pleb here, can someone explain me why this episode has such a low rating? i thought it was a great episode with great action and some good drama aswell
Pleb here, can someone explain me why this episode has such a low rating...
Seething bookfags.
It's always the same, people cry because the story isn't like they wanted in their retarded fanfiction.
Well that summary itself says it's because "but too much plot in too little time muddles the story" though the plot/story itself was good. The pacing was bad.
Because they forgot how dany came to power, she literally freed the unsullied by killing everyone and burning the city to the ground.
But why are they mad? I'm a danyfag and i loved this episode, in fact i thought she should've BTFO king's landing even more
I liked it. Way better than ep 4 at least. Dany was a badass
Because "muh female empowerment" critics are seething.
It's as mediocre as the first episodes but if a story seems to challenge their ideology they immediately think it's trash.
Easily one of the better episodes this season
Because she's going to die next episode.
Pop culture loves to put women on a pedestal. They love to talk about how awesome women would be as leaders and how infallible female heroes are. You look at Rey from Star wars, and Captain Marvel, and Wonder woman and all of these other Mary Sue-per heroes and you can see how badly pop culture wants to prop them up as perfect characters.
This is what happen with Dany. She was seen as this perfect little queen who was "fierce" and "strong" and didn't need no man. They put her up on a pedestal, put her on a throne, saying she'd be a perfect queen. Projecting their own thoughts and feelings from reality onto her.
>"If we had a female president there would be no war"
>"We need more female congressman so we have more compassion in the laws!"
This episode showed the reality of what power does to you. Women aren't perfect leaders. Compassion isn't a sustainable political policy. Emotions get innocent people killed in war and conflict.
Honestly this episode showed more equality than SJW wanted. Women are capable of losing their fucking shit and being horribly cruel leaders.
best ep of the season
This. The one thing this season got right. I can almost forgive them for butchering the white walker plot, but at least they replaced them with a scarier villain, an unhinged, emotional, entitled female on a dragon
Didn't meet the progressive criterion apparently. The writing is pretty bad these days but if this were most shows it would be 90+%. This is the premier show on TV right now.
How is episodes 1 and 2 rated much higher than episodes 4 and 5?
The only watchable episode this season
None of the proletariat's favorite characters got killed or made to look bad.
Most of the arguments against this episode are a result of earlier episodes being so shit. It's almost as if they said fuck it and rewrote some rules for this episode, for example the dragons fucking everything up, but one dying last episode randomly
Roasties are mad because their feminist icon turned bad. Episode was fucking kino and if normies hadn't discovered the show it would have been a 9.9 episode.
first ep was shit but it got a 92% rating from them. mainly because they thought it was gearing up for YASSSS SLAY BITCH and benevolent poc conquerors bullshit presumably because of things like the scenes where missandei was stared at. started to tumble when it became clear this wasn't happening
too real for children who only want paragons in their fiction
>first ep was shit
How was it shit? It was the exact same "nothing happens" season premiere as all the past seasons where they re-establish the characters and what's going on. Hate episode 3 and 4 all you want, but 1 and 2 were perfectly fine.
Because normalfags can become sociopaths when presented with a strong female character.
I really don't get why people unironically watch these.
because these critics don't actually criticize the writing, the criticize "MY FAVORITE CHARACTER HAS DIED/MY FAVORITE CHARACTER HAS BEEN RUINED
my favorite character = in this case mostly wamen characters like cersei or dany.
just fucking stop listening to the critics...pure faggots.
Different user, but when you have 6 eps to tie everything together and you waste the first two eps like other seasons it's a waste.
People need to know how to feel...
Someone should edit this, replace it with the mad queen footage and upload it.
They should replace it with blacked footage
reminds me of the stannisfags when he killed his daughter
Because when ever normies can't detect bullshit writing, it's BAD.
Female leaders are now evil hitler types or cry in their lovers arms as they are going to die, Feminism just got BTFO
>Dany killing millions of people for no reason
(yes they've been hinting that she would go YASS MAD QUEEN but she's missing that final push into insanity instead just snapping because of some bells ringing and feeling lonely and horny)
>That Deus Ex Machina horse appearing out of nowhere to save Arya
>Ending of Jamie's arc felt totally rushed. Him going back to Cercei came out of nowhere.
>Cercei being a background character this whole season with 10 lines in total. God she was one of the best things in earlier seasons.
>The Clegane vs Gregor battle being complete over the top. Really? A knife through his eye and brain and he still alive
>D&D just killing characters cuz they don't know what to do with them. Like Qyburn and The Hound
>Awful use of green screens and CGI. The cinematography, action and CGI in this episode felt like Season 1 mixed with a PS2 game. Really bad action. Even Battle of Winterfell was better shot better (if you take away darkness).
>Bad direction. Director didn't get the best performaces out of the actors especially Arya and Euron.
>D&D shitting all over this tv show
Memes and feminism aside, this was overall a really disappointing episode.
Seems like D&D just don't give a fuck anymore. They got the plot points right (which they got from GRRM), but the execution and writing of the character development is so fucking shitty it ruins anything. Dany turning mad, Jamie relapsing and going back to Cercei are great story twists, but somehow D&D fucked it up and it just ended up coming out of nowhere. Can't wait for D&D to "subvert" more of my "expectations".
It’s a metaphor for Hilary Clinton
>Seething bookfags.
I'm a bookfag and I thought it was great. The first truly good episode of the season.
Are you happy with Jaime's arc though? I always thought he would do something significant
Do these people clap at everything?
I did too. But it might have been cut for time or something GRRM never actually worked out in a long term plan.
But I'm not unhappy. I think it's appropriate that he still loved and cared for Cersei. They basically had only each other their entire lives. I think it's appropriate that the two Lannisters died with scared and alone only with each other, surrounded by the ruin caused by their own family's works.
Though I personally think he was maybe considering assassinating her. He didn't really get the chance either way. Unsatisfying/non-heroic "realistic" deaths are very ASoIaF in my book.
thats all you need to know
>>That Deus Ex Machina horse appearing out of nowhere to save Arya
She could have just walked. The horse was a symbol for innocence not yet dead, so arya realizes there is still something worth fighting for. Clichee and all, but yeah
>>Ending of Jamie's arc felt totally rushed. Him going back to Cercei came out of nowhere.
I disagree, it was obvious
>>Cercei being a background character this whole season with 10 lines in total. God she was one of the best things in earlier seasons.
Agreed, her character was the biggest loser of this season's rushed pace.
>>The Clegane vs Gregor battle being complete over the top. Really? A knife through his eye and brain and he still alive
You know that's the point. The mountain was already dead. Nothing could have killed him. That was literally the point of the whole sequence. Rewatch
>>D&D just killing characters cuz they don't know what to do with them. Like Qyburn and The Hound
I don't see their deaths being pointless. Qyburn's death was classic hybris of the scientist. Clegane literally explained before why his road ends right there
>>Awful use of green screens and CGI. The cinematography, action and CGI in this episode felt like Season 1 mixed with a PS2 game. Really bad action. Even Battle of Winterfell was better shot better (if you take away darkness).
Agree that visual effects looked silly at times. Overall they were amazing though
>>Bad direction. Director didn't get the best performaces out of the actors especially Arya and Euron.
Euron to me was always one of the silliest characters in the show. No idea how the hell you can act this character well the way he is written. Literal caricature of himself
>Shit all over the plot
>Shit on all characters
>Everyone is scum
>Arya baking people into pies and killing an entire house=good
>Sansa killing a man by feeding him alive to hounds=good
>Dany burning faceless soldiers=good
>Killing LF without a proper trial=good
Ofcourse normies are going to hate it, to them
the show has been about "female empowerment", these people didn't complain when the show turned to shit during S5 because it was still pandering to them.
So we’ve gone from laughing at the show crashing and burning to unironically praising this lazy shit? This board is so fucking predictable. Once you all get a feel for what Twitter and the general population think, you have to adopt the opposite stance because you think you’re trolling SJWs.
The entitled character with a Messiah complex was no doubt going to go mad but it feels so unearned. D&D are shitty writers and failed completely in developing her arc. I can understand how normies would be mad
This place always attracts contrarians. Seems normal.
Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia had female leaders and they all did poorly
I wish people would look at history more, even recent ones
People love strong, confident female characters until they do something wrong. They don’t want equality in tv and film, they want female protagonists defeating antagonists.
honestly i don't really get the hate for this episode
i mean, i understand that people didn't like this episode because of how the story progressed, but apart from that i think the episode itself was pretty good. dany going mad/the possibility of her going mad has always been teased ever since the first season and season 8 especially has been pretty in-your-face with it, so i don't understand why people are suprised they actually did make her go mad.
i've only watched the episode once, but i don't remember there being any huge flaws like the previous episodes. i actually liked how they made dany/drogon feel like a force of nature
Great hour of television very fun and very entertaining, what more could you want?
Manchildren and womenchildren can't handle their YAAS QWEEN going full sicko mode
>They don’t want equality
An extra shekel for the genius. It's never been about equality it's about superiority.
*of the show
Should replace it with 9/11 footage
No need really it's basically the same. Which is kind of the point. These people are sick in the head.
It's like cheering at a war movie. This series, like every series is anti war. But these SJWS love Danny more than they love reason.
Jaime was already a king slayer for stabbing whatshisname in the back. If the writing was any good he should have stabbed cersei while he was crying, right in the stomach to kill his retard baby. He could have been forced to do it by someone or on his own. It matters not. Point being he would have been a king and queen slayer, and would have been the only person in the series to be responsible for two new ages. A broken perverted dishonorable Knight was the one who saved the realms twice. THAT would have been awesome. But no we got some stupid shit instead.
This is a perfect example of why showrunners should not listen to fans.
Dan Harmon hired a fangirl on Community and she convinced him to pair Britta and Troy when anyone whose been watching television for the last thirty years could see it’s a terrible idea.
That low-effort crap might make good fan fiction but it’s terrible for an actual show.
the overall episode plot was great, but the character arc resolutions were kind of shit, specially the pointless beach fight, and you know that the last episode will be just rushed garbage
it was a city in a shithole country so nobody cares, now that she's killing actual people and getting camera closeups of the children people care
because 1 and 2 was comfy fanfic for normies with characters meeting and a small amount of drama that didn't really make anybody that uncomfortable
tbf civilians are not the same as fighters, also why is there no girl with big tits on the bar? the people who cast this bar are clueless about what people want
attacking military is not the same as attacking civilians. She did burn down another city a few seasons ago though, but nobody cared at that point
>missing Bessie
pretty sure dany will end up the same way in the books, just the way she gets there will be different
critics are completely pozzed beyond all salvation. this episode was kino
It was the best episode in three seasons, normies are mindless scum.
Muh family values.
how did GOT get so based and redpilled but westworld succumbed to leftists and died?
Because Westword was full of NPCs.
Don’t worry, comrade. 30 of those will be Kinobyl threads tonight.
>He should've stabbed his childhood/long-term girlfriend/sister in the back
No. He loves Cersei. He always knew she was a massive prick. Its always been established that he would choose Cersei, even over the Realm.
just wait for them to upload this episodes reactions, i bet they are roughly the same
>>That Deus Ex Machina horse appearing out of nowhere to save Arya
Nigga Arya already survived all the fuckery, she wasn't saved. She just used the horse to GTFO quicker, it represented her relief.
He just magically forgot Cersei sent Bronn to kill him and Tyrion.
That'd be a breaking point for me if my long term gf/sister sent someone to kill me, famlam
>No idea how the hell you can act this character well the way he is written.
He should have had a clear motivation for attacking Jamie, such as figuring out Jamie cucked him.
Because your average got viewer is a complete brainlet who can't even grasp GRRM/DnD tier writing
I'm also pretty sure most of the audi nice either zoned out or didn't even watch seasons 1-4
>not ordering a nuclear strike on your own city if enough SJWs lived in it.
Goyim of thrones has been coopted by women and so Dumb&Dumber started writting every thing for women. Finally when a woman is displayed as incompetent or evil the backlash is greater.
The Cleaganebowl had me most disappointed. More hyped for that than anything else all series, but by the time we got to it, they took out any drama or suspense it could of had. Plus full of those dumb cuts to Ayra. Even though I thought the Ayra stuff was probably the best thing in the episode it just really didn't juxtapose to the fight like i think they wanted it to.
Reminder that this is the ending GRRM always wanted, and everything between season 4 and this episode has been fanfiction.
Was Bronn meant to kill Jamie? I thought he was only supposed to kill Tyrion. That's why he was given the crossbow. Doesn't mean jack shit to Jamie.
dany going hitler mode made sense to me and was expected.
Because the show this season is massively, MASSIVELY rushed. Ignore the contrarians here who will begin to defend it now that everyone else hates it.
WW plotline should have been at least 6 episodes, and Dany going nuts should have been at least 6 episodes.
As it is, Dany goes from harsh but just ruler to Literally Hitler in the space of two days because nobody talks to her at a party, her friend dies, and one of her dragons is killed.
It's completely unearned.
Cleganebowl never made any fucking sense, it was too neat. The Hound had more meaningful relationships and enemies throughout the entire series.
Sup Dabidfag.
Story line is absolute garbage though. Visuals were the only good thing and euron character is basically a one dimensional cartoon character
Grace Randolf hated it, she said making Dany have messy hair at the start was misogynistic
Don't care much for your introduction about "stronk womyn" but I agree with your conclusion. I've always championed character development for psychotic bitches in media, its just a shame Dany was handled terribly.
>"That'd be a breaking point for me"
>Projecting your logic on a fantasy character who's experienced far more than you
Don't do that bro, it's creepy
Jon’s birthright and Daenerys being mad are the most obvious thing to those who actually read the books.... it’s simply the sheeple going a “mad queen” only to be replaced by the sensible man is such a misogynistic and tried trope.
The true travesty is turning liana into a disgusting slut instead of the rape bait she actually was.
Yea bells are recurring with dany's journey to insanity in Books. Without any inner thoughts though it feels so jarring.
retarded normies
Don't leftist screech about how they want to nuke gun owners? Oh right...
This the only good scene was Tyrion and Jamie reconnecting
>More hyped for that than anything else all series
Don't you think that's the reason you got disappointed? Personally i never really cared one bit about the Cleganebowl and i thought it was actually done well in this episode.
You fell for the mindless spectacle. It's like E3, nice to look at, but the moment you use even the tiniest bit of logic onto it, it breaks apart from the first to last scene.
It was stunning and brave!
how have you managed to become a chauvinist feminist?
Because they are the only people left who can act.
Who gives a fuck. I liked it.
It was a shit episode with nonsensical plots, bad twists and terrible dialogue, as most of the last few seasons have been. But now normies dislike it because it shat on one of their fan-favorites, plus loud retards claiming “muh soggy knee” because Daenerys became retardedly homicidal all of a sudden.
tl;dr normies are right, but for the wrong reasons
I’m a bookfag and this episode was the closest thing that could happen in the books since source material was finished
You’re obviously a popcorn loving marvel head so clap and enjoy sperg.
Geniuses like yourself with no depth are the reason Euron has bad writing and loses the iron islands to its rightful female leader(undemocratic) and one ship
this was the first good episode this season (hell, include last season, too). I like that they finally allowed for some less black & white potrayal of the characters again, not just evil Cersei and her Lannister minions vs. Slayqueen Danny and her army of goody good guys. Instead her army acted like any other army sacking a foreign city. They humanized Cersei and Arya again, who was shown to be absolutely helpless for once.
Danny going full mad king is alright with me. She decided that fear would be the way to go at the beginnning of the episode, so that, paired with her growing Targ insanity, made turning Kings Landing into an example of what happens if you go against her, instead of accepting surrender, a logical decision for her.
I can see why Danny- and Aryafags hated it, their pet characters became very flawed, can't have that.
>It's like E3, nice to look at, but the moment you use even the tiniest bit of logic onto it, it breaks apart from the first to last scene.
Care to explain? E3 had great visuals but also obvious trash writing and flaws. Didn't notice any huge, similar flaws like that in E5
Fuck all of you. Now you've made me want to watch GoT. Fuck.
>nonsensical plots, bad twists and terrible dialogue
Post examples, brainlet.
Nice trips. In their honor, just watch the first three seasons then stop.
Euron's contribution was pretty fucking dumb.
It's just women's Good Princess Complex.
They're highly emotional beings that can't handle to see a woman to have lust for power and become a villain.
Yeah there's no political reason this show is bad. It's just bad. Rushed as fuck, teleporting characters, no smart military moves from anyone, characters being dumb and specific weapons either being unstoppable or worthless depending on the plot.
Wow, someone really hates racemixing.
I’m on 7 levels of irony right now my goy
>Its always been established that he would choose Cersei, even over the Realm.
That's why he promised to quit the king's guard, return to Casterly Rock, be married off, and continue the Lannister line if Tywin agreed to spare Tyrion from being executed. Because Cersei is his top priority, and he'd be cool with her trying to kill his brother.
No clue. I think this was the best episode since.. season 4?
>Yea Forums rightfully hates GoT for the last four seasons because its dogshit
>plebs love it
>suddenly becomes so bad over the course of three episodes that even plebs start to hate it
>Yea Forums does a complete 180 and starts to call it based again
What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
Correlation =/= causation, you pleb. Some people are capable of forming opinions on their own. It was a genuinely good episode
you don't understand, Ep5 is based but season 8 is still trash
All of Euron's "I fucked the queen and I killed Jaime Lannister" lines were awful. I almost felt like the Jaime actor was thinking wtf who is this weird hobo. Euron and his scorpions were unstoppable even against dragons now he blows up in five seconds and pops out of the water in the place just right for Jaime to kill him.
Varys announces he's committing treason loudly to everyone. Tyrion stabs him in the back.
Tyrion thinks having Jaime talk to Cersei again will work.
About 12 buildings fall on Arya, she's the only one to survive.
Cersei just stands at a window doing nothing the whole episode.
Jon just stands around looking clueless. Doesn't save Varys. Doesn't stop his own Northern men from raping and killing.
>main villain that has tortured, killed and betrayed literally everyone dies to some bricks falling on her head
have a guess
It was shit CG, wrecked Jamie, Cersei was conveniently struck retarded, Euron and all of Kings Landing unable to do anything with a bunch of deus ex scorpions, Mountain smash Qybern, apparently the whole fucking war could have been ended by dany and 1 dragon the whole fucking time, Vaerys also caught sudden retardation,
But yeah, must have been that one thing and nothing else
the show itself is fanfiction you retard
was it because their sjw self-insert turned evil?
Jaime's turnaround with Cersei took 3 eps tops to explore. It's dissapoiting for the character but it also makes his behavior seem bizarre like he's having a seizure it goes so fast.
Sansa is really the self-insert character. I do think people who were fans of Dany, Jaime, Jon (no NK kill) are angry over that but the whole season has been poorly paced and written.
He could've had it both ways. He's never been one for traditional values anyway. He would've just fucked Cersei regardless of who ever they married, while still trying to keep Tyrion alive. It's a sibling squabble to him.
I think the episode was trash but not because of the story. I don’t mind the story in terms of who wins and what happens i just hate all the corners they are cutting to get there. When I read the leaks that the battle was completely one-sided i was fine with that because I figured they were going to have to pull off something crazy to do it. Dany lost the majority of her forces in Winterfell and they showed just last week how dangerous the ballista were so you kind of were safe to assume that 1 dragon doesn’t guarantee victory. Instead that’s EXACTLY what it meant and it seemed like Dany hazardous lost any of her at Winterfell at all. No reinforcements from Darrio, no secret plan that made sense. Just a dragon. It’s lazy as fuck.
actually this
>I think the worst game for thrones episode is the best game of thrones episode
Alright, I suspect there is something wrong with me.
Low IQ showbabby who doesn't know most book readers knew the series would end up like this. Bookfags are fine with this. It's the show watchers like you who are crying over their favorite American Idol contestant losing the popularity contest
>Seething bookfags
This episode ONLY makes sense to bookfags.
Sansa isn’t the self insert character lol. It’s Arya. Go check baby girl names based on the show. Khaleesi is second.
The worst part is that they spent two seasons complaining about how they could take KL right then and there, but it would kill too many people.
Then when they say fuck it and go ahead after having lost two dragons and half their forces, they still roll so hard that almost nobody dies. Its fucking dumb and gave Dany no reason to do what she did. They could have easily had Cersei arm the civilians against Dothraki rape necessitating Dany to put them down, or have Dany accidentally hit the wildfire cache to destroy the city, or any number of things that would have made what she did make more sense. Instead we got nothing
butthurt women
Because shit only happens to railroad all of the characters and storylines to fulfill a singular plot.
>guided SAM site ballista are now ineffective because PLOT
>Any sense of scale, mystery, larger belonging in the world is gone since the entire focus has been whittled down to a single city.
>even after losing his entire fleet, Euron still teleports, just in time to fight Jaime for no reason because we need Euron to die.
>can't kill Arya, so let's spend ten minutes doing the same uninventive faux long take tracking shot of her Tom Cruising even though it has no effect on anything.
>Danny is foreshadowed as being totally capable of snapping, let's just have her fucking lose it in an instant and kill EVERYTHING for shock value.
>Varys, the smartest man in the seven kingdoms has his schemes revealed and is killed in... the first ten minutes.
>Clegane bowl makes no sense, happens exclusively for fan service and serves no dramatic resolution. They're fighting for no reason and the triumphant sacrificial moment with its grand shot and soaring music is ridiculous when you realize there's no reason or rhyme as to why its happening.
>pure spectacle over anything of substance, only good scene was tyrion/jaime
Acting like it was good because MUH LIBTARDS is pathetic.
Not even joking easily the best episode of the series
e1: fucking nothing
e2: fucking nothing but hey lets have these two characters who haven't seen each other for a long time see each other talk. You like huh? huh?
e3: the worst episode of the show
e4: fucking nothing but a few bits of action
e5: some thing happend and the battle wasn't as disabled as e3. Some shit was retarded but the general idea was solid.
>e3: the worst episode of the show
Yep, definitely worse than all those S5 episods with Dorne and nothing else interesting happening. I fucking hate normies so much.
Femcels are angry.
They forgot that when all is said and done targs gotta targ, fuck even jon targs out but he comes back or w/e
>these new episodes are bad
>episodes from the objectively worst season are near-perfect, except that one
I don't get it.
This. Fucking normal faggots are an embarrassment to everyone.
Normies think good writing means rewarding characters they like.
cause basedboys watch this series and expect democrat policies from all characters
Can't wait to see these vapid schmucks react to the new episode.
It's going to be like watching the crowd when Brazil played Germany.
he might be one of those euros who call seasons "series"
Remember how when TFA came out, critics were going "10/10, Disney rehashed the original Star Wars but that's okay because the sequels are going to be interesting and different"? And then the sequel came out and wasn't interesting?
Same thing applies here. People were really accepting of meaningless shit in the middle of the series because they thought it would all pay off at some point. Now that its clear that its not going to and a ton of stuff was meaningless, they're pissed.
Damn, you nailed it. Also I forgot about Varys with how shit the rest of it was, but yes, he turned out to be retarded too just like every other character these past two seasons.
I don’t think you’re a pleb. I think you’re retarded. Even normie plebs disliked the episode.
It ruined all character arcs.
the guy who made this started a patreon and she probably started asking to get paid
El fake del gay
Review bombing is for faggots. I'm fucking glad these fat obnoxious cunts are getting triggered. Dany's madness has been hinted at for fucking years.
Because Third Wave Feminism lost, the last good characters(Jaime and Cersei) didn't get bloodily dismembered by Daenerys sycophants, and Jaime didn't return to that ugly broad.
Yeah it seemed really weird how she decided to torch the entire city right in apparent reaction to hearing their surrender... And why the hell did she do it anyway? People are giving reasons like, this is where they killed her father etc etc. Like obviously yeah cool, she's going a bit mad from loneliness and her friends dying and all the Jon drama, but at least have some sort of vague reason/trigger of you to roast innocent people, something tangible at least. Looking back it just seems like it was one of the plot points george gave that they never bothered to ease into or explain why she might be burning the entire city...
I have to give it to her Emilia's acting really saved it, I mean she's been great all season. I do think the whole mad queen thing is what is saving this show finale though, I was worried after the cut short night king thing that the rest was just going to be a pony ride, completely missing the tone of the rest of the show and giving us a lord of the rings happy ending, but this has redeemed it somewhat
What annoyed me about the ballista things was that none of them actually seemed to be even firing at her. Like you saw Euron's ship in the middle firing one but all the ships and the ones on the city wall seemed to be massively lagging behind. They could have at least fired them and shown them being dodged
This, for christ sake.
>And why the hell did she do it anyway?
Because she achieved the victory she'd always wanted, but it gave her no satisfaction.
>shitholes being shitholes
No shit
What are you talking about the only thing that may have been better is to have Jamie kill cersi as an act of mercy befor she gets roasted alive or captured by the mad queen
I honest to god hope that the end of the last book is not this Wrestling-tier heel turn. That'd mean GRRM's dementia has destroyed his brains for good.
the people that carried the ratings of this show were mostly normie dannyfags, now that what was obvious from the start happened they are throwing a fit.
Because she fucking snapped, as her family are known to do because inbreeding.
All of that is established and is one of the things that they have actually built up to.
because everyone is realizing george martin is a brainlet
S5 isn't even that bad compared to S7. S7 is unwatchable garbage.
Same. See, us book readers have known for seasons that this show was garbage, and we've finally learned to enjoy it (last two episodes have been best for years - go Dany!!!)
Show watchers, on the other hand, were finally woken up by just how shit the night long ending was, and now think it's "cool" to hate on the show. They have no real capacity to think about this show and just blindly hate it to fit in. Pathetic desu
>S7 is unwatchable garbage.
That must be why it has a 9.2 average episode rating, which is 0.1 more than season 1.
They're Americans, the most self-entitled people on planet earth, they have to be loud about every single thing happening in their head.
Not a surprise they invented social networks to virtue signal daily.
Normies gonna normie
And now you see just how dumb the average person is.
Bookfags have been throwing shit on the show after they couldn't give anymore spoilers from the book since season 5-6. I'M glad D&D is giving the proper dicking to those poeple by dismissing that whole Azor Ahai garbage and "muh endless night" fantasy bullcrap.
I gave it 1/10 in IMDB. My reasoning:
>Danny is acting retardingly mad just because they want to make her "mad queen"
>Even as "mad", she could have simply burned only the Red Keep, not the whole fucking city
>Nuking the whole capital is literally Sauron tier villain, which makes it especially retarded for Danny's case, since her goal was to rule the 7 Kingdoms, not purge them of any life
>She automatically lost any legitimacy after nuking the capital. Any ally she might still have after this, will be waiting for an opportunity to betray her, since she is 100% mad & an enemy to civilization/life.
>Jon killed his own man for attempting to do what's more or less common in warfare, especially after having survived the fucking zombie apocalypse
>The scorpions that 360' no scoped her other dragon few days ago seemed to not be a serious threat for Drogon (see how confident Tyrion is that Drogon will rekt them all)
>The walls/towers/buildings explode like they were hit by modern US airforce rockets
>Jon obviously understands that he is literally the only person left for Danny, who is feeling more and more lost & lonely, refuges to have sex with her, which would certainly make Danny feel less depressed and instead chooses to alienated her by treating their relationship as if it's something gross (even though he claimed he loved her and was indeed in love with her prior to learning that he was half-Targeryan)
>Drogon literally has enabled cheats, allowing him to have infinite fire fuel
>A seemingly larger force of Lannisters are sitting idle in front of a tiny Stark/Northern forces, waiting for the rest of the Unsullied/Northerners to join into their staring contest
>Arya never mentioned her plans to murder Cersei, which would have made the whole siege reduntant, for no apparent reason.
>Jon calls his men to stand off during the battle, which is an obvious severe act of treason, even for him, the lover of their Queen
Only bookfags that are danyfags are mad. The other characters were ruined on the show, so it was nice to see them exposing the Mad Dany arc, since we won't see it on the books because GRRM has given up on writing them.
>A character literally and explicitly "going mad" should behave in a reasonable way!
That picture is appropriate, you mongoloid.
This needed to be 2 episodes with the first ending after Dany decides to roast the city
Danny was never portrayed as literally mad and/or retarded. She was always portrayed as cruel & a tyrant, which she is.
Still, her dream was to rule the 7 kingdoms (either through love or fear).
Nuking your capital along with its 1 million civilians is sub 60 IQ tier and merely calling it "going mad" is a shit excuse.
My main issue with this episode was that Jaime's many years of character development were undone for no good reason.
I know what you're saying, user. You see it too, don't you? It's scary, isn't it? We're surrounded by these "people".
>Implying jaimefags are not asshurt
The bells represented a psychotic break, occurring as she achieves a victory that she wanted for her entire life but felt hollow. She lost her reason at that point.
Bells are historically a metaphor for madness and in the books, bells accompany the hints that Danny will go insane. It was the first smart thing in several seasons.
Especially if you consider she planned a whole Astapor black ops for the intent not to hurt the civilians.
I do think she was meant to do something terrible, but being triggered by bells is just exceptional.
Fucking this
Dany was made for BBC
I know but her father's descent into madness was slow, and involved burning people who had done wrong, then only snapping and wanting to burn the city when he was faced with defeat, which kinda made sense given burning everyone would include his enemies, but obviously it still took a tendency towards cruelty to pull off. Here she just decided to burn everyone with no discernable motive underneath. Perhaps and is a good explanation, but it's not really shown to the audience. Maybe we'll get a better feel for why she did it in the next episode though
This episode was shit. Contrarians just like it because normies have been seething on twitter/reddit
>Seething bookfags
But this is what we wanted, it's the closest thing to happen like the books in a long time
Because the episode was decent, if the earlier episodes hadn't been complete trash and established the plot well it would have been nice.
benazir did nothing wrong
They threw out years of character building for Dany, Tyrion, & Jamie. The only character arc that game to a decent ending was the Hound's. Literally everything else about the episode was trash.
>>Clegane bowl makes no sense, happens exclusively for fan service and serves no dramatic resolution. They're fighting for no reason and the triumphant sacrificial moment with its grand shot and soaring music is ridiculous when you realize there's no reason or rhyme as to why its happening.
>things have to happen for a reason or else it's not supposed to
Hound wanted to kill his brother after leveling up in his side quests. That's all.
If a show was made about the middle ages plague and the main character got it at the end of the show would it also be stupid? Look at the stars and think about things happening for a reason, idiot.
Anyone pick up on drogon being fucking hypersonic. He goes from burning the fleet which is miles off in the ocean to the wall on the entire other side of KL to BTFO that in like 5 seconds
>I no understand character motivation, show dumb!
this board's convinced me brainlets like you are completely incapable of understanding and critiquing even the most basic narrative structures
Very little compared to Danyfags. They've been ruining him since S02.
this kind of faggy "plot hole" """criticism""" is the worst thing that's come out of nerd culture in the past 10 years
rotten tomatoes didn't like a women being the villain
Do people that end up killing others in bar fights or something plan it their entire life? Or do serial killers start their murder list in kindergarten?
Brazilian's female President was the worst in the history of this shithole.
King's Landing has seen more fire than Nagasaki.
Every 'fag' lost. We are just laughing at each other misery at this point.
>if a story seems to challenge their ideology they immediately think it's trash
>9000 posts an hour about how this episode is the only good one in season 8 by anons who think it fits their ideology
Lets be honest people here only like the episode because according to their endless mental gymnastics it plays into their preferred narrative which is: women rulers = trash.
There is a lot of incel fueled rage in the /got/ threads right now.
>lose half your army
>lose all your friends
>lose 2 of your 3 dragons
>your bf doesn't want you anymore
>start losing your claim to power as everyone will get to know you're not the rightful heir to the throne
>nobody likes you
>w-wtf why does she suddenly go mad??
>w-why does she kill all those innocent people?
she clearly doesn't give a shit about anyone anymore and just assumes that, if she goes down, might aswell bring down everyone else aswell. fucking dumb ass normies being all surprised she's going mad and making dumb decisions in the process.
>This is what alt shift x viewers actually believe
His side quest was literally, helping a small child to safety, finding a peaceful life away from violence, then finding the divine, then defending humanity against a greater threat. Then his conclusion is to go back to some old grudge, rekindling his hate and bitterness, ending his life? It's just bullshit. It would have been cool if they had just had to fight for some reason like him trying to kill cersei, but no he had to go to his death to find and kill him for no reason. Was this grudge ever really talked about throughout the series? If you weren't caught up in the social media cleganebowl hype you might be lead to believe he had completely forgotten his brother, it wasn't like he was an active antagonist in his life or he did anything. How did he even know he was alive, or that he hadn't changed like he had?
No, I feel very good in this season. My faves have been ruined before, one died, but now it's just bliss.
This was easily the best episode of the season, pure unadulterated kino
> Then his conclusion is to go back to some old grudge...
D&D can't write. People wanted them to fight, they gave it to appease the plebs during their Mad Queen Dany trauma.
>episode features magic Euron
choose literally one
>Dany was a badass
people like you are the reason the show has gone to shit
Based and redpilled opinion.
>Drogon literally has enabled cheats, allowing him to have infinite fire fuel
THIS is the kind of shit you're complaining about? He's a magic fucking dragon, and you're concerned about how much ammo he has?
>imdb ratings
Yeah exactly my point. Didn't cleganebowl start when people thought sandor was gonna fight for Tyrion in his trial? Then that didn't happen but for some reason everyone was so attached to the idea that they were gonna fight, that in the end DnD just made them fight without giving any actual discernible reason to
BTFOing SJW trumps all that. It was a good episode and DD are master storytellers to give us such a good present.
>finding a peaceful life away from violence
Did he really wanted to go hippie and start a farm? I forgot this. Even then, people can change what they want to do. Sometimes you feel motivated to do all that you planned in your life and the next you just don't care.
>ending his life?
Oh yes, he truly wasn't prepared to die taking all the dangerous journeys and fighting everywhere.
>some reason like him trying to kill cersei
Extra 2 second scene/dialogue that would have been just to add some "logic" to the fight itself, but irrelevant.
>for no reason
I see you never truly hated anyone in your life. Some people have a harder time forgetting and forgiving. And hate can constalty reignite.
>How did he even know he was alive, or that he hadn't changed like he had?
Why not found out?
imagine believing this episode was good just because it makes people you don't like mad
>Did undead defense better with minimal losses.
You forgot the Philippines, too. Corazon is seen as the Mother of Asian democracy. People tend to forget her rule was almost as corrupt as Marcos and modern politicians who only served the interests of their wealthy elite families and their cronies.
it's a tv show, not real, plenty of people enjoy horror movies
normalfags do't like it when their heroic characters have depth and act based on their human nature rather than blind selflessness
>What is Germany in 2015?
As a Flipfag, I can confirm this. Only reason she's fondly remembered is due to propaganda and the generally low iq down there.
Name one single thing wrong with imdb ratings.
When did the dragons ever run out of fuel?
it's a metaphor for revenge. no matter how strong you get, you can never kill the urge (mountian) until it consumes you entirely (murder/suicide into fire)
The russians did this?
The thing that was retarded was that the battle was won. She annihilated the opposing army. The bells were ringing. The gates were open. They'd thrown down their swords.
If thousands had died so she could get what she wants - the thrown - then there'd be room here to say that her character is flawed. That she wanted it too badly, and lost sight of the horrors that come with achieving it.
But she had what she wanted. She basically decided to commit genocide for no real reason, which is why it was retarded and lacked any emotional weight.
All those scenes of civilians being horribly killed would have had way more impact if they were part of the battle. But they weren't. It was all over at that point and she just murders thousands of people because why?
it's clearly reddit that hates this episode they cant stop typing long paragraphs
go back
>Did he really wanted to go hippie and start a farm?
Yeah he literally spent an episode in a commune, away from violence, chopping wood, until they were all killed.
I just think the motivation came out of nowhere, like throughout all these experiences, he decides as soon as he has the opportunity he's gonna go kill himself just to get back at his brother. But desu his brother is pretty much already dead, his life is a husk. It was cruel to even prolong it imo. It just felt like it was shown as some sort of redemption when really it was just suicide. The guy actually seemed to grow throughout the show, and showed he could be a worthwhile human being who could help the world, like he hadn't let the things done to him turn him into a monster. But then he essentially just let the monster win in the end, he achieved nothing by killing him, and somebody who could have been of help is gone from the world
she said she would choose to be feared again. she knew if she would just stop attacking once they've surrendered, that eventually she would start losing her claim to the throne as more and more people would find out jon is the true heir. she pretty much nuked the city because that was, in her mind, the only way to still have a shot at ruling and getting people to swear loyalty to her out of fear
Reexamine her actions in past seasons. She doled out some pretty sadistic punishments for people she perceived as betraying her or disobeying her. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that they could have done a far better job showing her descent.
Arya the serial killer started her list pretty young
You are still a miserable xpersonfag. You said it yourself, your fav character was ruined. Just like the rest.
White liberal women self inserted into Dany
>im a strong white girl doing my best to help all these brown foreigners
GOT showed the true outcome of their stupidity and they dont like it.
>Too much plot in too little time
Critics are such brainlets
After years of the invincible perfect Dany bullshit being filtered through the show, I gotta say I liked this episode a lot.
Master storytellers are set to make a white conservative man evil show for hbo. I hope you brainlets tune in to watch your master storytellers then.
now the yass queens know what Last Jedi felt like
Leftist angry about the show pointing how retard they can be.
I told Dani to slay.. She actually did it the absolute madqueen hahahahahaha!
It was shit as all the other episodes this season. People are waking to the shit writing and sjw are butthurt about shitskins deaths and female hysterism.
They haven't really paid off anything, nothing felt earned imo. I mean Cersei and Jaime go out like that? What a boring ending. You could've written almost anything better than that.
Nothing wrong here, all 10/10 shows
Only thing that I really disliked is that the buildup to this point seemed rushed, but that’s not the fault of the episode
Also the jumpcuts during cleaganebowl were absolute shit
And Jaimie running back for ‘muh incest’ without any real change in his character before dying was lame
Minor points though, the episode was gorgeous and Dany flipping out makes sense when you put everything into perspective
i love how people bitch about arya having plot armor and not getting killed by falling debris but also complain about jaime and cersei getting killed by it
That death felt boring after Euron out of nowhere mortal wounds Jaime
The point of Sandor’s arc - I imagine - was to provide an example of what hate and rage can do to you, how it can consume you and kill you. Sandors last bit of redemption was to save Arya from going down that path
And yes - he tried to be a hippie but the brotherhood without banners took that away from him so he killed them. Remember?
It seems like he’s resigned himself to being a killer by the end of it all and he’s comfortable with it
She lost everything she loved in the world - Jorah, Jon, Missandei, and Greyworm is no fucking help at all in terms of coping
Speaking of, Greyworms character sucks this season. Very 2D
Anyways Dany said ‘fear it is, then’ at the beginning because there is literally nothing that’s morivating her to be merciful at that point. All that she has left is the throne.
It seemed pretty clear this was going to be a tragic tale years ago so I’m not sure why this is surprising
It's even better than that. She goes genocidal because Jon denies her sex. Rewatch the scene where Jon won't fuck her she immediately says afterwards she will rule through fear instead of love. D&D made her an incel who went on a genocidal rampage because she couldn't get dick.
Fourth ep was good this one was great. Even though the white walker plot was resolved poorly it looks like we are are gonna still get a decent ending to the series albeit one that half the fans will probably end up hating.
>retarded fanfiction.
To be fair the fanfiction did far better than the real thing desu.
my point is that people have been bitching about main characters not dying to random shit happening around them, but also complain when they do get killed by random shit
like, remember how everyone was complaining about nobody important dying in ep3, but then imagine how many butthurt there would be if jaime or jon already died that episode by some random wight
ReadShe’s done fucked up shit season by season. They just only seem to really discuss it in S8, like how she murdered Sam’s entire family, or more recently burning Varys to a crisp
You're a fucking retard.
Most of it was fucking cringeworthy generic fantasy and poetic justice tropes.
Half of the fans already hate the show because D&D has decided to go with the seasons instead of waiting indefinitely for some fat fuck to finish his books.
Surprising considering that's the first okayish episode in this season so far. At least it felt like GoT.
Simple. Denearys was the Progressve's idea of the Übermensch. She was a woman who go her morals values not from her own culture or the religion she was brought up with, but by her own personal experience and self-reasoning.
She learned to be a femminist, an egalitarian, to be anti-slavery, anti-prejudice and to promote self-governance in the regions she "liberates" all by herself, in an envirioment where none of these thoughts were particularly encouraged. She was some progressive socialist's idea of what a Philosopher King would look like in a pre-capitalist society, what they all deep down saw within themsleves if they were put the same conditions as her.
And all of these delusions were shattered because of the one, stupid episode. Of course they are upset.
And you're a seething incel.
>gets denies sex
>explicitedly states she will now not be ruling through love, only fear
>goes on a genocidal rampage
She's Elliot.
It wasn't just the sex, you thick twat. Stop trying to meme.
It's a pretty funny meme to be fair
>i-it wasn't j-just the s-sex
>it that all i am to you? your queen?
>it's fear, then
lmfao seething incel ya girl can't get a dicking and loses her mind
Jaime dying for Cersei and Joker Dany both could have been okay but were done in a shit way. So was Ep 3. It's not good just because you think it fits a narrative. Earlier seasons also sucked and they ruined Stannis in the same way. They ruined Jon this season. All of these things are shitty writing normies just hate it for the wrong reasons.
>Seinfeld below friends
As if that's the only issue with that chart? Or even the most egregious?
Cocks are important.
hell that's exactly what I did so I guess I'm part of the problem.
This. I like Dany and seeing her finally lose it and burn everything down was cool. The problem is that "Dany fans" on Twitter don't actually give a fuck about the character. They only care about her being a good, strong, powerful female. So when she turns out to be batshit insane, they get upset because their champion of female leadership has been destroyed. They're fake fans and deserve the assblasting.
i wanted to demolish every single one of your braindead arguments, but realized you're not really worth anyone's time if you couldn't figure those things out yourself
The rating is based on how much the show corresponds to what the audience as a whole are thinking. The majority of people love Dany so they hate it.
that high?!?
t. seething danyfag
The equivalent in your example would be that a simple bar fight between 2-3 men ends up in the victor of their fight slaughtering the rest of the bar customers just because hewent into "bloodlust"mode.
If that sounds non-retarded to you, then hooray! This season must be superb, in your eyes.
Please never try to make analogies again.
Bran knew telling Jon he was a targ would get MILLIONS killed
BRAN is the true evil
It's stupid.
You little asian ricedicks are obsessed
Don't forget about my country Argentina. We literally had a female dictator wannabe that ruined the country economically and culturally so hard that the effects will be seen for decades.
You know whats worse? She tweeted that she liked Dany some years ago and that she was her role model.
fantastic storytelling
I can't breath
>pleb here, can someone explain me why this episode has such a low rating? i thought it was a great episode with great action and some good drama aswell
The critics are required to hate the episode because it is uber anti-feminist.
Literally they will lose their jobs otherwise.
imagine being such a brainlet that you actually believe it was literally the bells that made dany lose her shit
it honestly saved the show. anyone that has a problem with it probably has been rating your average tripe episode at 9+/10 week after week.
how the fuck did it have too much plot? almost the entire thing is a single action scene and almost none of the plot that's there is given through cringy exposition. it's filled with character moments and the whole event forced certain characters to actually show their true colours and the aftershocks will continue to make that happen and leaves you legitimately wondering what will happen next as any proper episode of this type will do. i'm pretty sure i know what will happen but then again i didn't see this coming.
the actual stupid things
>"scorpions" suddenly being ineffective
>dragonfire makes masonry explode as if it's made of thin paper at the slightest touch
>archers did nothing
it's called a twist, and really, it's been in front of our faces since the beginning.
Imagine thinking D&D can write better than that
it was an alright episode but just rushed like the rest of the season, all of a sudden the iron fleet and wall ballistas are completely ineffective, only saw one or two bolts actually fly kek
they could have shown more of her descent into madness, but it was seen in every episode this season that she has become more power hungry, unhinged, mad etc
Where's a sarin gas canister when you need one
It was kind of a redemption episode for the series. Still
>too many chaotic street scenes
>Cleganebowl should have more screen time
>Arya got irrelevant and Hound conviced her far too easily to go back
Yes, they explicitly say both of them.
This episode was unironically Kino. The music, the atmosphere, and the acting. Its btfo danyfags and YAAASS QUEENs. Also kinda ironic the same people who gave this episode a bad review are also the ones who said everyone was being nitpicky and misogynistic when arya killed the night king.
I am a bookfag from like 15+ years ago. It seems like the only good episode of the season. Still not gonna watch it lol.
the night king shit gave arya too much hype, i think it just showed she respected the hound and his desire to fight the mountain
The really retarded thing is she sees the Red Keep and gets mad and starts flying toward it, but then suddenly she's doing winding zig-zags through the whole city, just because the episode needed to give the Red Keep more time so characters could get there and interact.
Because everything feels rushed. Jamie's progression as a good person takes a 180 for no good reason and has an anticlimactic end. The mad queen story seems to come out of nowhere in the span of an hour. Again, a 180 instead of a well told character progression
greyturd is a disgusting brasilian-tier shitskin and should have been smashed apart with half a dozen blunt axes in the very first episode he appeared in.
it was the bells. read the books
this, i dont get how this episode enraged people more than the white walkers just falling over from a teleports behind you while also only somehow killing 50% of the army
the writers literally said it was her seeing the red keep
>mainly because they thought it was gearing up for YASSSS SLAY BITCH and benevolent poc conquerors bullshit presumably because of things like the scenes where missandei was stared at.
The fact that they play up the shit out of this sanctimonious
>look at those bad racist white country hicks, isn't it disgusting how xenophobic and untrusting they are of Dany and her stronk woke POC friends, they should know that diversity is our strength™!
angle in E1 and 2 only to flip it on its head and pivot to those same woke POC friends raping and pillaging King's Landing worse than anything ever seen before in GOT, thus validating every single bit of fear and distrust that the northerners had about them, was like something out of a Mel Gibson movie and just thinking about what D&D did to the woke yass kween types last night makes my dick tingle.
Because sjws got what the deserved for complaining about feminism for 7 seasons
This. No matter how the series was going to end, people would've hated it regardless.
they gave an exclusive interview this morning and said it was because of the sound of the bells affects the targaryians mentally, it is the specific trigger, and that's what made the king targaryian go mad before and burn the place down which is why she also did the same thing too.
>you're not really worth anyone's time
still spends time typing a seething comment
i do like this episode because I bet all the people who hate this episode loved TLJ
You still have the link for that interview?
it was on television, maybe you can find a copy of it if someone has already uploaded it.
look for "Breakfast TV exclusive interview"
roasties are REALLY mad
someone made it, saw it on another thread. Good luck finding it
It's unironically retards who wanted a YAS KWEN ending, this episode was easily the best of the series
my fanfiction > jq tellytrash
>tv contrarians are siding with SJW roasties now
Wew feels good to be a GOTchad now
What? Dany is still alive
yeah because she's never lost 2 of her best friends and 2 of her children