She's holier than thou. There's always a catch, and I've honestly been waiting for it for a long, long time.
To start with, Dany had it bad. But from that bad, she received everything on a god damn platter. Everything fell in line for her so oddly perfectly and conveniently.
On a side note, I just want to point out that Jon's new haircut is weirdly like Drogo's. It must be said, Jon doesn't deserve much better: where he once stood for the idea of lower class nobility, a bastard with dignity, he's now a self righteous bitch. Never forget that Jon had the opportunity to stop this. As Varys said, it's not about what Jon wants.
Except she never really bothered listening to Tyrion
>No flashbacks, no voices in her head, no change in music, no visible mental breakdown.
If this is what most of Yea Forums would consider great directing then i now finally realise why this board is so shit.
>when does she EVER convey that? She is UNREPENTANT and leaves him to waddle off
She doesn't fucking spell it out loud but her face clearly conveys compassion and sorrow at that moment
Lies. Tyrion always was a benelovent guy who doesn't want any casualties and cares deeply about other people, just like Varys who's totally a philanthroph who can't tell a lie and always cared about the people first and foremost.
Except she did until the bells triggered her for some unknown reason.
>literally wanting 4 different forms of handholding to guide you through the plot
It's in character, though the excecution could have been better with a clearer buildup, so even the plebs would have understood it
It was always going to happen, its just that the execution was garbage
> that guy screams too loud
> fire too bright
> my feet hurt
> I have never seen any of these assholes flip their visor down
> this siege sucks
> oh shit am i on fire
> I wish I was at home discussing tax policy
I don't get your point. That's literally what happened in the show.
Have sneed
Yes it was always there but the problem was how badly handled the final push was and how rushed people went from backing her til death to jumping off the boat into shark infested waters. It makes you wonder what the fuck they saw in her to begin with.
It wasn't the bells that triggered her, it was seeing all that was taken from her. The excecution was just trash and didn't convey it, so all people got was "muh BELLS"
Based on the show's presentation, I vote "Yes, it was in character" because she's a dumb cunt and destroying King's Landing after a decisive victory is exactly what a dumb cunt would have done
Yea Forums's consensus is basically always the opposite of what normies think. The brainless sheep liked Arya killing the Night King and episode 3 in general so Yea Forums collectively hates it. The sheep hate Dany randomly going mad so Yea Forums will force itself to like it. It's not rocket science really, Yea Forums is and always will be a band of contrarians, no matter how fucking retarded it might be.
judging by responses to the episode at least a minimal level of handholding was needed, most people are like "she snapped for no reason wtf"
>it was seeing all that was taken from her
That's even more retarded. She was literally about to take it all back and then decides to destroy it? Christ, dude.
when she snapped? when was that? there was no indication of madness at all even in the moment, just a vague "crap i think i forgot to lock my front door this morning" worried look
>Dany randomly going mad
When exactly did she go from wanting to break the wheel to coveting the throne? Those two ideas are pretty conflicting. Or was her breaking the wheel just "I want to put women in charge of men because I was traded and used as a breeding sow"?
I know you're trolling but this is unironically what Yea Forums needs. Even after 71 seasons of foreshadowing, Mad Dany being one of the most popular theories for years and the episode itself having the "Every time a Targy is born the gods flip a coin" or whatever the fuck quote. Not enough.
Yes. Randomly.
Your point?
No, she is taken aback and blinks, then she immediately says she offered Randyll to bend the knee without warning Sam, then she says his brother did the same, when Sam begins to begin to cry her expression is like stone. Jorah shows compassion and sighs at her when Sam leaves. She turns her head in defiance at him. Watch the scene again.
the tagaryens were always said to be mad since S1
She realized that the people she wanted to rule over would never accept her in their hearts, so she would never truly win it back, no matter how hard she tried. So she figured might was well burn it all to the ground.
What was taken from her was her righteous vengeance. She wanted them to fight until the end to satisfy her bloodlust.
When has she ever said she didn't want to be an all powerful autocratic ruler? Did you think she wanted to end feudalism or something?
Yeah that shit didn’t make any sense. Like, as a person that has been dropping in and watching this series for years without ever committing to it (I always see seasons when other people watch them), that episode felt like it was just meant to shock people. And you can see it in the reaction, most people thought it was a weird choice except for /pol/ and that literally has nothing to do with her character. They just think it’s funny that slay queen got turned into a genocidal maniac and it proves women are stupid. But for everyone else it just looked random.
The entire time after the defenses were destroyed everybody online was like “why doesn’t she just fly to the keep and kill Cersei?”. So she got literally triggered because the city surrendered out of fear of being razed? Like, she started hyper-ventilating in rage because the people of the city were audibly yelling “please for the love of god ring the fucking bell!” Why? What does it matter to her? The people I was in the room with were trying to figure out what that emotional response was as it was happening. Several of them thought she was relieved because she didn’t want to destroy the city and be “evil”. As she took off from the roof everyone thought, “oh! She is mad because she wanted to kill Cersei in revenge! She is flying to murder her or something!” But then she just started roasting random people?
the /tvpol/ thinks yes
the Yea Forums thinks this is absolutely retarded
I'm not mad about her being the MadQueen.
I'm mad about the poor execution. Cersei needs more participation in it.
I’ve seen her going “mad queen” coming for the past 3 seasons. So either Danyfags are retarded, or I’m psychic. Pick one.
It's the equivalent of blowing up your school because the kids were kinda mean to you. Yes, I'd call that "slight overreaction" a tad bit random.
>Did you think she wanted to end feudalism or something?
That was the implication of "breaking the wheel".
How many wheels did Dany break today, i wonder.
Sounds like dany to me.
>lose almost everyone important in your life
>equivalent to "kids were kinda mean to you"
Idiotic and goes against literally everything she has done in the past.
Since when has she ever had a "bloodlust"? Never. She never actively seeked out innocent people and slaughtered them. She only killed enemy combatants and those who have directly wronged her. It doesn't make sense for her to go around killing innocent people. Soldiers, yes. Not citizens.
So the fact that I knew it was coming for years means I’m psychic?
Her turning mad has been hinted for years, so there's nothing "random" about it. You could argue that the final excecution was bad but don't pretend like it came out of nowhere.
she is a woman. it all makes perfect sense
Its more like shooting up a school after you aced all exams and are about to leave it forever
wtf I love Weiss and David now
This kind of fall into darkness was done better in the Star Wars prequels and that is hilarious.
t. incel
What did she do that was so cruel that made everyone on her council turn against her? Am I forgetting something? Surely it wasn't just her executing the Tarlys for treason? Every other leader on the show has executed people for that, including saint Jon. She also wasn't even the only one to do that using fire, and at least her fire does the job faster than Stanis fire did
Damm, and they are bringing these to make Spiderman Far From Home?
Since the start they've had her try and be merciful and benevolent but also have huge anger management issues and always goes too far to put her view onto things to her detriment
like the crucifying, or constantly killing people and such
You could've made this whole fucking thing so much better so easily. Make one faggot shot an arrow or a scorpion bolt after they rang the bells. Make this the last straw that cuts the thread to her sanity. She just starting to burn everyone is NOT in character, this show misses an entire season building up her insanity for it to be in character.
>Since when has she ever had a "bloodlust"? Never.
She's gotten pissed plenty of times and when she does her usual go to solution is "set it on fire" or "mass execution" or a combination of both. She's also killed non combatants before in her executions of noblemen and slave merchants.
The only things she wanted to break were the high lords that that didn't support her right to rule. She never was anything other than a despot in many seasons in slavers bay. She was never gonna fly in and institute liberal democracy or some other nonsense.
Or shooting yourself in the latrine after painfully passing basic training.
Every scene of hers for this whole season could have been replaced with her turning directly to the camera and saying "I don't give a fuck about King's Landing or its people" and you would still have complained that it was random.
Yes, against combatants and THOSE WHO HAVE DIRECTLY WRONGED HER. Funny how you excluded that part. Maybe you need to read my comment again because if you noticed you wouldn't have made that dumb argument.
Most of the slavers didn't "directly wrong her", yet she had them crucified (a VERY brutal way of excecution btw, compare that to Jon and Ned who excecuted people with a sword), because that's what she saw as "justice". She could have found another way to punish them, yet she went for the most brutal one. Seems pretty bloodthirsty to me.
Her overcoming her bad side and tendencys is also hinted for years. It's only this season that started to depict her as an unreasonable madwomen. The final execution is not only bad, it lacks at least a complete hand full of episodes to have it even make sense.
it was in the books, I don't know if it counts for you.
She was pretty clear about her intentions to use her dragon to attack the red keep which was full of civilians. Which her Tyrion and Varys both thought was excessive and unneccesary force.
What a shitty inequitable analogy.
The slavers and wise masters weren't plotting against her? Watch the show again.
Top kek.
Sure, we had seeds and stuff, but nothing short of schizophrenic debut can explain her actions this episde after her win.
My main issue is that execution was utter shit.
Sure, i like walking naked at home, but if for some reasoni decided to walk naked in the streets - that'd be dumb.
>Most Targeryans Kings and princes were good.
About 50-50, according to ASOIAF and the accompanying prequels.
You're using a different definition of blood thirsty now. Before it was to imply why she just killed a ton of innocents. Now it's HOW she killed people. Get it straight.
Based and blackpilled
The scene he's talking about was before then.
They have spent years whitewashing Dany, so this is the end result, it definitely feels rushed.
Not all of them were plotting against her. She could have at least had a trial to figure out the ones who actually were trying to do her harm but instead she just picked them out randomly and killed them with no second thought.
They were actively plotting against her after she refused their offer.
>Every scene of hers for this whole season
But that's the fucking problem here isn't it? It's just THIS SEASON. She turned from an unexperienced ruler to a fucking psychopath in the matter of 5 episodes and three of those were barely even centered around her.
I'd say less than that given all the more recent supplemental material like fire and blood thats come out.
Bobby B freed the kingdom from a degenerate line of tyrants from a foreign land that, through incest, were likely to be mentally ill and unfit to rule. Dany coming back to Westeros with dragons, Dothraki, and Unsullied is just repeating history of the degenerated Targ foreigners coming in and flinging shit. There's nothing "righteous" about having an autistic hissy fit.
I'm the guy you were talking to before.
An eye for an eye, 163 children were crucified, 163 masters were crucified.
Daenerys is just.
she had voices in her head in the "previously on game of thrones" segment. She also had 2 scenes in the last episode and this episode where she is visibly boiling with repressed hatred. (that she has had the entire show)
Except Pile had a lot of reasons to go nuts (i'd argue he was fucked in the head before he got to bootcamp) and full first half of the movie was this scene's buildup.
But yeah, sure.
The idea was in character, the one episode switch was idiotic.
I remember how the first Avatar the Last Airbender Azula's descent into full blown self-undermining madness was done with more care and artistry in more time, and she was a kids' cartoon character, who started as an outright evil crazy antagonist anyway, and only appeared for 2 seasons. Her arc took longer to unfold and felt more organic. Think about that.
>ughh why is she bad??
She was always a fucking crazy bitch who crucifies and burn people, she always wanted only more power, are you retarded? It was obvious.
At the end of the day they defied her laws. They were guilty in some objective, measurable way. Not the innocents in KL. She just felt like they could not like her so let's just kill them all.
See the difference?
In the books, sure, from the moment she first was in command she went from thinking that killing people who wronged her and/or her family is OK, to thinking that killing people who have things she wants is OK as long as they are bad people, to thinking that torturing and killing people who MAY be her enemies is OK, as long as it is for the greater good. All that is before getting to the Dothraki part. It is just that her stupidity and criminal naivety had been much more obviously destructive so far.
The series omitted or whitewashed a lot of her actions, though.
Bobby B entire family is from the same foreign invaders line as the Targs. And his great-grandma was one too
it was, seething Danyfag
Oh cool thanks for the insider info from reddit. Thank you kind stranger!!
I don’t get why her going mad was considered rushed. She had episodes upon episodes leading up to her going crazy with people betraying her and casting her out and watching her friends die. When people go crazy irl it’s something that happens suddenly usually. She had a dragon so she was able to do what she did with little effort of her own and she let go in a moment of weakness. Right before she goes on the rampage it shows she’s clearly conflicted about what she’s doing.
>women make bad rulers
Mad king did the exact same thing and a lot of other male leaders in this series mess up pretty bad.
oh shit I wonder how all the other people who had bad things happen to them can cope. Clearly we'll visit Winterfell next episode only to see it burning with Sansa sitting on a mountain of corpses
Showfriend, the other guy was referring to the books.
The first thing she did on taking the city was randomly crucify masters. No plots. They were a defeated foe and she sought vengeance. She even felt bad about it later and married one of the darkies remember? Dany was always an unstable little girl that just so happened to have access to nukes.
this, ban automatic assault dragons
She goes from a Lawful Evil misguided moral quest, well intentioned extremely to Hot Topic KUH-CRAZY "Hahaha burn burn!!!" random psycho in two seconds because bells. Or that's exactly what the execution made it look like.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the fucking problem
Yes, her burning KL was just the final step of her going full mad targ. But what she did to the slavers (and other people she burned for some corrupted sense of "justice") were still foreshadowing moments for her finally losing it. Her going mad wasn't random, just the excecution could have been better.
It was inevitable, but the straw that broke the camel's back was the city surrendering? That just seems ridiculous. And if she was angry at Cersei, why not fly straight to the red keep instead of taking the long way and committing mass murder while you're at it? It doesn't matter that it's been hinted at. There should have been something that really pushed her off the edge, not just a hapless decision to turn the city into an inferno because she was in a bad mood.
I don’t think killing the dragon is the right move but do you really think she’d be capable of that if she was on the ground? She wouldn’t have killed all those innocent people if she was THAT removed from what she was doing.
>still thinking crucifying and burning people is something only mad people do in the setting and older times irl
oh please, give sansa a dragon and she'll burn half the northern houses
He was only part Targ. The lesson is never go full Targ.
>show cracks in her facade
>characters talk about her family history for 8 seasons straight
>reminded of it every other episode
>last episode and this scream it in your face
>people talk about how Dany is going to fucking flip hard for years
>she flip!
>wtf is this shit!?1 o__O
Your own fault.
Even before then with the final episode of season 1
>tries to help a witch doctor
>witch doctor kills Dany's baby and makes Aquaman braindead
>Dany "why would you do that even after I saved"
>Witch Dotcor "you invaded our village, killed the men, and raped our women. You didnt save anyone"
> Dany "burn her for wanting justifiable revenge"
Whats not to get? She didn't get enough killing in that 5 minute curb stomp before the bells.
> I wish I was at home discussing tax policy
I think owning a dragon and having that much power automatically removes people enough so that killing isn’t that bad.
Yeah but she always put herself forth as some grand liberator. That and burning the entire God damn city down was just stupid. Hell she might have been able to get away with her men raping and pillaging, such things are expected but personally annihilating the captial and its population? One she just senseless destroyed the captial which is just stupid if she had any intention of governing from there. And two, everyone is going to hate her forever, a leader who is only feared is a leader who will eventually be murdered.
There's a huge difference between a council of slave owners who executed hundreds of kids even if they didn't all vote for the killing kids part (but were okay with slavery) being executed and just randomly murdering thousands of kids. The Tarlys were from an enemy army and Dany gave them a much fairer shake then most of the rulers did, that wasn't really a good middle point on the old slope to random psychopath.
Huh? I'm on your side. Orange guy sucks and Hillary won. She is the rightful queen and fuckers deserve what they get when he's impeached and she becomes President.
In the books it's implied that her genetic line has that "Burn them all" gene/sickness doesn't it?
She's the opposite of BAD.
*Dany DABs on you*
Both the actress and the writing is to blame.
Emilia Clarke has absolutely no range or depth as a performer. Since the very first season, she has had 2 speed, vulnerable or overly assertive(to be read as OMG so badass). So when it came down to adequately portray someones decent into madness, she was way out of her league.
That said the writing didn't give her much to work with. There were a few instances where she should have pushed, like in the last episode when Jon refuses her, but really the setups to her downfall we're terribly executed with very little coherent progression. Mostly due to reduced screen time.
When this season should have been all about Jon and Dany, too many minutes were spent with inconsequential minor characters.
She was always a psychopath. See her reaction to her brother's death.
Except what you call corrupted sense of justice makes complete sense in the era and isn't out of the norm.
It doesn't make her crazy the same way it doesn't make tywin crazy. It makes her ruthless, as it does tywin, however danny never sacrificed innocents while being ruthless.
Event not a surprise to anyone and fine, actual execution horrible.
If I killed your child, your best friend. Stood my ground and said “bring it on”, then once you got so pissed, you broke down my door, beat the shit out of my friends protecting me, get right up to me, and I start yelling “sorry, man, we’re cool, I give up.”. A cool level headed person might be able to back down and the submission might be enough, but an emotionally stunted hot head would still want to inflict the pain they were already worked up to deal out.
A witch doctor she invited in herself, she's always been dumb and impulsive and all her solutions to her self caused problems was to kill or burn them away
Exact same thing Jon did with Olly, is he crazy too?
Randomly murdering slavers is not noble or just because muh slavery. She shouldn't have even been there to begin with. Is her bloodlust abnormal? No, and that's the point. Despite all the strong woman and feel good psudo commie rhetoric Dany was is and always will be just another arbitrary shitbag noble that are a dime a dozen in westeros.
>Yeah but she always put herself forth as some grand liberator
That's the point, she always put herself above others. Whether it be condescending over non-targs, riding on top of Drogo, leading the poor Dothraki, saving the poor slaves, and burning people from above.
The only things that kept her grounded and connected with the rest of humanity were taken away just episodes prior.
Been having a fun day seeing leftist trash crumble and seethe
She was alright in Terminator.
It's been hinted at forever and was obviously the natural progression of the character. The problem is it was rushed and horribly done.
Jon followed the law and executed him lawfully. We still execute criminals irl, you know.
Her going mad was randomly done and it was more akin to her just snapping. It made no sense and her killing the innocents didn't match any sense of justice she has established. We all know why it was done, because D&D wanted her to become the mad queen regardless if it made sense or was believable. It was forced and inorganic.
You can find "hints" for a heel turn from any single character.. Maybe not Davos but name one other that didnt
That's fucking bullshit and you know it.
>show her being this pure girl next to an insane brother
>grows each season, rising to power while controlling bad impulses either on her own or with the help of wise council
>shows only love and compassion for peasants
>a queen truely loved by the masses
>puts her own desires on hold to fight for the realm itself
>only kills people who were actually given the choice to bow and serve her instead
>turns apeshit mad because her low born best friend was murdered so she massacres 90% of the low born population of kings landing
If you gobble up shit that's fine by me but don't sell it as sweet chocolate.
Crucifiying and burning people without trial (some of whom were innocent as well) does show signs of being crazy, though
Yeah, so? The witch killed the khal with poison, what do you their law says for that?
Nah the difference is that Olly was a member of the same organization as Jon, an organization that has strict codes and specific punishments for breaking those codes. Olly broke his oath, his sentence is death.
What bothers me is that Jon didnt seem the least bit bothered by Dany passing the sentence on Varys, but not swinging the sword.
Jon had nothing to do with the wildlings killing his people. All Jon wanted were the two groups to join forces to fight the white Walkers, AND he was murdered for it.
Depends on their tax policies.
Always about the jews eh /pol/?
>It made no sense and her killing the innocents didn't match any sense of justice she has established
Dany doesn't go by any established rules of justice, she breaks the rules and makes her own.
And it's not the first time she kills people who were relatively innocent.
One could argue he deserved it as he betrayed his vow, not once, but twice.
I’m not the one who brought up the witch. But your comparison is still wrong. Olly was an ally who killed a CO and got a fair trial. The witch was an enemy prisoner.
>queen truly loved by the masses
The only people that ever loved her where slaves, and it was shown that even some of the freed slaves in Mereen hated her becauae they had better lives as slaves. She never actually improved any place she went to, she broke their chains and then pretended to be a queen for a few months, the act of which sew chaos in those cities. Then she fucked off to westeros to fuck her nephew and murder a bunch of peasants.
Name ONE act of Dany's that was truly benevolent and didnt just serve to increase her power or feed her ego.
The closer she's gotten to the throne the more people have realized that maybe she's not the good girl YAAAS QUEEN fanboys like you think she is. Even characters in the show. And King's Landing didn't matter to her and neither did the people. They made this very clear you just choose to ignore it and I'm not sure why.
She’s always been entitled and fake. She used slaves to gain love and support. She has a messiah complex and her only desire is to make sure she is loved by all.
>The witch was an enemy prisoner.
>pretend to be a healer to gain position of trust
>kill the king by poison, or at least admits and brags about doing it
So was she supposed to be let go because she was a war prisonner? Besides Daenerys wasnt responsible for the khalasar actions. She didnt chose to be there, she got sold into marriage and did what she could to limit something that would have happened anyway
Exactly my point. She killed those in the past who wronged her in some way. There was proof they did something wrong. What did the child in the street do wrong? That the child MIGHT not like her in the future because some northerners who were loyal to Snow didn't like her as much as Snow? Then why didn't she kill the Northerners too?
See my point? This was all forced and inorganic. It makes no sense.
Maybe she wants revenge. But she could have just burned down the red keep and killed Cersei. What revenge did she get by killing everyone in King's Landing first? It's not like Cersei cared about those people. It was a giant murderous temper-tantrum, and there wasn't a sufficient reason or emotional snap for Dany to do it. It's not that we didn't expect it, but the execution was rushed and lazy, much like this season in general.
Any kings in history that were honourable and reluctant to their thrown?
It wasn't just about revenge, she said herself that she needed people to fear her, so nobody would dare to question her right to the throne.
They picked 163 children at random, so she picked 163 master's at random, it's pure blind justice and completely ruthless, very medieval like justice desu.
Burning the Tarly's was completely justified, they refused to swear fealty so would have been executed or exiled, since she can't exile them and they're some of the best enemy commanders it makes sense strategically too.
Burning the slave master's was perhaps the most ruthless of all, as she basically killed them to instill fear in them after barristan's death.
All in all, she just seemed to get more ruthless, but not really crazy.
If Arya had died at the end of her twenty minutes running through the mass-death of no-names, it would have been the most kino moment in all of GOT.
Unfortunately D&D are not based, they are merely retarded, and Arya is their avatar.
the universe did her wrong, not her fault a child was in the way
Start of season 2 was it for me. I knew she would go bat shit crazy. A magic thing happened when she hatched the dragons. And because of that she got it in her crazy little mind that she was devine and had the only claim to the throne. In this show if you fuck up somthing bad happens to you. When Danny fucks up... sombody else gets hurt/killed. I fail to remember a single time where she has struggled
Everything about that scene made me feel uneasy. The simple acceptance of burning being an acceptable death, Dany showed no sorrow, the whole "we're going to save lives" repeated over and over.
>Passed on an opportunity to give Emilia Clarke the D.
That's the real ass pull.
It's like when everything in your life fucks you over. Everything gets taken away from you, and them some asshole says "don't do anything brash" and instead of taking it as a warning you take it as a challenge.
You wanna fuck the universe up, you wanna retaliate, it doesn't matter what they send in your way to stop you.
The black girl wanted the carnage. She said so before she died.
>All in all, she just seemed to get more ruthless, but not really crazy.
I think most of that is down to the whitewashing of the character as the show went on. Most of the same beats are in the books but without the heroic music playing in the background or the cheesy one liners.
>very medieval like justice
Even in medieval times, trials were a thing (though they wouldn't have always been fair). Still, her burning people left and right isn't "just" even considering the era she lives in.
8 years of "Dany is going to be pushed over the edge and end up burning a bunch of innocent people with those dragons isn't she?" foreshadowing isn't enough for you?
Typical of the 13%
A child wasn't "in the way." She intentionally went out hunting to kill as many innocents as possible. Men, women, children. All of them.
White dicks are better than black dicks.
Not a king but George Washington could have easily become a king and chose to step down from leadership after a few years, literally everyone wanted him to rule until he died. According to american history class anyway, so take a grain of salt with that
She didnt see them as innocents. She said so more than once.
Remember that scene from Fight Club where Tyler Durden wanted to "destroy something beautiful"? That's pretty much the same thing.