le 13% face
another proof that niggers ruin everything
was that really necessary?
The only moment in the entire show where Gayworm was based.
>ottermode la creatura is the show's best remaining warrior
the alt right meme about invading niggers turned out to be true
lmao this is hilarious
fuck "innocents", nobody cares, except emofags
>Doesn't have a dick
all white people must fucking hang
I can’t stand how this guy looks. Like a pudgy retard.
No one is innocent, not even me. I literally fucked my mother for no other reason than she was drunk and lonely.
And none of you will ever find out who I am because this board is anonymous af and I can just claim I was trolling or w/e but only I will know the truth that I came inside her and was switching between calling "mom" and her real name over and over when calling her "mom" was getting too weird on account of her actually being my fucking mom.
God humanity is fucked up but I'm gonna fuck her later tonight and no one's going to stop me, least of all my dead dad.
Innocents would be the civilians
Rank and file soldiers aren't noblemen. Kill them all
You’re lying.
He's not grey neither is he a worm. Show is full a shit
that's what you can expect from niggers
he just ordered the others to fuck, that doesn't mean he has to do the fucking himself
The guy has no purpose in life, it's not that surprising.
that's hot!
i fucked her too, you aren't that special
The shitskin subhumans reveal their true savage natures once again, and this is after his dick was chopped off.
I'm sorry, I should have inferred it was a cuck fetish thing, it seems so obvious now.
livestream it
Looks like /pol/ was right again slavs(the north), niggers(the unsullied) and muslims(the dothraki) are murderous hordes that can't be trusted.
despite being only 13% of Daenerys' army, unsullied committed more than 51% of the civilian slaughter
wasn't this guy is supposed to be the most professional soldier in the known world?
Scientifically the Unsullied shouldn't work, right? No testes from boyhood = no testosterone production = no puberty let alone muscle growth, etc.
he was angry at the soldiers because Cersei killed his waifu, that he couldn't fuck anyways
Unsullied had spears as substitutions.
He literally has spent his life going around slaughtering people as his very identity, but spergs out when it happens to one of his own in an act of war.
every soldier ever
He was just a random nigger but that's reason enough for Amerikikes to give him superpowers.
unsullied and dothraki are muh magic super warriors just turn off your brain
Don't worry, I fucked my cherished childhood teddie bear
the north are northern english scum and scandinavians you retard
Happy Mother's Day I guess.
whyd they get this brazilian dude instead of a real kang
I actually liked his character this episode. He stopped being some pansy, and his unwavering loyalty in the face of cold-blooded carnage as he scoped out Jon Snow as a potential traitor was the coolest thing he's done in 2 seasons.
>charges your armored knights with a twig spear while also not being in formation
What did he mean by this?
reality is stranger than fiction
??? The dragons would have burned them all anyway
>European fantasy
>black people are there
Real-life dothraki (Mongols) BTFO the Muslims though...
childhood eunuchs aren't necessarily weak. lack of bone plate fusion means they often grew to be monstrously large. there's a video on youtube of some guy whose testosterone production was blocked by a tumour in his brain, his voice never dropped and genitals never descended, and his frame is huge
ming dynasty china had a battalion of eunuchs that fought rather well but then again idk how many were castrated after puberty. eunuchs main problem was their tendency to be unruly and bratty and not take orders, which doesn't exactly fit well with the unsullied.
some spiders castrate themselves in order to fight better
>as he scoped out Jon Snow as a potential traitor
I interpreted it as him looking for jons approval since he was screaming for him to stop. Then Jon himself killed one of cersei's men and he took it as a "yes"
>ass angished nigger chimps out and behaves like a savage attacking and killing innocent people
you have to hand it to dnd, this was a very realistic piece of writing
fuck off larper
gayworm is actually a qt, he just makes unattractive MUH STOICISM faces like jon snow
the more important consideration here is that unsullied are perfect fuccboi power bottoms because they retain the pretension of being '''''''straight''''''' but the only way they can cum is by being fucked in the ass
the psychosexual tension between the desire for sexual release and the fear of being made a faggot is what we colloquially refer to as 'prison gay'
this is exactly what the unsullied are except they're actually forced into wanting to be the catcher, which elevates the concept to the next level
forget tax policy, this is peak homosexual eroticism
He's quite skinny for a nigger fighter
That's fucking hot.
I don't think you know what that word means
All over a woman he couldn't fuck anyway.
Is your mother pretty?
>grew up as an emotionless killing machine
>doesn't have balls
>turns into an emotional wreck at the first sign of trouble
can you explain to me why he cares for any women after his balls got cut off ?
i get the fkn dragons and magic and shit but this one is extremelly unbelieavable
i would get it if he was some chode orbiter like sir friendzone but dude literally has no balls.
missandei getting it really shouldnt have made him that upset.
God damn I thought this retard was going to die in this episode.
fuck off jimmy
>wew i shanked me home
>the world is so fucked up
woopdeedoo imagine a world where we just made love and no war
I want to see his dick
>inb4 mary sue arya kills them all in revenge
There's a disappointing lack of greentext here user.
Where do I watch this show?
If only Jon was more like you and shagged his aunt. Thousands of people would still be alive.
Bronn is still alive.
>stoicism faces
looking constipated all the time isn't stoic
He actually represents America in the show. He does a good job as well.
unsullied are made to be perfect slaves and their personal identity is subordinate to their masters, which is what is supposed to make them perfect soldiers
when they are 'freed' by caloreesi, they lost that conditioning and now are free to assert themselves as individuals, which is supposed to be exemplified by grey worm since he has the most autonomy
in this context, his relationship with misandei is supposed to be identity formative; she is his way of asserting masculinity extrinsically since he has no cock and balls
when she dies, it's essentially like cersei chopped his cock off again
without dick and without gf, the only masculine expression he has left is the capacity to do physical violence
if grey worm just came to terms with his dicklessness and accepted his role as a gay power bottom, he would still be a competent and humane character
i.e. literally varys
>enemy army gets into position in your archer range
>*Burn to a crisp*
What did the defenders mean by this?
Death for every Westermen, Northern supremacy now
Backstabbing pussy nigger. He better die next week.
The northerners were the ones pillaging and raping .
He only killed soldiers though
Nice painting. You should do the "someone taller" face next.
He started killing them when they were unarmed and had their backs turned to him, like a true nigger
Smart. There's no honor in dying.
they have special spears for that
why is he fat now?
Good job faggot, you got me hard.
No, take a bit of a look at how the Northerners are described in books.
*All* dark-haired (only Manderlys are exception, but they are originally a southron house anyways) and most often dark or grey eyed, plus take a note of their faces and body builds in Asha chapter. Doesn't sound like your Norf F.C. scum or Scandoshits.
The North is akin to pre-Aryan natives of northern Europe, not to modern gay northerners.
Aren't slavs blond?
He knows exactly what it means - Grey Worm has always been the weirdest fucking casting choice in GoT. He slouches, has a pot belly, and is approaching somewhere around 1.75 chins by S08.
I really hated that Grey Worm was killing innocent people because Cersei had Missandei killed. You'd think out of every fucking character on the show, he'd be the one to know that soldiers have no choice who they fight for and they're not guilty of their master's crimes.
>killing innocent people
he only killed lannister soldiers. they don't show him killing civilians
I thought he was killing people because his Queen had clearly okayed a massacre. Unsullied aren't exactly known for their discerning moral judgements.
>niggers chimping out at the slightest inconvenience
Color me surprised.
no, daenerys gave them the order to stop the attack should the bell be rang. He was obviously just angry about his mutt bitch getting beheaded
They all converted to Islam in a century.
daenrys: jews
dragon: america
unsullied: asians/africans
jon snow and his army: sjws and refugee welcomers
king's landing: europe
This. He’s a named unsullied. That’s it. He’s nothing special. Just because he licked the clam of a QT mulatto doesn’t make him a pillar of morality all of a sudden.
Good try user, try better next time
Hate this dickless loser and I'm glad his waifu died, he's such a shit actor too.
>omg why are they killing civilians
literally every war in history right there lads, dont blame D&D you'd do the same
>you already won and the other army has surrendered
>still massacre them and all the civil population
only asians did that in history
>Dany brings hordes of uncivilized people and killing machines on the shores
>start raping and killing
Color me surprised.
You need to learn your history. Please go try and actually learn something real.
to be fair, half of her army were castrated men, they couldn't rape anybody
that was a pretty considerate and sweet move , lol
Most of them are, but I didn't say Slavs=Northerners, that was the guy I quoted.
The people most like the book Northerners are western Balkans Slavs from Dinaric Alps - same looks, PLUS they bear same Y-DNA as pre-IndoEuropean (Aryans are basically Andals of ASOIAF) natives of northern Europe (=I2a1b). Also culture is pretty damn similar as well.
KL deserved to be sacked. The north deserved to get revenge on everyone there. No matter what Jon felt.
Why does this nigger always have that retarded face as if he were seconds away from shitting himself?
Is your mom hot? Does she have floppy heavy hangers?
Thank you for this post
He was based as fuck and so was Dany.
>tfw my mom is an uggo obese beast, therefore i never got behind the “mommy” fetish.
Aunts on the other hand...
>turned out to be
Could it actually go any other way?
I don't think Martin is that well educated on that shit for it to be the case. For example, he didn't know climate change existed when he thought of the Others and the long night in the early 90's. The First Men are probably just his idea of what Britain was like before the Anglo Saxons came, then made them look like Roman remnents.
this nigga looks like someone who does anime reviews on youtube
Fuck the NoRF.
He was an incel whose waifu died. What did you expect?
He remembers how much his gash chafes and itches and it puckers his face
>some spiders castrate themselves in order to fight better
what the fuck? this is the most bizarre piece of biology i've ever heard if true
I'm not talking about what he intended them to be, but what they came out as. First Men pretty perfectly mirror paleo-Europeans (northern group) and Neolithic farmers (southern groups of Garth Greenhand), and Andals very much resemble Indo-Europeans/Aryan invaders.
And before "but hurr durr britain n warz of roses" - that was obviously a dim inspiration for starting plot + rough sketch, but the vastness of continent and history/lore make it rather clear it is large-scale worldbuilding in question, knowingly or unwittingly.
I think where Martin got the inspiration went like this
>First Men = Celts
>Andals = Anglo-Saxons
>Targaryens = Normans
post pics of your mom
Jesus Christ, that's depressing.
based desu
The point of Unsullied was never that they were burly men warriors, but that they were absolutely loyal and disciplined.
I would believe you if I didn't read this pasta some years ago in another board
You can decide not to fuck her? I mean, humanity is fucked because you decide it's fucked: you always have a choice
Let's not pretend you're a fucking scientist buddy kek
The unsullied aren't supposed to be the ultimate warriors in terms of strength and manliness theyre just devoid of any human characteristics, names, hormones etc to the point where they are resilient to pain, they're useful because they will literally to anything they are commanded to
Why the season sucks is because all of this has been abandoned, never is the viewer reminded that this is what they are
I genuinely don't get how this guy got cast as a slave who has been either training or fighting since he could walk and quite literally lives to fight. He looks weak as shit.
Worst part of the show for me
If he was just following orders to keep killing Lannisters would be one thing
But this guy, an unsullied, one of the strongest mental/physical warriors on the planet - essentially a eunuch spartan - decides to throw away a lifetime of training at an instant and succumb to his anger
Incredibly two-dimensional, worse than Jaime's fake character arc
nigs gonna niog
>resilient to pain
They are immune in the books. Grey Worm's "generation" of Unsullied are not even real Unsullied as their training was not completed before Dany the Whore stole them.
Pretty sure he attacked because his queen start to burn down the city, so he enterpreted it as a direct order
Were pre-Anglo-Saxon bongoloids Celts? I was under the impression that almost nothing is known about them because the Romans who invaded didn't journal that shit extensively like Caesar did in Gaul.
No their explicit "point" is that they're extremely capable warriors AS WELL as being loyal and the original user was absolutely right as far as pointing out that someone who can't produce testosterone can't build reasonable muscle mass and will therefore never be a competent fighter.
Is your mom hot? Mine is ugly, my friend's mom though, she's a snack
You could make a fighting force even out of only women if you could magically ensure their 110% loyalty (as it is with the Unsullied) and disciplined fighting style. It doesn't take a fuck hueg dudes to form a tight shield wall and poke at niggas with spears.
>Jaime's fake character arc
Explain. Jaime is perhaps one of the few characters the show actually has, how was his arc in any way fake?
I've had similar discussions on Yea Forums for a good while now and I'm not interested in going into this again, however let me put it this way: there's a very good reason why even modern military values the physical strength of grunts highly - it's because being a soldier involves more than holding a gun or a spear.
Ok memelord
Except First Men are not much like Celts, the Normans eradicated entire native nobility unlike the Targs, Anglo-Saxons were just another oogaboogas, the whole continent is far too big and too diverse to be Britain (Essos is what, then, Ireland? lmao), the timeline is large, etc etc.
Most likely he didn't have any *specific* and exact inspiration per se, but it pretty much turned out, by all points, like (pre)historical migrations roughly outlined above.
Your impression is completely wrong. The Romans wrote down everything, all of the time. Britons were Celts, then a mix of Celts with some Latin ancestry after the Romans left, then came the Angles Jutes and Saxons, then Normans.
that fucking incel hound didn't let the undead mountain kill hundreds og the dickless emo army
what a letdown
>incel gets one taste of pussy
God i wish that were me
euron's death was complete bullshit and unnecessary, plain idiotic and pointless
he would've just escaped
>eunuchs main problem was their tendency to be bratty
Eunuch here, can confirm.
Reminder that every single unsullied killed a baby in front of their mother to complete their training. They're the niggest of niggiest
>firearms haven't been invented
>soldier yell "fire" when shooting a crossbow
is tha... is that how it went in history?
so she destroyed everything, now she'll be the queen of a deserted wasteland
Have sex, but for real
GoT only got better when GoT got more diverse
Bronn deserves 5 fucking castles and as many wives for the bullshit he's had to put with
Does na ban stuff like this or what? Theyre kind of weird with what can and cant be show.
***china ban stuff like this
He's literally Obama. Obama didn't have to be a piece of shit, but he was like "white people bad" and then he flipped out.
I think you mean America in general.
His main goal was to kill for Dany.
That's exactly what he did. Once she started burning the city, he followed her lead. Grey Worm is nothing more than a weapon that follows orders, and that is what he did. Why did Jon's north men started to attack after he ordered them to stand down?
Are you enjoying the Seething that was summoned, Brothers?
What. the. fuck.
He is an unsullied.
He is literally trained to be obedient to Dany's will, which is something he actively chose to continue, unwavering loyalty.
Dany restarted the attack and so so did he. Why is this so hard to understand?
The north remembers
I don't really blame the Norf men. Dany restarted the attack, the unsullied restarted the attack, the norferners assumed this was their cue to attack. Once the fighting resumed Jon tries to call them off by but that point it's a brawl and the Lannisters have picked up their swords and are attacking the norfern army back, it's not easy to just stand down in that situation without getting killed.
This is the most Asian picture I have ever seen.
Just like my Chinese cartoons
holy shit are none whites and female leaders really like this?
I used to be a strong obama supporter and believe that diversity is our strength abut after last episodes I am with Trump
this dude fucks
And sucks
that's typical nigger logic m8
How are the mongrels from King's Landing who literally have rivers of shit flowing around their huts inferior to him?
They should all kill eachother and make room for the free folk to repopulate the capital with proper aryan men.
>Anger makes character act irrational
Have sex
Based and warpilled
They had surrendered you subhuman peasant cunt, you don't kill unarmed men.
They were mutts.Fuck them and their literal shit hole of a city.
They were whiter than you
are D&D actually redpilled?
this only confirms how bad this show is
Jon will kill him.
Pretty sure Arya the hedgehog could kill him too.
Why does Greyworm look more human in than in ??????
I'm genuinely confused.
That's fine actually. I doubt he spent any time discussing morals at Unsullied Academy. He's supposed to be a killing machine, not a human being.
>He's supposed to be a killing machine, not a human being.
That's awfully racist of you to say user... not all blacks are predators...
I think you're missing the part where Dany wasn't training them like their old boss, so it would make sense they pussied out over the years. At least I think that's how it's going to go in the books, unsullied aren't robots they should be come weak after years of not being trained "properly" for the lack of a better word. Perhaps not weak, but they definitely can't stay absolute killing machines.
I think it's hilarious how pudgy he got. He's a fat little mut.
I farted and shitted at the same time it felt really good but made a big mess.
Pure incel rage.
is this why has no chin?
Saying Kings Landing deserved to be sacked is like saying women deserve to be raped
>What are you waiting for? KILL THE WHITES! KILL THE FUCKING WHITES!
Kings Landing shouldnt have dressed so slutty
>useful, disciplined and productive when enslaved
>chimps out when free
lanister soldiers relaxed around blacks, not good
>I literally fucked my mother for no other reason than she was drunk and lonely.
Even the rat would have higher morals
Of all the bad takes and bitching and moaning, people whining about this are the dumbest motherfuckers out there. Unsullied have no autonomy; they are emotionless machines who follow their leader regardless of the righteousness of said leader's cause. They will literally fall on their swords if so commanded.
People acting like Grey Worm would somehow have agency, go against his Queen, and start adhering to Geneva conventions or some shit is just another example of how retarded and completely out of touch the fan base has gotten.
Thanks for putting that shit in my history, you absolute fucking twat. I'd bash your nigger head in if you were here right now.
Haven't seen this pasta for a bit. Nice to know you only have to go back like 2 years for copypastas to farm (You)s with on Yea Forums. The absolute fucking state...