Imagine the litteral state of parents who named their child after a GOT character
Imagine the litteral state of parents who named their child after a GOT character
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>naming your child after a fictional character with a fictional name
these people are beyond redemption
much better than naming kids after bible characters!
>and a mass murderer
This comment stood out for me aswel.
The Duning-Kruger effect in all it's glory.
>much better than naming kids after Bible characters! :)
its all so tiresome
All names are made-up
>>much better than naming kids after Bible "characters"
>ended up naming their child after the cremator of king's landing
>much better than bible names
So this is where we are at i guess.
One day brother. They will beg us for mercy and we will whisper back “no”.
my parents named me after a character on days of our lives
come here stefano
She isn't wrong.
*tips fedora*
>not naming kids after your ancestors
>tfw when don't have to think up child names due to family tradition and a promise to my grand father
> much better than naming kids after Bible characters!
the ride never ends lads
>real name gets used for a fictional character so now it's a fictional name
Based retard
>bible characters
lol, maybe some persons in the bible can be called mythological figures, most were historical people
She isn't wrong
Bible is a work of fiction and their names are drawn out and over represented in our society
Kys christioids
What tv character will you name your daughter after Yea Forums?
Why would you name your child after an antagonist?
Begging an incel for anything. Hahahahaha, have sex.
>be a good goy and name your kids after (((Bible characters)))
why do normalfags feel so braindead?
Havesex Watdo
I saw some little 3/4 year old girl in Tesco called Khaleesi. her dad called after her.
I could only feel cringe. Why damn a girl to bullying because of a fucking name from GOT. Makes me mad desu, poor girl.
The Driver
You're a weak member of a weak generation and will lead us into ruin.
Mosr jews are liberals and fedoras.
They're NPCs, you can't expect much in depth thought from them
imagine watching game of thrones
Must jews are zionists. stop thinking your retarded american memes like "liberals" matter
And? They also push socialism and fag marriage.
Time to prep the bull, Sven.
>christfags getting mad about someone disrespecting their fictional book
I think Sven has to first get the cum out of his mouth before he can do that.
I named my son Ace after Magma Fist Ace
Arya is ok tho.
Abouth Daenerys you can rename your daughter "Daniela" and still call her Dany. Is it easy to rename a child in the US?
They'll forget the show even existed in a few months
>Not calling your kid Ryan Goose Surname
Yeah, imagine their state when the character they named their baby after turns out to be a mass-murdering lunatic
Imagine and have a hearty guffaw
>t. Michael
Girls bully each other for no reason at all. Name doesn't matter.
Yea man I know this senpai who named their daughter Arya, from the show, but sadly the baby came out deformed.
>Much better than naming kids after Bible characters
The irony is that GoT is the Bible for these people. They worship a TV show. They're no better than any previous religion.
The only thing people beg incels for is to leave them alone, this show sucks though
Was just about to post this.
>D&D make Dany the Mad Queen
>Also make queens mad
Arya, Sansa, and Daenerys are not real names
Nobody is going to beg to you faggots
haha dont forget to get those vaccines go- i mean guys
>naming your kid after kike fairy tales.
ok moses.
>siblings and cousins already did that with their kids
At least now I get to suggest the name Sephiroth or Kirito for my wife’s son :OOOO
This much better to name after your own fictional name like Lequon-de-johnston
Even worse than naming your babies after anime characters.
>mummy why did you name me after a fictional genocidal maniac?
>tfw was named after my great grandpa who died in the War protecting my country
t. Arya
But Kelly C isn’t even her name. These people apparently loved the show enough to name their kids after it but couldn’t pay enough attention to learn the names of the characters they were naming their children for. It’s scary how little thought went into it.
>tfw I was named after my amerimutt ancestor who died fighting for zionists and bankers like a complete retard
and their faggot white husbands will let them, of course.
Crashthisplane Withnosurvivors
A terrorist no less
Bullshit, there are authority figures like the mentioned high priests or Cesar as emperor, which would be understandable since everybody would know who is in charge. That does not mean the majority are historical figures, stop believing the Bible is factual.
i dont even care as long as the kids are white. being named khaleesi would probably end up being redpilling
God, what embarrassing cope.
>stop believing the Bible is factual.
Stop being a fag, faggot. The Bible is more real than you can comprehend.
All names come from fictional stories.
So is the dragon fire going to fuck up KL or not.
Just little baby spurts to let the main characters get out fine? Or perhaps a lame ass full party wipe making the whole show as pointless as that "it was all just a dream lol" trope.
Maybe Sweet Robin will take the throne then. Not such a bad end to a crappy show.
Most of the children named Khaleesi are not white. The Aryas are though
i dont give a fuck what liberals name their kids, ill just redpill their kids anyway.
Shitmouth obv
/pol/ should love this
>millennials in charge of parenting
There's also stashes of wildfire buried around King's Landing that will most likely get set off by dragonfire
Naming my first kid after my great grand father
I saw a girl named that in the store, but she was like 7 or 8, which made me think that at least her parents named her after the books, but then I remembered this show's been going for like a decade.
>naming your daughter after a title in a foreign tongue within a fictional world that is part of a culture that regards women as little more than cocksleeves
fucking betty
My son is named Betty.
Murphy Brown
Bigguy foryou
>kids have to pay blizzard 15 shekels for a name change
you can already see them going off in the picture
People have always done this. There were few Zanders and Willows and Rivers because of Joss Whedon 10+ years ago.
Those at least could be seen as names a slightly weird person could give their kid even if theyd never seen the show, unlike this one. Bonus points for the unfortunates named Khaleesi who cant even shorten it.
All names are made up
I know a guy who named his daughter Arwen because he's a fan of the LOTR movies.
>thought for most of my life I’d been named for one of the apostles
>pretty cool
>find out I’m named for my kraut SS great grandfather
Thanks Mom
Hopefully they have the kid a somewhat normal middle name so they can use that instead.
So many parents who named their kid Jesus...
my cousins name is Arwen, the best thing is, that she is a total ham planet kek
Especially in Texas.
>his name doesn't mean "illustrious in combat"
>his brother isn't named after the most famous Roman
>his other brother isn't named after the most famous Celtic king
>his sister is not named after the most famous British queen
>his other brother isn't named after one of the most famous french authors
Are you even trying?
>naming kids after a made-up story instead of naming kids after a different made-up story
Based and babypilled
Turn the other cheek :)
Um but isn't our faith based on forgiveness?
Khaleesee is more popular than Danaerys.
Also, this is nothing new. Wendy came from Peter Pan.
They're nice sounding names. Way better than some of the shit parents cook up.
No such thing as a playground proof name.
SEETHING swarthron kr*ut
Adolph was a pretty nice sounding name but you dont see many of those anymore.
Serves 'em right the trendy fucks.
no idea
what went right?
Arya is an actual name( surname where am from)
Adal means noble and why would you name your kid noble heh
I'm an atheist and I think this is retarded.
The Arwen I know is a short, chunky redhead with freckles and messed up teeth.
The classic fedora is a libertarian atheist computer programmer. So between liberal wienies and fedoras, you have the whole internet circa 1998.
Wow. Its almost like women are fucking retarded and have been since the dawn of recorded history and undoubtedly before that as well.
Dr. Drake Romero?
Thanks for clarifying achmed.
Based dude would love to be named after a hard core dude like that
I knew an arwen,a galadriel (!) and a Nyssa (doctor who).
Nobody names Vger, but I wouldn't be surprised.
At least Arya sounds like a real name. Daenerys and a lot of the other female characters' names sound made up
Drogo will still be badass regardless of whether AGoT becomes a joke.
(Also it's a stealth Tolkien reference.)
It is an actual name. Daenerys on the other hand....
yeah okay nerd
>naming your child after a fictional TITLE of a fictional character
Fucking this. My first name is for my paternal grandfather and my middle name is for my maternal one.
I don't watch this show but every time I see a picture of these characters they're getting fucked. Yet I still see them praised for being strong women. Do the characters in this setting get stronger for the more dicks they've taken or something?
There are a few Jadzias because of DS9.
Arya IS a real name. Originally Persian and Indian, from the same root word as Aryan. ("Iran" has the same root word.) It means noble, royal, a prince or princess.
Aria is a feminine Hebrew name meaning lioness. Jews historically had a strong presence in Persia so it was one of those dual use names.
Kelly C?
Also a cool sounding name.
>fuck christianity
>too cowardly to say fuck islam
>too cowardly to say fuck judaism
why are fedoras such cowards?
>throwing off the entire basis of western culture and declaring it useless just because you read a richard dawkins book
cringe and bluepilled
Lmao at the buttblasted peniscutter worshippers ITT
Good Solonius™
what a coincidence I named my kid Fist after the guy from Fist of the North Star
Have aids
>He doesn't appreciate the Bible as a book just because it's religious
>complaining about people naming children fictional names
your christiniaophobia is showing
NIGGER there is actual physical proof most of the biblical characters lived, same with people like Mohammed.
If people are naming their kids after dany I'm naming my son Hitler. He's due in 2 weeks.
Well, Shakespeare invented the name "Jessica". Maybe in some years those names would be common.
I'm hoping he was just calling her that like normal people would call their daughter "princess".
Cia BaneSneed
Can I call my son Grey Worm
>naming your daughters after famous rape victims
"Arja" is already a name in Finnish, Estonian and probably Russian and in Scandinavian countries too.
I cannot imagine anything more cucked
You have to bear in mind that a lot of these people aren't especially well read and so rely on pop culture for a sense of identity
“They hated him because he told them the truth”
Nice projection. You know God is real, have fun dying coward
Well, remember that these people were also too stupid to understand that Khaleesi is a title and not a name.
Better name than this
unironically correct
Daenerys is a cool name though
Frozen or Blacked take it how you will
>naming your daughter Daenerys
>she's literally Hitler
i thought the people naming their daughter daenerys was stupid, but after last episode they were right all along because dany is based
Its just a fictional character, why are white people so fucking retarded?
>better than naming kids after bible characters
the culture industry has fucked us
why are you complaining? That's even cooler
At least your parents didn't name you after skyrim to get free bethesdsa games
All these fucking retards naming their kids Khaleesi, it's like naming your son President or prime minister
I think I can help out.
Fuck Islam!
Fuck Judaism!
>Dad was named after a character from a 60's TV show that his mom liked
>He gave me a biblical name
Thanks dad
I would 100% leave my parents in the shittiest nigger infested nursing home if I were the child they did this to. the question of whether they were good parents is no longer in question as they decided to name me after a fictional character...and a shitty one at that.
>implying people this stupid would care
Stay mad Germoid, enjoy the rape and acid attacks
It’s about the same actually they’re both retarded. Bible might even be slightly worse considering the Jewish origins.
Biggus Dickus
Something that works for men and women so if she decides at age 3 to become male it will still work.
Yeah or Caesar lmfao
t. retard
t. last pick for the team in PE
Idris Elba
LT. Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant. Just need to wait for the Catch 22 adaptation.
Don’t you mean magma chest Ace?
>wanted to name the first girl marisa
at least is perfectly normal outside any context
god tier name
You could argue Arya or Sansa but any fucker whose parents named them Daenarys or Khaleesi deserves to be bullied