Ew, Nigga. You smell like French fries.
Chappelle's Show thread
we've traveled all the way back through time.... to call ya a cracka
He aged all weird
Hooty hoo
Reach for the sky...honky
Daves manager was that magician guy from the Carbonaro effect
woogie boogie
Did he just call us niggers?
Every Chappelle's Show sketch ever went 10% too long
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go home and put water in buck nasty's mamma's dish.
You arent wrong
Who the fuck is Renee Zellweger?!
I don't remember them being like that.
I think its that when it was new or because of its product of its time, they were more entertaining.
But yeah i can understand a lot of then dragging for a smaller punchline after a big punchline.
I cant get into Key & Peele. Its too corny and that show REALLY drags a lazy premise for too long.
His sketches tend to over explain the joke at the end
I at least definitely agree about Key & Peele.
I don't like people playing on my phone