What's your favorite Pitt kino
If you're not sexy as fuck don't post in this thread
Michael Pitt
>How's his career going?
He was shit to work with
Pitt is genuinely /ourguy/
Lots of talent and potential but ruined his career because he's a pain to work with
Still does kino from time to time though
He has one of the most punchable faces in HW
I've always thought this rumour wa started by gay jews he refused to have sex with
He was a cunt to me on set so fuck him.
I've seen MULTIPLE threads bitching about GOT taking over Yea Forums, to which I reply... "post a thread topic worth commenting in".
You're the only user who did that, albeit randomly, but I'll always bump a Pitt thread. You need to go deeper though and make a thread for underappreciated actors who are based.
(Sorry the pic is gay, I Googled "I Origins", kino)
What set user? I've heard from people I knew on Boardwalk Empire that he was a fucking asshole.
He's parroting that slam-piece he read on reddit. Ignore him.
Ghost in the shell, I was a fan of him prior but he’s such a faggot, takes method acting as an excuse to be a Prima Donna.
I really like Fight Club
If Marvel skews younger, dude has the chops to play Doctor Doom.
Thank you, good sir.
No, thank you. But like I said, you shoulda broadened the field to great unknown actors.
No offense, but every actor has their own method. And yeah, maybe he has an ego. But wouldn't you? Everything he's been in got rave reviews and he's been hyped since he was a kid. He always eclipses the rest of the cast, no wonder production hates him.
Same thing happened to Christian Slater, god rest his soul.
>Everything he's been in got rave reviews and he's been hyped since he was a kid. He always eclipses the rest of the cast, no wonder production hates him.
What the hell has he been in besides Boardwalk Empire and that shitty Eleven Assassins movie with Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell? He's overrated as fuck (by you) and there is a reason you don't see him in anything any more.
I was in the audience for some test screenings of Ghost in the Shell and he actually attended the first one and was a dick to the people there.
Fuck him.
That one where he's a skag-addled idiot that kills his career
The Dreamers, Last Days, Funny Games, I Origins, Hannibal, Ghost in the Shell
I'm the guy you replied to and I never even heard of 11 Assassins, I'll have to check it out. thanks
He was based in Dawsons Creek, BE, Rob The Mob, and I Origins.
You honestly dont think he's a good actor cause he didn't tip you for getting him coffee from craft services???
I click on this every time. I dont think she had a career after Boardwalk :(
>never heard of it
>never heard of it
>remake of a Haneke film for mouth breathing English plebs
>never heard of it
>bit part on a cancelled TV show but I'll give you he was good in it
>lol if you're bringing up GITS as proof he's an in demand actor I can safely say I've won this argument
No one on production hated him because he is a good actor. Most people I work with have no idea what great acting is they only care about making a good movie that does well. He was a faggot because he treated everyone around him like shit, there were rules out into place about how to approach him which isn’t new but his constant screaming of crew members, actors and others was just so fucking cunty that everyone hated working with him.
The Dreamers is a Bertolucci film and you should check it out.
Last Days is Gus Van Sant's Cobain movie. Probably his best performance.
Remake of a Haneke film that Haneke made himself. Personally I think it's better than the original.
>I've won this argument
I didn't know we were arguing. :(
Again... you're just LARP'ing that reddit thread from 4 years ago.
I bet you're actually OP trying to start an argument to keep his thread alive. We were allies, but now were enemies.
Good bye.
speaking of pitt and reddit, read this.
Boardwalk Empire became shit when his character died. Last film I saw him in was Ghost in the Shell.
Yeah that show jumped the shark after that
The last season was terrible
You're asking a redditfaggot to LARP more?
The answer is obvious: James Darmody.
Although his character on Hannibal was pretty good.
Bit parts on single episodes of...
Dude, that's not a career. It's an embarrassment. I make 6 figures doing less than she does.
that's a shame